Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 189 Successful research and development

The next morning, Zhang Xiao got up at six o'clock, and after an hour of training in the gym upstairs, she took a shower and ate.

When Zhang Xiao came to the arena, it was already 08:30 in the morning. After Zhang Xiao changed her clothes in the lounge, she went to the venue of the long jump competition.

And Guo Feng was carrying a backpack, which was filled with Zhang Xiao's items, not only good drinking water - boiled water, but also Zhang Xiao's need to use towels and clothes.

With Guo Feng following him, Zhang Xiao was much more chic than other athletes. Even the coach Li Kai was much more relaxed. Guo Feng did all the things that he needed to do on his behalf.

When Zhang Xiao came to the venue of the long jump competition, everyone's eyes turned around. After all, Zhang Xiao's results made them look sideways, because they knew that the champion of the long jump competition had been booked by Zhang Xiao, and the rest of the athletes could compete for it. Silver and bronze medals.

Zhang Xiao didn't wait long, and it was his turn to compete.

When Zhang Xiao came to the run-up point to prepare for the race, the media reporters flocked to him, and people couldn't help but marvel at Zhang Xiao's growing influence.

Zhang Xiao is also very helpless about this, but now he has begun to adapt to the attention of media reporters. After all, he has been watched many times in the past two days.

After Zhang Xiao finished warming up, she raised her hand to signal to the referee, and the referee's whistle sounded.

Zhang Xiao took a deep breath and started to run. From the very beginning, he sprinted extremely fast. Zhang Xiao's speed was pleasing to the eye and felt exciting. When he flew into the air, the flashlight illuminated the playing field even brighter.

"Bang!" Zhang Xiao fell hard into the bunker, splashing countless sand and dust, and the camera also fixed Zhang Xiao's figure at this moment.

Then Zhang Xiao left the field, and the surveyors hurried forward to measure.

The result came out soon, and as Zhang Xiao expected, it was one centimeter higher than yesterday's result.

8 meters 99.

With Zhang Xiao's results, there is no need for a second re-jump, and his results have undoubtedly entered the finals.

Under the signal of the referee, Zhang Xiao left the long jump field and started towards the [-]-meter race field. After all, the [-]-meter race preliminaries are about to begin.

Zhang Xiao was in the third group. At this time, the athletes in the first group were already preparing at the starting point, and Zhang Xiao's approach naturally caught their attention.

"Brother Arrogant is here."

"Well, we are lucky, at least we don't have to be his background board."

I don't know when it started, Zhang Xiao's name has been turned over and read, Zhang Xiao is also very helpless about this, and can only sit silently on the mat beside him and tidy up his shoes and socks, after all, there will inevitably be some sand in the shoes of the long jump competition .

"Brother Arrogant, how does it feel to be so much-anticipated?" Li Kai looked at Zhang Xiao with a smile and asked.

"Just get used to it." Zhang Xiao said calmly.

"You are really calm." Li Kai was not without envy. After all, he also competed in the field as an athlete, but unfortunately he did not achieve very good results.

Zhang Xiao grinned, not paying much attention to Li Kai's teasing, but started to stand up to watch the first group match.

The qualifiers for the first group have already started at this moment. Zhang Xiao couldn't help but feel a little excited watching them compete. After all, if it wasn't for Yuanlian, he could only watch other athletes compete, and now as a participant, he naturally knows the [-]-meter The status of the game in people's minds.

The men's 100-meter event is a popular event in the track and field field, because that short 10 seconds represents the speed limit of human beings and is of great significance in all sports.

Soon, it was the turn of the third group. Zhang Xiao stood on the fourth track, moving her body and adjusting her state to the best.


With the sound of the starting gun, Zhang Xiao rushed out like an arrow, galloping like lightning.

At this moment, the entire arena fell into silence, as if they were holding their breath.

Zhang Xiao could feel the sound of his heart beating violently, this feeling was very wonderful, it made his mind ethereal, and his speed was obviously a little faster.

When Zhang Xiao reached the finish line, his results were immediately displayed on the big screen.

9 seconds 83.

Such achievements are enough to make Zhang Xiao stand out from the crowd, and make Zhang Xiao a hot topic again.

After the game, Zhang Xiao took another routine urine test, declined the interviews from the media reporters, and returned to the hotel by car immediately.

"Why didn't you accept the interview?" Li Kai asked with some doubts.

"After all, it's the qualifiers now, so there's no need to be too high-profile. It might be better to wait for the interview after the National Games is over and everything is settled." Zhang Xiao smiled slightly.

In fact, Zhang Xiao has more plans. He wants to start promoting the products of his company after the National Games, so that more people can accept his company's products.

