Zhang Xiao's plan is also very simple, that is, he will go through every trading place first, and then give the number that can be purchased to Yuan Mei and the others to purchase, so as to minimize trouble.

In addition, the trading markets selected by Zhang Xiao are all clearly marked with prices, so I am not afraid of these businessmen stealing and playing tricks.

In the morning, Zhang Xiao turned to more than a dozen trading markets for rough jadeite, but got very little. This made Zhang Xiao very confused. Puzzled.

In desperation, Zhang Xiao had no choice but to call Mo Boqi.

"Yo, little junior brother, why did you remember to call me? Don't you have time?" Mo Boqi asked in surprise.

"Brother, I'm in Huacheng now. I went to the jade rough stone trading market and found that there are a lot of jade rough garbage in the current jade rough stone trading ground, but there are very few real jade rough stones. Do you know the reason?" Zhang Xiao asked directly.

"I don't know what you are talking about, but I think the most fundamental reason is very simple. The Myanmar government is now cracking down on the smuggling of rough jadeite more and more, and the real good things are naturally being intercepted in public On the plate, the current rough jade stone trading market in China is full of leftovers, and many stones are not rough jade stones at all, and they are placed somewhere, so you are destined to not see good things." Moboqi laughed.

Zhang Xiao was stunned. After all, although he had heard about this matter before, he didn't take it seriously. But now it seems that the matter is a bit serious. It seems that the harvest this time is destined to be very little. I plan to go through all the trading sites of these rough jadeites, maybe I can pick up the missing ones.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao didn't feel that way in his heart, he always felt that there seemed to be other things in it.

However, Zhang Xiao didn't bother to think too much, and just sped up the selection speed. After all, he only needed to browse through it, and it didn't take much time. It was also a reward to find some valuable rough jadeite, not to mention Maybe you can also get some high-quality raw jadeite from it. After all, it is difficult for a god to break an inch of jade, and there may be jade in the stubborn stone.

Just after Zhang Xiao appeared in the rough jadeite trading field, the news had reached Gu Tianxin. After all, many rough jadeite trading places belonged to Gu Tianxin.

"Has he bought rough jadeite?" Gu Tianxin asked on the phone.

"No, he walked around and left. After all, the quality of rough jade in the trading field is worrying." A trading field boss said with a sigh.

"It's normal, but since he's here, he won't leave easily!" Gu Tianxin was filled with hatred at the moment. Many antique collectors have stayed away from him, which has greatly affected his reputation.

"What do I need to do?" The boss of the mine asked.

"Don't do anything, just find out where he is." Gu Tianxin said after a little thought.

"He lives in the Swan Hotel now. This is seen by many people. It's not a secret." The owner of the mine said with a smile.

"Okay, I see." Gu Tianxin said and hung up the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Gu Tianxin couldn't help but smile slightly, knowing that her arrangement had really worked.

He began to think about how to create enough trouble for Zhang Xiao. After all, Zhang Xiao is no longer the brat he used to be. He has become an important figure in the jadeite world in a short period of time. Zhang Xiao is in Huacheng, which makes him unexpected for a while. any solution.

But if Zhang Xiao went to Tengcheng according to his plan, he would naturally have countless ways to concoct him.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao shook his head helplessly after finishing the last jadeite rough trading field. He decided to meet Xu Zhiyuan first, and then consider how to do it.

Zhang Xiao spent a day in the jadeite rough trading field. He only saw two yuan with a yuan energy of more than 28 yuan. The rest he bought were all with a yuan energy of more than [-] yuan, but he only bought [-] yuan. It's okay, but it's far from what Zhang Xiao expected.

On the way back to the Swan Hotel, Zhang Xiao called Xu Zhiyuan.

"President Xu, I'm in Huacheng now, do you have time? Meet and talk?" Zhang Xiao said.

"Brother Zhang Xiao, why didn't you tell me in advance when you came to Huacheng, so that I can do my best as a landlord." Xu Zhiyuan suddenly laughed, looking extremely happy.

"I'm short on time, so I'm embarrassed to bother Mr. Xu." Zhang Xiao smiled slightly. He knew that what Xu Zhiyuan said was not a lie, but he didn't like to trouble others.

"Brother Zhang Xiao, your relationship with me, what trouble are you talking about, where are you now, I will be there in a while!" Xu Zhiyuan asked.

"I'll be at the Swan Hotel in half an hour." Zhang Xiao said.

"Okay, then let's meet at the Swan Hotel." After Xu Zhiyuan and Zhang Xiao agreed on a time, they hung up the phone.

In the lobby of the Swan Hotel, Zhang Xiao saw Xu Zhiyuan in casual clothes.

"Brother Zhang Xiao, long time no see." Xu Zhiyuan opened his arms, hugged Zhang Xiao, and said with a smile.

