Zhang Xiao took the plane back to Shanghai at eleven o'clock that night, and the security team naturally accompanied him.

Zhang Xiao still checked into the hotel where the Henan provincial team was staying, and it was already four o'clock in the morning when he arrived.

In the morning, Zhang Xiao appeared on the field of the National Games. Facing the interviews of the media reporters, Zhang Xiao responded to his failure to participate yesterday with the reason agreed with the National Sports Bureau.

Although the media reporters knew that the reason must not be like this, they could do nothing but believe what Zhang Xiao said, but it was his hope that Zhang Xiao could return to the game.

There are three competitions that Zhang Xiao needs to participate in today. In addition to the supplementary competition for the long jump, there will be preliminary competitions for the 500, 400 meters and [-] meters.

On the long jump field, Zhang Xiao was doing warm-up moves, and the media reporters around were all setting up their guns and short cannons, preparing to record Zhang Xiao’s first jump. They were full of expectations. After all, Zhang Xiao’s performance broke the world record last year. , it is worth them doing so.

After Zhang Xiao finished warming up, she raised her hand to signal to the referee that she was ready.

As the referee's whistle blew, the surrounding media reporters turned on their cameras and included Zhang Xiao in the shot.

Zhang Xiao started the run-up, running at a [-]-meter sprint speed in ten seconds, Zhang Xiao quickly ran across the run-up track, stepped firmly on the take-off board at the take-off point, and instantly rose into the air, drawing a beautiful line parabola.

In the next second, Zhang Xiao landed steadily in the bunker, with his feet sunk deeply, and then Zhang Xiao stepped forward and left the bunker, waiting for the staff to measure.

A group of on-site surveyors ran forward one after another, and the results came out soon.

8 meters 98.

With a simple jump, Zhang Xiao didn't need to make a second jump, and entered the semi-finals as a matter of course. This made many media reporters extremely excited, because he recorded Zhang Xiao's jump, and even they didn't even know the topic of the news. Think it over.

After Zhang Xiao had communicated with Li Kai and the staff, she followed Li Kai to the physical examination center for a routine urine test.

Soon, Zhang Xiao came out of the physical examination center and followed Li Kai to the lounge.

As soon as he entered the lounge, Zhang Xiao saw Guo Tianfeng, apparently waiting for him specially.

"You brat made too much trouble this time. Director Li lost his temper at the meeting yesterday. You'd better be careful." Guo Tianfeng slapped Zhang Xiao hard, as if venting intentionally.

"It's not my fault." Zhang Xiao shook his head and said a little speechlessly.

"You can't hold back your temper, because such a big turmoil broke out in a short while, and this matter is not over. Liu Junmin hates you to death, and I'm afraid it will inevitably target you." Guo Tianfeng sighed, not only Zhang Xiao , even he can't avoid suffering.

"Forbearance can't solve the problem, and I'm not prepared to endure it forever. I don't believe that the Liu family can really cover the sky with one hand." Zhang Xiao shook his head and said firmly.

"You can do whatever you want, but you should pay more attention and call me as soon as possible." Guo Tianfeng instructed again.

"I will." Zhang Xiao was a little grateful, although he understood Guo Tianfeng's empty check, whether it can be cashed depends on the size of the future, even so Zhang Xiao will keep it in mind.

"Coach Li, you have been wronged by this incident." Zhang Xiao said to Li Kai after Guo Tianfeng left.

"It's okay, and I will rely on you in the future, you can't make trouble for me every day." Although Li Kai received a warning at this time, but he can become Zhang Xiao's full-time coach in the future, he feels that everything is important. is worth it.

"Don't worry, no one should come to trouble me for the time being." Zhang Xiao smiled and said helplessly.

"I'm not talking about other people coming to trouble you, but you making trouble yourself. I don't want to be criticized every day." Li Kai couldn't help but sighed.

Zhang Xiao's smile faltered for a moment, and he turned out to be the trouble maker that Li Kai said.

"Hurry up and prepare. You will participate in the 500-meter qualifier soon, so don't miss Jingzhou carelessly." Li Kai then changed the subject and urged Zhang Xiao to prepare for the next race.

The 500-meter race was not considered too popular at first, but with Zhang Xiao's participation, it was different immediately, because Zhang Xiao's result was well-qualified as the world champion.

This made media reporters and TV stations attach great importance to it. Although it was only a qualifier, they began to set up machinery and equipment before the start of the game.

Zhang Xiao stood on track [-], waiting for the start of the race.

The athletes who participated in the competition with him all looked at Zhang Xiao. After all, Zhang Xiao made such a big news on the first day, they couldn't help but pay attention to Zhang Xiao.

"Everyone take your place! Get ready!"

"Bang!" The starting gun sounded.

Zhang Xiao started in an instant, and after accelerating, he cut in quickly and firmly occupied the No.1 position.

At this time, Zhang Xiao began to run quickly according to his own rhythm, paying infinite attention to the eyes of people around him.