Whether it is Shenhua Computer, Xingsheng Glass, or even Minmin Supermarket, he can publicize it to prepare for a new round of expansion.

Li Kai nodded, but he also knew that with Zhang Xiao's current performance, even if he didn't improve in the future, it was enough for him to gallop in the world track and field.

What's more, Zhang Xiao is young enough, and he is not yet at his peak as an athlete. In this way, Zhang Xiao still has at least ten years to improve himself. Thinking of this, Li Kai couldn't help being excited. If Xiao's exclusive coach continues, his reputation will also rise.

However, Li Kai is also a little melancholy. After all, Zhang Xiao’s organizational relationship is about to transfer away, and as the coach of Yu Province, it will be very difficult for him to accompany Zhang Xiao to the world arena. After all, there are more people in China than him. A well-known coach, but he is just lucky because he is close to the water.

Naturally, Zhang Xiao could see Li Kai's melancholy, but Zhang Xiao didn't plan to do anything, after all, he couldn't help himself, let alone a coach.

After returning to the hotel, Zhang Xiao received a call from Tian Xiaodan.

"Boss, what are your plans for Adidas' endorsement?" Tian Xiaodan asked on the phone.

"You can try your best to discuss this matter. I think an endorsement fee of 3000 million US dollars per year is essential. In addition, don't sign a contract that is too long, preferably within five years." Zhang Xiao said.

"Okay, boss, I will try my best to negotiate." Tian Xiaodan was a little excited. After all, according to what Zhang Xiao said, the endorsement fee is so high, so as a representative of this negotiation, she will naturally get a generous return.

"Try to talk about it, and it doesn't matter if the talk fails. After all, they are not the only one of the world-renowned sports brands." Zhang Xiao said indifferently. His grades will drop, and his worth will naturally rise as his performance on the field gets better and better.

"I understand." Tian Xiaodan couldn't help but sweat for Adidas, the boss wanted to kill him severely.

After dealing with these matters, Zhang Xiao began to calm down and study. After all, Zhang Xiao knew where his future was. The brilliance in the arena was just icing on the cake, making his life colorful, and the achievements in electronic technology were the icing on the cake. What he wants most.

Zhang Xiao is very clear that as long as he can make achievements in the scientific research of chips, then his position in the country will be completely stabilized.

And although he has huge wealth now, he is like a child crossing the market with gold, surrounded by people who are eager to swallow it, and will swallow it whenever he has the opportunity. Zhang Xiao does not allow such a thing to happen, so he can only grow as much as possible , while enhancing their social status.

Not only Zhang Xiao is working hard, Academician Ni is currently testing the performance of a thumb-sized chip in the laboratory. This is a memory chip that has just been manufactured, and the idea is provided by Zhang Xiao.

However, its specific research and development was carried out by Academician Ni and the research and development team. Now it has been successful, and it is only waiting for its stability to be tested before it can be launched on the market.

"Do you want to tell the boss?" Tang Zhenhao said excitedly from the side.

"Don't tell him for now, but we can apply for the corresponding patents. After all, we are the first company with such storage technology. Whether it is domestic or international, the application for patents is imminent." Academician Ni stared at him tightly. The change of the test data, but the mouth is talking about the patent application.

"Academician Ni, I can do domestic patent applications, but I'm at a loss for international patent applications. I don't know how to do it." Tang Zhenhao scratched his head and said with some headaches.

"I have arranged for Xiao Li to go to Hong Kong Island. He will be responsible for the international patents. You only need to be responsible for the domestic patent applications." Academician Ni obviously thought of this situation long ago, and has already arranged for someone to do it.

"Finally the research and development is successful. The boss's idea is still correct. I didn't expect the boss to have such an idea, and it is still right." Tang Zhenhao is undoubtedly excited. After all, the successful research and development of the memory will greatly improve the performance of the computer. This will greatly improve the performance of Shenhua computers.

"Don't underestimate the wisdom of the boss. Although the design idea of ​​the boss has been discussed internationally before, it has not been successfully developed after all. Now when the boss re-introduces it into the research and development sequence, I still have doubts. I didn't expect it to be successful. It's gone." Academician Ni finally looked away from the memory chip at this moment, and said with a serious expression.

"Then what shall we do next?" Tang Zhenhao asked.

"It takes three days to test the chip. After its performance is fully released, we can report to the boss. In these three days, let everyone take a break. After all, everyone has not left the company for half a month." Academician Ni sighed Said in a tone.

"I see, I'll send the notice right away." Tang Zhenhao smiled cheerfully, completely unaware that he hadn't rested for a long time.

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