Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 171 Complete Exposure

And when Liu Dong and Mr. Yang were investigating Zhang Xiao, countless media reporters were also looking for news about Zhang Xiao. After all, being able to be admired and thanked by Academician Ni deserves their attention no matter what.

As time went by, Zhang Xiao's information was placed on the desks of many media reporters, and they all began to report in detail based on Zhang Xiao's information, from Zhang Xiao's background to making money, from Hongyuan investment to Shenhua Computer, all the information was It was written by them in the newspaper, which naturally included the identity and achievements of their athletes.

In particular, the National Games will be held soon, and the identity of its athletes is the focus of publicity.

However, for those who read the newspapers, they were even more envious and jealous of Zhang Xiao's wealth. In addition, some tabloids fueled the flames and publicized his legendary experience of gambling stones to make money, which pushed Zhang Xiao to the forefront.

And Zhang Xiao is still not clear about all this. After all, he has been studying at school during this time, and he is still studying in the library. He knows nothing about outside reports, and he doesn't know that Academician Ni has already exposed him to media reporters. Folks, this was within his expectations, but also beyond his expectations.

Zhang Xiao could imagine that his identity would be exposed, but he didn't expect that the reason would be that Academician Ni thanked him at the product launch event. In this way, the identity exposure would be inevitable.

When Zhang Xiao got the news, it was already time for him to return to the dormitory.

"Brother Arrogant, read this newspaper, it used a page to expose you!" Sun Jianxin said enviously and gloated after handing a newspaper to Zhang Xiao.

Zhang Xiao took the newspaper. It was the Southern Metropolis Daily. Looking at the huge headline "The Legendary Life of the New Emerald King", he couldn't help frowning.

After reading it at a glance, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but feel a little headache. After all, the content written above was very detailed, from his first gambling in Huacheng to the Burmese public market, and even the specific process of his transaction and auction, especially the high-quality goods. The price tag of the jadeite auction is even more eye-catching.

"Amazing, Brother Arrogant, you have become the King of Emeralds, what else do you need to learn?" Sun Xiaodong joked with a big laugh, purely because he was just watching the excitement.

"Don't make trouble. Zhang Xiao's complete exposure is not good for his development. As classmates and roommates, we should share his worries and solve his problems, not make fun of him." Deng Yi's expression was very solemn. Calm down, after all, he has read more detailed information than in the report.

Sun Xiaodong stopped smiling immediately, and knew that Zhang Xiao was in some trouble at this time.

Zhang Xiao shook her head with a smile and said, "It can't be hidden from anyone. Now that it's exposed, let's expose it. I spend most of my time at school now, so I don't have too much trouble."

"You are wrong. You are a public figure now, and your every move will be magnified infinitely. Once you do something wrong, you will be targeted." Deng Yi said to Zhang Xiao seriously.

Zhang Xiao nodded, it was inevitable, and he had no choice but to wait for the heat to subside, and then keep a low profile to avoid people's attention from focusing on him.

"The first thing you have to face now is the National Games. After all, you must participate in this sports meeting, and you cannot escape. Moreover, your previous results are really dazzling. This time your results can only be improved, not retreated. , at least you have to maintain your previous level, otherwise you will inevitably be targeted." Deng Yi analyzed to Zhang Xiao.

"I understand." Zhang Xiao also knew that he was in trouble now, but in this way, as long as he achieved results in the National Games, he would have an extra powerful talisman. Few people dared to blatantly target him. support for future development.

"Secondly, your company will also be studied under a microscope. They will look for your flaws, especially the payment of taxes, which will be the top priority. What you have to do now is to conduct self-assessment of taxes. Check and try to avoid future troubles." Deng Yi continued to analyze.

"It seems that you know a lot. You should not study electronic science and technology, but business administration." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said with a smile.

"It's business, can you concentrate?" Deng Yi gave Zhang Xiao an angry look.

"Don't worry, I have expected what you said, and I have already asked people to do it. For this reason, I also invited people from the taxation department to assist. After all, they are the most professional." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"You are amazing, you dare to let people from the taxation department go to the company." Deng Yi couldn't help but said to Zhang Xiao in admiration.

"Just plan ahead. After all, if I invite Academician Ni to my company now, it will naturally cause the Lianxiang Group to target me. Just be careful." Zhang Xiao didn't hide anything about this, and told the truth.

"Okay, it seems that I am unnecessary." Deng Yi couldn't help but shook his head and said with a self-deprecating smile.

"I still have to thank Brother Deng for your concern. After all, you are thinking of me." Zhang Xiao said seriously.

"The class is messed up." Deng Yi laughed at himself and didn't say much.

