Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 182 Anger and Venting

The Oriental Pearl Sky Revolving Restaurant is well-known at home and abroad. It is located on the 267-meter-high sphere of the Oriental Pearl TV Tower in Shanghai.

With its unique landscape advantages, extraordinary food culture, and warm service, it stands proudly on the top of the Shanghai Stock Exchange.

When Zhang Xiao came here, looking at the Oriental Pearl TV, which she had seen more than once in her previous life but had never been there before, she couldn't help but feel emotional. Money is not everything, but without money is absolutely impossible.

"Boss, there are no tickets!" Guo Feng, who went to buy tickets, said.

"Why? Is it full?" Zhang Xiao asked with some doubts.

"They said they need to make a reservation." Guo Feng said helplessly.

"Then you look around to see if there is any ticket scalping. Don't you want to go up to eat? There are seven of us in total. You can do it yourself. If you don't want to be beaten to death, you can buy one less ticket." Zhang Xiao laughed Said.

Guo Feng burst into sweat suddenly, because he had already seen the danger from Lu Huaping's eyes, and if he couldn't buy a ticket, he would have to compete with them.

Not long after, Guo Feng came back, panting and said: "I found the ticket scalpers, and they don't have any tickets anymore. They have lost one ticket. The National Games was held recently, and there are a lot of people visiting Shanghai. There were no tickets at all, and they were sold out early in the morning."

"Forget it, come back when you have time, she's here, and she can't escape!" Deng Jie was reasonable and didn't mess around.

"Then let's go back to the hotel. We'll have dinner when we get to the hotel." Zhang Xiao said helplessly. In fact, he also wanted to visit the revolving restaurant. After all, this was a long-cherished wish he had long ago.

"It's a pity that I didn't have a meal on the Shanghai Stock Exchange." Deng Jie still couldn't forget it when she got in the car.

"There is a chance. Guo Feng, I don't have time tomorrow night. I need to go to the opening ceremony. I don't have anything to do at night from the day after tomorrow. You can make an appointment and try to get us all up." Zhang Xiao first comforted Deng Jie , and then told Guo Feng.

"Good boss." Guo Feng agreed immediately, after all he wanted to go too.

After hearing Zhang Xiao's arrangement, Deng Jie became happy again, after all, Zhang Xiao was thinking of her.

Looking at Deng Jie's little girl, Zhang Xiao couldn't help feeling a little bit emotional, women really need to be coaxed.

After returning to the hotel, Zhang Xiao saw an anxious Li Kai in the lobby before going upstairs.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Xiao said to Li Kai.

"Why did you just come back now and call you to turn off the phone?" Li Kai complained.

"The phone is out of battery, what's the matter?" Zhang Xiao asked suspiciously.

"Several leaders came to you in the afternoon, but you were not there, and they are still waiting for you in the small meeting room, so I can only wait downstairs." Li Kai said helplessly.

"Do you know what you want from me?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"I don't know, and I'm not qualified to listen to them." Li Kai looked resentful, obviously dissatisfied with Zhang Xiao's delay in returning home.

Zhang Xiao asked Deng Jie and Guo Feng to go upstairs first, but he followed Li Kai to the small conference room.

When he came outside the small meeting room, Li Kai didn't go in. He knocked on the door and let Zhang Xiao go in by himself.

As soon as Zhang Xiao entered, she couldn't help coughing, because the small conference room was filled with smoke, and those who didn't know thought it was a fire.

"Hey, Xiaoxiao, you're here. Where did you go this afternoon? Let us wait for you all afternoon." Guo Tianfeng said with a half-smile, with a strong hint of sarcasm in his mouth.

Zhang Xiao didn't know where Guo Tianfeng's resentment came from, so he could only smile awkwardly and say, "Leader, I came to the Shanghai Stock Market to go shopping and bought two pieces of clothes."

"It's simply disorganized and undisciplined. Didn't you listen to the meeting last night? You don't have to go out unless necessary. Did you not listen carefully or didn't go to the meeting?" A middle-aged man in a black long-sleeved shirt asked Zhang Xiao road.

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, he didn't know this person, so he couldn't help looking at Guo Tianfeng.

Guo Tianfeng turned a blind eye to Zhang Xiao's gaze, and drank tea on his own, which made Zhang Xiao feel bad all of a sudden, and couldn't help saying: "Who are you, do I know you? What right do you have to criticize me, I You don't know if you are on leave."

The breath of the middle-aged man stagnated suddenly. For many years, no athlete dared to talk to him like that, and then he became annoyed and said: "Is an unorganized and undisciplined athlete like you still a national athlete? I see that you even participated in the competition. No qualifications."

"If you don't participate, don't participate. You think I'm rare." Zhang Xiao suddenly became a little angry, said something full of resentment, turned around and left.

Originally, he wanted to dress himself up as an athlete, but in the end, the benefits were not much, not to mention, there were a lot of shit.

"Zhang Xiao, this is Director Liu of the National Sports Bureau. Why did you talk to the leader?" Guo Tianfeng didn't expect that things would turn out like this. With a confused expression on his face, he quickly pulled Zhang Xiao and warned in a low voice.

