Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 180 The Li family is over

Zhang Xiao looked at Deng Jie, whose face was flushed and her eyes were slightly closed, her heart fluttered, and she hugged her and walked towards the bathroom.

This time, Deng Jie did not refuse, but snuggled into Zhang Xiao's arms obediently.

Perhaps it was the communication just now that made the relationship between the two of them harmonious, and the big things that happened afterward were just a matter of course, and everything seemed natural.

Deng Jie snuggled into Zhang Xiao's broad embrace, covering her proud figure with a quilt, her flushed face made her look even more attractive.

"You said that your skills are so proficient, how many people have you dated?" Deng Jie asked at this moment.

"You are the only one now." Zhang Xiao had to admit that Deng Jie's brain circuit was a bit long, but she had to say it seriously.

"I don't believe it, but let me tell you, I don't care about all the things in the past, but if you dare to do anything wrong behind my back in the future, I will cut you off." Deng Jie said viciously.

"That means we can sleep together if there are other people in the future." Zhang Xiao said with feigned surprise.

"If you miss, you can try." Deng Jie sneered.

Zhang Xiao suddenly felt that his vitals had been caught, and hurriedly begged for mercy: "Just kidding, just kidding, you are enough."

"Let go of you for now." Deng Jie said a little arrogantly.

"Do it again?" Zhang Xiao said softly after being caught by Deng Jie, which made him feel ready to move again.

"Still coming? It's been three times." Deng Jie said helplessly.

"What? Are you scared? Please, I'll let you go?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said.

"Come here, whoever is afraid of whom!" Deng Jie was dominated by the idea that I must not lose, without thinking about her own situation at all.


"It's started again, really energetic." Li Kai said to Guo Feng with some envy.

"Just perform normally." Guo Feng didn't care about this, because he knew Zhang Xiao's combat effectiveness.

Li Kai suddenly felt that he was despised, so he could only drink tea in silence.

"It's fine if I tell him, isn't it just a meeting at night?" Guo Feng said to Li Kai.

"Okay, but you'd better persuade him to exercise restraint. After all, the competition is about to start, and if he becomes a soft-footed shrimp, he will be humiliated." Li Kai said helplessly.

"I'll tell the boss. I don't care if he listens or not." Guo Feng shrugged, spread his hands, and said with a smile.

Li Kai had no choice but to leave.

In the evening, Zhang Xiao came out of the room refreshed, but at this time Deng Jie was exhausted, so she stayed in the room to sleep and refresh herself.

"Li Kai said that you will have a meeting tonight, in the large conference room on the [-]th floor." Guo Feng said to Zhang Xiao.

"Got it, let's go eat, I'm starving to death." Zhang Xiao replied casually.

Guo Feng naturally had no reason to object, but asked, "Where's your girlfriend, isn't she hungry?"

"Let's talk about it when she wakes up." Zhang Xiao curled her lips and said helplessly.

There were a lot of people attending the meeting at night, and the large conference room that could seat 600 people was full. Zhang Xiao also met Guo Tianfeng, whom he hadn't seen for a long time, on the rostrum.

The content of the meeting was still clichéd, and Zhang Xiao fell asleep after hearing it. If Li Kai didn't wake him up from time to time, he would have fallen asleep a long time ago.

In the afternoon's battle, not only Deng Jie was tired, but Zhang Xiao was also tired. There was no winner.

After the meeting, Zhang Xiao who wanted to go back to the room was held back by Li Kai.

"The leader wants to see you." Li Kai said with a smile.

"The leader?" Zhang Xiao asked with some doubts.

"Of course it's Bureau Guo, no, it's a senior official now." Li Kai said with a playful face.

"What's your expression?" Zhang Xiao said speechlessly.

"Pretend, if you try your best to pretend, you don't have the slightest sign of fear?" Li Kai said with disdain.

"What am I afraid of? I don't know why." Zhang Xiao didn't understand what Li Kai wanted to express.

"Did you fall in love with the leader's daughter before? How long has it been since you changed someone? Are you not afraid that the leader will make trouble for you?" Li Kai said gloatingly.

"Cut, I thought you were going to say something? We broke up a long time ago, okay?" Zhang Xiao said helplessly, but Li Kai said that, and he was really a little uneasy.

Li Kai led Zhang Xiao not far outside Guo Tianfeng's room, then turned and left.

Zhang Xiao came to the door of Guo Tianfeng's room alone and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Guo Tianfeng's voice came out.

"Hello, Uncle Guo." Zhang Xiao said with a smile as he opened the door and walked in.

"Sit whatever you want." Guo Tianfeng waved his hand at Zhang Xiao and said in a very easy-going manner.

Zhang Xiao was not polite either. After filling Guo Tianfeng's teacup with water, he made another cup of tea for himself, and then sat down on the sofa very casually.

"The Li family is over, you know it." Guo Tianfeng said with some regret.

"I heard." Zhang Xiao nodded.

"Hey, Mr. Li is also smart and confused for a while. I didn't expect to be late when he was old." Guo Tianfeng stared at Zhang Xiao when he said this, because he suspected that the accident in the Li family was related to Zhang Xiao.

