Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 177 Deng Yi's Request

Early the next morning, Zhang Xiao woke up from his sleep and felt his scalp was tight and his temples were swollen and painful. Zhang Xiao knew that this was the aftereffect of drinking too much last night.

Zhang Xiao sat up, picked up the glass of boiled water beside the bed, and felt better after drinking it in one gulp.

Afterwards, after Zhang Xiao took a hot bath, she felt that there was no serious problem. After changing her clothes, she came to the dining table and began to eat breakfast.

Only Guo Feng had breakfast with him, which surprised Zhang Xiao.

"Are they still awake?" Zhang Xiao asked Guo Feng.

"No, it's early. Yesterday you drank too much alcohol, but you are the best boss. I counted it yesterday. You drank about six catties of liquor. I admire you. But even if you drink like this, you But now that you wake up so early, I suspect that your physique is different from ordinary people." Guo Feng couldn't help giving Zhang Xiao a thumbs up, and said in admiration.

"It's just better than ordinary people. I've seen people who can drink ten catties without getting drunk. That's the real powerful person." Zhang Xiao shook his head and said indifferently.

Guo Feng couldn't help rolling his eyes, because he had only heard of the person who drank ten catties. He was a legendary figure. He hadn't seen it in reality. He didn't expect Zhang Xiao to have seen it before, so he couldn't help asking : "Boss, is there really someone who drinks ten catties? Who is it?"

"Really, what did I lie to you for? There is a sommelier in a winery in my hometown. He usually drinks at least three catties of wine every day. Once during the Chinese New Year, he went home to attend a banquet. He drank a whole ten catties of liquor that night. , The next day, it was like a normal person, without any reaction." Zhang Xiao said without hesitation, because it was a real thing, and he saw it with his own eyes.

"Amazing, he is a formidable person." Guo Feng immediately believed that this was true, and couldn't help but said with a smile.

After breakfast, Zhang Xiao asked Guo Feng to send him to school.

After Zhang Xiao jogged all the way back to the dormitory, she found that all the roommates in the dormitory were still sleeping. She couldn't help but patted the bed board and shouted: "Get up, get up, I'm going to be late."

"Fuck, Zhang Xiao, why did you wake us up so early?" Sun Jianxin sat up, looked at the clock whose pointer was only pointing to seven, and said angrily.

"Didn't you say you want to start exercising? You won't be able to keep going." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Sun Jianxin froze for a moment. This was what he said some time ago. Of course he didn't forget it, but he hadn't started to act yet.

"Brother Arrogant, why do you get up so early every day?" Deng Yi also said angrily.

"Get up early and exercise, otherwise you think so. By the way, didn't you go home for the National Day?" Zhang Xiao suddenly thought that Deng Yi went home for the National Day, and there was more than enough time to go back to school today.

"Don't mention it, it's better not to go home, I went back to school yesterday." Deng Yi said a little depressed.

"What happened?" Zhang Xiao asked curiously.

"I'll tell you later." Deng Yi shook his head, obviously not wanting to say more.

Sun Xiaodong was silent at the moment, put on his clothes silently, and finally took a washbasin to wash up.

"What's wrong with Xiaodong, is he a different person?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help asking.

"I'm broken in love. Li Meiling has other boyfriends, and Sun Xiaodong is just one of them." Sun Jianxin shook his head and said.

Zhang Xiao stopped talking immediately, this is a female version of Aquaman, and Sun Xiaodong is not willing to be a fish.

Zhang Xiao waited for them to finish washing before walking towards the classroom together.

As a freshman, the first problem Zhang Xiao and the others faced was the CET-[-]. Although for students who can go to Qingbei, it is impossible for some of them to have low English proficiency, for the CET-[-], English classes are on time.

In fact, for Zhang Xiao, English class is optional, but in order not to make himself an outlier in the eyes of his classmates, Zhang Xiao had to attend class on time, but he watched other courses of the Electronic Science and Technology major during class. It's no surprise.

After the English class, the next class is advanced mathematics, which is a subject that can make countless engineering students want to die. The key point is that the credits of this compulsory course are still very high.

Every university has a tree called Gaoshu, and many people hang on the tree.

There is a grave next to it, called Calculus, in which many people were buried.

Although Huaqing University's students are all masters, advanced mathematics is still a problem that cannot be avoided. After all, it is not difficult to pass it, but it is not so easy to learn it thoroughly.

Zhang Xiao was also terrified of advanced mathematics at the beginning, but when he started to study, he realized that it was nothing more than that, and a lot of knowledge was just a further extension of high school mathematics.

With the correct opening method, advanced mathematics becomes much easier, and Zhang Xiao can also focus more on the study of other subjects.

While resting in the dormitory at noon that day, Zhang Xiao unexpectedly received a call from Li Kai.