"Sensational!" Zhang Xiao pushed it away and said angrily.

Xu Zhiyuan didn't take it seriously, if the relationship between the two of them in the previous two meetings was more of a business partner, but after such a long time of contact, the relationship between the two has become closer and they have truly become friends.

"I've ordered food and drink at the flavor restaurant, and we're going to have a good drink today." Xu Zhiyuan said with a smile.

"Okay, I've been staying at school recently, and I don't dare to go out, and the birds are fading out of my mouth." Zhang Xiao shook her head depressed, and said helplessly.

When they came to the flavor restaurant on the third floor, Guo Feng and the others went to a table beside them, where Xu Zhiyuan and Zhang Xiao sat alone at the table.

"Today, I went around the rough jadeite trading site, and found that many of the rough jadeites on display were not rough jadeite at all, which really opened my eyes." Zhang Xiao said.

"Oh, don't mention it, the current jadeite market is becoming more and more chaotic. Many people sell ordinary stones as rough jadeite, and some even fake them. People with insufficient eyesight can lose money!" Xu Zhiyuan was a little depressed shook his head and said.

"How did this happen? Do you know where this unhealthy wind came from?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help frowning. Such a thing would never be unorganized, or else all the rough jadeite trading places would do this.

"I don't know, but now the price of high-quality jadeite has risen sharply, with an increase of 50.00%. Even so, the supply is in short supply!" Xu Zhiyuan shook his head and said with a sigh.

"This kind of chaos will only make the jadeite market more chaotic, and it will cause great damage to the entire industry." Zhang Xiao thinks more. After all, betting on stones determines the output of high-quality jadeite. If the jadeite rough market is chaotic, Then the output of high-quality jadeite will be greatly affected, thus affecting the entire jadeite market.

"No way, after all, all the trading places are like this at present, not one or two, and now many jewelry companies don't go to these rough jadeite trading places to buy rough stones, they are all waiting for the public offer." Xu Zhiyuan shook his head, also Very depressed, "The price of rough stones on the public market in November may not be what it is."

"Isn't the trading site doing this at the expense of others? Then what is their purpose?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help but shook her head and said, not understanding the way of doing things in the jadeite rough trading site.

"There is no way. Bad money drives out good money. This is the self-reaction of the market. We can only wait for its collapse and reorganization." Xu Zhiyuan said with a wry smile.

"Yeah, I just don't know how long it will take." Zhang Xiao shook his head, and he felt helpless about it, but he always felt that something was wrong with this matter, and there seemed to be someone pushing behind it.

"Why don't you go to Tengcheng to see, there should be no such chaos." Xu Zhiyuan said after thinking for a while.

"Well, I'm going to take a look tomorrow." Zhang Xiao nodded and said.

Zhang Xiao has never been to Tengcheng as the trading place for rough jadeite in Yun Province, but since Huacheng has no chance, he can only go to Tengcheng, but it is the territory of Gu Tianxin, Zhang Xiao didn't plan to go there originally, but now But he can only go there once, after all, he can't supply Xu Zhiyuan just relying on what he got from the public market.

"How about I go with you?" Xu Zhiyuan asked.

"If you're okay, let's go together, I happen to have a companion too." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Okay, then let's go together tomorrow, and I just happen to see your ability to pick rough stones." Xu Zhiyuan agreed without thinking about it, after all, he still relies on Zhang Xiao for the supply of fine jadeite.

The two chatted while drinking and eating. After a while, Xu Zhiyuan drank a little too much and began to talk a lot. Sometimes the words did not match the words, but Zhang Xiao still didn't feel much at this time. Zhang Xiao finally Reluctantly, he sent Xu Zhiyuan to the car.

When Zhang Xiao returned to the room, he couldn't help being a little depressed. After all, after improving his physique, he no longer knew the feeling of being drunk, which made him a little helpless.

"Boss, what are the arrangements for tomorrow?" Guo Feng asked.

"Fly to Chuncheng first, and then drive straight to Tengcheng. Yuan Mei has already arrived in Chuncheng. Arrange two other people to take turns driving the truck back to the capital." Zhang Xiao said after looking at the national map spread out on the table.

"Okay, then I'll arrange it now." Guo Feng answered casually and went to other rooms to arrange people.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao reported the situation in Huacheng to Mo Wenxin. After all, he always felt that there seemed to be some ulterior secret in it.

"I know about this matter, and I will let people find out the conspiracy behind it as soon as possible, but you should be more careful when you go to Tengcheng, after all, it is Gu Tianxin's base camp, and the conflict between us and him escalated a while ago, Just in case he makes trouble for you." Mo Wenxin urged.

"I will act carefully." Zhang Xiao is also very clear at this time that the contradiction between the two is irreconcilable, but he is not afraid of troubles, after all, he is not what he used to be, not the useless kid in the past.

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