Liu Junmin who hung up the phone had a gloomy expression on his face. He didn't believe that Zhang Xiao's company would have no problems at all.

Thinking of this, Liu Junmin became agitated for a while. After the National Games ended, the leader learned about his conflict with Zhang Xiao during the National Games, and severely reprimanded him. Coupled with Su Yuanchao's help, he has now become a It made a joke in the eyes of many people, but Su Yuanchao became the biggest beneficiary of this incident.

Just when Liu Junmin was thinking about how to continue to attack Zhang Xiao, his cell phone rang.

"Brother Min, I'll wait for you at home tonight, you must come here early, today is your birthday." A gentle voice rang through the phone.

"Xiaorou, you are the only one who still remembers my birthday." Liu Junmin felt a lot better when he heard Xiaorou's voice, and couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

"Brother Min, you must come here, I specially made a cake for you." Xiaorou said softly.

"Don't worry, I'll go there after get off work." Liu Junmin said very gently.

After hanging up the phone, Liu Junmin's mood suddenly became hot. Thinking of Xiaorou's various good things, he couldn't help laughing out loud.

At this moment, Secretary Wang knocked on the door and walked in. After handing a document to Liu Junmin, he said, "Director, this is Zhang Xiao's organizational relationship change form. Please take a look."

"Where is Zhang Xiao going?" Liu Junmin asked with some doubts.

"Military groups, the organizational relationship has been transferred, this is for the record." Secretary Wang said cautiously, after all, he knew that Liu Junmin had a special hatred for Zhang Xiao recently.

"The action is really fast! Who is in charge of the military group?" Liu Junmin asked.

"Director Deng Zhimin." Secretary Wang was very familiar with this.

"I see, you go down first." After Liu Junmin nodded, he waved Secretary Wang to leave.

After Secretary Wang left, Liu Junmin picked up the phone on the table and dialed the number in Deng Zhimin's office.

"Old Deng, I am Liu Junmin!" Liu Junmin said with a smile.

"Old Liu, it's very rare. Why did you remember to call me?" Deng Zhimin said in surprise.

"I saw an application form for organizational relationship in the office today. It was Zhang Xiao who transferred to the military group, but I think Zhang Xiao is a bit proud, so I called to remind you, you should pay more attention in the future, don't be caught He's cheated." Liu Junmin said with a smile.

"Ah, yes, it seems that I really found trouble!" Deng Zhimin said pretending to be displeased.

"Okay, I just want to remind you, just pay more attention. That's it, let's get together when we have time." Liu Junmin said with a smile.

"Okay, no problem." Deng Zhimin said with a smile and hung up the phone.

Deng Zhimin couldn't help but sneered at Liu Junmin's "kind reminder", because he also heard about the conflict between Zhang Xiao and Liu Junmin during the National Games. It is not a good thing for Zhang Xiao to be misrepresented and become an arrogant and arrogant person.

As far as Deng Zhimin knew, the origin of this incident came from Liu Zhimin's subordinates. If Deng Zhimin and Zhang Xiao hadn't met, he couldn't help but believe that it was true.

Deng Zhimin couldn't help sighing, Zhang Xiao seemed to be in a lot of trouble recently, but he didn't know if he would ask him for help.

At this time, Zhang Xiao summoned Zhao Hongjie in his office, and said, "Old Zhao, how are you busy with the people's supermarket?"

"It's almost done. The stores in the twelve provincial capitals are all under renovation. I believe they will be able to open at the end of this month and the beginning of next month. In addition, the recruitment and training of personnel are also in progress, and they should all be carried out within the plan. .” Zhao Hongjie said confidently.

"That's good, you're still reliable!" After Zhang Xiao praised Zhao Hongjie, he continued, "Now I'll give you a new task."

"Boss, please tell me, I promise to complete the task." Zhao Hongjie promised immediately.

"It's not that serious, just find a clothing factory and shoe factory that can be acquired. The scale doesn't need to be large. The most important thing about this matter is to keep it secret." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Garment factory and shoe factory, why did the boss think of investing in this industry?" Zhao Hongjie asked with some doubts.

Zhang Xiao smiled without hiding anything, and said: "A few days ago, Adidas asked me to be the image spokesperson. Today, the negotiation was terminated suddenly. This is disrespectful to me. Then I thought about it, why not create our own Clothing brands, with my endorsement at that time, I believe we can sell these foreign brands abroad!"

Zhao Hongjie laughed immediately, and said in agreement: "That's true. I'll look for it right away. There are many companies in the textile industry that have closed down. I believe there will be news soon."

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you." Zhang Xiao nodded.

After Zhao Hongjie left, Zhang Xiao called Yuan Min again.

"Boss, are you looking for me?" Yuan Min knocked on the door and came in, and said.

