In the following time, Zhang Xiao started daily training, and the duration of the training was also carried out according to what Zhang Xiao said. Li Kai had nothing to do about it and could only let it go.

But what surprised Zhang Xiao was that Deng Jie really started to get in touch with him frequently. On the first day, she used Deng Yi as a cover, but from the second day, Deng Jie started to come by herself.

When Zhang Xiao was resting, Deng Jie would prepare towels and drinking water, and sometimes wipe Zhang Xiao's sweat, looking extremely gentle, which was very different from her previous image of a female Tyrannosaurus.

Originally, Deng Jie only came in the afternoon, but after arriving later, Deng Jie would call Zhang Xiao for breakfast every morning when Zhang Xiao's training was over.

This kind of meticulous care suddenly made Zhang Xiao a little overwhelmed, because everyone knew that Zhang Xiao had a girlfriend from Beijing University, and they looked at Zhang Xiao strangely.

In fact, it's not just them, even Li Kai believes that Deng Jie is Zhang Xiao's girlfriend, and Zhang Xiao won't allow her to explain at all.

"Deng Jie, aren't you tired from running here every day?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help asking after the training this afternoon.

"Tired, but I am willing for you." Deng Jie blinked her big eyes, looked at Zhang Xiao tenderly, and said in a low voice.

"But you made me feel embarrassed by doing this." Zhang Xiao shook her head and said, "Don't come here tomorrow."

"You hate me?" Deng Jie said with an aggrieved face.

"That's not true. It's just that our relationship is just ordinary friends. I think it's inappropriate for you to do something like this." Zhang Xiao explained the reason slightly.

"I like you." Deng Jie stared at Zhang Xiao tightly, and said seriously.

"Don't be kidding, no matter what your purpose is, please don't waste time on me. Some things are better for you to say directly." Zhang Xiao didn't think his charm was that great, so he felt that Deng Jie contacted him with ulterior motives .

"Is it wrong for me to like you? Or am I not good enough for you?" Deng Jie's eyes were a little red, and her voice became louder.

Zhang Xiao was really depressed at the moment, because he didn't think what Deng Jie said was true, but if it was about acting, then Deng Jie's acting skills would definitely win an award.

"Of course there's nothing wrong with liking someone, but I'm not ready to fall in love yet. At the same time, I also hope that you can calm down and give each other some time and space. I think this is good for you and me. After Zhang Xiao finished speaking, she picked up her backpack and turned to leave.

Deng Jie looked at the back of Zhang Xiao leaving, and couldn't help being a little depressed, because she tried so hard to like someone, but Zhang Xiao still refused, but Zhang Xiao's refusal made her a little hard to accept.

"Deng Yi, what's going on with your sister? I'm almost dying of embarrassment these two days." Zhang Xiao asked Deng Yi with a depressed face after returning to the dormitory.

"How do I know? She has been like this since she was a child. She always does things with a purpose, regardless of other people's opinions. As for the fact that she likes you, I don't know if it is true or not. I don't understand anything. But I think there is a high probability that it is fake, so be careful." Deng Yi said with some embarrassment and helplessness.

Zhang Xiao was speechless for a moment, what was this called, but it was okay, he was going to the Shanghai Stock Market to participate in the National Games in one day, and it was impossible for Deng Jie to ask for leave to go to the Shanghai Stock Market, and he would be relieved then.

On October 10, Zhang Xiao and Li Kai flew to the Shanghai stock market, and the security team also went there together.

But when Zhang Xiao got off the plane, she saw the person she least wanted to see at the exit of the airport——Deng Jie.

"Why are you here? You don't have class?" Zhang Xiao asked Deng Jie who was holding her arm.

"I asked for leave. I don't worry about you being away alone. Isn't this here to take care of you? Are you unhappy?" Deng Jie said sadly.

"That's not true." Zhang Xiao looked at Deng Jie's pitiful look, but her heart softened, and she said duplicity.

"That's good, I thought you didn't like me." Deng Jie breathed a sigh of relief, patted her towering chest and said.

Zhang Xiao turned her head in embarrassment, not looking at Deng Jie's snow-white and deep groove.

Deng Jie looked at Zhang Xiao's move of 300 taels of silver here, and the corner of her mouth twitched slightly, but she recovered quickly, put her arms around Zhang Xiao's arm and got into the car driven by Yuan Mei.

Yuan Mei looked at Deng Jie who was holding Zhang Xiao's arm, and couldn't help but sighed in her heart: "The boss's luck is really strong, it's only been a while, and someone has caught up again."

Zhang Xiao felt extremely aggrieved at the moment, Deng Jie almost leaned her whole body on him at this moment, her towering chest kept squeezing Zhang Xiao's arm, as if she wanted to embrace him.

However, Zhang Xiao didn't dare to have any unreasonable thoughts about Deng Jie, so she could only force herself to remain calm, so as not to show abnormalities, and at the same time, she unconsciously raised her legs to cover up the changes in her body.

