"Hey, Director Liu, what's wrong with you?" Li Laichun, the person in charge of the National Games who came to Liu Junmin to check the situation, asked in surprise.

"The water glass was accidentally spilled and it was scalded." Liu Junmin said depressingly.

"It's quite hot. Do you want to go to the hospital?" Li Laichun said with concern.

"It's okay, I'll just rinse with cold water." Liu Junmin endured the pain, and with the support of Secretary Wang, he started to rinse with the water pipe.

Li Laichun walked into the room, looked at the newspaper on the coffee table, and said with a smile: "This Zhang Xiao is really attracting attention. I actually came to you to find out about this Zhang Xiao. After all, he signed up but didn't participate." It is unreasonable not to investigate the competition, especially the unique king in the history of national track and field."

Liu Junmin's complexion changed slightly. He didn't expect Li Laichun to have such a high opinion of Zhang Xiao, but then he said, "I'm not familiar with Zhang Xiao's situation, but for this kind of athletes who sign up and don't participate in the competition, we always have to do it." This bad habit must be severely punished.”

"Really? It seems that Director Liu has an opinion on how to deal with it. How about this, you write a report in the afternoon, and we will discuss the decision on how to deal with Zhang Xiao at this evening's meeting." Li Laichun smiled slightly, "Take good care of your injuries, If it doesn't work, go to the hospital!"

After Li Laichun left, Liu Junmin said helplessly to Secretary Wang: "You write a report on Zhang Xiao's handling, and write it as an unorganized and undisciplined one."

After Secretary Wang agreed, he went back to his room to deal with the report.

Liu Junmin looked at the newspaper on the coffee table, and couldn't help but sneered, "Stunning."

In the afternoon, more and more newspapers were delivered to readers. Almost sports newspapers all over the country reported the news that Zhang Xiao was absent from the National Games. This made Zhang Xiao appear in the eyes of the people across the country again. The excellent results achieved in the North China Division last year were also revealed.

And Zhang Xiao, who was far away in the capital, received a call from his father Zhang Hongjun.

"Dad, what's the matter?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Didn't you go to the National Games? Why did I hear that you didn't go to the competition?" Zhang Hongjun asked.

"Something happened and someone targeted me. I will take care of it." Zhang Xiao said comfortingly.

"Xiaoxiao, some things can be tolerated. We are not a wealthy family, and we don't have any background. We must deal with everything carefully, and we must not be arrogant." Zhang Hongjun persuaded earnestly.

After hearing what his father said, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but redden her eyes, and said with a forced smile, "Dad, don't worry, I will take care of it."

"Hey, I can't help you with anything, please pay attention to your own safety." After Zhang Hongjun finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Zhang Xiao listened to the busy tone coming from the phone, but her heart ached more and more. She still worried her parents, otherwise her father would not have called her.

Putting down the phone, Zhang Xiao's heart slowly hardened, because he knew that he had no way out and could only go forward. This was related to whether he would kneel down and be a dog or stand up and be a man. He couldn't compromise. .

Zhang Xiao didn't know how long she stayed in the house, until Guo Feng opened the door and came in, only to find that it was completely dark.

Zhang Xiao stood up, did not speak, but stood in front of the window, looking at the already brightly lit capital, couldn't help but waved his fist fiercely, and made up his mind.

Walking outside, seeing that the light in Tian Xiaodan's office was still on, he knocked on the door.

Tian Xiaodan opened the door, saw Zhang Xiao, and said, "Boss, you haven't left yet?"

"Let's go, get off work, go back early." After Zhang Xiao finished speaking, she turned and left.

Guo Feng nodded towards Tian Xiaodan, and followed Zhang Xiao to leave.

After a busy day, Zhang Xiao went through all the companies and saw that the company was busy up and down, whether it was a glass factory or a microelectronics technology company, whether it was a people's supermarket or an investment company.

All the employees add up to more than 2000 people, and they all rely on Zhang Xiao to support them. Zhang Xiao feels that the responsibility on him is getting bigger and bigger, not for anything else, just for the company's employees, he can't compromise, he can only go forward go on.

Walking to the first floor, just in time to see Yuan Min getting off the car, Zhang Xiao said, "Mouse, come back to the courtyard with me, let's have a good drink."

"Okay, I won't drive anymore." Yuan Min grinned, revealing his iconic two front teeth.

"Come on, get in the car and sit in the back seat with me." Zhang Xiao opened the door and said to Yuan Min with a smile.

Yuan Min was not polite either. After getting into the car, he closed the door.

"Boss, this is all Liu Junmin's information. This is all the information I can find in the near future." Yuan Min handed Zhang Xiao a folder from his backpack and said.

"I'll watch it when I have time. Let's have a good drink tonight and not talk about work." Zhang Xiao patted the folder and smiled slightly.

