Zhang Xiao still didn't know what happened in Jingcheng Microelectronics Technology Company, and was still immersed in his studies. Even the meals were brought back from the restaurant by Guo Feng.

During this period, Li Kai came twice. Seeing that Zhang Xiao only cared about his studies, he couldn't help but shook his head, because in his opinion, Zhang Xiao could make a brilliant life with his sports achievements, and there was no need to do anything about studies.

But Zhang Xiao did this because Li Kai himself felt that he should learn something, otherwise it would be too embarrassing.

And Guo Feng is not only Zhang Xiao's bodyguard, but also the general manager of Hongyuan Security. He has already started self-study business management courses, and Zhang Xiao also supports him in learning business management. After all, he hopes that Guo Feng can grow into a qualified General manager.

As for the rest of the security team, Zhang Xiao also assigned them a task, which is to learn more daily skills so that they can better adapt to the rapid development of society.

For the next two days, Zhang Xiao didn't have any competitions, so he stayed in the hotel. Except for the necessary training, Zhang Xiao spent the rest of the time studying electronic science and technology.

Of course, what Zhang Xiao learned is not limited to professional content, but also a lot of knowledge about integrated circuits. However, his skills are countless times stronger than Zhang Xiao's.

Studying is boring, but Zhang Xiao is learning with gusto, which makes Guo Feng, who is also studying, feel a little overwhelmed. After Zhang Xiao finishes studying every day, he will ask Guo Feng questions, which makes Guo Feng motivated. It feels like a special training camp.

Zhang Xiao was naturally aware of Guo Feng's resistance, but he deliberately pretended not to know, and tried every means to increase the difficulty of the examination, because he wanted Guo Feng to truly master business management, not just as a tool.

On the morning of October 10, Zhang Xiao came to the venue of the long jump competition again.

Today is the final of the long jump competition, which naturally attracted people's attention, and the media reporters also gave Zhang Xiao more attention.

There are only ten athletes left in the final of the long jump competition, representing the highest level of long jump athletes in the country, and they are all waiting for the start of the competition.

As the first person to start the race, Zhang Xiao is already warming up at the run-up point, fully exercising his body.

Following the whistle of the referee, Zhang Xiao took a deep breath and started the run-up.

With Zhang Xiao's ability, he can completely increase his speed to the extreme at a distance of 30 meters, so that he can get up and jump. Naturally, such a result will not be bad.

This time was no exception, when Zhang Xiao soared into the sky, Li Kai knew that there was no problem at all, and couldn't help but take a few steps forward, waving at Zhang Xiao who had already landed in the sandpit.

Zhang Xiao walked out of the bunker, looked at Li Kai who was waving, smiled and nodded, then he stood silently by the side, waiting for the results to come out.

9 meters 03.

Zhang Xiao raised the result of the long jump to over nine meters. As soon as the result came out, people cheered, and the media reporters started shooting frantically. Not only Zhang Xiao and his competition results, but also the cheering audience, All this will be news fodder.

After hugging Zhang Xiao and Li Kai who came running, they started heading towards the medical examination center for a routine urine test.

"This urine test is really annoying. It has to be done after every game. If you don't know it, you think you have a terminal illness." Zhang Xiao said helplessly.

"Don't talk nonsense, this is responsible for you. In the future, when you participate in international competitions, there will only be more tests like this." Li Kai said angrily.

Zhang Xiao curled his lips and could only accept it helplessly. At the same time, he knew that the so-called test could not be escaped.

After the urine test, Zhang Xiao returned to the venue of the long jump competition. After all, there will be an awards ceremony after the competition, so Zhang Xiao naturally needs to participate.

The award ceremony of the long jump competition is very simple. The reason why it is said is simple is that it only needs to stand on the wooden frame award platform for a while. Apart from the pursuit of some media reporters, there are only a few leaders and staff who present the award .

But Zhang Xiao didn't care, as long as he had a medal, he could get it. After all, these were all honors, and there was also a bonus. Although it was only 10 yuan, for Zhang Xiao, no matter how small a mosquito was, it was meat.

And Li Kai is also very excited. After all, now that he is a coach, Zhang Xiao's performance is his performance. There is no doubt about it, and it adds luster to his resume.

After the award ceremony, Zhang Xiao still needs to participate in the 500-meter and 400-meter semi-finals in the afternoon, so Zhang Xiao didn't go back to the hotel, but stayed in the lounge.

At noon, Zhang Xiao had already read the news about him winning the long jump championship from the newspaper, which reported in detail the process of his winning the championship, and even hyped his results.

"Where are you reading the newspaper?" Guo Tianfeng walked in with a red face, apparently in a good mood.

"Uncle Guo, you're here." Zhang Xiao got up and said.

