Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 203 From Deng Yi's Backstab

When it was close to noon, Deng Yi rushed back.

"Zhang Xiao, you really want to be with my sister." Deng Yi pulled Zhang Xiao into the yard and asked.

"Of course, it's still false." Zhang Xiao said without hesitation.

"Then you have to be careful. My sister has many suitors, and they are all the children of high-ranking officials. They will not be polite to you." Deng Yi shook his head and said with a wry smile.

"I don't have any contact with them either." Zhang Xiao didn't care much about this, after all, he didn't belong in this circle, and he didn't care about these people's targeting.

Deng Yi smiled slightly, but didn't say much.

The lunch was very sumptuous, and Zhang Xiao came to the house as Deng Jie's boyfriend. Naturally, Xue Mei would not embarrass him about these trivial matters, after all, Deng Jie had already fallen into this relationship.

Although Deng Zhimin is satisfied with Zhang Xiao, he is still a father who has been deprived of his beloved. He examines Zhang Xiao more than he appreciates it.

After lunch, Zhang Xiao was about to leave. After all, he felt very uncomfortable here, and since no one came to visit the Deng family, Deng Zhimin and his wife could not take care of Zhang Xiao when entertaining guests.

"Uncle, Auntie, I'll be leaving first. It's the end of the year, and the company still has a lot of things to deal with." Zhang Xiao made an excuse for himself and said.

"Let's go, young people still have to focus on their careers." Deng Zhimin said without hesitation.

Xue Mei smiled, but did not hold back, after all, she could see that Zhang Xiao was uncomfortable.

As soon as Zhang Xiao left the compound by car, he was blocked by two cars on the side of the road, which made Guo Feng suddenly nervous, after all, this had never happened before.

"Boss, what should we do? Do you want to drive away directly!" Guo Feng said.

"No, they're obviously waiting for me, and Deng Yi is also in the car." At this time, Zhang Xiao had already seen Deng Yi in the car in front, and shook his head and said.

But Zhang Xiao didn't intend to get out of the car, but asked Lu Huaping and the others in the car behind to get out of the car to negotiate. From the bottom of his heart, he didn't want to have any intersection with Deng Yi and his children of three or four generations.

"Brother-in-law, come play with us." After getting off the car, Deng Yi came to Zhang Xiao's open window and said.

"I won't go, my company still has something to do." Zhang Xiao said a little depressed, it seems that today's matter is Deng Yi's backstab for himself.

"Brother-in-law, do you think you can afford not to go?" Deng Yi said with a chuckle.

And several people in the car next to him were also booing, Zhang Xiao suddenly felt helpless, it seemed that he really had to go there today, but in view of Deng Yi's malicious intentions, when Zhang Xiao let the car follow Deng Yi and his car, , I still called Deng Jie.

The vehicles drove all the way to the suburbs, and a lot of vehicles had already parked outside a huge yard, which made Zhang Xiao feel that this gathering was a bit unusual.

After getting off the car at the door, Zhang Xiao grabbed Deng Yi over and asked, "Why did you bring me here?"

"Play, don't think too much, we are all friends, everyone wants to meet you, I can't refuse, and since you want to be with my sister, these people will have to deal with sooner or later." Deng Yi said with a smile .

Zhang Xiao immediately rolled his eyes, but if he came, he would be safe, Zhang Xiao would not be stage fright, and went into the yard with them, Guo Feng and the others naturally followed, but no one stopped him.

In the huge yard, there are only a few scattered people on the phone. On the north side of the yard, there is a very simple red brick factory building with a height of five or six meters. It seems to be a product of the 80s and [-]s. There are no other special buildings.

Several young people who came together with Deng Yi were all eighteen or nineteen years old, and they all walked in front, but Deng Yi was a few steps behind, pulling Zhang Xiao to walk behind.

"Zhang Xiao, come with me, we're all in the house." Deng Yi dragged Zhang Xiao into the factory building where he was familiar with.

As soon as Zhang Xiao entered the factory, Zhang Xiao immediately felt the difference. The outside of the factory looked simple, but the inside was resplendent and resplendent, and the sound insulation effect was quite good, obviously no less thought was put into it.

In the middle of the factory building is a huge stage, on which there are many beauties in cool clothes dancing, and the stage is surrounded by round tables. Although it is only three o'clock in the afternoon, there are already many people sitting, and they are constantly twisting to the dance music body.

The young people who had come with Deng Yi before had already blended in, and began to comment on the dancing beauties at the edge of the stage.

And there was a taller stand in the innermost part. Deng Yi led Zhang Xiao directly to the stand and asked Guo Feng and the others to stay below.

Zhang Xiao also waved to Guo Feng and the others, signaling them to stay below. Zhang Xiao could also see that Deng Yi really just brought him to play and had no other ideas.

"Brother Li, Brother Yun, are they here yet?" Deng Yi asked a young man in his 20s.

"No." After Li Hongwei replied casually, his eyes were on Zhang Xiao.

