Tengcheng, as a small town on the border, borders with Myanmar. The trading volume of both rough jadeite and high-quality jadeite ranks among the top in the country. Coupled with its rich mineral resources, it has created prosperity here, but behind the prosperity is hidden evil. But it was turned a blind eye.

When Zhang Xiao and his party came to Tengcheng, it was completely dark, and they stayed in a relatively good hotel.

While eating, Xu Zhiyuan smiled and said to Zhang Xiao: "The hot springs here are very famous, let's go to the hot springs later."

"Okay, I'm just tired after taking the bus all the way, so it's comfortable to soak in a hot spring." Zhang Xiao agreed with a smile.

After eating, Yuan Mei, as someone familiar with Tengcheng, took Zhang Xiao, Xu Zhiyuan and others to a hot spring bath.

This is an open-air hot spring, and the hot spring water is directly drained. Lying in the pool and watching the starry sky, it has a special flavor.

"It's so comfortable." Xu Zhiyuan couldn't help moaning comfortably as he felt the soaking in the hot spring water.

"You're so hot." Zhang Xiao couldn't help complaining, after all, listening to a big man moaning was really unbearable.

"It's your dirty mind." As an old driver, Xu Zhiyuan couldn't hear the sarcasm in Zhang Xiao's mouth.

Zhang Xiao chuckled, but stopped talking, but closed his eyes slightly, enjoying the comfort of soaking in the hot spring silently.

Originally Xu Zhiyuan wanted to call two escorts, but Zhang Xiao refused without hesitation, so Xu Zhiyuan just smiled and stopped talking.

An hour later, Zhang Xiao and the others returned to the guest house, and each went back to their own rooms.

But when Zhang Xiao and Guo Feng entered the room, Guo Feng's expression became extremely solemn. Not only that, he also made a gesture to Zhang Xiao. The meaning of the gesture was very simple, that is, be careful.

Zhang Xiao nodded, remained silent, and was on guard carefully.

After Guo Feng checked the entire suite, he came over with a bug, and said to Zhang Xiao with a solemn expression: "Boss, someone has entered our room. Although we don't know who it is, but this bug is Just packed."

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but change his expression at this moment. After all, installing a bug in his room is not something that ordinary people can do. It is probably the person arranged by Gu Tianxin, and his every move at the moment is under the control of the other party. under surveillance.

As a result, Zhang Xiao felt that he was very passive now, and he was easily targeted by others, and even the information of his group was already on Gu Tianxin's desk.

Zhang Xiao's guess was right. At this moment, Gu Tianxin did get the information of everyone in Zhang Xiao. After all, as Tengcheng's local snake, coupled with his superb skills on the jadeite rough, he became a pivotal figure in Tengcheng.

"I didn't expect this Zhang Xiao to be really careful. The bug in the room has been broken." A young man in black beside Gu Tianxin curled his lips and said helplessly.

"Xiao Nan, the bodyguards around Zhang Xiao are all veterans. Although the information doesn't show their veterans, I think they should all come from special forces. They should be familiar with such things as checking rooms, so we're trying to scare the snake away. It's gone." Gu Tianxin frowned slightly, and said in a heavy tone.

"I was careless." Xiao Nan also knew that he was wrong about this matter, so he admitted his mistake without hesitation in order to ask Gu Tianxin for forgiveness.

"You still have to be more careful about the next thing. You are ready to leave at any time. After all, we are taking a risk in this matter." Gu Tianxin put down the information in his hand and said in a solemn tone.

"Don't worry, boss, we don't do these things once or twice, there is no problem." Xiao Nan said relaxedly.

The next morning, after eating, Zhang Xiao and his party headed directly for the rough jadeite trading ground in Tengcheng.

Tengcheng's trading grounds are much larger than Huacheng's trading grounds, but the conditions are not as good as Huacheng's. Many trading grounds are simply surrounded by steel wire mesh, even as a venue, to distinguish them from other trading grounds.

Zhang Xiao was not in a hurry at the moment, but looked at each one from the beginning to the end, and when he encountered a valuable rough jadeite, Zhang Xiao asked Yuan Mei and others who were parting from him to buy it.

Since the rough jadeite here is not clearly priced, Zhang Xiao needs to give Yuan Mei and the others a price range, but after all, it is rough jadeite, and the price of the whole block of wool is not high, which gives Zhang Xiao a chance.

As time went by, Zhang Xiao had to lament that this is indeed a city next to Myanmar. Although the price of rough jadeite is a bit more expensive, its quality is undoubtedly higher than the trading ground in Huacheng.

In just one hour, Zhang Xiao got 40 yuan of rough jadeite with a value of more than [-], and there was even a rough jadeite with a value of [-].

This made Zhang Xiao couldn't help being a little excited. It seems that the chaos in Huacheng hasn't appeared here yet, which is a good thing for him.

