"I heard today that your company is currently being jointly inspected by the industry and commerce and tax authorities. Is there a problem?" Deng Zhimin said with a confused expression.

"There is no problem with the company's operation, and the company has always paid taxes in full. Some time ago, I asked Director Li Tianhai of the branch to guide the work. I don't know who reported it this time, but I believe it will not What's the problem?" Zhang Xiao said firmly.

"That's good. Since you are in business, you must operate legally. Be an upright businessman and don't act recklessly. Otherwise, even if no one reports it, you will be punished by the law!" Deng Zhimin said in a deep tone.

"Uncle's teaching is that I will definitely remember your teaching." Zhang Xiao said very modestly.

"Okay, you can go back." Deng Zhimin waved to Zhang Xiao, telling him to leave.

Zhang Xiao left the study room, bid farewell to Xue Mei and the others, then hurried downstairs and left in a car, as if there was something urgent.

After Zhang Xiao left, Xue Mei said to Deng Jie angrily: "Xiao Jie, come with me!"

Deng Jie stuck out her tongue and followed Xue Mei to her mother's room.

"How far have you guys developed?" Xue Mei asked seriously.

"Mom, why are you asking these questions?" Deng Jie said with some shame.

"Tell the truth to mom, have you gone to bed yet?" Xue Mei asked calmly, holding back the anger in her heart.

"Mom, what are you talking about?" Deng Jie said aggrievedly.

"Xiaojie, my mother is someone who has been here. I know that men eat what is in the bowl and look at what is in the pot. I can't wait to put all the beautiful women in the world in my arms. But women are different. They are all stubborn. If you look for a person I want to spend the rest of my life with him. I just hope that you can grasp yourself and not be easily deceived by others. After all, in matters such as feelings, it is women who get hurt in the end." Xue Mei said in a deep tone.

"Mom, don't worry, Zhang Xiao can't escape from my grasp." Deng Jie said confidently.

"You, you have always been arrogant since childhood, why did you fall in love with Zhang Xiao this time?" Xue Mei said helplessly and puzzled.

"Zhang Xiao is very good. Not only is he excellent in academics, but also in sports. He is also a master in antique appreciation, and he is also the boss of a company with assets exceeding one billion yuan." Deng Jie pointed her finger at Zhang Xiao. The advantage is that I didn't see Xue Mei's face change and change at all.

After a long time, Xue Mei sighed, knowing that Deng Jie had completely fallen into it, she could only say helplessly: "Since you like him so much, I won't say much, I hope you can also change your temper and get along with him." Get along well, parents want you to be happy."

"Mom, you don't object to us being together?" Deng Jie said happily.

"Is my objection useful? Take contraceptive measures when you are together, after all, you are still in college." Xue Mei said angrily.

"Mom, I'm ignoring you." Deng Jie blushed immediately and ran back to her room.

In the evening, Deng Zhimin listened to Xue Mei talking about Deng Jie, and couldn't help but sighed: "Children and grandchildren have their own blessings. As parents, we can only create good conditions for them as much as possible, and the future development will be more difficult." Watch them for themselves."

Xue Mei couldn't help asking, "What do you think of Zhang Xiao?"

"Careful thinking, well-founded advances and retreats, he is a talent, but there is rebelliousness in his bones, I am afraid that he will inevitably cause trouble in the future." Deng Zhimin said helplessly.

"Do you think Xiaojie will be able to get together with him in the end?" Xue Mei said worriedly.

"How do I know? No one can explain things like feelings until the end. I just hope that the two of you can have a good result." Deng Zhimin sighed and said helplessly.

In fact, to tell the truth, Deng Zhimin is not very optimistic about the relationship between Zhang Xiao and Deng Jie, but he can't say this now anyway. After all, his precious daughter has already fallen into it, and blind interference will only change the result. worse.

But Zhang Xiao, who returned to the courtyard at this time, was somewhat contradictory. As the eldest lady of the Deng family, Deng Jie naturally had her merits. She was first-class in both appearance and talent, and she was a good match for him. , but he always felt that he owed too much to his wife Tong Yao in his previous life and wanted to make up for it in this life.

Lying on the bed, Zhang Xiao was a little upset, and it took some time before Zhang Xiao fell asleep in a daze.

In his sleep, Zhang Xiao saw that familiar yet unfamiliar face, sometimes young and sometimes old, repeating again and again, he wanted to reach out to grab her, but in vain, as she went away, Zhang Xiao shouted loudly, She couldn't hear it.

Zhang Xiao woke up suddenly and looked around. He was still on the bed in the courtyard, surrounded by darkness, only the faint moonlight shining through the curtains to make the room bright.

Zhang Xiao leaned on the head of the bed, took out a cigarette and fire from the bedside table, lit it, took a sip, Zhang Xiao felt better, but the sweat all over his body and the still painful head let him know that this was Yuanlian The second attack occurred.

Two times before and after, with an interval of one and a half years, Zhang Xiao never understood why, but this gave Zhang Xiao a sense of urgency, and he didn't know when he would never wake up.

