After Zhang Xiao returned to the capital, it was already eight o'clock in the evening.

At this moment, the courtyard has been tidied up, completely no longer the mess it was when they left in a hurry.

Just when Zhang Xiao was puzzled, Deng Jie's appearance explained everything perfectly.

"I'm back. When I came the day before yesterday, I thought my house had been burglarized. The yard was in a mess, and I didn't clean it up." Deng Jie brushed the broken hair by her ear, and said with a pretty face.

"Thank you for your hard work." Zhang Xiao said as she walked into the room.

"Are you still being polite to me?" Deng Jie paused, biting her red lips lightly with her bright teeth, and asked a little depressed.

"Oh, I said something wrong. After all, this is our own home. If we want to clean it up, I have to be a rough man. How can I let you do it? If I hurt your little hand, I will feel bad." Zhang Xiao suddenly realized, and then said.

"Slick tongue, I don't know how many little girls will be deceived by you." Deng Jie blushed pretty, laughed and cursed, and ran back to the house.

Looking at the suffocated laughter of the people behind him, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said angrily: "What are you doing in a daze, what should be cooking is cooking, what should be tidying up, don't let my wife get tired."

"Boss, you are awesome!" Guo Feng gave Zhang Xiao a thumbs up, then turned and left quickly.

The rest of the people also left quickly, leaving only Zhang Xiao standing in the yard dragging his suitcase.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but shook his head, and dragged the suitcase back to the house slowly.

"Xiaoxiao, I've heard about your matter. I'm sorry, it's my fault that caused you to make such a big disturbance." Deng Jie said apologetically.

"Don't worry about it, and it has nothing to do with you. They're just using it to make a fuss. I just took this opportunity to make a big fuss. It's evenly divided, and there is no winner." Zhang Xiao said indifferently.

"Then what do you do next?" Deng Jie said with some concern.

"It's all for the soldiers to cover up the water and the earth, don't worry, it's fine." Zhang Xiao patted Deng Jie's little hand and said with a smile.

"Xiaoxiao, do you want me to talk to my dad and turn over your organizational relationship as soon as possible, so that they won't be as unscrupulous as they are now." Deng Jie said after thinking for a while.

"Not for now, I don't want to have conflicts with your father because of this matter, let's talk about it after all the dust settles." Zhang Xiao thought about it and refused. After all, the world is dark, and he doesn't believe that Deng Jie's father can be alone .

Deng Jie opened her mouth, but she didn't say anything in the end, because she was afraid that Zhang Xiao would change her mind because of her.

The ingredients at home are complete, and together with the chef Lu Huaping, a sumptuous banquet will be ready in a short while.

"Boss, lady boss, it's time to eat." After Lu Huaping yelled outside, there was a burst of laughter.

"What are you laughing at, I've never seen such a beautiful proprietress." Zhang Xiao said angrily.

"No, no, the beauty of the proprietress is unparalleled in the world." Guo Feng also joked with a smile at this time.

Zhang Xiao was also a little helpless. After getting along for a long time, Guo Feng and the others became more and more familiar with Zhang Xiao. They liked to make jokes about Zhang Xiao on weekdays, and Zhang Xiao also liked this kind of atmosphere. After all, it was much more relaxed.

Although Deng Jie blushed a little, she didn't care. After all, she was really happy to be accepted by Zhang Xiao's subordinates. After all, she really liked Zhang Xiao very much, and hoped that they could get together in the end.

With Deng Jie's presence, the meal was eaten much faster, and the wine was not much, and it was just a taste.

Back in the house, Zhang Xiao and Deng Jie naturally had to communicate with each other.

"Xiaoxiao, are things troublesome now?" Deng Jie leaned on Zhang Xiao's body and asked a little tiredly.

"It's a little troublesome. The main reason is that they want [-]% of the endorsement fee. This is something I can't accept. In addition, Liu Junmin is watching and waiting for me to make mistakes." Zhang Xiao lit a cigarette and smoked. After taking a sip, he said helplessly.

"It's fine if you agree? And I know that the rules are like this now. If you want to change these by yourself, it's not easy!" Deng Jie couldn't understand Zhang Xiao's thoughts, so she couldn't help but said.

"I sometimes think the same way, but I'm not reconciled. Now they want [-]% from you, and next time they dare to ask [-]% to [-]%. Whether you give it or not! I don't care about other people, but it belongs to me. I can't give them things for nothing!" Zhang Xiao said calmly, after all, although it was difficult, Zhang Xiao also wanted to try, after all, he didn't want to be taken advantage of.

"You're right. Why don't you transfer the relationship with the organization first? Then I'll tell my dad that if they want your money, they want my money. As a father, he can't steal his daughter's money." Deng Jie said indignantly.

Zhang Xiao looked at Deng Jie speechlessly, such a brain circuit is really excellent, Zhang Xiao has nothing to say, it makes sense!

