Just when Liu Junmin and Sun Xiaorou were talking about each other, Liu Junmin's wife, Wang Mei, had already brought people downstairs to Sun Xiaorou's apartment.

"Go up, I want to see who he is with if he doesn't go home after get off work." Liu Junmin's wife, Wang Mei, saw Liu Junmin's car parked downstairs at a glance, and said aggressively.

"Sister, Liu Junmin's grandson is probably someone outside." Wang Mei's younger brother Wang Fei glanced at the surrounding environment and said in a low voice.

"Go up and take a look and you'll find out. If someone is really there, beat him up hard." Wang Mei's still charming face became a little ferocious at this time.

Wang Mei went upstairs with her younger brother Wang Fei and a group of subordinates.

When he came upstairs, Wang Fei winked at one of his subordinates, and that subordinate didn't hesitate anymore, and kicked hard on the door, and the wooden door was immediately kicked open.

Wang Mei saw Liu Junmin and Sun Xiaorou who were disheveled on the sofa at a glance, and she was furious immediately, and roared, "Hit me hard!"

The subordinates who received the order didn't hesitate, they beat Liu Junmin and Sun Xiaorou crazily, but they didn't see the camera already set up at the door in the chaos, and took pictures of their actions.

"Wang Mei, what on earth are you going to do!" Liu Junmin said viciously while protecting Sun Xiaorou, regardless of the fact that he only had one pair of underpants on.

"What am I going to do? What do you think I'm going to do? Beat him to death, and I'll be responsible for what happened." Wang Mei's heart was icy at the moment, and Liu Junmin actually wanted to protect that woman at this time, which made her completely crazy .

"Okay, stop it, if you hit again, you will die." After a while, Wang Fei, who was still calm, stopped everyone.

At this moment, Wang Mei looked at Liu Junmin, who was covered in injuries, without any pity, and said with a sneer, "Liu Junmin, I have seen you clearly, and we will go to divorce tomorrow."

Wang Mei then took people away directly, leaving only a mess.

Liu Junmin was sitting on the cold floor at the moment, his heart was also cold, but at this moment he couldn't care less about regret, because the wound on his body was still bleeding.

"Junmin, what should we do?" Sun Xiaorou was protected by Liu Junmin, but she was not injured, and asked while stopping Liu Junmin's bleeding.

"Call the emergency center and ask them to send a car. I can't move now." Liu Junmin didn't care about face at this time, his life was the most important thing.

Soon, Liu Junmin was sent to the hospital. After examination, he found that apart from a large area of ​​bruises all over his body, the heaviest thing was the glass scratch on his back, and the rest was fine.

And when Liu Junmin was recuperating in the hospital, many tabloids and foreign media in the capital spread the news, not only there were pictures of Liu Junmin being injured, but also pictures of Liu Junmin being raped by Wang Mei, which made many people eat A big melon.

Li Laichun, as Liu Junmin's direct leader, naturally saw these reports about Liu Junmin, and his face turned livid, because it was undoubtedly unacceptable for him who always pays attention to his image.

"Director Su, you will be in charge of Liu Junmin's work for the time being. Don't let Liu Junmin's affairs affect your work." Li Laichun said to Su Yuanchao.

"Don't worry, leader, I'll take care of it." Su Yuanchao was inexplicably excited at the moment. He didn't expect Liu Junmin to collapse without fighting, and let him take advantage of it.

"Also, send someone to say hello, don't let these boring gossip affect the image of the Bureau." Li Laichun instructed Su Yuanchao again.

"I know what to do." Su Yuanchao quickly assured, after all, the impact of this matter is not too big at present, and once it spreads again, it will not be a good thing for them.

Soon, tabloids and magazines in the market withdrew their publicity about Liu Junmin's incident, which was suppressed, but Liu Junmin, who was recuperating in the hospital, wanted to cry now, because his position was revoked and he was temporarily unemployed. status, and investigations into him have also begun.

Not only that, Wang Mei wanted to divorce him with all her heart, so he had to sign the divorce agreement. Fortunately, Sun Xiaorou had been with him for the past two days, which gave him a little comfort.

"Junmin, your matter is very troublesome. It would be fine if it was just to report and expose, but now there is a lot of trouble and everyone knows it. Have you thought about the consequences?" Liu Tianyuan said with a gloomy face at the moment.

"Brother Yuan, this is my fault. I didn't expect Wang Mei to know about it." Liu Junmin said regretfully.

"It seems that you haven't figured out the consequences. As a member of the system, you should be aware of the impact on you after this kind of thing is exposed. Now that you know, why do you still do it! You can do it yourself." Liu Tianyuan as The leader of this generation of the Liu family originally placed high hopes on Liu Junmin, but he did not expect such a scandal to happen to Liu Junmin now, which made him no longer even have the desire to help.

"Brother Yuan, you must help me." Liu Junmin became anxious immediately, disregarding the pain in his body, got up from the hospital bed, and begged Liu Tianyuan.

"You have to save yourself first. Obtaining Wang Mei's forgiveness is the first thing you have to do now, otherwise you will have no way of recovering." Liu Tianyuan said.

