After Zhang Xiao asked Tian Xiaodan to get off work, he returned to the courtyard.

"Why did you come back now?" Deng Jie said with some dissatisfaction.

"I went to the company. If I come back late in the future, you don't have to wait for me to eat." Zhang Xiao hung his coat on the hanger and said.

"Dinner, I haven't cooked anything yet!" Deng Jie said with a resentful face.

"You don't cook at home?" Zhang Xiao was surprised, "You don't know how to cook?"

"Who told you that I can cook." Deng Jie said with a face of course.

"Okay, I'll let them cook, it seems that you are really a big lady!" Zhang Xiao said helplessly.

Lu Huaping has already spoiled Zhang Xiao's mouth, which is also the reason why Zhang Xiao returned to the courtyard. Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling that it is difficult to change from extravagance to frugality!

After Zhang Xiao asked Lu Huaping and the others to cook, she said to Deng Jie: "Deng Yi invited me to your house for dinner on the weekend today, do you think I agree or not!"

"Promise, let's show our matter to my parents by the way, and the old man will definitely think about you." Deng Jie said without hesitation.

"Your father won't cut me with a knife." Zhang Xiao was a little worried, after all, daughters are his father's treasure, and no father wants his daughter to be with others for no reason.

"Don't worry, my dad won't, my dad loves me the most." Deng Jie covered her mouth and smiled.

Zhang Xiao sighed, but he also knew that this matter would have to be faced sooner or later, it was just a matter of time.

There was nothing to say all night, only the water glass on the bedside told his sadness.

In the next two days, Zhang Xiao's name repeatedly appeared in the newspapers, and the unlimited praise made Zhang Xiao blush when he saw it. However, there were fewer reporters in the school on weekdays.

Zhang Xiao's life slowly returned to calm. Apart from going to class every day, he went to the company to deal with matters. Although he didn't live in the dormitory at night, it didn't cause any trouble.

Just when Zhang Xiao thought everything was over, Zhang Xiao who was eating received a call from Tian Xiaodan.

"Boss, something happened!" Tian Xiaodan said on the phone.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help being slightly taken aback, then asked, "What happened?"

"Today, the industry and commerce and taxation departments jointly enforced the law and sealed up all the company's accounts. They said that they had received a report that the company was suspected of tax evasion!" Tian Xiaodan's tone was a little anxious, after all, this was the first time she faced such a situation.

"Tell the finance department to cooperate with the industrial and commercial and tax inspections, and solve problems if there are problems, don't panic!" Zhang Xiao said calmly.

It finally came. It seemed that my prediction was correct. These people really did everything they could to me, wishing to kill me.

"I see, I'll make arrangements now." Tian Xiaodan quickly calmed down with Zhang Xiao's instructions.

Zhang Xiao is very calm at the moment. After all, this is something he expected a long time ago. He has internally checked it before it happened. He believes that there will be no major problems. be disturbed.

Zhang Xiao took out her mobile phone, called her family, told her father about the incident, explained the whole story, and told them the countermeasure, which was to blame everything on him.

"Xiaoxiao, there won't be any problems like this." Zhang Hongjun asked nervously.

"Dad, don't worry, I've made preparations before, and everything will pass." Zhang Xiao comforted, but even Zhang Xiao himself didn't know how things would go this time, I hope everything can pass smoothly .

Zhang Xiao had no class in the afternoon. After staying in the dormitory for a while, Zhang Xiao left the school directly and returned to the company.

At this time, the company was full of noise. Seeing Zhang Xiao came back, the people in the company immediately had support. Under Zhang Xiao's arrangement, everything seemed to be in order.

"Ju Li, what's the trouble?" Zhang Xiao and Li Tianhai sat opposite each other in Zhang Xiao's office, Zhang Xiao said helplessly.

Li Tianhai laughed and said, "Mr. Zhang, don't mind. It's just that we have received a report. If we don't come here, it will be dereliction of duty. I hope you will forgive me!"

Zhang Xiao nodded and said: "I have always been very supportive of your work, and some time ago I asked Director Li to come to the company to guide the work. It stands to reason that you shouldn't carry out such boring reports with such fanfare. Everyone in the company panicked, as if something really happened."

"No way, as subordinates, we have to follow through on the things suppressed by the top. I hope Mr. Zhang will forgive me a lot." Li Tianhai pointed at the top with his finger, and said helplessly.

"Okay, I get it. I won't make it difficult for Director Li. The whole company will fully cooperate and will never cause trouble for you." Zhang Xiao understood Li Tianhai's meaning as soon as he heard it, nodded and said.

"As long as Mr. Zhang understands, don't worry, we will seek truth from facts and will never add fuel to the picture." Li Tianhai assured Zhang Xiao.

At this moment, the phone on Zhang Xiao's desk rang, and Zhang Xiao said apologetically to Li Tianhai, "Sorry, I'll answer the call."

"Mr. Zhang, you are busy. I'll go and see how their investigation is going." Li Tianhai waved his hand and walked out.

After Zhang Xiao sent him out of the office, he answered the phone.