And Deng Jie felt Zhang Xiao's stiff body, and couldn't help but feel secretly happy.

Half an hour later, the car stopped at the entrance of the hotel. Zhang Xiao opened the door and got out of the car. Taking the opportunity to get rid of Deng Jie's entanglement, he reached out to grab the backpack and headed into the hotel.

Deng Jie followed closely behind, still muttering in a low voice: "Smelly Zhang Xiao, I don't understand style at all."

Zhang Xiao, who had eyes and ears, heard it but pretended not to hear it, and walked upstairs on her own.

The floor of the Henan provincial team is on the seventh floor, which means ups and downs, which is also a good sign.

The provincial team arranged for Zhang Xiao a large suite with three bedrooms. The one that originally belonged to Li Kai was occupied by Deng Jie, and Li Kai could only live in a single room with a depressed face.

"Zhang Xiao, what do you mean? How do I feel that you are avoiding me since we met at the airport?" Deng Jie blocked Zhang Xiao in the room and asked with a displeased face.

"Sister, I'm not ready to fall in love yet, please forgive me. And I'm still underage." Zhang Xiao helplessly raised her hand begging for mercy.

For a woman from an official family like Deng Jie, Zhang Xiao didn't dare to do anything excessive to her, and Deng Jie flirted her up again, which made Zhang Xiao a little unbearable.

After all, as a normal man, he has not known the taste of meat for a long time, and he will react when he is teased a little. Now Zhang Xiao has no place to put out the fire, so he can only suppress it by willpower, but the more suppressed the desire, the easier it is to erupt. Zhang Xiaosheng was afraid that if he couldn't bear it, he would execute Deng Jie on the spot.

"Cut, who are you lying to? I have already reacted and I am underage!" Deng Jie said with some disdain.

"This is just a normal physiological reaction of a man." Zhang Xiao was a little depressed, so she could only pretend to be calm.

"It seems that your sexual orientation is fine, so I feel at ease. We have the basic conditions to get along. The next step is to fall in love. I fell in love with you at first sight. What about you, how do you feel about me?" Deng Jie said seriously.

Zhang Xiao was completely speechless at this moment, and said helplessly, "Do you know how love at first sight is explained?"

"I know, it means that a man and a woman fall in love as soon as they meet. Don't forget that I am a top student in the Chinese Department." Deng Jie said a little arrogantly.

"This is a written explanation. In layman's terms, it's just a matter of sex." Zhang Xiao glanced at Deng Jie who was staring at him, feeling a little moved in his heart. He decided to tease Deng Jie as well to see what she wanted to do. .

"The explanation is very good!" Deng Jie looked at Zhang Xiao in surprise and said, "Why don't you just show me something."

Zhang Xiao almost choked to death on his own saliva, because at this moment Deng Jie showed her perfect body in front of him.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but sighed and said: "It's not good for you to do this. Girls who post upside down will make people feel worthless, and their worth will also depreciate. And I like the feeling of taking the initiative."

"Then you take the initiative, I won't refuse." Deng Jie couldn't help shouting.

Zhang Xiao was choked again, because he couldn't help looking at Deng Jie at the moment, and wanted to reach out to pick the thorny rose, but he was suspicious, so he looked away with some difficulty, mouth Li said softly, ""

"Speak up, you haven't answered my question yet?" Deng Jie was chasing after her aggressively at the moment.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but took a deep breath, and said seriously, "Are you serious?"

"Of course, I, Deng Jie, keep what I say, and I will never regret it." Deng Jie's chest was rippling, and her words were even more crisp.

"No regrets?" Zhang Xiao continued to ask.

"I will never regret it!" Deng Jie nodded seriously.

"That's good, let's go take a shower." Zhang Xiao decided that he couldn't bear it any longer, and if he couldn't bear it, he didn't need to bear it anymore.

Zhang Xiao hugged Deng Jie and walked towards the bathroom.

"What are you doing?" At this moment, Deng Jie jumped out of Zhang Xiao's arms like a startled rabbit.

"Taking a bath, didn't you say you want me to take the initiative? And you are willing." Zhang Xiao picked Deng Jie up and headed for the bathroom.

"That's not what I meant. I'm not ready yet. Put me down." Deng Jie struggled harder, shouting continuously.

Zhang Xiao put it on the ground, looked at the blushing Deng Jie with great interest, and couldn't help but feel a little proud.

"You really put me down, are you a man after all?" Deng Jie opened her mouth but gave Zhang Xiao a critical blow, injuring [-] points.

Zhang Xiao felt that he was going crazy, and that he was being suspected about his gender, and he couldn't help feeling annoyed. It turned out that when a woman said no, she meant she wanted it, and he really saw it now.

Zhang Xiao pulled Deng Jie over and hugged her with a long kiss, not letting go of every corner of her.

Deng Jie was flustered at first, but then she cooperated and began to respond greenly.

After a long time, their lips parted, they looked at each other, and their hearts were entangled in a lifetime of love.

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