Faster, higher and stronger, this is the motto of the Olympic Games, and it is fully displayed on the field at this moment.

Zhang Xiao's speed will undoubtedly be faster, and the lightning-like speed will shock everyone.

There is no harm if there is no comparison. The athletes who competed with Zhang Xiao felt extremely aggrieved. They became the background board to set off Zhang Xiao. Maybe their names will not appear after the competition.

After Zhang Xiao reached the finish line and the results were displayed on the big screen, everyone immediately cheered. As for the emotions of the others, no one cared.

42 seconds 10.

Panting for breath, Zhang Xiao jogged for a few steps. After seeing the results on the big screen, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but waved his fist. With the swing of his arm, the sweat fell on the dry field and immediately turned into steam. Everything was over. No trace.

"Good job! Zhang Xiao, your results this time are enough to prove yourself, and I believe that no one will dare to accuse you casually in the future!" Li Kai said excitedly and incoherently.

Although he had expected this, Li Kai was still very excited to see Zhang Xiao achieve such a result.

"Calm down, after all, our goal is the world champion!" Zhang Xiao wiped the sweat off his body with a towel, and said expressionlessly.

"Yes, yes, you're right, it's because of my shallow knowledge." Li Kai couldn't help laughing, he didn't feel that Zhang Xiao was bragging, after all Zhang Xiao's grades were enough to prove his strength.

But when Zhang Xiao went to the physical examination center for a physical examination, the two white people in the stands were shocked to see Zhang Xiao's results on the big screen, because they knew what Zhang Xiao's results meant, which meant that as long as there were no accidents, , Zhang Xiao will be the new generation of sprint king, Zhang Xiao's achievements are enough to dominate the world.

As the acting president of Adidas Asia Pacific, Du Debang attaches great importance to Huaguo's market, and how to win market share from Nike is a question he has been thinking about for a while now.

"Amos, you should contact Zhang Xiao or his agent now, we will sign him before Nike, at all costs!" Du Debang said very excitedly.

As the secretary of Du Debang, Amos has always believed in Du Debang's vision. In fact, not only Dudebang saw it, but he also saw it. He was very fortunate to watch this game.

"Okay, boss, I'll do it right away." After Amos promised, he didn't even watch the rest of the game, left the auditorium in a hurry, and started looking for Zhang Xiao's contact information.

Zhang Xiao didn't know that he was being watched. At this moment, Zhang Xiao had already taken the urine test and was heading towards the hotel by car.

"Tomorrow you need to participate in two events, namely the long jump rematch and the 100-meter qualifying competition, both in the morning. The long jump competition starts earlier, and the 100-meter competition starts at ten o'clock in the morning." Li Kai He took the competition form and told Zhang Xiao.

"I know, but you just need to remember these coaches, just tell me before the game." Zhang Xiao nodded first, and then said to Li Kai.

"You have to know it well. After all, you need time to prepare yourself. The more you prepare, the more sure you will be." Li Kai persuaded.

"Okay, I'll write it down." Zhang Xiao said perfunctorily, and began to rest on the back of the chair.

Li Kai immediately stopped talking. After all, Zhang Xiao made such an action. Although he didn't say it clearly, it was obvious that he didn't want to listen to his long-winded words.

Li Kai didn't speak, so Zhang Xiao was naturally happy and quiet. He began to close his eyes and rest his mind. At the same time, he also began to think about how to make the most of his time to study. After all, he will have time to go out to participate in competitions, but he will not do anything in his spare time. Or chatting and farting with Guo Feng and the others is really a waste of time, which makes him feel like a waste of life.

And at this moment, Zhang Xiao's cell phone rang.

Zhang Xiao picked it up and took a look, then connected the phone.

"Hello, Zhang Xiao, I'm Su Yuanchao." After waving his hand to Amos, Su Yuanchao said on the phone.

"Hello Director Su." Zhang Xiao was slightly surprised, after all, he was not familiar with Su Yuanchao, so he did not expect to receive a call from Su Yuanchao.

"Do you have time in the evening? A friend of mine will meet you." Su Yuanchao didn't beat around the bush, but said straightforwardly.

"Of course I have time. I'll be in the hotel of the Yu Province delegation at night." After pondering for a while, Zhang Xiao still told the truth.

"Then I'll go to the hotel to find you at night. As for the matter, we'll talk about it after we meet at night." Su Yuan said after laughing.

"See you that night." Zhang Xiao hung up the phone, wondering what Su Yuanchao wanted from him now.

But since they met at night, Zhang Xiao didn't bother to think about it, after all, everything was known when they met at night.

And Li Kai naturally heard Su Yuanchao's voice, and looked at Zhang Xiao with a slightly unnatural gaze. After all, he was the one who provided Su Yuanchao with Zhang Xiao's ideas before. Although this is not a bad thing for Zhang Xiao, Li Kai Deep down, he still owes Zhang Xiao something.

After returning to the hotel, Zhang Xiao picked up books on electronic science and technology from her schoolbag to study. Up to now, Zhang Xiao has learned a lot of professional books, and often asked Tang Zhenhao for some knowledge he did not understand. I have some understanding of the current microelectronics technology, but there is still a long way to go before the research, even if it is reversed based on the memory of later generations, it is still impossible.