But Zhang Xiao was afraid that the old father-in-law whom he had never met would run to the door wielding a 50-meter machete and chop him into minced meat. Thinking of this, Zhang Xiao couldn't help shivering.

There was nothing to say all night, only the water cup by the bed to tell his sorrow.

I was shocked all night, and only half of the water was left!

Zhang Xiao woke up with his eyes open, and poured only half of the cold water in the water glass into his stomach, and then got up and got out of bed.

But the water cup whines silently, and won't let me go when I wake up, you're so exhausted.

Zhang Xiao, who returned to the capital, originally wanted to restore her peaceful life, but all of this was an extravagant hope.

When Zhang Xiao returned to school, he found that some media reporters followed him to the school. Even in class, some people took pictures of him in the classroom.

This made Zhang Xiao a little annoyed. After all, it had already disturbed his normal life. Although the students didn't say it clearly, it would definitely not be pleasing to be disturbed for no reason.

So after the first get out of class, Zhang Xiao said to all the media reporters: "Teachers, I hope everyone will be quiet during class. After all, this is a school, and I am a student, not an athlete."

At this time, the media reporters were still very talkative. After Zhang Xiao explained, the class finally returned to normal. Although Zhang Xiao would inevitably be attacked by flashing lights at other times, Zhang Xiao had already begun to get used to it, and he was able to face it. Face all this with a changed face.

And when Zhang Xiao returned to the dormitory after lunch, these media reporters dispersed after taking pictures of Zhang Xiao's bed and desk.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief, at least he didn't want to shoot the whole thing 24 hours a day like in the self-media era of later generations, and he wanted to post all the things about you peeing in the toilet and pooping on the Internet.

"Brother Arrogant, it feels great to be a sports star." Sun Jianxin said enviously. After all, his desire for sports is far greater than others. This is what people say, the more lacking, the more It's a reason to be envious.

"It's so cool, it's so cool. You don't know, how many beauties I've met and struck up a conversation with, I can't wait to give birth to monkeys with me!" Zhang Xiao said with a speechless expression.

"It's a lie when you hear it, at least there are no such people in our school." Sun Xiaodong laughed.

"Zhang Xiao, Zhang Xiao, I love you so much, may I give birth to a monkey for you?" Deng Yi said a little funny.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help shivering. Although Deng Yi had a pretty face that could kill both men and women, Zhang Xiao still couldn't stand Deng Yi's mischief.

"Stop making trouble, I'm just getting annoyed." Zhang Xiao said helplessly, and he also had nothing to do with these bad friends.

"Brother Arrogant, are you worrying about being famous? Then you leave this trouble to me, and I am willing to bear all this for you." Sun Xiaodong said shamelessly, licking his face.

Zhang Xiao stroked her forehead helplessly and sighed, what the hell is going on, it has become a little abnormal after not seeing her for a few days.

But just kidding, Zhang Xiao still picked up Deng Yi's study notes and started to make up the lessons for the past few days.

"Zhang Xiao, why didn't you go to the competition on the first day? Could it be because of your health?" Deng Yi asked with some doubts.

"It's nothing. There were some minor problems at the time, but they were all resolved later, so there's no need to bring them up." Zhang Xiao shook his head, refusing to talk about this problem.

"My dad told you to come to my house for dinner this weekend, do you have time?" Seeing that Zhang Xiao didn't want to talk more, Deng Yi didn't continue to ask, but talked about another matter.

Zhang Xiao was a little embarrassed, not because of other things, but because of his relationship with Deng Jie, which made him a little uneasy, and he didn't know whether he should agree, but Zhang Xiao decided it would be better to ask Deng Jie.

"I don't know if I have time on the weekend. I haven't gone to the company yet after I came back. I didn't know until I went to the company to understand the situation." Zhang Xiao neither agreed nor refused, but used the method of procrastinating.

"Okay, you have to tell me when the time comes." Deng Yi responded casually.

Zhang Xiao heaved a sigh of relief. What he was most afraid of was that Deng Yi would ask how far the relationship between him and Deng Jie had progressed. Unexpectedly, Deng Yi didn't worry about Deng Jie's affairs at all.

After class this afternoon, Zhang Xiao went directly to the company, processed the documents during this period, and then asked Tian Xiaodan who had been waiting by the side: "How is the endorsement?"

"Adidas has doubts about the price of the endorsement, and other companies are the same, and the price is too high. There is no progress at present." Tian Xiaodan said with a wry smile.

"Don't worry, the price will increase by 100 million every time we negotiate, I believe they will finally agree." Zhang Xiao smiled slightly, "These companies have plenty of money, we don't want to save money for them."

"I see, boss." Tian Xiaodan also knew Zhang Xiao's mentality at this time, that is, rare goods are available for living.

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