Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 178 My sister has taken a fancy to you

After returning to the dormitory, Deng Yi and the three of them were in the dormitory, while Sun Xiaodong leaned against the balcony wall and smoked a cigarette.

"Big man, no way, just because of such a woman, you are so decadent, don't give up the whole forest for a single tree." Sun Jianxin teased pretendingly relaxed.

"You don't understand." Sun Xiaodong snuffed out the cigarette butt, threw it into the trash can, and said somewhat self-deprecatingly.

"Ask what love is in the world, and teach life and death. But I said, big man, your feelings have not reached this level yet, don't pretend to be real." Sun Jianxin said with a smile, but his words were straightforward. Stab Sun Xiaodong's sore spot.

"I don't need you to worry about it." Sun Xiaodong said angrily.

"A dog biting Lu Dongbin doesn't know a good heart." Sun Jianxin was also a little annoyed, and couldn't help cursing.

"Who do you call a dog?"

"What about you, what's the matter?"

"Will you try again?"

Sun Jianxin and Sun Xiaodong actually quarreled, which made Zhang Xiao, who was watching the fun, couldn't help it.

"Okay, why are you arguing, go drink." Zhang Xiao stopped the two of them, pulled them and walked outside.

In fact, Sun Xiaodong himself knew that his feelings for Li Meiling were not that deep. When he saw Li Meiling and another man coming out of the hotel, he didn't feel so heartbroken or emotional.

But Sun Xiaodong always felt that he was ashamed in front of his roommates and could not let go of face.

As for Sun Jianxin, the little devil, every word he said hit his sore spot, which made him even more angry, and he couldn't help but quarreled with Sun Jianxin.

The four of them still came to the barbecue booth last time. As soon as the skewers and beer were served, and after a few glasses of wine, the atmosphere suddenly eased.

"I'm sorry, I was wrong before, I shouldn't have lost my temper on you." Sun Xiaodong apologized to Sun Jianxin while drinking.

"It doesn't matter, who made us brothers, well, let him go over the unhappy things. Li Meiling will let her go with the wind, and it is her loss to give up you." Sun Jianxin comforted with a smile.

Zhang Xiao listened to Sun Jianxin's words, and couldn't help but smiled and said: "Jianxin, it seems that you are also a person with experience and stories."

Sun Jianxin shook his head and said with a smile: "That's not true, but I read it from books, but I think the big guy is very suitable for the occasion."

Deng Yi burst out laughing at the side, not knowing that that sentence hit his point of laughter.

"What are you laughing at?" Zhang Xiao asked Deng Yi.

"It's nothing, I was just thinking that the big guy was interested in Li Meiling for sex, but he didn't succeed. You guys comforted him together. I laughed to death." After Deng Yi finished speaking, he suddenly felt that the atmosphere was not right, because the surroundings Quiet is a bit too much.

Deng Yi looked up, and immediately saw Sun Xiaodong and Sun Jianxin glaring at him. He quickly picked up the wine glass and drank it down. He said with a smile: "I am talking nonsense, I will punish myself with a drink."

"Three cups!"

"Give me a drink!"

"I drink and I drink." Deng Yi had to fill up the wine glass, and made up two more glasses.

However, after Deng Yi's nonsense, Sun Xiaodong can be regarded as completely letting go of this matter.

That night, when Deng Yi and Sun Xiaodong got drunk, Zhang Xiao and Sun Jianxin brought them back to the dormitory.

At noon the next day, Zhang Xiao saw Li Kai who had come all the way downstairs in the dormitory.

"How are you doing recently?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help asking, looking at Li Kaifeng's dusty face.

"It's okay, but I'm a little tired." Li Kai shook his head with a wry smile.

"How did you come here?" Zhang Xiao asked with some doubts.

"Last night's train was delayed for three hours, and I didn't sleep all the way." Li Kai shook his head and said with a wry smile.

"You really work hard, you don't know how to fly." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said.

"The air ticket is not reimbursed." Li Kai said helplessly.

"Then you go to rest first?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"No, do you have class this afternoon?" Li Kai asked.

"There is no class in the afternoon. You won't let me start training in the afternoon." Zhang Xiao said incredulously.

"There is no training in the afternoon, but all four of your items need to be tested. The provincial team leader is still waiting for my report." Li Kai said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao was a little helpless, but he also knew that this was a basic process, but it was not a big deal to him.

At two o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Xiao began to test on the playground, and such behavior naturally attracted the attention of some students in physical education class.

In addition, after Zhang Xiao was exposed some time ago, he was naturally recognized by more people, and more and more people were watching.

Fortunately, Zhang Xiao is used to this, and it will not affect his state.

What pleased Li Kai was that Zhang Xiao's results were as stable as ever. He took three long jump tests and the final score was 8 meters. Although he didn't break Zhang Xiao's previous record, it was enough to win the National Games if he could maintain this result.

In the next 100-meter test, the result dropped slightly, 9 seconds 87, but this result was enough for Li Kai to make a difference.