After returning to the courtyard, Zhang Xiao said to Lu Huaping: "Today we will eat roasted whole lamb, and we will make some preparations. Buy all the materials that should be bought, and you can decide what to drink."

"Long live the boss!"

Yuan Min led a group of people and started booing. After all, for those of them who were soldiers, eating a big piece of meat and drinking in a big bowl is refreshing.

"The boss is very happy today?" Guo Feng walked up to Zhang Xiao quietly and said in a low voice.

"I want to understand something, so I'm happy." Zhang Xiao said with a smile, with a relieved look on his face, and his whole body was full of youthful breath.

Guo Feng nodded. He could feel that Zhang Xiao was in good condition, but what puzzled him was Zhang Xiao's change. If Zhang Xiao made him feel old-fashioned before, now he feels youthful and reckless.

But while Zhang Xiao and Guo Feng were eating large pieces of meat and drinking in large bowls, the large conference room of the Shanghai National Games was full of oppressive atmosphere.

"This is the newspaper that reported today about Comrade Zhang Xiao's failure to participate in the National Games. Some local TV stations have even broadcast it. I don't know the reason why Zhang Xiao failed to participate in the National Games. Who here knows, let me talk about it. I will give an explanation to the people of the whole country!" Li Laichun slapped the thick stack of newspapers on the table in the meeting room, furious.

The entire conference room was silent, and everyone was silent, but their expressions were different, some were gloating, some were concerned about something that had nothing to do with them, while Guo Tianfeng, who came to attend the conference from Yu Province, had a calm expression at the moment.

"Guo Tianfeng, tell me. After all, Zhang Xiao is a member of your provincial team. I believe you can give me a satisfactory answer." Li Laichun pointed to Guo Tianfeng and said.

Guo Tianfeng was in distress at the moment. He originally didn't want to offend both sides, but Li Laichun's words made him realize that it was impossible to not offend both sides. At the same time, he also realized the importance of Zhang Xiao, otherwise Li Laichun would not be able to Hold on to it from the very beginning of the meeting.

"Director Li, the reason why Zhang Xiao couldn't participate in the competition was because he asked for leave the day before yesterday afternoon to go out and couldn't be contacted for a long time. It was already nine o'clock in the evening when he returned to the hotel. At that time, Director Liu waited for him all afternoon. After Zhang Xiao came back, Liu The director reprimanded Zhang Xiao, Zhang Xiao was not convinced, the two had a quarrel, and finally broke up, Zhang Xiao left the hotel, and according to the hotel staff, he returned to the capital that night." Guo Tianfeng didn't hide anything , and honestly reported what happened that day.

After Li Laichun heard it, he said with a gloomy face: "Well, it's just such a trivial matter, and now there is a lot of trouble, and people all over the country are guessing riddles. You are so capable and powerful."

There was still silence in the meeting room, and everyone kept their eyes on each other and remained silent.

"Director Liu, you are the party involved in this matter, what do you think about this matter?" Li Laichun asked Liu Junmin.

"I think there is something wrong with Zhang Xiao's attitude. During the National Games, he didn't stay in the hotel honestly, but went shopping. He was simply disorganized and undisciplined. When he made achievements, he cocked his tail. Such athletes should be severely punished." Liu said. Without hesitation, Junmin spoke directly.

"I have a punishment report on Zhang Xiao here, please take a look at Director Li." After a slight pause, Liu Junmin continued to speak.

"I won't read it, read it to everyone, and let everyone understand your attitude." Li Laichun waved his hand and said with a blank expression.

Liu Junmin remained calm as usual, opened the report, and said: "Everyone already knows what happened, so I won't repeat it. I will mainly talk about the punishment."

"In view of Comrade Zhang Xiao's unorganized and undisciplined practices, the organization decided to revoke his qualifications as a national athlete, and all benefits will be revoked, and his behavior will be reported to make an example." Liu Junmin ignored the discussions of all the participants around him. , announced very directly.

"Director Liu, what kind of organization do you call an organization? It's not you who represents the organization." A discordant voice suddenly resounded throughout the venue, shocking people.

Those who were still discussing in low voices all looked at the speaker, only to see that the speaker was a middle-aged man in a black suit, whose sturdy figure was recognized by the participants at a glance, Su Yuanchao from the National Sports Bureau.

"Director Su, what do you mean?" Liu Junmin was shocked when he saw that it was Su Yuanchao. He and Su Yuanchao were old enemies, so he naturally knew why Su Yuanchao was targeting him.

"Can't you understand what I mean? Or is it that you are sick and deaf and can't hear me anymore, or do you think you can represent the organization by yourself now? I want to know what organization you represent! No It's an enemy agent organization." Su Yuanchao was furious when he caught Liu Junmin, after all, this was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for him.

"I don't understand what you're talking about?" Liu Junmin was a little flustered, because his punishment report was stamped with the official seal of the National Sports Bureau, but it was stamped by him privately and had not been studied by the organization.

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