However, Zhang Xiao is not discouraged. After all, the time to learn professional knowledge is still short. With the passage of time, Zhang Xiao feels that he will be able to clarify the development path of microelectronics technology, so as to provide useful ideas for the research of microelectronics technology.

In the evening, Zhang Xiao received a call from Su Yuanchao, and then got up and took Guo Feng to the hall.

In the lobby, Zhang Xiao met Su Yuanchao who had never met before, and the two foreigners who accompanied Su Yuanchao were Du Debang and Amos.

"Zhang Xiao, we finally met. I admire you very much." Su Yuan smiled and shook hands with Zhang Xiao.

"Director Su, you're flattering yourself. It's just some small achievements, not worth mentioning." Zhang Xiao smiled and said modestly.

"I've already booked a restaurant, we'll talk while eating." Hearing Zhang Xiao's self-effacing, Su Yuanchao had a better impression of Zhang Xiao, because Zhang Xiao was different from his inherent cognition.

A group of people came to the private room on the third floor of the hotel. Su Yuanchao took the main seat without too many excuses, while Zhang Xiao and Du Debang sat on both sides of Su Yuanchao.

"This is Zhang Xiao, and this is Mr. Du Debang, the president of Adidas's Asia-Pacific region. The reason I asked you out today is to be a middleman. As for how the two of you negotiate and what the outcome is, I don't care." Su Yuanchao waited After everyone sat down, they spoke to Zhang Xiao and Du Debang.

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly, and said to Du Debang, "Mr. Du Debang, hello."

"Mr. Zhang Xiao, nice to meet you." Du Debang spoke in Chinese, although it sounded awkward, but it did not affect understanding.

"Mr. Du Debang speaks Chinese really well. Have you ever lived in China?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"When I was in college, I worked in Chinatown for a while, and I was lucky enough to learn some Chinese." Du Debang said with a slight smile.

Du Debang does as the Romans do, and he can chat with Zhang Xiao naturally. Obviously, Du Debang can use basic daily expressions very well.

"Mr. Zhang Xiao, I'm still representing Adidas this time, and I sincerely invite you to be the image spokesperson for Adidas in the Asia-Pacific region." Du Debang then spoke first.

Zhang Xiao knew this well. From Su Yuanchao's mention of Du Debang's identity, Zhang Xiao understood the reason why Du Debang came to find him. Even so, when Du Debang said it, Zhang Xiao was still surprised After all, as a well-known sportswear brand in the world, Adidas' status is comparable to that of Nike. It is undoubtedly extremely optimistic about Zhang Xiao's future to invite Zhang Xiao to be the image spokesperson at this moment.

"Is it a whole brand?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"The whole brand, I am extremely optimistic about Mr. Zhang Xiao's future." Du Debang nodded and said seriously.

"I agree in principle. I will let my secretary and lawyer contact you." Zhang Xiao actually doesn't care about being the spokesperson of that company, whether it is Nike or Adidas, what he cares about is who bids the most.

After Du Debang and Amos looked at each other, Du Debang nodded, took out a business card from the jacket pocket of his suit, handed it to Zhang Xiao with both hands, and said: "This is my business card, Mr. Zhang Xiao can Have your secretary contact me."

"Okay." Zhang Xiao took the business card with both hands, glanced at it and put it in his pocket.

Afterwards, Su Yuan saw that the two parties had reached a preliminary agreement, and began to ask the waiter to serve the food.

After a meal, Zhang Xiao sent Su Yuanchao, Du Debang and others away, and brought Guo Feng back to the room.

"Guo Feng, please contact Secretary Tian and ask her and the lawyer to contact Mr. Du Debang of Adidas. Find another channel to release the news that Adidas has asked me to be the spokesperson. I believe other companies will be interested. Yes." Zhang Xiao said to Guo Feng.

"Boss, I understand what you mean, I'll do it right away." Guo Feng understood that Zhang Xiao wanted to get a higher price, and it was obvious that just negotiating with the Adidas family would not achieve his goal.

And Zhang Xiao has no choice but to do this. After all, the money he earned before has already been spent, and only 5000 million US dollars is still in the Citibank account for interest. Zhang Xiao is not going to use this money now.

But now when all the companies are in a period of substantial expansion, there is no extra money to feed back the investment company, so the pressure on Zhang Xiao is greater, but Zhang Xiao can only grit his teeth and persist. He hopes to get more returns, so continue. Investing is inevitable.

Zhang Xiao has to admit that the more money you earn, the faster you spend it. This is why it is difficult for many people to keep money even if they make money, because profit-seeking is the instinct of capital, and people will always spend money. The instinct of capital is magnified countless times, and expanding with leverage has become a tool for people to pursue profits.

Zhang Xiao has a clear understanding of this, all loans not for the purpose of repayment are digging holes for himself, and how many companies have buried themselves in it because of margin financing and securities lending, Zhang Xiao is naturally unwilling to let his company become a bank Part-time job, after all, the current bank loan interest rate is very high.

Although it seems that there are opportunities everywhere, blind expansion will only lead to the collapse of the company. Zhang Xiao has a clear understanding of his own ability, so the company under his name now uses his own funds, so that he can To a certain extent, avoid the risk of borrowing money.

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