"Boss, what's the matter with the business and taxation people? The company seals the accounts as soon as they come to the company. Didn't they come to guide the work a while ago?" Tang Zhenhao's loud voice came from the phone.

"Just let the people in the company cooperate, and do whatever else you need to do." Zhang Xiao instructed.

"Is someone targeting us?" Tang Zhenhao asked.

"It should be, but it doesn't matter, real gold is not afraid of fire, as long as everything is legal and compliant, everything will pass." Zhang Xiao said.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao was a little depressed. After all, this was an accidental disaster, and it happened to be after the National Games ended, so Zhang Xiao couldn't help but think about it.

"Liu Junmin, I want to see what you can do to me!" Zhang Xiao was full of hatred in her heart. After all, even if there is no problem with this kind of inspection, it may cause problems.

Zhang Xiao came to Guo Feng's office on the first floor, saw Yuan Min was there, and said to Yuan Min, "Is there a problem with Liu Junmin?"

"There is a problem, but it's just a small problem like life style, even if it is thrown out, it won't affect him!" Yuan Min shook his head helplessly and said.

"Since there is a problem, magnify his life style problem ten times and throw it out, and let his wife know about it! We can't just be beaten passively! Even if it can't affect him, we must disgust him !" Zhang Xiao said with a slight smile, he was never someone who just sits and waits for death, and he doesn't mind using some methods.

"Okay, I'll do it right now." Yuan Min also smiled, because Zhang Xiao's personality suited his appetite.

After Yuan Min left, Zhang Xiao said to Guo Feng again: "In the past two days, let the company's security personnel pay attention to prevent anyone from taking the opportunity to make trouble. All branches have arranged staff to prevent being framed."

"Don't worry, boss, I will tell them." Guo Feng also knew that it was still an extraordinary period, and it was inevitable that someone would take advantage of the opportunity to fish in troubled waters.

After arranging everything, Zhang Xiao went back to school by car. After all, he had to go to Deng Yi's house for dinner in the evening.

At six o'clock in the evening, Zhang Xiao and Deng Yi drove towards Deng Yi's house together.

Deng Yi's home is not very far from Huaqing University, half an hour's drive away. It wasn't until after arriving that Zhang Xiao realized that it was different from what he had imagined. This is a newly built ordinary community.

"Is this your home?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help asking.

"Of course, but my mother usually rests here temporarily, and my father usually doesn't live here." Deng Yi smiled slightly.

"Your father and your mother separated?" Zhang Xiao asked in surprise.

"What nonsense are you talking about? My mother works in a research institute, and it's close to where she goes to work, while my father is too busy with work, and often travels out of town." Deng Yi explained a bit.

Zhang Xiao was carrying tobacco, wine and tea, and a gift box for Deng Yi's mother. When he came to Deng Yi's house for the first time, Zhang Xiao didn't dare to come empty-handed.

"You carry this thing, my dad may not let you in!" Deng Yi shook his head and said.

"There's your sister, don't worry." Zhang Xiao curled her lips and said a little speechlessly.

"Zhang Xiao, you were captured by my sister?" Deng Yi looked at Zhang Xiao in surprise, a little in disbelief.

"What are you talking about, little Dengzi! The two of us are always in love!" Deng Jie, who was behind Deng Yi at some point, grabbed Deng Yi's neck and said viciously.

"Sister, sister, let go, brother-in-law is watching you." Deng Yi immediately acted on the wind, without any integrity.

Deng Jie let go of her hand immediately, looked at Zhang Xiao with some embarrassment, pretended nothing happened and said, "Xiaoxiao is here, come with me."

At this time, Zhang Xiao could see Deng Jie's true face clearly, she was definitely not a gentle woman, her usual gentleness was just pretending, which made Zhang Xiao feel a little uneasy and helpless.

Deng Yi's home was on the twelfth floor. When Zhang Xiao entered the house, she found that only Deng Yi's mother Xue Mei was there, cooking in the kitchen in a homely dress.

"Zhang Xiao, right? Come, come and take anything! Sit down wherever you want." Xue Mei looked Zhang Xiao up and down, said something, and went back to the kitchen.

"Give it to me." Deng Jie took the cigarettes, wine, tea and gift boxes from Zhang Xiao, and put them on the side cabinet.

Zhang Xiao sat quietly on the sofa, not knowing what to do.

"Are you nervous?" Deng Yi asked which pot was not open and which pot was not open, looking for trouble.

"No, I just feel a little hot." Zhang Xiao wiped the sweat off his face, shook his head and said.

"Sister, are you hot?" Deng Yi asked Deng Jie.

"It's not hot, it's the end of autumn now, why is it so hot!" Deng Jie glanced at Deng Yi and said angrily.

"Look, my brother-in-law is hot and sweating profusely." Deng Yi couldn't help laughing.

Deng Jie glanced at Zhang Xiao, and slapped Deng Yi angrily.

"Why are you nervous?" Then Deng Jie said to Zhang Xiao angrily.

"I'm not nervous, it's just a little hot." Zhang Xiao still said stiffly.

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