And Zhang Xiao is also looking at this young man, a decent suit looks very good on him, his face is handsome, and a pair of black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose makes him look a bit dull.

"You are Zhang Xiao? I am Li Hongwei." Li Hongwei asked with some uncertainty.

"I'm Zhang Xiao, hello Brother Li." Zhang Xiao smiled slightly.

"Excellent, I have heard Xiao Dengzi mention you a long time ago, this time I have seen a real person." Li Hongwei said with a thumbs up.

After Zhang Xiao glanced at Deng Yi, he smiled and said, "Brother Li was joking."

"I'm not joking. There are many athletes who can win the gold medal in the National Games, but not many can break the world record! Especially you are a track and field athlete, worthy of my admiration." Li Hongwei said with some exaggeration.

"Brother Li, people all over the country know how powerful my brother-in-law is." Deng Yi said with some pride, and at the same time pointed out the relationship, which was a test.

"Xiaojie can have a good home. It is our brother's hope. I have no objection to Zhang Xiao, and you don't have to test me. But when Brother Yun and the others come, it depends on whether Brother Yun and the others agree." Li Hongwei Pushing the black-rimmed glasses on the bridge of the nose, he said to Deng Yi with a smile.

Deng Yi smiled, poured a glass of wine on his own, pointed to the group of demons dancing below and asked, "Why are there so many people here today?"

"This is what Brother Yun ordered yesterday. After all, it's the Chinese New Year. It's a rare opportunity for everyone to get together." Li Hongwei explained.

There were still three people in the stands, but they just glanced at Zhang Xiao and ignored them, but greeted Deng Yi instead.

At this time, the dance music stopped suddenly, and a group of people walked in from the factory gate. The leader was a man in his 30s, wearing a woolen coat and a suit inside, and people kept saying hello while walking.

"Hello, Brother Yun."

"Brother Yun."

When Zhang Xiao saw the leader, he immediately understood that the so-called Brother Yun was him, no wonder there were so many people following him.

Yuan Yun walked up to the stands in high spirits, and said loudly: "It's almost Chinese New Year, everyone is gathered together today, so don't be restrained, eat, drink, and have fun!"

"Brother Yun is mighty." A group of people released their lives from below and shouted.

After Yuan Yun waved his hand, he raised his wine glass and said only one word: "Do it!"

Everyone raised their glasses and poured the wine into their stomachs.

Then Yuan Yun sat on the chair in the center of the stand, smiling and watching the performance on the stage below.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help sighing that this group of people really knew how to play. Not only did they have hosts, but also invited celebrities, some of whom were well-known celebrities.

"Are you Zhang Xiao? Xiaojie's boyfriend?" Yuan Yun said to Zhang Xiao who was sitting on the side.

"Hello Brother Yun, I'm Zhang Xiao, and I'm also Deng Jie's girlfriend." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"You look okay, your sports performance is pretty good, and your money is not too small, but it's not enough! If you want to be my Xiaojie's boyfriend, the most important thing is to treat her well enough!" Yuan Yun said with a smile, but his eyes There is a hint of sharpness in it.

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect Yuan Yun to say that, which made him not know what to say.

For Deng Jie, if Zhang Xiao wants to say how deep his love is, it's really hard to tell, but no one can say clearly about things like feelings before a certain time.

"Brother Yun, don't worry, I will treat Deng Jie well." Zhang Xiao said seriously.

"I believe what you said, but how to prove it?" Yuan Yun said leisurely.

"Brother Yun, if you have any orders, just say it!" Zhang Xiao frowned and said.

"The People's Supermarket is your property?" Yuan Yun asked with a slight smile.

"It's my property." Zhang Xiao nodded and said.

"If you transfer all the shares of Minmin Supermarket to Xiaojie, I will admit that you are sincere to Xiaojie." Yuan Yun said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect Yuan Yun to say that, and he was speechless.

You must know that Minmin Supermarket is now considered the best in all Zhang Xiao's industries. Not only is it free of debt, but the 8000 branches can contribute at least [-] million yuan in profits per month. This is a real cash cow and the backbone of all Zhang Xiao's industries.

"Brother Yun, it's meaningless for you to say that. Does it mean that money is the only way to measure how good a person is?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Although feelings can't be measured by money, if a person really likes another person, then naturally he can give everything for the other person. You are reluctant to part with a common people's supermarket. How can you convince me that you love Xiaojie? It's true." Yuan Yun said teasingly.

Zhang Xiao really had nothing to say about this, so he could only respond in silence.

Yuan Yun sighed. At this moment, he also knows that Zhang Xiao's feelings for Deng Jie are really not that deep, but he also knows that this is normal. After all, Zhang Xiao and Deng Jie have only been together for a long time, so how could he be willing to do it for Deng Jie? give everything.

And Zhang Xiao is also reflecting on himself at this moment. Since his rebirth, his relationship has been really bad. Whether it is the former Guo Yaxin or the current Deng Jie, including Hu Wenjing, his desire is greater than his emotion. As for his love for them How deep, Zhang Xiao can only say sorry.

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