The next morning, after Zhang Xiao sent Deng Jie to Beijing University for class, he did not go to school, but went to the company.

Zhang Xiao needs to deal with the company's recent situation, and take a look at any vulnerable weaknesses or loopholes that need to be dealt with, which can be regarded as a rainy day.

In the general manager's office, Tian Xiaodan was putting the documents requiring Zhang Xiao's signature on the desk.

"Secretary Tian, ​​please ask the finance department to bring over the latest financial statements, especially the tax statements of various companies. I want to have a look." Zhang Xiao said to Tian Xiaodan.

"I see, I'll go right away." Tian Xiaodan put the documents that need to be processed by Zhang Xiao on the table and sorted them into categories, then turned and left.

While dealing with the accumulated company affairs, Zhang Xiao waited for the report from the finance department.

Not long after, Tian Xiaodan led Sun Ting, the head of the finance department, over, and Sun Ting was holding a stack of folders in her hands.

"Boss, this is the latest financial report of the company, and this is the tax payment situation of each company." Sun Ting said after putting the folders in her hand on Zhang Xiao's desk by category.

"You sit down first, I'll take a look first." Zhang Xiao casually said something to Sun Ting, and then began to check the company's financial statements.

The financial statement of Hongyuan Investment Company is very simple, because there is only investment and no income, Zhang Xiao glanced at it for a while and then skipped it.

The next thing to look at is the tax payment situation of the company's various holding companies. Zhang Xiao didn't see anything unusual from the report, but Zhang Xiao knew that these were all superficial articles, and the specific situation would depend on Sun Ting's report.

"Tell me, what is the tax payment situation of each company recently?" Zhang Xiao asked Sun Ting.

"The current tax payment of Xingsheng Glass Factory is normal, there is no problem, and it is a production enterprise, and all accounts have traces." Sun Ting reported cautiously.

"Microelectronics technology companies are almost the same, but recently the proportion of pre-sales of microelectronics technology companies is very high, and this part of the payment is prepared to be paid after the actual sales."

"That is to say, there is a problem with the tax payment of Microelectronics Technology?" Zhang Xiao frowned slightly.

"It's against the rules, but it's not a big problem. Almost all companies do this." Sun Ting nodded and said.

"Then you can contact the finance department of Microelectronics Technology and ask them to add the pre-sales of last month to the sales of last month for tax payment. Don't leave such unnecessary troubles for the company." Zhang Xiao He spoke immediately.

"However, if the boss does this, the tax payment of Microelectronics Technology will be much higher." Sun Ting asked a little puzzled, "Did something happen?"

"If you offend someone, all the company's problems must be resolved as soon as possible, especially tax issues. You must not slack off." Zhang Xiao decided to tell Sun Ting, after all, she is much more professional than herself, and there are some things that she does not have. Thinking of it, she might think about it.

"I understand. I will review the accounts of the company and each holding company as soon as possible, and try to fill in all the loopholes." Sun Ting said immediately.

"Let's do it, whoever has doubts let him come to me!" Zhang Xiao said immediately, which was also a promise to Sun Ting.

After a little joy, Sun Ting picked up the report on the table and left.

With Sun Ting worrying about the accounts, Zhang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief, and drove to the Xingsheng Glass Factory, because Zhang Xiao understood that the most important thing for production companies is safety issues, and the current production companies have no awareness of safety issues. Still not in place, very prone to problems.

And just as Zhang Xiao was checking and filling in various problems in the company, the Shanghai National Games officially started.

And when the media reporters didn't see Zhang Xiao in the representative team of Yu Province, everyone began to discuss cautiously.

"What about Zhang Xiao, why didn't you see him?"

"Maybe there is no game for him this morning, and he is resting at the hotel."

"Impossible. He has a long jump competition in the morning, so he shouldn't be absent."

"Really? Let me take a look." A reporter quickly took out the schedule of the competition from his backpack and looked at it.

"That's right, there's his game in the morning." A reporter became excited like a chicken blood.

"Xiao Li, go to the hotel of the Yu Province team to find out what's going on. Call me immediately if you have any situation. I'll go and interview the team leader of the Yu Province team." A reporter whispered to his assistant.

In fact, there is more than one smart person, and there are several who operate like this reporter, and they all dispersed one after another to find their targets.

"Team Leader Tian, ​​you must be doing your best for this National Games, but I saw that Comrade Zhang Xiao, who belongs to your Yu Province team, did not make an appearance. Could you tell me the reason?" A reporter directly approached Tian Zhigang , the recorder is ready.

Tian Zhigang immediately felt a slow malice, but he also had a way to deal with it. He ran to the staff who greeted him, and said while running: "My athletes are about to start the competition. You can interview other people."

