"You go, I don't make it difficult for you, I just hope you don't make Xiaojie sad." Yuan Yun shook his head and said directly to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao smiled wryly, and led Guo Feng and the others away sadly.

Deng Yi looked at Zhang Xiao's leaving back, and said to Yuan Yun with a complicated expression: "Brother Yun, I'm going to trouble you today."

"Little Dengzi, don't be polite to me. I'm not only for you, but most importantly for Xiaojie. I hope Xiaojie can live a happy life, but now it seems that all this may be just wishful thinking." Yuan Yun Some said with an incomprehensible expression.

Deng Yi nodded, sighed helplessly and said, "Zhang Xiao was chosen by my sister herself, and she fell into it herself. What can we do, we can only let Zhang Xiao remember my sister from the side."

"This is the blindness of feelings. The pursuit of beauty is the characteristic of all creatures. Many people will like someone who is stronger than themselves, but they don't think about whether their liking is right or wrong, and whether the other person likes them. In the end, they often end up covered in bruises." "Yuan Yun shook his head, but he felt a little melancholy, even though he said so, he himself was not like that.

Yuan Yun couldn't help but recall that when he was young, he could go far away to a foreign country for his lover, and wanted to be with him regardless of his family's opposition, but in the end he realized that this was just his own wishful thinking, and in the end he could only come back in despair, secretly licking wounds.

At this time, Zhang Xiao, who was sitting in the car, was a little silent, thinking about the relationship between himself and Deng Jie. He had certain feelings for Deng Jie, but it was not to the point of life and death. Deng Jie gave up something, which proved that he didn't give as much emotion as he thought.

After returning to the courtyard, Zhang Xiao saw Deng Jie who came one step earlier than him, and looked at her with a complicated expression, not knowing where to start.

Deng Jie smiled and said, "Brother Yun and the others are joking with you, and even if you transfer the shares of Minmin Supermarket to me, I will not accept it."

Zhang Xiao felt grateful at this moment, knowing that Deng Jie was comforting him and giving him a reason at the same time, Zhang Xiao couldn't help hugging her into her arms, and said seriously: "Xiaojie, I will treat you forever OK."

"I believe you can do it." Deng Jie raised her head and said seriously.

At this moment, the two are like sculptures, looking at each other, without moving for a long time.

In fact, Zhang Xiao knew very well in his heart that he didn't know where he would go in the future, but at this moment, his love for Deng Jie in his heart increased greatly.

How lucky he is to have such a considerate woman like Deng Jie. As for Tong Yao in her previous life, just treat her as a dream and let her go with the wind.

After dinner, Zhang Xiao called Guo Feng and the others into the living room, said with a smile, "The Chinese New Year is coming soon, you can discuss who will go back with me this year, and others can go home to celebrate the New Year."

"Boss, there's no need to discuss. I'm the only one left in my house now, so I'll accompany you back." Lu Huaping said.

"Okay." Zhang Xiao has no objection to this, after all, he only needs one person to follow him back, and it's just in case, no matter who it is.

"Boss, if you want to go back, you have to do it as soon as possible. The weather forecast says that there will be cold air coming soon, and it will be troublesome if it snows heavily." Guo Feng said.

"Then go back tomorrow, and go back to the company tomorrow morning to deal with it." Zhang Xiao said after pondering for a while.

"Okay, then I'll go check the vehicle now." Lu Huaping said with a smile, and was about to get up after speaking.

"Don't worry, you have been with me for half a year. Although the company has already paid the New Year's bonus, you, as members of my security team, have worked hard in the past six months. This is my personal sympathy. Each person is [-]. Please accept it, everyone." Zhang Xiao said with a smile after putting the money on the table.

"Then I won't be polite, and you don't have to be polite to the boss. The boss has plenty of money." Guo Feng took the first six stacks of hundred-yuan bills in his hand and said with a big smile.

With Guo Feng taking the lead, the others did not hesitate and picked up the money on the table with a smile.

"It's all gone, and I'll give you a holiday from tomorrow. But Guo Feng, you need to go to the company tomorrow to arrange the security company's affairs before you can go home." Zhang Xiao waved his hand to everyone and said.

After Guo Feng and the others left, Deng Jie returned to the living room and said with a smile: "These security personnel are now a group of single men who travel with you all year round. Although there is nothing to do now, when they get married, I think the number of people in your security team will It is still necessary to add some, so that they can be replaced in the future, and the cooperation can be more tacit."

"What you said is, after the New Year, I'll ask Guo Feng to find a few more people." Zhang Xiao also knew that the tasks of the security team would only become more and more onerous in the future, and adding more people in advance could also increase the mutual understanding between each other. As for the security team Zhang Xiao didn't care much about the cost.

There was nothing to say all night, only the water glass on the bedside table told about his tragic experience.

After Zhang Xiao tucked the quilt up for Deng Jie, she went out.

