Deng Yi couldn't help laughing again, leaning forward and backward while laughing, which gave Zhang Xiao an urge to beat him up.

Deng Jie didn't have any scruples, she slapped him on the shoulder, and said with a slight smile: "Deng Yi, I haven't practiced boxing for a long time, let's practice."

Deng Yi's face changed suddenly, he wanted to escape, but he couldn't escape, he was dragged towards a room by Deng Jie within two steps.

Zhang Xiao also stood up and followed, for fear that Deng Jie would beat Deng Yi badly.

This room has obviously been modified. Not only are there thick cushions on the floor, but also cushions on the walls, and this room is connected to the balcony, and there are sandbags hanging on the balcony.

Deng Jie threw off the slippers and moved her body. There was a series of crisp sounds between the bones, which made Zhang Xiao's scalp tingle.

"Sister, it's agreed, you don't hit someone in the face! Otherwise, I won't practice with you, let Zhang Xiao practice with you!" Deng Yi said while wearing the protective gear.

"Don't worry, I won't ruin your image, but if you lose, don't blame me for being cruel!" Deng Jie didn't wear protective gear, but only wore a pair of gloves with fingers exposed.

After Zhang Xiao came in, he closed the door. He also wanted to see the fighting power of Deng Yi and Deng Jie.

What Zhang Xiao didn't expect was that it wasn't Deng Jie who struck first, but Deng Yi. Seeing that Deng Yi punched out, seeing that his strength didn't stop at all, but he punched out with all his strength, he couldn't help but feel his heart tighten.

And Deng Jie seemed to have expected this, she tilted her head slightly to avoid Deng Yi's fist, grabbed Deng Yi's wrist with her left hand, and kicked with her right foot while using her strength, which was simple and effective.

Deng Yi was thrown to the ground all at once. Even though he was wearing protective gear and there were cushions on the ground, Zhang Xiao couldn't help frowning. This was too cruel.

But Deng Jie didn't keep her hand, and kicked out, and it was obvious that the direction of her foot was Deng Yi's abdomen.

But Deng Yi also moved quickly. A roll not only avoided Deng Jie's kick, but also stood up again.

Then the two fought together again. Although Deng Yi's strength was strong, he was played around by Deng Jie's flexible body, and hit Deng Yi's protective gear from time to time, making bang bang noises.

Zhang Xiao frowned. In his opinion, this is not a sparring, it is a real fight. Although it is not fist-to-body, it is almost the same.

"Sister, stop! I can't do it anymore." Deng Yi took the lead in begging for mercy.

"You haven't practiced boxing for a long time. Your strength has dropped drastically. It seems that you have been slack in college! From tomorrow on, you will train me well, and don't catch me being lazy again!" Deng Jie put the glove on After taking it off, he took a breath and said to Deng Yi.

"I see." Deng Yi lay helplessly on the ground, too lazy to move.

"Are you surprised?" Deng Jie said to Zhang Xiao.

"A little bit, you guys are really fighting. I think Deng Yi's body is injured." Zhang Xiao nodded and said.

"You should know my family's situation. Deng Yi will definitely join the army after graduating from university. As a soldier, he must have a healthy body, no matter what position he holds!" Deng Jie said calmly.

Zhang Xiao nodded, and knew that Deng Yi's joining the army was the best choice. After all, the Deng family was not a small family, and as the grandson of Nagato, Deng Yi obviously had responsibilities that he couldn't escape.

"I'm much more relaxed when he joins the army. No matter what I do, I'm free." Deng Jie took it for granted.

But Zhang Xiao couldn't help but feel sorry for Deng Yi, because Deng Yi's management ability is very good, he originally wanted to pull him into the company, it seems that this idea should be dismissed as soon as possible.

"Zhang Xiao, come on, let's play for a while, don't worry, I won't hit you in the face!" Deng Yi stood up at this moment, hooked his hands at Zhang Xiao and said.

"Don't make trouble, I won't fight with you, go up and get beaten by you!" Naturally, Zhang Xiao would not agree to Deng Yi's request, and refused without hesitation.

"Zhang Xiao, go up and fight him, a man can't say no!" At this time, a man in his 40s in military uniform came in from the door of the room and said to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but smiled wryly, could he still refuse at this time?

Obviously not, I just hope that Deng Yi will not strike too hard, Zhang Xiao put on the protective gear and gloves while complaining in his heart.

Zhang Xiao moved her body, clapped her hands and said to Deng Yi, "Come on!"

Deng Yi punched out, Zhang Xiao dodged sideways, and kicked out at the same time, Deng Yi couldn't dodge in time, and was kicked to the ground by Zhang Xiao.

Deng Yi sat on the ground with a dazed expression, a little confused about the situation, he agreed to hit someone, how could he be beaten.

Zhang Xiao was also stunned, because it was just his subconscious reaction, he didn't think about it at all, and he hit it unexpectedly.

"Come again! I was careless just now." Deng Yi turned over and said a little dissatisfied.

"Come." Zhang Xiao hooked Deng Yi.

Deng Yi didn't hold back his strength this time, but attacked quickly, punching Zhang Xiao, much faster than before.