"Zhang Xiao, I'm Li Kai, you still remember me." Li Kai said with a smile on the phone.

"Coach Li, of course I remember." How could Zhang Xiao forget Li Kai? After all, the relationship between the two is good. Although they didn't see each other after the last match, Zhang Xiao also received a letter from Li Kai when he was admitted to Huaqing University. Phone blessing.

"It's like this. The National Games will be held on NO.12 in the Shanghai Stock Exchange. Your previous recovery training has not been delayed." Li Kai asked a little apprehensively.

"There's no delay, so don't worry." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"After negotiation, I will represent the provincial team to participate in the National Games this year. You have signed up for all four events. I will rush to Beijing to meet you tomorrow." Li Kai said with a smile.

"Yo, it looks like I'm going to be tortured by you again." Zhang Xiao said in surprise. Originally, he thought that he didn't need to participate in this year's National Games, but who knew he would be kept out when he arrived.

"Not much to say, see you tomorrow." After Li Kai finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help shaking his head. It seems that he still can't escape. He thought he had been forgotten, but in the end it was all just a fantasy. The reason why no one contacted him before was probably because he didn't agree on what he represented. That province participated in the competition.

But all of this didn't have much impact on Zhang Xiao himself. After all, he didn't need too much training. In addition, he usually does a lot of exercise. He will do continuous training every morning, although it is not as good as in the team. The training time is long, but it is still possible to maintain the vitality of the body.

"Zhang Xiao, come with me, I have something to tell you." Deng Yi pulled Zhang Xiao's arm and whispered.

Although Zhang Xiao was a little puzzled by Deng Yi's actions, she followed Deng Yi out.

"What's the matter?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Are you going to participate in the National Games held in Shanghai recently?" Deng Yi asked.

"Yeah, how did you know?" Zhang Xiao was a little puzzled, after all, he hadn't told anyone else about it.

"You may have guessed what my father does. He asked me to discuss with you when I got home this time, and see if I can represent the team in the competition?" Deng Yi said helplessly.

"It's impossible this year. After all, I have promised our provincial team to participate in the competition on behalf of the provincial team. This has already been decided." Zhang Xiao shook his head and rejected Deng Yi's request.

"After that, your current hukou is no longer in Henan Province, so it doesn't mean they can participate in the competition." Deng Yi asked with a wry smile.

"Who can say clearly about the future, let's talk about it later." Zhang Xiao doesn't know where his future will go. Once he wins this competition, he is destined to fight for the country. This is an obligation he cannot refuse As for representing which team to participate in the competition in the future, Zhang Xiao didn't dare to decide. After all, it involves political games, and as a party involved, sometimes he can't help himself.

"Oh, I knew it was like this, but my father still asked me to discuss it with you." Deng Yi looked helpless and embarrassed.

But since Zhang Xiao didn't agree, Deng Yi only needs to answer the truth, and the whole person is much more relaxed.

Zhang Xiao was also very helpless. He didn't expect Deng Yi's father to know about him. It was because the National Games would be held soon, so he knew the news about him.

After class in the afternoon, Zhang Xiao went to the counselor Li Yanyu's office to ask for leave. After all, he was going to participate in the competition and it would take about two weeks, so it was inevitable to ask for leave.

"Yo, I didn't expect you to be an athlete, I really didn't see it." After hearing Zhang Xiao's reason for asking for leave, Li Yanyu couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Mr. Li, I hope you keep this matter a secret. I don't want everyone to know about it." Zhang Xiao felt helpless towards Li Yanyu, an unreliable counselor, and could only say with a smile.

"Don't worry, I'm not a talkative person, but I can't control what other teachers say." Li Yanyu said with a chuckle.

"Whatever." Zhang Xiao immediately lay flat and didn't care anymore. After all, once he achieved results, exposure would be inevitable. As for whether Li Yanyu would spread the news of his participation in the National Games, Zhang Xiao had already Don't care anymore.

Li Yanyu couldn't help laughing, and the branches of her laughter trembled, because no matter who it was, they would feel headaches when they met a counselor like her.

Zhang Xiao looked deeply at Li Yanyu's proud figure and when she laughed, she showed it perfectly in front of Zhang Xiao, which made Zhang Xiao feast his eyes.

"What are you looking at?" Li Yanyu, who sensed something was wrong, stopped her smile, and scolded angrily.

"Look at the beauty, she has a good figure." Zhang Xiao laughed loudly, waved her hands and turned to leave.

Li Yanyu looked at the back of Zhang Xiao leaving, her eyes were a little playful, she was very curious about how many surprises and surprises this student named Zhang Xiao would bring her, as for Zhang Xiao's teasing of her, in fact, she didn't really care too much, after all, as a A mature woman with a proud figure is already immune to such innocuous jokes.

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