Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 199 Shocking Hypocrisy

Academician Ni, who got Zhang Xiao's consent, no longer hesitated, and said with a smile: "This reporter asked why the price was cut so drastically!"

"I think this question is very good. Our Shenhua Computer only makes a limited profit, and we are willing to transfer part of the profit to users, because only in this way will they become loyal supporters of our Shenhua Computer. And why can such a large price cut be made? , which will kick up the localization rate we mentioned last time.”

"With the continuous improvement of the localization rate, the cost will naturally decrease, and the decrease in cost will naturally have room for price reduction, so this is the reason why we can significantly reduce prices."

"As for whether it is aimed at Lianxiang Group, to be honest, it really is not. I am targeting all computer companies. Lowering prices is not the goal, but improving the localization rate of computers is the goal."

As soon as this remark came out, everyone present was in an uproar. After all, Academician Ni's remark was equivalent to declaring war on the entire computer industry. Such shocking remarks made reporters record them one after another.

And the flashes kept shining, not only to shoot Academician Ni, but also Zhang Xiao, after all, Zhang Xiao is the boss of Microelectronics Technology.

"Mr. Zhang, do you agree with Academician Ni's statement?" A reporter shouted to Zhang Xiao on the second floor.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help smiling wryly in his heart, he didn't expect Academician Ni to say such a thing, but isn't this what Zhang Xiao is doing, he just said it out.

"I completely agree with what Academician Ni said, and as the general manager of Microelectronics Technology, Academician Ni has the right to make any decision." Zhang Xiao said forcefully.

Immediately, there was warm applause at the venue. After all, such shocking words are enough to become the headlines of the news, not to mention that there are storage devices such as USB flash drives in the world, and all media reporters feel that this trip is worthwhile.

Afterwards, the media reporters left one after another. After all, they had to publish the news as soon as possible, so as to seize the opportunity.

"Academician Ni, you have issued a letter of challenge today!" Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said to Academician Ni with a smile.

"Boss, don't blame me." Academician Ni shook his head and smiled wryly when he saw that Zhang Xiao was not angry.

"How can I blame you? Isn't this what we are doing now? Isn't it our goal to increase the localization rate and eventually localize all computer components? If more companies can join this ranks, I will I believe this speed will be accelerated many times." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Yes, but in this way, Shenhua Computer and Microelectronics Technology Company will be on the cusp." Academician Ni said with some concern at this time.

"It doesn't matter, the more opportunities to promote the company for free, the better. After all, we will have more and more products in the future, and the more famous the company is, the more advertising expenses can be reduced." Zhang Xiao didn't care about this, after all, future generations don't know No matter how many companies want such exposure, they can't do it.

Academician Ni couldn't help laughing at this moment, Zhang Xiao's thoughts coincided with his, so this can be regarded as a hero's opinion.

However, Zhang Xiao immediately said: "At all costs, develop computer components such as CPUs and hard disks as soon as possible. I think foreign companies will definitely take measures, whether it is price increases or stock outs. We can't afford it right now."

Academician Ni also nodded seriously at this moment and said: "Yes, this is something we have to face, but now that we have the world's advanced storage technology, I believe it is not difficult to develop hard drives and memory, at least We can imitate them, but the most difficult thing is the cpu, although there are domestic cpus now, but the performance is indeed much worse, not enough to replace foreign cpus."

"Yeah, this is the biggest problem. Besides, is there any clue about our operating system?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"The operating system is still doing the most basic research, and we are in contact with some research institutes, hoping to create our own operating system, but this is very difficult and takes time!" Academician Ni said worriedly.

"No matter how difficult it is, we must continue, and it must be fast. After all, the operating system is the foundation of all software. At present, the operating systems of domestic computers are basically Microsoft's operating systems. If we cannot launch them quickly, then we will We will face the problem of having an operating system but no software to match it!" Zhang Xiao said solemnly.

"I know, but you can't rush for success in this kind of thing, you can't eat hot tofu in a hurry." Academician Ni shook his head and said.

Zhang Xiao has nothing to do about it, and he also knows that this is not something that can be developed in a short while.

Then Zhang Xiao left Microelectronics Technology with a lot of worries and returned to school. After all, he still has class today, and he just took half a day off temporarily.

After returning to school, Zhang Xiao began to think about the way out of the domestic system. Even before he was reborn, he had not seen the real domestic system. great.