"Sit down, I just came to see you. After all, I, the leader, have to come to see you after winning the gold medal." Guo Tianfeng said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao nodded and said with a slight smile, "Uncle Guo, I don't care."

"You are usually easy to talk to, why did you have such a big fight with Director Liu that day?" Guo Tianfeng said helplessly.

After Zhang Xiao was silent for a while, she said, "Do you think I want to make trouble? Actually, I didn't want to, but Director Liu was really deceiving people at that time. He was not just because I kept him waiting, he was doing it for other people. things."

"Is it about your company?" Guo Tianfeng also learned about the situation in the past two days, and he knew that Liu Junmin meant to make use of it.

"Of course. The hustle and bustle of the world is for profit, and the hustle and bustle of the world is for profit. The Liu family had contacted me before, hoping to take a stake in my investment company, but they didn't want to pay. Isn't this a typical empty-handed white wolf? How can I give in, even if the company goes bankrupt, I won't agree." Zhang Xiao shook his head and smiled wryly.

"It seems that these big families are still the same as before, and their food looks are still ugly. Then what will you do in the future? There is no guarantee that you will not be targeted by the Liu family." Guo Tianfeng was also silent for a while before speaking.

"It's nothing more than soldiers coming to cover up the water and the earth. I can only strengthen myself as much as possible, so that I won't be unable to fight back when being dealt with." Zhang Xiao smiled slightly and said mockingly.

Guo Tianfeng nodded, but there was nothing he could do about this kind of thing, so he could only say: "Then you should be careful, after all, money is something outside of your body, and it's not worthwhile to give up your future for some floating money."

Zhang Xiao nodded, but he had a different view on this in his heart.

What's mine is mine, I can give it to you, but you can't snatch it!

As for handing over his wealth to others, Zhang Xiao has no such plan. Even if he fights to the death, he will never compromise.

"I heard that you are negotiating with people from Adidas?" Guo Tianfeng asked.

"Uncle Guo, you know, we are currently negotiating, but not only with Adidas, but also with some other sports brands. After all, since we want to endorse one of them, it depends on who bids the most, and the one with the highest price wins." Zhang Xiao nodded and said with a smile.

"That's true, but you are now an athlete of the country after all, so you have to give up some of the benefits." Guo Tianfeng persuaded.

"Then I understand what Uncle Guo means, but what is the appropriate ratio?" Zhang Xiao was a little surprised by Guo Tianfeng's intentions, after all, he hadn't thought of it.

"Three to seven points, this will benefit you a lot." Guo Tianfeng said after pondering for a while.

"I am seven and you are three?" Zhang Xiao secretly speculated, after all, this is acceptable to him.

"What are you thinking, you three and us seven!" Guo Tianfeng couldn't help but stare.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but take a deep breath. This is too cruel. She advertises and endorses herself, but in the end she can only get [-]% of the endorsement fee. Isn't this a living robbery?

No, robbery is not as fast as getting money.

"Uncle Guo, I can't agree to such a thing." Zhang Xiao shook his head decisively and said.

"Zhang Xiao, you have to be clear, not only you, but also other athletes. After all, the country provides you with training opportunities and logistics support, which requires a lot of investment." Guo Tianfeng explained.

Zhang Xiao was silent. After all, the general environment was like this. Can he resist?

He is just a small athlete now, and if he wants to fight against the entire system, it is tantamount to hitting a stone with a pebble, so what if he smashes bones into pieces?

But do you just agree?Wasn't everything that was done before that in vain?

"Uncle Guo, it's impossible for me to agree to such a sharing ratio, and my organizational relationship will be transferred away soon. I think it's better for you not to get involved in these things." Zhang Xiao shook his head and said firmly.

Guo Tianfeng couldn't help but sighed. He knew that Zhang Xiao would not agree easily, but he didn't expect that Zhang Xiao would be so unwilling to compromise. In this way, he didn't know how much trouble would be caused. Anyway, Zhang Xiao's organizational relationship would be broken soon. He will turn away, and it will not be him who will have a headache at that time.

"Okay, then think about it for yourself. As an elder, I want to remind you not to challenge the rules, or it will make it difficult for you to move forward." Guo Tianfeng said to Zhang Xiao.

"I'll think about it seriously. At worst, I won't make any money." Zhang Xiao said pretending to be calm, but his heart was churning constantly.

After Guo Tianfeng took a deep look at Zhang Xiao, he got up and left the lounge, and Zhang Xiao stopped after sending him out of the room.

Zhang Xiao returned to the lounge, and after washing her face in the bathroom, she looked at the familiar face in the mirror and couldn't help but sigh.

Interests are everywhere, and where the interests are, there will be countless troubles.

Zhang Xiao felt a deep sense of powerlessness at the moment, it was an inexplicable feeling, and he couldn't help feeling hopeless.

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