"No, I can't take it anymore, let me have a rest." Deng Jie hurriedly begged for mercy, because when she was taking a bath, she found that her lower body was already swollen, and she didn't dare to mess around with Zhang Xiao anymore.

Zhang Xiao could only suppress her desire, pulled Deng Jie up from the bed, and then called the hotel to ask them to bring the food.

It didn't take long before the food came. Zhang Xiao invited Guo Feng to come and eat too. After all, there were a lot of food, and the two of them couldn't eat that much.

After eating, Deng Jie lay lazily in Zhang Xiao's arms, and sighed softly, "Oh, I found that I was at a loss for coming here with you this time, so I just followed you for no apparent reason."

"What are you talking about, aren't we boyfriend and girlfriend now?" Zhang Xiao said a little speechlessly, feeling helpless at Deng Jie's reaction.

"That's my most precious thing." Deng Jie said with some melancholy.

"Isn't it the same for me? I also gave you my innocence, and I gave you so much." Zhang Xiao hugged him in his arms and said with a smile.

"Rogue." Deng Jie scolded with a grumpy smile.

Under the dim light in the room, Zhang Xiao looked at Deng Jie, and he felt that Deng Jie was so beautiful and full of temptation.

The pair of big eyes are so beautiful, the eyes are indescribably charming, the face is slightly round, which can be called a blessing, but the face itself is not big, the chin is naturally pointed, and the nose is neither high nor short, which is just right , coupled with a small mouth, looks extremely attractive.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but want to make a move, but unfortunately Deng Jie stopped him before he could make a move.

"Your desire is really strong!" Deng Jie said helplessly.

"I can't help it, I'm born with a strong physique." Zhang Xiao said stinky.

"Shameless, shameless and skinless." Deng Jie was also a little helpless at this time, and it was only now that she realized that Zhang Xiao was not serious, and he was sneaky with dirty words.

After a peaceful night, Zhang Xiao didn't bully Deng Jie anymore, but slept peacefully with her arms around Deng Jie.

Waking up early the next morning, Zhang Xiao went to the gym to continue training. After all, it was impossible for him to go outside to exercise. After all, there was no suitable venue, and there were many athletes who came to train like him, which seemed very lively.

"Zhang Xiao, how is your training going?" Huang Yi asked.

"It's okay, but it's definitely not as much training as you guys. I still have to go to class every day." Zhang Xiao said while wiping the sweat off his face.

"No amount of training can compare to you." Huang Yi said helplessly.

Zhang Xiao didn't know how to answer these words, the chat reached a dead end, so she could only smile awkwardly.

After breakfast, Zhang Xiao didn't go out, but stayed in the room chatting with Deng Jie.

"I am participating in the National Games this time, and my organizational relationship may have to be transferred. I heard that I will be transferred to the capital." Zhang Xiao said to Deng Jie.

"Aren't you willing to join the military group?" Deng Jie asked with some doubts. At the same time, she had unconsciously considered the issue from Zhang Xiao's point of view instead of the previous attitude.

"That's true, but you'd better ask your father to contact Yuxing about this matter. I also need to listen to their conditions. After all, I don't want to be restrained in the future." Zhang Xiao smiled slightly.

"I see. I'll call my father right now." Deng Jie was very smart, and she understood Zhang Xiao's thoughts as soon as she heard what Zhang Xiao said, and couldn't help but smile slightly.

Deng Jie picked up the phone in the living room and dialed her father Deng Zhimin's cell phone.

"Dad, I found out for you that Zhang Xiao's organizational relationship will be transferred after the National Games. I heard that she will transfer to the capital." Deng Jie asked for credit as soon as she opened her mouth. This is where she is smarter than Deng Yi.

"Is he unwilling to transfer to the military group?" Deng Zhimin said a little depressed.

"It's not that I don't want to. Don't I need to discuss this with you? Zhang Xiao has to look at the conditions you offer. You can't just join for no reason." Deng Jie began to think for Zhang Xiao.

"Do you have his contact information? Let me talk to him, he has a lot of eyes at a young age." Deng Zhimin complained.

"I'll give you his cell phone number, you can contact him." Deng Jie said the cell phone number again before hanging up.

After Deng Jie hung up the phone, she smiled slightly. The next thing she wanted to do was to see their Weng and his son-in-law confront each other, and she wanted to see who could gain the upper hand.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but gave Deng Jie a thumbs up, and said in admiration, "You are so powerful, even your father is going to plot against you."

"It's not for you, otherwise why would I bother to act." Deng Jie had an expression that I was doing it for your own good, which made Zhang Xiao a little unnatural. After all, Deng Jie even lied to his father for him.

Not long after, Zhang Xiao's cell phone rang.

"Student Zhang Xiao? I'm Deng Zhimin, Deng Yi's father." Deng Zhimin said on the phone.

"Hello, Uncle, I'm Zhang Xiao." Zhang Xiao quickly answered with a smile.

"Deng Yi should have told you everything. I heard that your organizational relationship will be transferred after the National Games. I wonder if you are interested in joining the military group." Deng Zhimin's language was very concise, without saying a word nonsense.

