Zhang Xiao couldn't help with the next thing. After talking about his thoughts with Academician Ni, Zhang Xiao left the microelectronics technology company, and picked up Deng Jie who was out of school at the gate of Beijing University, and then returned to the courtyard together.

For the past month, the two of them would go back to the courtyard every night, and Zhang Xiao would go home with Deng Jie when they had time.

"What's for dinner tonight?" Deng Jie asked while holding a collection of essays.

"You can eat whatever you want, Lao Lu is waiting for you to talk." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said with a smile.

During this period of time, Lu Huaping has become a full-time chef. He doesn't even have to go to the company every day, he can just cook at home. Received a subsidy of 3000 yuan.

"I found that I have gained a lot of weight recently, why don't I eat at night." Deng Jie said suddenly.

Zhang Xiao looked Deng Jie up and down immediately, and found that she hadn't changed much, so she couldn't help asking, "How much fatter? Why can't I see it?"

Deng Jie stretched out a finger, her face full of unhappiness.

"Ten kilograms?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"You think I'm a pig, I gained a kilogram." Deng Jie said a little annoyed.

"Don't make trouble, the one kilogram must be caused by you not going to the bathroom when you were on the scale, or it must have not changed." Zhang Xiao complained helplessly.

"That's right, why did I forget to go to the bathroom before the scale?" Deng Jie realized that Zhang Xiao was teasing her.

Deng Jie got up and rushed towards Zhang Xiao. Zhang Xiao turned around and ran away, laughing and running towards the living room.

Seeing Zhang Xiao and Deng Jie laughing and fighting, Guo Feng couldn't help but shook his head, and said helplessly to Lu Huaping, "It's getting colder and colder, prepare to boil the mutton."

"Okay, I'll prepare it now, how many catties should you cut the mutton roll?" Lu Huaping asked with a smile.

"Cut it more, the boss works so hard every day, he needs to make up for it." Guo Feng said with a smile.

"You are not kind, you listen to the boss's wall every day, and you don't know how to call me." Lu Huaping stared at Guo Feng with dissatisfaction.

"Get out, don't look for trouble." Guo Feng said angrily.

On such a peaceful day, Zhang Xiao lived comfortably, plainly but fulfillingly.

Time passed quickly, half a month later, Zhang Xiao received a call from Academician Ni.

"Mr. Zhang, the USB drive has passed the test, and the number of models has now been expanded to five! Not only that, the new generation of Shenhua computers has been packaged and can be launched for sale!" Academician Ni said on the phone.

"Okay, since that's the case, let's start." Zhang Xiao said without hesitation.

After Academician Ni hung up the phone, he asked the company's staff to call and invite a large number of media reporters to attend the product launch event at [-] o'clock tomorrow morning.

Only three months have passed since Academician Ni's last product launch, and the holding of another product launch immediately caused an uproar. After all, Shenhua Computer has been selling well since the last product launch.

However, Lianxiang Group, which has always occupied a leading position in the computer industry, has been losing ground. Whether it is products or prices, Shenhua Computer has an advantage over Lianxiang Computer. Especially in the collection of large orders, many enterprises and institutions tend to Shenhua Computer, which has a higher localization rate.

Even though Lianxiang Group has a strong background, they can't force these people to buy computers. Under such circumstances, after hearing the news that Academician Ni held another press conference, Director Liu locked himself in the room.

"Am I really wrong?" Director Liu couldn't help but doubted his behavior of kicking Academician Ni out of Lianxiang Group.

The office was filled with smoke, but the smoke was like gray chains, tightly wrapped around Liu Dong's heart, causing his head to ache again.

At this time, Academician Ni was in high spirits. After all, what he was going to release this time was not only a USB flash drive, but also a new generation of Shenhua computers.

What is even more exciting is that many scientific researchers are attracted to join, and some research institutes hope to cooperate with Academician Ni to transform scientific research results into products. This is undoubtedly the recognition of Academician Ni.

Eight o'clock in the morning on October 12.

The hall on the first floor of the Microelectronics Technology Company has already set up the meeting place, and countless invited media reporters flocked here. The sudden and rapid progress made him even more curious about Zhang Xiao, the boss of the microelectronics technology company.

On the rostrum, there are still three computers on the long table on one side. Although they are covered with red cloth, everyone has a vague guess!On the other side of the long table covered by the red cloth, nothing could be seen.

This time, Zhang Xiao came to the company early for the press conference. Deng Jie also came with him. He wanted to see Zhang Xiao's demeanor at the product conference.

At exactly nine o'clock, Zhang Xiao walked up to the rostrum first.