The reporter immediately realized that something might have happened to Zhang Xiao, but what happened and why he couldn't participate in the competition is what he needs to figure out now.

Excitedly, the reporter began to search for the staff and team leader of the Yu Province team, and his assistant, Xiao Li, had already rushed to the hotel.

"Excuse me, Team Leader Sun, why isn't Comrade Zhang Xiao in your team?" The reporter caught another Team Leader Sun from Yu Province after a while and asked.

"I don't know the situation, so I have no comment." Leader Sun's expression changed, and he left in a hurry.

As time went by, a strange scene appeared on the playing field of the National Games. The team leaders and staff of Yu Province were avoiding media reporters. Advise' such words to shirk.

"Brother Guo, big news. I'm at the hotel. According to the front desk, Zhang Xiao had already checked out the night before and left. Before leaving, he even bought a flight ticket to the capital that day." Xiao Li said excitedly.

"Have you found out why Zhang Xiao left?" Reporter Guo asked excitedly.

"I have contacted several hotel staff, but I don't know the reason." Xiao Li said helplessly.

"Don't stay in the hotel. Come to the editorial department to meet me. We have to send out the article for today's afternoon paper." Reporter Guo said immediately.

"Okay, I'll be right back." Xiao Li immediately left the hotel, took a taxi and headed for the editorial office.

The same situation still happens from time to time, and many reporters realize that this is a big news.

"Old Guo, I'm about to be forced to death. Many reporters are blocking me. I'm staying in the toilet to call you. What should I do?" Tian Zhigang squatted on the toilet and whispered.

"What can I do? Silence is golden! Remember, don't say anything." Guo Tianfeng had no choice but to give Tian Zhigang such instructions.

Looking at the hung up phone, Tian Zhigang wanted to cry, but he wanted to call Zhang Xiao, but after thinking about it, he gave up.

And Li Kai, Zhang Xiao's full-time coach, is now silently staying in the auditorium, watching the athletes under other coaches participating in the competition, but Zhang Xiao has no chance to participate, which makes him inexplicably sad and angry.

At this moment, a call calling for Zhang Xiao sounded on the radio.

"Comrade Zhang Xiao, the long jump athlete of the Yu Provincial Team, please go to the long jump venue immediately to participate in the qualifiers."

"Comrade Zhang Xiao, the long jump athlete of the Yu Provincial Team, please go to the long jump venue immediately to participate in the qualifiers."


As the broadcast sounded, both the audience and the athletes were in an uproar, because Zhang Xiao was the favorite to win the track and field championship in the National Games, and he didn't come to the competition at this moment.

The media reporters who hadn't realized that Zhang Xiao didn't participate in the competition immediately came to their senses and started rushing to interview the staff of the Yu Province team.

"Old Guo, what's going on? Why didn't Zhang Xiao participate in the competition!" A call came to Guo Tianfeng's cell phone.

"Old leader, the thing is like this." Facing the old leader's questioning, Guo Tianfeng directly told what happened the night before without the slightest hesitation.

"Why didn't you report earlier, do you know how passive we are now! I have been blocked by media reporters!" The old leader was unexpectedly angry.

"I'm sorry, I didn't think carefully about this matter!" Guo Tianfeng said helplessly. He couldn't shirk his responsibility at this moment, because a leader who dare not take responsibility is not worthy of being a leader.

"Don't apologize to me, just think about how to solve this matter!" After the old leader said this, he hung up the phone.

As time passed, everyone knew that Zhang Xiao did not participate in the qualifiers for the long jump competition.

At noon, newspapers began to be delivered one by one, among which the Shanghai Sports News was delivered to people first.

A huge headline was placed on the front page, attracting people's attention.

"Gold favorite Zhang Xiao missed the National Games"

The content in it described in detail the interview records of the staff of the Henan Provincial Team after the National Games started, as well as the picture of Zhang Xiao leaving the hotel lobby the night before.

When Liu Junmin saw this newspaper, he was taken aback for a moment, the teacup in his hand fell to the ground, and the hot tea poured into his shoes.

Liu Junmin gritted his teeth from being burned all of a sudden, and couldn't help screaming.

"What's wrong?" Secretary Wang hurriedly asked after returning from fetching water with a thermos bottle.

"What a good thing you did, you're going to burn me to death!" Liu Junmin said angrily, taking off his shoes as he spoke.

Secretary Wang resisted the choking smell of Liu Junmin's feet, and helped Liu Junmin take off his socks, with tears dripping from his eyes.

"Why are you crying? Did I scold you too much?" Liu Junmin said angrily as he pushed Secretary Wang away.

Secretary Wang burst into tears at the moment, and said silently in his heart: "It's not that I want to cry, it's that your beriberi really hurts your eyes."

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