Wherever there are people, there are fights, not to mention that in a system where one radish and one pit, fights are everywhere.

The reason why Su Yuanchao was so tit-for-tat with Liu Junmin was not because he knew Zhang Xiao and had a good impression of Zhang Xiao, but because he just opposed it for the sake of opposition. As long as it was something Liu Junmin wanted to do, he would oppose it, and today is no exception.

It's just that Su Yuanchao is more confident this time. Maybe others can see what the official seal on the punishment report means, but Sun Yuanchao is very clear, that is, this punishment report needs to be studied by the organization, but as a member of the organization, Su Yuanchao has never seen it. After passing this report, there is only one possibility, that is, Liu Junmin's matter is against the rules.

"Director Li, I can testify that the punishment report in the hands of Director Liu is not in compliance with the regulations. Our National Sports Bureau does not know about it at all, so this is Liu Junmin's illegal operation." Su Yuanchao is not at all with Liu now. Junmin broke it, but directly brought Li Laichun in.

"Director Liu, is what Director Su said true?" Li Laichun was really angry now. If Su Yuanchao hadn't stood up to testify, he might have been deceived by the punishment report with the official seal.

"Director Li, listen to me, this punishment report will be discussed in a meeting soon, but it's just that time is tight, so I'll take it out first." Liu Junmin quickly explained.

"Since you haven't gone to the meeting to study it, this is your own opinion. In this way, this punishment report is invalid, and it is an illegal operation for you to take it out now. If it is the same as you, what organization do you need?" Decide, you alone decide." Su Yuan continued to chase and beat Liu Junmin relentlessly.

Liu Junmin's face was pale at the moment, and he felt a little regretful at the moment, but the matter had come to an end, regretting was useless, and he could only hope that Li Laichun would not continue to pursue this matter because of the Liu family's face.

"Director Liu, the facts are already clear, so I won't say anything more, but I will ask someone to send this meeting record to the National Sports Bureau for today's matter. I hope you can take care of yourself." Li Laichun didn't think of Liu Junmin So open-minded, but directly delivered the meeting minutes, this is the attitude.

Liu Junmin's face turned pale, he didn't expect that his usual operation would kill him at this moment.

Li Laichun did not linger too much on Liu Junmin's matter, but said to everyone in the conference room: "Comrades, although we are managers, we are also service personnel. We serve athletes, and athletes have something to do." If something is wrong, we can supervise and correct it, and administrative penalties will be imposed on those who refuse to correct after repeated admonitions. I hope everyone will not put the cart before the horse.”

"As for Comrade Zhang Xiao, it is excusable for him to be absent from the preliminaries of the long jump competition, and a make-up match can be made before the rematch. As for the task of calling him back to compete, Director Su, this matter will be left to you." Li Laichun A decision was made about Zhang Xiao.

Su Yuanchao readily agreed to this. After all, he was acting on behalf of Liu Junmin. He was willing to accept even such a bad thing as wiping his ass. After all, it was a trust in him and a blow to Liu Junmin.

Then the content of the meeting came to the fore, and began to arrange the work deployment during the National Games, as well as the signing and marking of the safety responsibility letter and other meeting contents.

After the meeting, Su Yuanchao immediately found Guo Tianfeng.

"Director Su, what's the matter?" Guo Tianfeng asked knowingly, it was impossible for him to mess with Su Yuanchao immediately after offending Liu Junmin.

Su Yuanchao laughed, put his arms around Guo Tianfeng's shoulders and said in a mysterious way as he walked, "Old Guo, give me Zhang Xiao's contact information."

Guo Tianfeng couldn't help laughing wryly, at the moment Su Yuanchao made such a move, he really couldn't explain it clearly, but Guo Tianfeng also understood that since he offended Liu Junmin, he couldn't offend Su Yuanchao again, so Guo Tianfeng readily gave Zhang Xiao's contact information to Su Yuanchao, including the address of Zhang Xiao's Beijing courtyard.

Su Yuanchao took a look and immediately understood that Guo Tianfeng had done his best, and the rest would depend on his own ability. If Zhang Xiao could be invited back to continue the competition, everything would be happy. If Zhang Xiao could not be invited back, then Even he will be punished accordingly.

After Su Yuanchao and Guo Tianfeng separated, he immediately called Zhang Xiao's cell phone number, but there was no answer. This made Su Yuanchao frowned slightly, but he didn't think too much, but continued to call Zhang Xiao's landline.

"Hello, hello." Zhao Yu, the only one who didn't drink, said.

"Hello, I'm looking for Zhang Xiao. I'm Su Yuanchao from the National Sports Bureau." Su Yuanchao said.

"Wait a moment." Zhao Yu was slightly taken aback, but still put the microphone on the table.

Zhao Yu walked into the yard and said to Zhang Xiao who was drinking: "Su Yuanchao from the National Sports Bureau called you. According to the news, Su Yuanchao and Liu Junmin are deadly rivals."

Zhang Xiao nodded and drank a cup of tea before returning to the house.