But the 400-meter score broke the record, 42 seconds 16, which made Li Kai extremely excited. After all, every new record is a big event, because it represents the limit of human beings.

After the 1500-meter test results came out, Li Kai jumped up excitedly, breaking Zhang Xiao's own record again in 3:25.

"You run so fast, this Zhang Xiao is too powerful."

"Nonsense, Zhang Xiao won four gold medals in the North China Division last year, do you think it's just a joke?"

"The National Games is coming soon. It seems that Zhang Xiao is preparing to participate in the National Games."

"Sure, it's up to you to say."


The outsiders watched the excitement, and the students onlookers talked a lot. Although they didn't know Zhang Xiao's specific grades, it didn't hinder their gossip.

"Deng Yi, Zhang Xiao is really good at sports. No wonder even his father wants to win him over. By the way, what happened to the matter that father asked you to discuss with him?" Deng Jie asked Deng Yi.

"There is no result. He has already agreed to participate in the Yu Province team this year. He has no reason to go back on his word." Deng Yi shook his head and said.

"What about after this year?" Deng Jie asked.

"It's not decided, and he doesn't want to talk about it now." Deng Yi said cautiously.

"Trash, I can't do even a little thing. Leave it alone and let me discuss it with him." Deng Jie said to Deng Yi with some disgust.

Deng Yi immediately beamed with joy. After all, he wanted to leave this drudgery for a long time. It would be best if Deng Jie took over at this moment.

"Deng Yi, does Zhang Xiao have a girlfriend?" Deng Jie wrung her fingers, and her knuckles made a crisp sound.

"I haven't heard that he has one. Why do you ask this? No way?" Deng Yi stared at Deng Jie speechlessly, and said dumbfounded.

"Just as you think in your heart, I think Zhang Xiao is very good to be your brother-in-law. He is rich and talented, he is also handsome, and his body is strong and strong, which meets all my requirements." Deng Jie couldn't help but smiled happily stand up.

"Sister, you won't come here for real, right? He's only 17 years old, and you're already 20 years old." Deng Yi's voice became smaller and smaller, because he saw a trace of unkindness in Deng Jie's eyes.

"What's wrong with being 20 years old? Is it too big? It's a match made in heaven. Let me tell you, little Dengzi, don't make trouble for me. If you dare to make trouble, be careful with your head." Deng Jie threatened viciously. road.

"Sister, even if I don't tell you how powerful you are, he already knows it. You forgot that when you cleaned me up in the dormitory last time, Zhang Xiao watched the whole process!" Deng Yi shrank his head and reminded me in a low voice. road.

"Oh, it seems that I still miscalculated, but it doesn't matter, the man I like can't escape my palm." Deng Jie first regretted it and then stopped caring, but was full of confidence.

Deng Yi stopped talking immediately, and it would be superfluous to say anything at this moment, and Deng Jie would inevitably take care of him. Besides, it was an honor for Zhang Xiao to be favored by Deng Jie.

After the test, Zhang Xiao didn't know that she was being targeted by Deng Jie, but bargained with Li Kai.

"I come here at six o'clock every morning. I go to class after one hour of training, and one hour of training after school in the afternoon. I think it should be enough." Zhang Xiao said.

"Zhang Xiao, this kind of training time is too short. You must know that athletes with a solid foundation need to train for more than five hours a day, and some even need to train for seven hours. If you train for two hours a day, how can I submit my training plan? How to be convincing." Li Kai said anxiously, after all, because of Zhang Xiao, he gave up several athletes who had been training in his hands, even so, he would inevitably be jealous, if it wasn't for Tian's support, He can't be Zhang Xiao's coach.

"Then what do you think? I have to go to class and train. It's impossible. I'm stressful about my studies now, and I have to ask for leave to participate in the National Games. I think this kind of training is enough." Zhang Xiao said nothing Compromise, because once you compromise, such things will be more difficult to handle in the future.

After Li Kai was silent for a long time, he said slowly: "For the time being, I will follow what you said, and I will also report the situation to the leaders of the provincial team. I hope they have no objections."

Zhang Xiao sighed, and knew that Li Kai was caught in the middle, and he was in a dilemma, but this was not enough for him to compromise.

Fortunately, the training time is not long. After the National Games, Zhang Xiao doesn't need to train like this.

After returning to the dormitory, Zhang Xiao took a shower and just changed into clothes when Deng Yi hurried in.

"Why, is there something wrong with being so anxious?" Zhang Xiao asked with some doubts.

"Oh, something big has happened. My sister has taken a fancy to you. Be careful." Deng Yi said with a depressed face.

"Your sister? Deng Jie?" Zhang Xiao was confused, not knowing what happened.

"Yeah, my sister told me that when she was watching your test in the playground today, so don't tell me I told you." Deng Yi had a look of lovelessness, as if Deng Jie saw it as a thing. terrible thing.

Zhang Xiao suddenly thought of the beautiful Tyrannosaurus rex, and couldn't help but shudder.

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