"Sit down, I want to ask you how things are going with Liu Junmin?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Boss, don't tell me, today is really a good opportunity. Liu Junmin's birthday is today, and his mistress Sun Xiaorou will definitely let Liu Junmin go, and Liu Junmin will go there in all likelihood." Yuan Min said excitedly.

"Where is Liu Junmin's wife? Have you arranged it?" Zhang Xiao also became interested.

"It's already done. When his wife comes to the door, we can wait and eat." Yuan Min said with a smile.

"Where's the reporter? Have you arranged it?" Zhang Xiao continued to ask.

"Boss, I can't ask a reporter for this matter. I directly found a comrade in arms. After retiring from the army, I opened a small magazine. I have already given him the news. I believe he will do well." Yuan Min thought more than Zhang Xiao Some, after all, regular newspapers will not report these, but some small magazines have no scruples in this regard.

"You are really thoughtful in your arrangements." Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing, this is the so-called specialization in surgery.

"I'll take care of things, don't worry." Yuan Min also laughed.

Maybe the general style problem will not have a big impact on these people, but the style problem that is exposed will deal a devastating blow to Liu Junmin, and no one will associate him with Zhang Xiao in this matter. Together.

At this time, everything in the company returned to normal, and Zhang Xiao did not stay in the company for a long time, but returned to the courtyard to accompany Deng Jie who had already returned to the courtyard.

"Yesterday, my mother asked us what stage we had reached, and asked me to take contraceptive measures." Deng Jie said a little embarrassed.

"Auntie really has a sharp eye, and she can see the problem at a glance." Zhang Xiao lay on the recliner, took a purple sand pot and drank tea, and said casually.

"It's really embarrassing, it's all your fault!" Deng Jie said angrily, her face flushed.

"Yes, it's all my fault, it's all my fault that I couldn't resist your temptation." Zhang Xiao said narrowly.

"I'm going to school again tomorrow, and I haven't had a good rest after Sunday." Deng Jie said absent-mindedly, fiddling with the teacup in her hand.

"Are you worried?" Zhang Xiao asked.

Deng Jie looked up at Zhang Xiao, with hesitation in her beautiful eyes, and she said after a long time: "Xiaoxiao, do you think we will get together in the end?"

"When you say this, you have no confidence in the two of us, but I think as long as we trust each other, it will be fine." Zhang Xiao also said seriously.

"I hope so." Deng Jie turned her head, looking at the goldfish in the fish tank with a little restlessness, envious of the freedom of these little fish.

Zhang Xiao got up from the recliner, embraced Deng Jie in her arms, and said with a smile: "Don't think too much, life is a long road, why should we think about what will happen tomorrow, grasping the present is the most important thing we should do!"

"You're right, I'm too obsessed with the result." Deng Jie said with a complicated expression.

"You're not wrong, who doesn't want to have a good result." Zhang Xiao fiddled with the water in the fish tank twice, and the goldfish immediately fled in all directions, "You look at the peaceful life, and no one knows if there is someone behind Will intervene at any time! Just like the little fish in the fishbowl, they don't know when their danger will come, so we are just like them, so all we have to do is grasp the moment."

Deng Jie suddenly smiled, regained her usual shrewdness, and said with a smile: "Why do I think you are escaping when you say this? Do you have other women in your heart?"

"How is it possible? I'm wholeheartedly devoted to you now." Zhang Xiao's heart tightened, but she said without changing her face.

"I hope you're telling the truth, otherwise I'll want you to look good!" Deng Jie waved her fist viciously, pretending to be vicious.

Zhang Xiao chuckled, but didn't say anything more. After all, he did have other women in his heart, not just one, but how could he say it out loud.

But when Zhang Xiao and Deng Jie were making love to each other, Liu Junmin had already left work, and instead of asking the driver to drive, he drove to Sun Xiaorou's residence by himself, feeling very hot in his heart.

Not long after, Liu Junmin arrived at Sun Xiaorou's residence. As soon as he entered, Liu Junmin hugged Sun Xiaorou in his arms.

"Don't make trouble, we will celebrate your birthday first today, there is plenty of time." Sun Xiaorou broke free from Liu Junmin's arms, and said shyly.

"Okay, okay, everything is up to you." Liu Junmin said with a smile.

Sun Xiaorou turned around and went to the kitchen, while Liu Junmin went to the bathroom to take a shower.

When Liu Junmin came out, Sun Xiaorou had already brought a sumptuous meal to the table, and there was a cake in the middle of the table with happy birthday written on it.

Sun Xiaorou helped Liu Junmin put candles on the cake. After Liu Junmin lit them one by one, he closed his eyes and began to make a wish, looking extraordinarily solemn.

After making a wish, Liu Junmin took a deep breath and blew out all the candles.

"Happy birthday!" Sun Xiaorou warmly wished.

"Thank you!" Liu Junmin said affectionately.

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