Xu Zhiyuan was also very interested in watching Zhang Xiao check the rough stones, but he couldn't see why, because Zhang Xiao's movements were rather weird, many rough stones Zhang Xiao just glanced over and passed them by, and he didn't buy the rough stones himself, but Xu Zhiyuan was a little helpless, because he didn't know how many rough stones Zhang Xiao bought.

"Brother Zhang Xiao, what is your route? This is the first time I've seen jadeite rough stones so quickly." Xu Zhiyuan asked.

"Someone is watching us in secret. I can only take a rough look, and I don't buy much. They are all stuffed wool, so there is nothing to lose." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Who is spying on us?" Xu Zhiyuan's complexion changed, and he asked with some doubts.

"I guess it's Gu Tianxin's person, but this is just my guess." Zhang Xiao said in a low voice.

Xu Zhiyuan's expression changed, because he also knew that Tengcheng was Gu Tianxin's territory, and he had offended Gu Tianxin before, not to mention Zhang Xiao. As we all know, it is an irreconcilable contradiction.

Now that the two of them came to Tengcheng together, it was only natural for them to be watched.

"Hehe, isn't this the new Emerald King? Why are you free to come to Tengcheng today?" Gu Feng was wearing a snow-white underwear, holding a folding fan in his hand and shaking it gently, looking extremely chic.

Zhang Xiao stood up, looked at Gu Feng not far away, and couldn't help sighing. He didn't know whether it was because of the narrow road or Gu Tianxin's deliberate arrangement when he encountered Gu Feng here, but no matter what the situation was, Zhang Xiao couldn't help it. I can't help but feel depressed, after all, he didn't come here to find trouble, but to ask for money.

"Gu Feng, what a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you when I first came to Tengcheng." Zhang Xiao said calmly, he wanted to see if Gu Feng was really looking for trouble.

"It's not a coincidence. I came here specifically to find you. Don't you feel blushed when you are said to be the new King of Emeralds? Did you get my grandfather's consent?" Gu Feng's hostility was very strong, and he was full of resentment when he opened his mouth.

Zhang Xiao was also slightly taken aback, but then he said tit-for-tat: "It's just someone spreading rumors, and it can't be true, but I don't think you need to get your grandfather's approval to become the Emerald King. Could it be that the title of Emerald King Can it be passed on?"

"It doesn't matter whether you can pass it on or not. Since you want to be the King of Emeralds, do you dare to take a gamble?" Gu Feng mocked with a sneer.

"What kind of gamble?" Zhang Xiao chuckled, but wanted to see how Gu Feng would make a move!

"It's very simple. You choose five rough stones at random in this jadeite rough trading field. As long as you can cut up all five rough stones, you will win. But if you can't do it, or you dare not do it, you have to apologize in the newspaper. Admit that your skills are inferior to others." Gu Feng closed the folding fan in his hand and said in a solemn tone.

"Tch, what good is it for me if I do this, I have already been said to be the King of Emeralds, you have nothing to lose if I win, but if I lose, I will not only apologize in the newspaper, but also lose the title of King of Emeralds, You really have a wishful thinking!" Zhang Xiao said with some disdain, obviously not looking down on Gu Feng's aggressive method.

When Gu Feng was mentioned by Zhang Xiao, his face immediately flushed. After all, he was just a young man with a little background, and he rarely encountered such a situation. At this moment, when Zhang Xiao mentioned it, he realized that he had taken it for granted.

"If you win, I'll pay you another 1000 million. That's okay!" Gu Feng gritted his teeth and said fiercely.

"Forget it, I'm too lazy to argue with you, do you think I'm short of 1000 million?" Zhang Xiao looked down on Gu Feng's small fights, waved his hands and was about to leave.

At this moment, Gu Tianxin walked in from the entrance of the trading field, followed by a group of people, who happened to meet Zhang Xiao.

"Zhang Xiao, long time no see." Gu Tianxin said with a smile.

"Ancient, it's been a long time." Zhang Xiao arched his hands in a perfunctory way, as a greeting, but he knew Gu Tianxin's character well, he smiled on the surface, but he didn't necessarily hate him in his heart .

"Grandpa." Gu Feng hurriedly walked to Gu Tianxin's side, and told what happened just now.

"Zhang Xiao, how about this, the bet between you and Xiaofeng continues, but as compensation, I will add another 9000 million to make up [-] million. As long as you can cut up five times in a row, I will admit that you are the new king of emeralds." , but if you lose, I don't need you to apologize in the newspaper, you just need to say that your skills are not as good as others." Gu Tianxin said with a smile, as if he didn't care about [-] million.

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect that Gu Tianxin would insist on doing this. In this way, it would be impossible for him not to fight. After all, he not only represented himself, but also represented Mo Wenxin. He alone would lose Mo Wenxin's face.

It is a very difficult thing to cut five gambling stones in a row. It requires not only technology, but also enough luck. After all, it is difficult for a god to break an inch of jade.

But apart from Zhang Xiao's appreciating skills of rough jadeite, he also has cheats on his body, so he doesn't think he will lose.

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