However, Zhang Xiao quickly put it behind him. After all, he is not capable of solving such a problem now. Instead of worrying about it, it is better to do something that he can do.

In the next few days, Academician Ni's shocking words were quoted and reproduced by countless media, and the birth of the USB flash drive shocked the entire storage industry.

Small and exquisite, easy to carry, and easy to operate, USB flash drives have been sought after by countless people from the very beginning. Although they are expensive, they are still in short supply.

The birth of the USB flash drive has aroused profound repercussions not only domestically, but also internationally. Many technology companies have begun to pay attention to the microelectronic technology company that turned out to be born.

Many companies have begun to entrust people to buy USB flash drives for research, hoping to find out the principle of USB flash drive storage, so as to supplement their technical reserves.

At the headquarters of Lianxiang Group at this time, Director Liu called a meeting of the company's top management. After all, Shenhua Computer has forced them to deal with it with all their strength, because Lianxiang's life has been very difficult recently.

"Dr. Liu, judging from the sales data of the past two days, the sales volume of Shenhua Computer has increased significantly, while our company's computers with the same performance are currently at a standstill because the price is higher than that of Shenhua Computer. Waiting and watching." The head of the sales department reported.

"Do you have any good suggestions for your sales department?" Dong Liu asked.

"We can only lower the price. After all, users are the most sensitive to prices." The director of the sales department said helplessly.

"Is it possible to lower the price?" Dong Liu asked.

"Dr. Liu, it is still feasible to lower the price. After all, there is room for us to reduce the cost of computers. We can lower the price of computers to the same price as Shenhua computers. Although we will lose some profits, I think as long as we have market share, everything will be fine." Not a problem." The director of the sales department asked.

"What is the profit margin after the price reduction?" Liu Dong asked.

"The profit margin is about [-] percent." The director of the sales department said.

As soon as this remark came out, the senior management of the Lianxiang Group, including Liu Dong, were all silent. After all, the profit margin of [-]% is too low. If other operating costs are deducted, the company's profit will be greatly reduced. , which is impossible for Lianxiang Group who wants to go public.

"Is there room for cost reduction?" Dong Liu asked after being silent for a while.

"It depends on the purchase price of the parts purchased by the purchasing department. After all, the cost of the production link has been reduced to the minimum, and there is basically no room for reduction." The supervisor of the production department said.

"What about the purchasing department, is there room for the purchase price to drop?" Dong Liu looked at the director of the purchasing department.

"This needs to be negotiated, and I think it should be possible." The director of the purchasing department bit the bullet and said.

"That's it. The price of the computer has dropped to the same price as that of Shenhua Computer. The procurement department will negotiate with the partner as soon as possible to try to reduce the cost! Comrades, this incident tells us that we must be prepared for danger in times of peace and increase research and development efforts. , increase the self-reliance rate of computer components, and reduce costs at the same time, don't let people see our jokes." Liu Dong said at the end of the meeting.

After the meeting, Director Liu returned to the office, leaned back on the chair slumped, and rubbed his temples with his hands to relieve his headache.

The words of Academician Ni before he left still echoed in his mind: "Without technology, there is nothing, and technology is the foundation!"

At this moment, Dong Liu really felt the power of this sentence. With the help of technology, Shenhua Computer has improved the localization rate of computers and greatly reduced the cost of computers. This has enabled Shenhua Computer to emerge suddenly and become a price butcher in the computer market.

The introduction of the term "localization rate" has put Shenhua Computer on a moral high ground, and many companies have no choice but to lower their prices.

As the original No.1 in the computer industry, Lianxiang Group is facing the greatest impact. After all, if they want to go public, they must have eye-catching performance and future prospects, otherwise it would not be so easy to go public.

At the same time when Lianxiang Group lowered the price, some small computer companies could no longer afford such a price and closed their doors one after another. For a while, the computer industry began a new round of reshuffle. Shenhua Computer relied on its price and performance advantages , started a new round of rapid expansion.

At this time, foreign computer companies also discussed countermeasures in unison. After all, their computers were originally assembled abroad and shipped in as a whole. However, in the face of the sharp price cut of Shenhua Computer, they had to consider producing in China. .

Not only that, more and more computer brands began to regard Shenhua Computer as a bigger rival, looking for countermeasures to curb the development of Shenhua Computer.

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