But in Zhang Xiao's eyes, Deng Yi's attack was not fast, and he dodged Deng Yi's fist by stepping back, and pushed Deng Yi to the ground with a quick push.

"It's interesting." Deng Zhimin couldn't see at the moment that Zhang Xiao's reaction speed was too fast, and Deng Yi couldn't handle it at all.

As soon as Deng Yi got up from the ground, Deng Zhimin said: "Okay, don't fight, you are not Zhang Xiao's opponent, his reaction speed is too fast, you can't beat him at all!"

Deng Yi was a little depressed, it was fine if Deng Jie couldn't beat him, after all he had never won since he was a child, but what the hell was Zhang Xiao, his reaction speed was so fast, it made him depressed to death.

Zhang Xiao was not nervous at the moment, took off the protective gear on his body and hung it on the wall, and shouted with a smile: "Hello, Uncle."

Deng Zhimin smiled slightly and said, "That's right, as expected of an athlete, the reaction speed is really amazing."

Zhang Xiao said with some embarrassment: "It's all the result of training, but I didn't expect the speed of reaction to be so useful."

"Go wash and eat." Xue Mei walked in at the moment, looking at the stains on the three people, she couldn't help frowning and said.

Zhang Xiao washed her hands and face in the sink with some embarrassment, while Deng Jie went back to her own room to clean up. Deng Yi went to take a bath a little depressed, because he was the dirtiest.

"Zhang Xiao, your organizational relationship will be reversed soon. You will be regarded as a civilian cadre in the future. Although you are not required to serve in the military, you still have to abide by some rules." Deng Zhimin said to Zhang Xiao.

"Uncle, I own a company now, so I won't violate discipline!" Zhang Xiao said with some doubts.

"Don't worry, no, after all, we also have our own regulations for special talents like you, and you are actually only a contract soldier, and the management of you is relatively loose, and according to our agreement, apart from participating in There are no other constraints other than the difference in identity during the competition." Deng Zhimin shook his head with a smile and said, completely dispelling Zhang Xiao's worries.

"Dad, Zhang Xiao is my boyfriend, you can't make things difficult for him!" Deng Jie said after coming out of the room, putting her arms around Deng Zhimin's arm.

"When did you start, why don't I know!" Deng Zhimin's complexion suddenly changed, he was no longer as amiable as before, and said in a somewhat stiff tone.

"It's been more than a month, Dad, why are you asking this? Could it be that I still need your approval to find a boyfriend." Deng Jie said impatiently.

"Xiaojie, Dad won't interfere with your boyfriend, but I have to check for you, what if you are cheated!" Deng Zhimin softened his tone when he saw Deng Jie was angry, but looked at Zhang Xiao's eyes were full of unkindness.

Zhang Xiao suddenly felt a little nervous. He didn't need to care about the final result of his organizational relationship, but he cared about Deng Jie's feelings. If Deng Zhimin insisted on opposing the two of them being together, what should he do at that time.

"Zhang Xiao is here, and he treats me very well, don't you have any worries?" Deng Jie pouted and asked dissatisfiedly.

"That's not true, but you are my only daughter after all, you have to go through tests and inspections, you can't be your boyfriend just by yourself." Deng Zhimin quickly explained to Deng Jie.

Zhang Xiao can see that Deng Zhimin is a complete daughter slave, and Deng Jie is his nemesis and weakness, but if he dares to treat Deng Jie badly in the future, then he will be miserable. Thinking of this, Zhang Xiao can't help but feel a little bitter in his heart .

"Zhang Xiao, you kid, be careful. If you dare to do anything wrong to Xiaojie, be careful and I'll take care of you!" Deng Zhimin warned in a vicious way.

"Uncle, don't worry, I will treat Xiaojie well." Zhang Xiao promised quickly.

"Now you can rest assured, Xiaoxiao treats me very well." Deng Jie said with some pride at this time.

Deng Zhimin gave Zhang Xiao a helpless look, and then gave Deng Yi a vicious look, but at this moment Xue Mei came over with the food, which relieved everyone.

Zhang Xiao eats a meal like chewing vinegar, and eating delicious food is a waste of money.

Since he didn't drink, the meal was over quickly, Zhang Xiao was about to leave after the meal but was called to the study by Deng Zhimin.

"Sit down." Deng Zhimin, who was sitting on the teacher's chair, waved to Zhang Xiao and said.

Zhang Xiao carefully sat down on a stool, feeling a little uneasy.

"Since Xiaojie chooses you as her boyfriend, I, as a father, of course won't object. I believe in Xiaojie's vision." Deng Zhimin said with a sigh.

"Uncle, don't worry, I'm not a person who promises easily, I can only say one thing, as long as Xiaojie lives up to me, I will never let her down." Zhang Xiao said very seriously, it was a promise to Deng Zhimin.

"Let me just trust you, I hope you can do what you say!" Deng Zhimin looked into Zhang Xiao's eyes and said seriously.

Zhang Xiao didn't say much, after all, no matter how much he said, it would depend on his future actions, and too many promises would only appear worthless.

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