And Deng Jie woke up not long after Zhang Xiao left, rubbing her sore body while thinking about Zhang Xiao's performance yesterday, she couldn't help feeling sad, but she also knew that after all, she and Zhang Xiao wanted to get along. The time is still short, saying that the relationship is deep is purely self-comforting, it's just that two people who have a crush on each other can't help living together.

Deng Jie took a shower and changed her clothes before locking the door and leaving.

At this time, Zhang Xiao had already finished handling the company's affairs, and headed for his hometown in the car driven by Lu Huaping.

Looking at the gray sky outside the window, Zhang Xiao felt a little happy, because he would be home soon.

After being away from home for half a year, Zhang Xiao missed his relatives very strongly at this time. Thinking about grandparents, parents, younger brothers and sisters, and other relatives and friends whom he hadn't seen for a long time, Zhang Xiao, who was leaning on the back of the chair, actually entered the room. Dreamland.

Lu Huaping saw that Zhang Xiao had fallen asleep, and the car became more stable.

At this time, there were not many vehicles on the highway, and they galloped all the way, and arrived at Zhang Xiao's hometown in less than seven hours.

Today is the 22nd of the twelfth lunar month, and Zhang Hongjun is already on vacation. After eating at noon, he has been waiting at home, because Zhang Xiao has already called back to say that he will be back today.

At four o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Xiao finally arrived home. As soon as Zhang Hongjun entered the door, Zhang Hongjun couldn't help laughing and said, "Stinky boy, you can be regarded as coming back. Your mother asked me to go outside to see it several times."

"What are you talking about?" Yang Lan said angrily, and took something from Zhang Xiao.

"Brother, what gift did you bring me?" Sister Zhang Ping said with a smile.

"Here are your clothes, two sets, try them on." Zhang Xiao took out the clothes he bought for her from the suitcase and handed them to her.

Zhang Ping happily took the clothes and went to his room.

Then Zhang Xiao divided up the gifts, and the whole family had them, not only clothes but also some other gifts.

Now the family has moved to a newly built building, but grandparents are still in their previous residence, which is a few hundred meters away from where Zhang Xiao lives now.

Later, after Zhang Xiao placed Lu Huaping in a room upstairs, he and his father Zhang Hongjun carried the gifts they bought for their grandparents and headed towards their grandparents' house together.

"Is my grandfather in good health?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Well, he's been running every day for nothing recently." Zhang Hongjun said with a smile.

"Where's my grandma?" Zhang Xiao continued to ask.

"It's still the same, bronchitis, an old problem, but with the medicine you sent back, it's not a big problem." Zhang Hongjun shook his head, but he wasn't too worried.

Zhang Xiao immediately felt relieved, but he also knew that with the current medical conditions, many diseases cannot be cured, and can only be detected and treated early.

"Xiaoxiao is back." Zhang Weilin said happily when he saw Zhang Xiao came back.

"Grandpa, this is the ginseng I bought for you. Didn't you say that you need wild ginseng? I sent someone to go to the northeast to find someone to dig it." After Zhang Xiao and grandpa arrived at the house, they took a wooden box containing wild ginseng. The box was opened to reveal the wild ginseng inside.

"It's a good thing, it must have been 50 years ago, and it cost a lot of money." Zhang Weilin said with a sigh when he saw it.

"It didn't cost much." Zhang Xiao smiled and didn't say much, "My grandma is not at home."

"I went out. I went out after lunch. I said I was going to buy some donkey meat for the New Year. I haven't come back yet." Zhang Weilin said with some complaints.

Zhang Xiao smiled and said, "Maybe I'll be back in a while."

As soon as the words fell, grandma came in with a bamboo basket on her shoulders.

"It's great that my eldest grandson is back, and he's grown taller again." Grandma put the bamboo basket on the table and said with a smile.

"Grandma, look at the jacket I bought for you. It won't be cold when you put it on." Zhang Xiao hurriedly took out a fur coat and put it on grandma. Seeing that it was about the same size, she couldn't help laughing. .

"It's so warm." Grandma said with a smile in her coat.

Since the family has money, life has improved a lot, and the health of grandparents is much better than in the previous life, which makes Zhang Xiao very gratified.

"Aren't my uncles back yet?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"It's only been two days. I called yesterday and said that I have bought tickets." Zhang Weilin said.

"That's good." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao chatted with his grandfather Zhang Weilin for a while before returning home with his father.

After returning home, the house was very lively. Maybe it was because of Zhang Xiao's return. Many people visited the house, most of them were neighbors, but Zhang Xiao still saw his best friend Guo Tong.

"I'm in the second year of high school, how is your study?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help asking.

"It's not bad. With the learning materials you provided, and I'm studying hard now, I'm already in the top ten of the school." Guo Tong said happily.

"Excellent, keep working hard, and strive to pass the exam in the capital, and then we will be together again." Zhang Xiao was also very happy for Guo Tong.

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