Although Zhang Xiao said it was easy, he still called Tian Xiaodan and asked her to pay attention to all the newspaper reports. After all, once public opinion is formed, it can easily cause a devastating blow to him. Fortunately, this is the era of paper media. The reports are still true.

In the following time, Zhang Xiaowo studied in school and rarely left school. Tian Xiaodan brought all the company's documents over for processing.

Even so, more people in the school knew about Zhang Xiao. After all, newspapers are everywhere in the school, especially Zhang Xiao, as a student of the school, posted the news of Academician Ni’s product launch on the bulletin board, which made even more Many people have learned about Zhang Xiao's energy. After all, becoming an academician is the dream of countless engineering students.

The way many girls look at Zhang Xiao has changed. They like to appear in front of Zhang Xiao when they have nothing to do. Sun Yuelian, who didn't think much of Zhang Xiao before, also started to contact Zhang Xiao frequently. Zhang Xiao couldn't help but lament the charm of money.

A person who was originally unknown, when he has a huge amount of wealth, he naturally possesses a unique charm. Although it is not yet the era of rampant money worship, it still makes Zhang Xiao a little overwhelmed.

But fortunately, Zhang Xiao is low-key enough in normal times. Apart from going to class, he doesn’t do anything surprising every day. He spends more time in the library after class. After a period of time, Zhang Xiao’s life has finally returned to its previous calm. As for Zhang Xiao could only pretend not to care about other people's pointing and pointing in secret.

Time passed quickly, and Zhang Xiao's enthusiasm finally dropped when the National Day was approaching. Zhang Xiao couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and at the same time, he had a deeper understanding of the burden of becoming famous.

That night, the four of them were lying on the bed in the dormitory and chatting.

"What are your plans for National Day?" Sun Xiaodong yawned.

"I'm going to go home, I miss my mother." Sun Jianxin said in a melancholy tone.

"Hehe, I didn't expect you to be homesick. Didn't you get more hot with Bai Yang recently? Are you going to see your parents?" Sun Xiaodong couldn't help but tease.

"I would like to, but they just treat me as a friend, and there is no progress. What about you, what are you going to do?" Sun Jianxin said more and more melancholy, absent-mindedly.

"I'm going to visit the capital with Li Meiling. After all, when I come to the capital, I always want to visit all the scenic spots." Sun Xiaodong said cheerfully, with the intention of showing off. After all, Li Meiling has now agreed to Sun Xiaodong's pursuit and agreed socialize with him.

"Amazing, you're the only one out of the four of us, I admire you." Deng Yi said with a smile.

"So-so, thank you for your help." Sun Xiaodong smiled happily, and even his drowsiness disappeared.

"Zhang Xiao, how about you, are you going to go home?" Deng Yi asked.

"I can't go home anymore. I have something else to do." Zhang Xiao shook her head and said.

As for what happened, Zhang Xiao didn't say anything, and Deng Yi didn't bother to ask. After all, besides being a student, Zhang Xiao is also the boss of a company, so there must be many things to do.

There is nothing wrong with Hongyuan Investment Company, but Zhang Xiao still needs to go to Huacheng to meet with Xu Zhiyuan to discuss the next step of cooperation. On the other hand, he is going to visit all the jadeite trading markets in the south and plans to collect some rough stones For backup, after all, he no longer has high-quality jadeite in his hand, so he must start stocking up.

Moreover, Zhang Xiao has asked Yuan Mei to take the lead in going to the south to scout out spots, to find out the situation of the southern jadeite market during the National Day, so that he can arrange the itinerary.

After the first class on the morning of September 9th, all pre-holiday classes have ended.

After Zhang Xiao and Deng Yi said goodbye, they took Guo Feng's Mercedes-Benz directly to the airport. He wanted to go directly to Huacheng. After all, the jadeite rough market there was the largest in the country, which was just right for him to purchase on a large scale.

Zhang Xiao is also accompanied by his security team. After all, his identity is now fully exposed, and the danger is much greater, especially since he is going to the jadeite rough trading market. Zhang Xiao is also planning ahead.

After more than four hours of flight, Zhang Xiao brought Guo Feng and the others to meet Yuan Mei, and the group directly checked into the Swan Hotel. After all, this place is the best in terms of safety and accommodation conditions.

The next morning, Zhang Xiao started a large-scale procurement trip based on the information provided by Yuan Mei on the jadeite rough trading market.

This time, the jadeite trading market that Zhang Xiao went to was all rough jadeite with clearly marked prices. He is going to take all the wool that makes money.

However, Zhang Xiao also has his own plan. After all, he has been known by many people after being exposed some time ago. Although there are no photos in the newspaper, it is inevitable that he will be recognized by the old foxes who are in the business of rough jadeite.

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