"Uncle Guo, I'll be going back to school in a while. I won't participate in the National Games. Anyway, I'm not qualified in their eyes." Zhang Xiao turned around and left after talking to Guo Tianfeng, not giving Guo Tianfeng a chance to stay.

After Zhang Xiao returned to the room, she directly said to Guo Feng, "Inform Lu Huaping and the others to check out and leave."

Then he said to Deng Jie: "You don't need to participate in the National Games. I'm going back to the capital. Are you going back?"

"You are going back, what am I still doing here? Of course I have to go back, but why don't you participate? Haven't you already signed up?" Deng Jie asked with some doubts.

"Don't ask so many questions, it's really meaningless." Zhang Xiao also looked away at this time, but it doesn't matter, the identity of an athlete is not important to him, taking this opportunity to stay away from the sports field and reduce the chance of exposure is also good for him good thing.

Fortunately, the clothes Deng Jie bought today were not brought up, they were still in the car, which saved a lot of trouble, and Zhang Xiao packed them up after a while.

Going downstairs, checking out, getting in the car and leaving, within half an hour, Zhang Xiao left the hotel in the car driven by Guo Feng.

At this time, in the small conference room, Guo Tianfeng had a frosty face, smoking a cigarette silently, without saying a word.

The others didn't speak either. They were originally discussing the transfer of Zhang Xiao's organizational relationship, but they didn't expect the matter to end before the discussion.

At this time, there was a knock on the door of the small conference room.

"Come in." Guo Tianfeng said calmly.

Tian Zhigang opened the door and walked in, ignoring other people's gazes, but walked to Guo Tianfeng's side, and said anxiously: "Boy Zhang checked out and left, and even the people he brought along have left."

"Where did you go, do you know?" Guo Tianfeng asked calmly.

"The front desk said they bought a plane ticket to the capital, so they should be going back to the capital." Tian Zhigang said with a depressed face.

"I see, don't worry about him." Although Guo Tianfeng was angry at the moment, he didn't get angry. After all, he didn't know how to get angry if he wanted to.

Tian Zhigang wanted to say something, but was stopped by Guo Tianfeng's gaze, and he turned and left helplessly.

"Let's go." After Tian Zhigang left, Guo Tianfeng didn't bother to stay in the meeting room, and after saying something casually, he left the small meeting room.

After Guo Tianfeng left, the rest of the team also dispersed, because this matter had nothing to do with them. After all, Zhang Xiao is still a member of the Yu Provincial Team.

After Guo Tianfeng returned to the room, he dialed Zhang Xiao's cell phone number, but only heard a gentle prompt: "The phone you dialed has been turned off."

"Where are you playing, kid?" Guo Tianfeng was also a little speechless, not sure what Zhang Xiao was thinking.

Guo Tianfeng didn't know that this time Zhang Xiao was not only releasing his emotions, but also doing it on purpose.

Zhang Xiao sat in the car with his eyes slightly closed, constantly thinking about where the matter would go. At the same time, Zhang Xiao felt a sense of relief all over his body, as if the sky was letting him fly.

Since his rebirth, Zhang Xiao has been living cautiously, bearing what he can, never taking the initiative to seek trouble, and never intentionally causing trouble, but things still happen one after another, but Zhang Xiao has to endure it, because he is not strong enough , but this time things are different, he wants to take this opportunity to see who is behind the scenes to make trouble for him again and again.

The main reason for the outbreak at this time is that the status of an athlete is no longer useful to him. If he can take this opportunity to get rid of it, it is also a result that Zhang Xiao can accept.

At this time, Deng Jie also learned about the development of the matter from Zhang Xiao, and couldn't help but ask, "What good will it do you?"

"I just don't want to be restrained by others. Since they use rules to suppress me, it's fine if I quit. Could it be that I still made mistakes!" Zhang Xiao said indifferently.

"But if you do this, you will give others a bad impression, and if you participate in competitions in the future, you will inevitably deal with them, and you will inevitably be targeted." Deng Jie looked at Zhang Xiao speechlessly, and some couldn't understand Zhang Xiao. Xiao's operation.

"After that, it's fine not to participate." Zhang Xiao said casually, looking extremely chic.

"It's a pity that such a good talent of yours was wasted, no, you can't just give up on yourself." Deng Jie suddenly didn't want to, and said dissatisfied for Zhang Xiao.

"Don't worry, it's not me who is worried about this matter, but them." Zhang Xiao made a gesture and said with a smile.

"If they don't contact you, don't you just play off?" Deng Jie said with a little worry.

"Then I don't care. Anyway, I don't plan to put much energy into sports now. Instead of being restrained in the future, it's better to leave now and be myself." Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing. To be honest, he wished that After retiring, in this way, he can concentrate on studying and lay a solid foundation for future chip research.

After all, in his memory, the development of chips will be faster and faster, but the basic framework has not changed. He wants to try to develop another basic framework, which is what he wants most.

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