After smoking a cigarette, Zhang Xiao turned on the bedside lamp and looked at the time. It was only three o'clock in the morning, but Zhang Xiao knew that he couldn't sleep.

After getting up and taking a shower, Zhang Xiao suddenly saw that the changed clothes were not only sweat, but also a lot of stains, and where did these stains come from? You must know that this pajamas were just changed before going to bed.

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, could it be that these stains came from the body?

Zhang Xiao couldn't help thinking a lot, but it was useless, Zhang Xiao sighed, threw the dirty clothes into the washing machine, and then went back to the room and changed again.

The next morning, Zhang Xiao went directly to the company after having breakfast.

When he came to the company, Yuan Min saw Zhang Xiao getting off the car, walked up to Zhang Xiao, and said, "Boss, the person who checked the accounts last night stayed away all night, and all the food and drink were ordered from outside. The meals prepared outside None of them moved."

"Whether they eat or not is their business. We should prepare it or prepare it for them. They are all grassroots workers. Don't make it difficult for them." Zhang Xiao frowned slightly and asked.

"Okay, I know how to do it." Yuan Min immediately understood Zhang Xiao's intention.

After arriving at the office, Tian Xiaodan and Sun Ting from the finance department were already waiting in the office.

"Director Sun, what's the matter?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Boss, when will they check the accounts?" Sun Ting said helplessly.

"They check as they please, we do whatever we need, and don't be influenced by them. In addition, when they check the accounts, we don't want to be idle, and check it ourselves to avoid omissions." Zhang Xiao said to Sun Ting.

"Okay, I'll do it now." Sun Ting promised and left.

After Sun Ting left, Tian Xiaodan said, "Boss, the negotiation between Adidas and us has been terminated!"

Zhang Xiao frowned when he heard this, which made him a little confused: "Did you ask them why?"

"I asked, but they didn't say the reason." Tian Xiaodan said helplessly.

"If that's the case, then leave them alone." Zhang Xiao had some guesses about the reason. After all, since it was aimed at him, it was reasonable for Adidas to terminate the negotiation.

After Tian Xiaodan left, it was fine for Zhang Xiao to stay in the office, but as long as he was there, the company would be safe and Zhang Xiao had to stay in the office.

At this time, the staff who took the lead in checking the accounts in the meeting room came to Li Tianhai's temporary office and reported to Li Tianhaihui: "Director Li, no problems have been found, all the accounts are clear, and the tax payment vouchers are complete. Nothing to check."

"Since there is no problem, then we will withdraw. Everyone has been busy all day, so let everyone go home and have a rest today." Li Tianhai said blankly with his expression unchanged.

"Okay, then I'll inform everyone." The staff member turned and left.

Li Tianhai couldn't help but shook his head and smiled wryly at this moment. It's really rare to see people like Zhang Xiao who put everything in front of them. Such a big company didn't find out any problems. He had to admire him, but at this moment Li Tianhai But it is a bit of a headache, how to explain to the people above.

At this moment, Li Tianhai's cell phone rang.

"Tianhai, what happened to the accounts of Hongyuan Investment Company?" A voice rang on the phone, although it was flat, it was full of majesty.

"Director Liu, I haven't found any problems, and I'm about to report to you." Li Tianhai decided to tell the truth, after all, it was the truth, and he had to make a lie out of it.

"Okay, I see." Director Liu was silent for a while, then said something and hung up the phone.

Li Tianhai looked at the hung up phone, but felt relieved for a while. After all, he didn't bother to do such dirty work, but if he didn't find out the problem after he came, then it had nothing to do with him.

As for sending someone to check the accounts in the future, the person in charge is definitely not him, and it has nothing to do with him. He doesn't want to go into this muddy water.

But Liu Ju, who was on the phone with Li Tianhai at the moment, had a gloomy face. On the one hand, he was dissatisfied with Li Tianhai, and on the other hand, he was complaining about Liu Junmin.

After all, Director Liu himself was unwilling to go to Zhang Xiao's troubles at this time, but Liu Junmin, the leader, found him. As a side branch of the Liu family, he couldn't refuse. An explanation, but after checking the accounts for a day, no problems were found.

This shows that Zhang Xiao's company really has no problem. Director Liu doesn't believe that Li Tianhai dares to violate the law. After all, this is a whistleblower's case.

Director Liu pondered for a while before calling Liu Junmin.

"Liu Bureau, how is the investigation going?" Liu Junmin said with a chuckle, obviously he was waiting for Liu Bureau's call.

"Hongyuan Investment Company didn't find out the problem, presumably it's the whistleblower's personal grievance!" Director Liu said coldly.

"How is it possible? How can such a big company have no problems at all." Liu Junmin suddenly said angrily.

"Director Liu, the facts are so, it's useless to talk too much, you'd better find another way." Director Liu shook his head at this moment and said.

"Okay, I see." Liu Junmin was silent for a long time before saying this.

Director Liu shook his head immediately, it seemed that Liu Junmin had met his opponent this time.

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