Since the plane took off early, Zhang Xiao took Deng Jie and the others to have a meal at a Cantonese restaurant before heading towards the airport.

After Zhang Xiao and his party arrived at the airport, it was almost time to board the plane.

Zhang Xiao sighed slightly, then stopped hesitating, and went directly to the boarding gate.

The journey was smooth without any waves, but Zhang Xiao knew that this was just the calm before the storm.

Back in the capital, Guo Feng drove out from the parking lot, Zhang Xiao got in the car and went home, and Deng Jie naturally went with him.

"Wow, what a beautiful courtyard, this courtyard is also yours." Deng Jie said in surprise as soon as she entered the door.

"Yes, it was given to me by my master." Zhang Xiao smiled slightly.

"Who is your master, you are so generous." Deng Jie didn't walk around at the moment, after all, the lights were dark, and she couldn't see anything except the place where the lights were on.

"You'll know later." Zhang Xiao didn't say much to the master, after all, he was a little tired now and didn't bother to explain anything to Deng Jie.

Zhang Xiao charged up his phone, took a shower, and went to bed.

Deng Jie looked at Zhang Xiao who fell asleep after a while, and couldn't help curling her lips. At the same time, she felt a little depressed. After all, Zhang Xiao didn't go to the competition now, and her previous efforts were in vain.

Maybe it was really tired, Zhang Xiao didn't wake up until twelve o'clock at noon.

"Wake up and eat, you can really sleep." Deng Jie, who had woken up early, was putting on makeup, and replied angrily when she saw Zhang Xiao woke up.

"It's so comfortable, it's still more comfortable to sleep at home." Zhang Xiao stretched, then walked towards the bathroom.

"I'm going to die, I don't know how to put it on." Deng Jie couldn't help cursing while blushing slightly.

Zhang Xiao responded with a smile in the bathroom: "I have to take it off after wearing it, isn't that superfluous?"

"Then you still want to eat after eating, why don't you eat it at all." Deng Jie's words of tiger and wolf beat Zhang Xiao to death.

Zhang Xiao rolled her eyes, didn't bother to answer, and took a bath by herself.

After taking a shower, Zhang Xiao put on her clothes and said to Deng Jie, "Are you busy this afternoon?"

"I'm fine in the afternoon. I'll go back to school tomorrow. Why don't we go to the movies in the afternoon." Deng Jie said with a smile.

"Okay, it's Sunday anyway." Zhang Xiao agreed very simply.

After lunch, just as Zhang Xiao was about to take Deng Jie out, the phone rang.

Zhang Xiao had no choice but to connect. After all, few people knew his mobile phone number, and most of them were on business.

"Zhang Xiao, you're not going back to the capital, are you?" Guo Tianfeng questioned on the phone.

"Uncle Guo, I'll be back this morning. I'm going to watch a movie now." Zhang Xiao said casually.

"I..." Guo Tianfeng was a little depressed, he didn't know what to say, and couldn't help but fell silent.

"Uncle Guo, I'm going to hang up first." Seeing that Guo Tianfeng didn't speak anymore, Zhang Xiao hung up the phone.

Holding the microphone, Guo Tianfeng said helplessly to Tian Zhigang who was not far away: "He has already returned to the capital, and he said he is going to watch a movie now."

"Old Guo, just say that he won't participate in the opening ceremony tonight, so what about his competition tomorrow?" Tian Zhigang asked anxiously.

"What to do, cold salad! And even if we invite Zhang Xiao back, if Director Liu is stuck and refuses to let him enter, what can you do? We don't care about this matter." Guo Tianfeng frowned lightly, a little displeased Said patiently.

"Old Guo, this matter cannot be covered up. Before the game, many media reporters have already asked about Zhang Xiao's participation. If Zhang Xiao is not present during the game, he must be fried." Tian Zhigang said quickly.

"Then what do you think we should do? Now let's ignore him and let the matter ferment. It's not us who are in a hurry. If a media reporter asks about Zhang Xiao, you can just explain the situation clearly. You go out and do your work first." Right." Guo Tianfeng said with a headache.

Tian Zhigang wanted to say something, but when he saw Guo Tianfeng's appearance, he kept silent and left Guo Tianfeng's room.

In another hotel room, Director Liu said to the secretary with a gloomy expression, "Are you sure Zhang Xiao has returned to the capital?"

"I'm sure. I've confirmed with the airline staff. A group of seven of them took the plane back to the capital at eleven o'clock last night." Secretary Wang said cautiously.

"Fuck, a little athlete messed with me, don't you want to mess with me." Director Liu was so depressed that he had never encountered a situation like this before.

"Liu Chu, Zhang Xiao's situation is a bit special. He is not only an athlete, but also a student of Huaqing University. In addition, he is also the owner of an investment company with assets exceeding one billion." Secretary Wang handed Zhang Xiao's information to After Director Liu, he reported in a low voice.

"So what, I don't believe he can make any troubles." After reading the documents, Director Liu slammed the documents on the table and said angrily.

Secretary Wang didn't dare to say anything more at the moment. After all, not many people knew about this matter yet, but he knew very well that with Zhang Xiao's previous results in the competition, if Zhang Xiao missed the competition, the media reporters would definitely get to the bottom of it.