"This athlete is Zhang Xiao, right? She really deserves her reputation." Li Laichun couldn't help but said with a smile as he watched Zhang Xiao take the lead in the 500-meter race and passed No. 220 meters after just one lap.

"That's right, this is Zhang Xiao. Director Li, according to the results of last year's Beihua Division, Zhang Xiao's four competition results far surpassed other players." Wei Dongxing, the head coach of the national track and field team sitting next to Director Li, was very excited. said excitedly.

"It seems that our country is really going to produce a flying man. After the results of the Beihua competition area last year, I still had doubts. Now it seems that I have underestimated him." Li Laichun said a little excitedly.

The people around couldn't help but praise Zhang Xiao after hearing Li Laichun's words, but Zhang Xiao's strength is worthy of their praise, and Liu Junmin's face sitting on the side is extremely ugly, and the compliments of Zhang Xiao from the surrounding people are like a memory. The slap on his face made him feel ashamed, and he wanted to find a place to turn in embarrassingly.

Su Yuanchao looked at Liu Junmin's ugly face, and couldn't help mocking: "Director Liu, if Zhang Xiao doesn't come to the competition because of you, you will be a sinner of the country. Fortunately, I invited him back. Do you think you are I should be thanked."

Liu Junmin wants to kill Su Yuanchao at this moment. After all, if Zhang Xiao does not participate, no matter how dazzling the previous results are, that is the past, but now that Zhang Xiao participates, the better Zhang Xiao's results are, the better Liu Junmin's performance will be. The trouble is getting worse, after all, Liu Junmin was going to expel Zhang Xiao from the athlete team before.

"Why don't you talk. By the way, I forgot that Director Liu is sick, what a bother." Su Yuanchao said to Liu Junmin very much.

Liu Junmin clenched his fist hard, but soon let go, smiled slightly, and said calmly, "Director Su, the reason why Zhang Xiao was dealt with was because Zhang Xiao was really disorganized and undisciplined. Although he is competing now and his results are good, my opinion has not changed."

"Excellent, it seems that Director Liu is going to make an enemy of the general trend. As expected of a member of the Liu family, he is really stubborn." Su Yuan smiled and said with some disdain.

It would be a lie for Liu Junmin to say that he has no regrets at the moment, but now that he has come to the opposite side of Zhang Xiao, the situation has made it difficult for him to ride a tiger, so he can only stick to his own opinion, and at the same time, he hopes that Zhang Xiao will not achieve results, so there is still room for relaxation , but now it seems that this is simply a luxury.

While everyone was discussing, Zhang Xiao was the first to cross the finish line, and his results were displayed on the big screen.

3 minutes 25 seconds 82.

All the audience immediately cheered, such a result has already broken the current record, increasing it by about half a second.

"Good job, the grades have improved again, amazing!" Li Kai walked to Zhang Xiao, handed the unopened mineral water to Zhang Xiao and said with a smile.

"It's not bad, it meets my expectations." Zhang Xiao took a sip of water, gasped and said with a smile.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao was shouting loudly from the auditorium. Zhang Xiao raised his head, looked at the cheering audience in the stands, waved his hand, and then headed towards the testing center with Li Kai for the daily urine test.

After the urine test came out, Zhang Xiao went back to the lounge to rest, while Guo Feng was already waiting in the lounge with food.

"Let's eat first, there is a 400-meter race in the afternoon." Zhang Xiao called Li Kai to eat together.

"Then I won't be polite." Li Kai swallowed as he watched the sumptuous meal.

After lunch, Zhang Xiao stayed in the lounge to rest, during which no one disturbed him.

Zhang Xiao slept comfortably this time, until she was woken up by Li Kai, who realized that it was already three o'clock in the afternoon, and the time for the 400-meter race was only half an hour away.

Zhang Xiao was dazed, and after washing up, he headed towards the competition venue in good spirits.

Perhaps after the warm-up of the 500-meter race, the 400-meter race is even more exciting, and there are more media reporters around the 400-meter race.

Zhang Xiao is on the third runway this time, and the 400-meter race is a fixed track. Zhang Xiao began to observe the condition of the runway. This is Zhang Xiao's own experience. Xiao is also used to doing this.

As time went by, people turned their attention to Zhang Xiao at the start, and they were full of expectations for Zhang Xiao's 400-meter race results.

The reason why so many people paid attention was because of yesterday's news report, which also gave Zhang Xiaoyang a name in disguise.

"Everyone, get ready!"


With the sound of the starting gun, all participating athletes rushed forward quickly.

Zhang Xiao still took the lead, and quickly left the other athletes far behind, attracting attention.

"come on!"

"Zhang Xiao, come on!"

Earth-shattering shouts came from the auditorium, and the sound of cheering made people's blood boil. Even Zhang Xiao felt a little passionate at this moment, and couldn't help walking a little faster.

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