"Ah, it's Zhang Xiao!" Countless people said in surprise.

"That's right. Zhang Xiao actually participated in this product launch event. It seems that he is about to make a big move."

"Tch, he didn't even attend the last computer conference, so what kind of big move can he make this time?" Some reporters were also skeptical about this.

"Hi everyone, I'm Zhang Xiao! I'm also the boss of this company. Microelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. is committed to the research of microelectronics. After the unremitting efforts of Academician Ni and other researchers, we have finally achieved preliminary results, that is, The product we're launching today."

"The reason why I am standing here now is not to replace Academician Ni for the product launch conference, but to welcome everyone as a temporary host. On the other hand, I also hope that everyone will be a witness, that is, all microelectronics technology companies The products produced can be returned unconditionally if there are any quality problems! And if you find counterfeit and shoddy products, you can report them to the company. The whistleblowers will get rewards. Please look here for the reporting phone number.” After Zhang Xiao finished speaking, he waved his hand and a golden The banner suddenly fell from the second floor and landed directly behind the rostrum.

The venue suddenly remembered a round of applause, and the flashing lights continued to sound.

"We are inviting Academician Ni below, everyone welcome." Zhang Xiao said amid applause.

Academician Ni walked up to the rostrum calmly, pulled Zhang Xiao who was about to step down, and said: "After the last press conference, many people asked me, who is Zhang Xiao? I think everyone is familiar with it now, This is the one next to me, a new flyer who has just won four gold medals in the National Games!"

"Here, I would like to thank Mr. Zhang Xiao again for his strong support for domestic chip research. It is he who has spent a lot of money to support my research, which is why I have today's results." Academician Ni said a little excitedly.

Zhang Xiao couldn't laugh or cry and said: "I can't afford your thanks, I just hope that our domestic chips can develop better, and I will hand over the stage to you."

As Zhang Xiao walked off the rostrum, Academician Ni became the only protagonist on the field.

Academician Ni coughed twice, and after focusing everyone's attention on himself, he said, "The products I'm going to release today are not only the new generation of Shenhua computers, but also the latest scientific research achievements we have just successfully developed—— USB drive!"

Academician Ni lifted up the covered red cloth, revealing five small USB drives underneath.

"Everyone must be very curious, what is this USB flash drive and what is its use for?" Academician Ni asked the questions of the following media reporters.

"The main function of the USB flash drive is to store data. It can store data for five years or even longer, and you can see that it is small and exquisite, easy to carry. I believe that in the near future, the USB flash drive will replace the floppy disk and become a more convenient storage device. tool."


Following the introduction of Academician Ni, the staff of the company also sent a copy of the introduction materials of the USB flash drive to everyone present. After all, the USB flash drive has been registered for a patent, and it is also necessary to introduce its functions.

After the introduction of the USB flash drive, Academician Ni revealed the new generation of Shenhua computer covered with a red cloth, and the bottom was the same as last time, with not only the price but also the configuration.

"The new generation of Shenhua computers not only have better performance, but also lower prices. They are the most cost-effective computers on the market! There is no such thing! Their models, configurations, and retail prices are all here!" Academician Ni said with a smile.

The media reporters looked at the computer configuration and price above, and couldn't help screaming. After all, this price is too cheap, 500 yuan cheaper than the current sales price on the market!

"It's too cheap, it's unbelievable!"

"This is simply beating Lianxiang Group to the ground. At the beginning of the year, they talked about the [-] yuan plan, but now they don't want to be completed by Shenhua Computer."

"It seems that the computer market is about to cause a price shock, and many brands may not survive!" Someone obviously thought of more.

"This is a good thing for ordinary people like us. After all, the price reduction of computers will cause a series of chain reactions, and the prices of many supporting products will also be greatly reduced."

"It seems that the home computer era is not far away!"

The reporters below were talking about it, but Academician Ni continued to speak at this moment: "Are you satisfied with this configuration and price?"

"Satisfied." Many reporters said in unison.

But at this moment, a reporter raised his hand.

"This reporter friend, please tell me?" Academician Ni said to the reporter with a smile.

The company staff also handed him the microphone.

"Academician Ni, what is the reason for your such a large price cut? Is it aimed at Lianxiang Group?" The reporter asked a tricky question, obviously wanting to get more revelations from Academician Ni.

Academician Ni looked at Zhang Xiao standing on the second floor with some embarrassment. After all, he said many things on behalf of the microelectronics technology company, but he is not the boss after all, and he is often unwilling to publish these opinions.

But Zhang Xiao saw all this in his eyes, and nodded to Academician Ni without hesitation.

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