"I'm Zhang Xiao." Zhang Xiao said.

"Hello, Comrade Zhang Xiao, I'm Su Yuanchao from the National Sports Bureau. You didn't come to compete today, but it caused an uproar, so the organizing committee sent me to contact you. I hope you can come back to continue competing tomorrow!" Su Yuanchao said with a smile.

"Where is Director Liu Junmin, he said that I am not qualified to compete." Zhang Xiao said after pondering for a moment.

"Director Liu is currently recuperating in the hospital. I heard that he was scalded by tea." Su Yuanchao said gloatingly.

"Director Su, it's not that I don't want to go, but that I'm not qualified. Forget it, it's good to be a spectator. That's it. I'll hang up first." After Zhang Xiao finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Su Yuanchao looked at the hung up phone, feeling a little depressed. Is this a bad start?

But Zhang Xiao has his own considerations about this. After all, such a farce can only happen once. If there is a second time, then Zhang Xiao is really disorganized and undisciplined, so he wants to solve this trouble once and for all. As for the condition, Zhang Xiao has already thought about it, that is, to maintain relative freedom, except for the competition, he is not restrained the rest of the time.

Of course, Zhang Xiao also knows that it is difficult to obtain such a condition, but Zhang Xiao is ready to stay away from the sports field completely, this is the so-called "no desire, no desire".

At this moment, Su Yuanchao began to think about what Zhang Xiao wanted, but after much deliberation, he couldn't think of Zhang Xiao's purpose for doing this. He really wanted to stay away from the sports field. This possibility is not impossible, but the possibility is not great.

"Director Su, I'm Li Kai, Zhang Xiao's coach in the provincial team." Just when Su Yuanchao was puzzled, Li Kai came to Su Yuanchao's side and said.

"Hello Coach Li." Su Yuanchao looked at Li Kai and said with a smile.

"I think I know Zhang Xiao's thoughts, so I want to report the situation to Director Su." Li Kai felt that this was his chance. Although it might offend others, he wanted to fight for his future.

"Come with me, I also want to know more about Zhang Xiao." Su Yuanchao smiled slightly, and knew what Li Kai was thinking.

After the two came to Su Yuanchao's temporary office, Su Yuan waved his hand towards Li Kai and said, "Coach Li, you are Zhang Xiao's coach, and you know Zhang Xiao best, so please speak out your thoughts, as long as Zhang Xiao can be invited back to participate The game, everything is easy to talk about."

"I am familiar with Zhang Xiao. I think the reason why Zhang Xiao went back to the capital was because Director Liu criticized him because he felt restrained. This made him understand that if he continues to be an athlete, he will have to face this kind of restraint that exists at any time. , which made him feel uncomfortable, so he took the opportunity to make use of the problem, and immediately returned to the capital after falling out." Li Xiao expressed his thoughts.

"Coach Li, doesn't Zhang Xiao really care about honors like the world champion? And he may become the world's sprint king. I don't think anyone can resist such a temptation." Su Yuanchao didn't believe that Zhang Xiao could face all this calmly. , couldn't help but asked Li Kai.

After pondering for a while, Li Kai said, "Director Su, Zhang Xiao is not only an athlete, but also a company owner with over one billion assets, and a student of Huaqing University. For him, even without athletes His identity, the future is also doomed to be extraordinary, freedom may be the most precious thing to him."

Su Yuanchao nodded. After all, he had read Zhang Xiao's detailed information and understood that what Li Kai said was very likely.

"Then how do you think we can persuade him to participate in the competition? After all, our time is limited." Su Yuanchao was also a little anxious at the moment. After all, the competition will not be suspended. If Zhang Xiao fails to return in time to compete, he may miss all the competitions. It was meaningless for Zhang Xiao to agree.

"I promise to give him all the freedom outside the competition, and I think he will come to the competition." Li Kai said firmly.

Su Yuanchao immediately understood what Li Kai meant, and also understood what he should do. After all, he couldn't do this kind of thing in person. He just asked his staff to promise Zhang Xiao on behalf of the National Sports Bureau. After all, what he asked for was only Zhang Xiao. Come back to compete as soon as possible. As for the future training, Su Yuanchao felt that it had nothing to do with him, so he agreed.

"Coach Li, I know what to do. I owe you a favor." Su Yuanchao said to Li Kai with a smile.

Li Kai's expression remained unchanged, and he quickly took his leave.

After Li Kai left, Su Yuanchao immediately ordered the staff in the capital to go to the courtyard where Zhang Xiao lived to discuss going back to participate in the competition. The conditions Su Yuanchao gave were higher than what Li Kai had imagined, except that Zhang Xiao had to participate in the competition on time Besides, the rest of the time is at Zhang Xiao's disposal.

That night, Zhang Xiao met the staff of the National Sports Bureau in the courtyard, and the two sides reached an agreement soon, and Su Yuanchao also called to guarantee Zhang Xiao.

Faced with Su Yuanchao who is full of sincerity, Zhang Xiao had no choice but to agree to return to Shanghai to participate in the National Games tomorrow.

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