"People are doing what the sky is watching. There is nothing to do with the fact that the sky net is wide and sparse." Zhang Xiao said indifferently. As for Guo Tianfeng's guess, she didn't care, because although the Li family is powerful, their enemies Not less.

Although it was Zhang Xiao who asked Guo Feng and the others to submit the materials to the relevant departments, Zhang Xiao did not expect the results to come out so quickly, which must be fueled by the Li family's rivals.

The investigation of Mr. Li naturally caused a chain reaction. As a senior provincial official, Guo Tianfeng certainly felt the same way. The reason why he talked about this with Zhang Xiao at the moment seemed to depend on Zhang Xiao's reaction, but what puzzled him was that, Zhang Xiao was very calm, as if this matter had nothing to do with him.

"Aren't you surprised? After all, this happened just after the Li family reconciled with you." Guo Tianfeng continued to ask tentatively.

"It's no surprise. Maybe their family has been targeted a long time ago. After all, there are so many people staring at their location." Zhang Xiao shook his head and said that he couldn't even beat him to death. Admit it, otherwise he will definitely be attacked by the crowd.

"Li Yaning was also sentenced, and he was sentenced to seven years, which is considered severe." Guo Tianfeng said with a sigh, "I still can't figure out why he did this!"

"Who knows, maybe only he knows it, and it's pointless to study the past now, after all, we are neither policemen nor judges." Zhang Xiao still said indifferently.

"Yes, everything must look forward." Guo Tianfeng nodded with a smile, and no longer entangled in the reasons for the defeat of the Li family. After all, speculation can only be speculation, and telling things without evidence is just to cause trouble.

"Uncle Guo, you didn't ask me to come here to talk about the Li family's affairs." Zhang Xiao asked with a smile.

"Of course not. The matter about the Li family is just a matter of feeling. I called you here mainly to tell you that although you still represent the provincial team in this National Games, after this competition, you The organization relationship will be transferred to the capital, I will tell you in advance." Guo Tianfeng said with a smile.

"Can I choose a group to join?" Zhang Xiao asked, remembering Deng Yi's request.

"Which group do you want to go to, is that group looking for you?" Guo Tianfeng was slightly taken aback.

"The father of one of my classmates is the leader of the military group. My classmate discussed it with me before, but I didn't agree or refuse." Zhang Xiao thought about it and answered truthfully. After all, this matter would be much simpler with Guo Tianfeng's help. .

"Then you should think about it carefully. After all, if you join the military group, you need to join the military. This will have both advantages and disadvantages for your future development." Guo Tianfeng said with a serious expression.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but nodded. After all, he really didn't think about this matter, but after all, he didn't agree, and there is room for things to change.

"Okay, let's put this aside and talk about your personal affairs. I heard that you brought a beautiful girlfriend with you when you came here today?" Guo Tianfeng said with a half-smile.

"Yes." Zhang Xiao admitted very simply.

"Well, it seems that Yaxin doesn't have this blessing. I hope you can control your behavior and don't mess with the relationship between men and women. After all, there are many people who stare at mistakes." Guo Tianfeng warned.

"I'll pay attention." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but blush, and Guo Tianfeng asked him about the relationship between men and women, which he didn't expect.

"I won't say much about other things. After all, your company is so large now. I believe you have your own plans, but what I want to tell you is that you must do things legally and compliantly, otherwise, once you are targeted, you will be ruined." disaster." Guo Tianfeng warned with a serious expression.

"I understand, but Uncle Guo, can you tell me who is watching me from behind?" Zhang Xiao was a little puzzled by Guo Tianfeng's warning, and asked involuntarily.

"Is there not enough people staring at you? Dong Liu alone is enough for you to drink a pot. Besides, there is Zong Rui, a person who hates you so much. It is said that he is also fanning the flames behind his back. You'd better be careful recently." Guo Tianfeng said helplessly, but he also pointed out to Zhang Xiao two representative figures staring at him.

Zhang Xiao was startled. It seemed that he had been slack in school recently, and he was so slow that he needed someone to remind him. He couldn't help the cold sweat on his back.

"Okay, let's go back and rest, it's getting late." After Guo Tianfeng finished his business, he started to chase people away.

After Zhang Xiao saluted, she left Guo Tianfeng's room and headed for her own room.

After returning to the room, Deng Jie had already woken up and was changing clothes in the room.

"I'm back, I'm starving to death, have you prepared something to eat?" Deng Jie said coquettishly with her arms around Zhang Xiao's neck.

"I've fed you all afternoon and haven't fed you yet!" Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said with a smile.

"I hate it, it's so disgusting." Deng Jie heard Zhang Xiao's teasing all at once, and slapped Zhang Xiao angrily.

"You want to murder your husband, so hard." Zhang Xiao pretended to be in unbearable pain and sat down on the bed.

"Are you okay?" Deng Jie leaned out nervously to check the place where Zhang Xiao was beaten.

Zhang Xiao pulled him onto the bed and pressed him down.

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