"Brother Yuan, Wang Mei and I are divorced now, how could she forgive me." Liu Junmin said in despair.

"That's your business. You must know that the Wang family is not a small family. If you want to recover, you must pass the Wang family's test, otherwise everything will be off." Liu Tianyuan shook his head and said.

Liu Junmin fell silent for a moment. The more he used the help of the Wang family to climb up, the more he knew how strong the resistance was now.

"Okay, take care of your wounds, I'm leaving first." Liu Tianyuan got up and left, but he didn't have too many expectations for Liu Junmin, he only hoped that Liu Junmin's matter would not affect the Liu family.

But Zhang Xiao, the instigator of all this, was attending class step by step, enjoying the rare peaceful time, and went to exchange memory usage plans with Academician Ni and the others from time to time.

Although the memory has been successfully developed at this moment, there is still a long way to go to solve the compatibility problem, so Zhang Xiao took out the USB flash drive that is popular in the world in the future, which is the simplest and most widely used solution for memory. , I hope Academician Ni and the others can develop it as soon as possible.

Time passed quickly, and a month passed in a blink of an eye, and Zhang Xiao gradually got used to this kind of life. Except for class time every week, Zhang Xiao spent most of the time in the laboratory of microelectronics technology, following Academician Ni and the others to carry out Research.

Although Zhang Xiao has just participated in the project, she has the insights of future generations, and many ideas will greatly inspire Academician Ni and the others, and the progress of research and development will be greatly accelerated.

This afternoon, Academician Ni and Zhang Xiao looked at the small USB flash drive. Although it was only a prototype, it had consumed the energy of the researchers for a month, and it was currently being tested.

"Zhang Xiao, tell me how you came up with it. You know, I didn't even think about using the memory in this way." Academician Ni said with admiration.

"Actually, my idea is very simple. We all know that the data is stored in the hard disk. How to share the data of the hard disk without the network, this leads to the idea of ​​a USB flash drive. After all, compared to a hard disk, a USB flash drive is small and exquisite, easy to carry. It will definitely be popular in the world." Zhang Xiao said with a smile, this is the rhetoric he had already thought about.

"That's true, but the current transmission speed is too slow." Academician Ni shook his head and said.

"There is no need to worry about this. After all, the capacity of the USB flash drive is limited, and it is useless if the speed is too fast. However, we can develop a compatibility program based on it to speed up the transmission speed, and use it as a technical reserve for the second generation of USB flash drives in the future." Zhang Xiaoxiao said.

"The storage capacity of this USB flash drive is 16mb. If the test is successful, we can increase its capacity, and its superiority will be greatly improved!" The more Academician Ni thought about it, the more he felt that this solution was feasible, and couldn't help but excitedly said.

Zhang Xiao also nodded excitedly. After all, this is the first real research and development achievement of Microelectronics Technology, which is much faster than he expected. With the USB flash drive project, Microelectronics Technology can basically be self-confident. The profit and loss can also let Zhang Xiao, who is short on funds at the moment, breathe a little bit of relief.

In fact, the test of the USB flash drive is very boring. It is to transfer files over and over again, and check the integrity of the files. In this process, you only need to repeat the operation. Even a primary school student can complete it, but at the moment there are several master graduates in the laboratory. The top students are operating, and each operation will record the performance of the USB flash drive and compare it with the previous data.

Zhang Xiao felt drowsy after watching it for a while, and quickly dragged Academician Ni to the outside of the laboratory.

After handing Academician Ni a cigarette, Zhang Xiao lit one herself, and said with a smile: "Academician Ni, after the USB flash drive test results come out, we have two development directions, the first is of course to sell USB flash drives, and the second It is to develop a music player and implant it into a USB flash drive to form a walkman that can be played.”

"Walkman?" Academician Ni was slightly taken aback, "Isn't this a product that came out a long time ago?"

"Of course the Walkman came out, but now the storage media of the Walkman are tapes and CDs, which have limited capacity and cannot be changed, while the storage medium of the Walkman we are going to release is a USB flash drive, which not only greatly increases the capacity, but also can be accessed from the computer. Directly downloading songs for storage is definitely an epoch-making product!" Zhang Xiao immediately uttered the mp3 from his previous life.

Academician Ni was shocked and said excitedly, "Mr. Zhang, you are a genius. How did you come up with such an idea?"

"Just thought about it. After all, we want to transform our research results into productive forces. The closer we are to the needs of life, the greater it will be!" Although Zhang Xiao said this, he had a different feeling in his heart. After all, he was standing On the basis of the previous life, the natural thinking is forward.

Academician Ni suddenly laughed happily, patted Zhang Xiao on the shoulder and said: "That's right, transforming scientific research results into productivity is what I have been pursuing. I didn't expect you to think of it too. It seems that we It’s really kindred spirits.”

"Academician Ni is joking, scientific research depends on you, I just came up with an idea." Zhang Xiao did not dare to take credit for this, and at the same time was a little proud in his heart. It has achieved things that many people cannot do, and has advanced the country's chip research one step further.

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