"Uncle, you also know that I am not only a student and athlete, but I also have several companies in operation. I am worried that after I join the military group, the change of household registration will cause unnecessary trouble." Zhang Xiao cautiously moved the His own difficulties are on the bright side, after all, this is the freedom he wants to control.

"These things are nothing. After all, you are a talent specially recruited by the military group. I think the policy of talent introduction is completely suitable for you. Not only that, after you join the military group, all your future competition expenses will be paid by you." The army group is responsible." Deng Zhimin also put the conditions on the surface, after all, track and field talents like Zhang Xiao are really rare, rare in a hundred years, and it is worth him to win them over.

"Uncle, to be honest, I don't really care about being an athlete. What I care about is learning more knowledge and running the company well, so I hope to have absolute freedom." Zhang Xiao expressed his request, after all He doesn't care about other conditions.

"I can promise you relative freedom. We will not interfere with your life except after the game." Deng Zhimin understood what Zhang Xiao meant, and also understood why Zhang Xiao was willing to communicate with him.

"Then let's make an agreement like this. Uncle, you can contact the leaders of Yu Province." Zhang Xiao saw that Deng Zhimin's conditions had met his request, so he agreed.

"Okay, I have time to have dinner with Deng Yi at home." After speaking, Deng Zhimin hung up the phone.

"Is this the goal?" Deng Jie looked at Zhang Xiao with some pity and said.

"Yeah, what I need is freedom, and other things don't matter." Zhang Xiao knew Deng Jie's thoughts, but at the same time he knew very well that the more he got, the more he would pay accordingly.

Deng Jie pondered for a moment, then nodded, approving Zhang Xiao's approach.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao went to Guo Tianfeng's room and told him her decision. After all, Guo Tianfeng's side is also very important. As long as both sides coordinate well, the matter can be done smoothly.

"Since you have already made up your mind, I will naturally not set up obstacles for you. After all, you call me uncle." Guo Tianfeng said with a smile.

"Uncle Guo, I still want to thank you." Zhang Xiao said seriously.

"We don't need to say more polite words among ourselves. It is enough if you have this heart." Guo Tianfeng also knows Zhang Xiao's current energy. Although he has no background, his strength should not be underestimated, especially Academician Ni. After joining Zhang Xiao's command, Zhang Xiao's basic situation has been stabilized. In the future, as long as he abides by the law, he will not have too much trouble.

Zhang Xiao then communicated his thoughts with Guo Tianfeng before getting up and leaving.

After returning to the room, Zhang Xiao looked a little bored, asked Li Kai for leave, and took Deng Jie to go shopping.

When I came to the Shanghai stock market, I always had to go around and buy some clothes for Deng Jie.

Coming to the busiest street in Shanghai at this time, one street and two rows are full of various shops, Deng Jie enjoys shopping, but Zhang Xiao and Guo Feng suffer.

"Boss, you are asking for trouble. How did you think of it? Taking women shopping, although you are not short of money, is too tiring." Guo Feng complained in a low voice.

"Be careful to be heard, she is your boss's wife now!" Zhang Xiao smiled and chatted with Guo Feng, which was considered a joy in bitterness.

"Zhang Xiao, how about this dress for me?" Deng Jie, who came out of the dressing room, was wearing a beige windbreaker and asked in front of the fitting mirror.

"It looks good, it's good, waiter, wrap this up." Zhang Xiao said after only one glance.

Deng Jie didn't hear Zhang Xiao's perfunctory intention, and turned around excitedly to change her clothes.

This street is five or six kilometers long, and it would take only a few ten minutes to walk in normal times, but Zhang Xiao and the others, who accompanied Deng Jie to shop, hadn't finished shopping until eight o'clock in the evening.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao was a little numb. The trunk of the car was already full, and there was a lot in the back seat.

"It's time to go back, it's getting late." Zhang Xiao pulled Deng Jie helplessly and said.

"Ah, it's already eight o'clock, time flies so fast." Deng Jie couldn't help sighing.

Zhang Xiao was very depressed at the moment. He vowed that he would never pay women for shopping again. This afternoon, he lived like a year. Deng Jie not only bought clothes for himself, but also bought clothes for him. Although he didn't buy many clothes, he tried a lot .

"My legs are so sore, rub them for me!" Deng Jie complained after getting into the car.

"Fortunately, there is no athlete's foot." Zhang Xiao put Deng Jie's leg on her knee, kneaded her hands, and said in a low voice with some disgust.

"What did you say?" Deng Jie raised her eyebrows, obviously hearing Zhang Xiao's words.

"It's nothing, I'm thinking about where to eat later." Zhang Xiao said duplicity.

"Let's go to the revolving restaurant of the Oriental Pearl Tower. I heard that you can overlook the entire Shanghai stock market there. The night view of the Shanghai stock market is very beautiful." Deng Jie immediately retracted her legs and said excitedly.

"Guo Feng, go to the revolving restaurant." Zhang Xiao ordered without hesitation.

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