Even, not only the media reporters, but also the leaders who paid attention to Zhang Xiao's achievements, Secretary Wang didn't dare to think about it anymore, the more he thought about it, the more he felt overwhelmed.

Director Liu naturally knew what Secretary Wang could think of, but he was still thinking about what to do.

"Contact the people in Yu Province and ask them to confirm the status of the athletes." Director Liu thought of a way and instructed Secretary Wang.

"Okay, I'll get in touch right away." Secretary Wang quickly left the room and went to his room to call the leader of Yu Province.

Naturally, Zhang Xiao didn't know how much trouble his departure caused, but even if he knew, he wouldn't care. After all, it was his own choice, and he would stick to it no matter how difficult it was.

That night, Zhang Xiao and Deng Jie leaned on the sofa and watched the live broadcast of the opening ceremony of the National Games.

"If you don't come back, we should watch the performance live instead of watching the live broadcast on TV." Deng Jie couldn't help complaining.

"You're right." Zhang Xiao was completely convinced by Deng Jie's brain circuit at this time, but what Deng Jie said was right.

At this moment, Guo Feng opened the door and walked in.

Deng Jie left Zhang Xiao's embrace in a hurry, and sat aside with a slightly red face.

"Boss, I didn't bother you." Guo Feng chuckled, as obscene as he wanted.

"Why are you here now, what's the matter?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Boss, this is the information about Director Liu. Take some time to take a look. I won't bother you." Guo Feng put the information in his hand on the tea table, turned around and left quickly, and left the living room before leaving. The door of the room was closed.

"It's all your fault, just watch TV, don't mess around." Deng Jie complained as soon as Guo Feng left.

Zhang Xiao smiled and didn't answer, but picked up the information on the table and read it.

Liu Junmin, the former Director Liu, is no wonder he has an arrogant tone. He has the capital and is arrogant. He is a member of the Liu family in the capital. Presumably, he also has some right to speak in the Liu family, and his current position is the director of competitive sports.

"Did you offend Liu Junmin?" Deng Jie moved to Zhang Xiao's side, looked at the content above, and couldn't help asking.

"Basically, he was the one who drove me back yesterday." Zhang Xiao said with a self-deprecating smile.

"Then you're in big trouble. He's rising rapidly now, and he's the backbone of the third generation of the Liu family." Deng Jie said gloatingly with a twitch of her lips.

"Xiao Nizi, you are gloating. You are very happy that I am in trouble." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but slap Deng Jie's buttocks, and even pinched her.

"Am I happy? No, I'm just worried about your sports career." Deng Jie said with a giggle.

"It doesn't matter, at most I won't be an athlete in the future." Zhang Xiao said indifferently.

"You think it's too simple. If he wants to deal with you, do you think your studies can continue? Do you think your company can still operate normally?" Deng Jie looked at Zhang Xiao speechlessly and said, "His Energy is not something you can contend with."

Zhang Xiao couldn't help being slightly startled, and then said with some regret: "If this is the case, I have nothing to say, but I don't believe that there is no reason in this world."

"You're too naive to reason. You have to find a way even if you want to reason." Deng Jie said with some disdain.

Zhang Xiao said with a chuckle: "It doesn't matter, people are doing what the sky is watching, and the French Open is not missing."

Deng Jie was not talking, but remained silent.

At this moment, the live broadcast on TV scanned Liu Junmin's face, and Zhang Xiao recognized it at a glance. It was the person in the conference room last night. No wonder Guo Tianfeng ignored his pleading for help. It turned out that even Guo Tianfeng didn't dare to offend him. .

Zhang Xiao laughed at himself, it seems that he has been too smooth recently, and has lost the most basic ability to judge, or let the storm come more violently, he wants to see if he can drown him .

Zhang Xiao stood up, opened the door of the living room, and walked towards the room where Guo Feng was.

Deng Jie looked at Zhang Xiao's leaving back, thoughtful, but remained silent.

"Boss?" Guo Feng watched Zhang Xiao come in and couldn't help standing up and said.

"Sit down, I need you to do something." Zhang Xiao waved at Guo Feng and said.

"Call me, and I'll go find you. You don't need to make a trip by yourself." Guo Feng sat down on the chair with a smile, and said.

"You ask Yuan Min to check on this Liu Junmin in the past two days, no matter whether it is on the surface or secretly, check it out. The more detailed the information, the better." Zhang Xiao said.

"Boss, are you sure you want to do this? This Liu family is a huge monster, and it's very difficult to deal with it." Guo Feng said with a serious face.

"Just plan ahead. If he doesn't take the initiative to deal with me, I won't ask for trouble, but if he really wants to deal with me, even if it is death, he will fight to the death." Zhang Xiao smiled slightly, but the smile was full of arrogance unruly.

"I understand, I will let Yuan Min investigate carefully!" Guo Feng nodded heavily.

"Don't let too many people know at this time, so as not to leak the news." Zhang Xiao then instructed again.

"I know what to do." Guo Feng nodded in agreement.

Zhang Xiao immediately left Guo Feng's room, pretended nothing happened and went back to the living room, and continued to watch the live broadcast of the opening ceremony, but her mind was constantly thinking about what to do next.

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