Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 170 Localization Rate

Academician Ni deserves to be an academician. A few simple words made everyone full of expectations. Looking forward to what Academician Ni said and what he said. After all, this is an opportunity for them to better understand the pulse of this era. correct.

"We fell behind in the first industrial revolution and the second industrial revolution, but we are catching up. We have paid countless efforts and costs. As a result, the country has gradually established its own complete industrial system. Made in China has become a global leader. Great business card."

"But this is not enough, because now the third industrial revolution has started for nearly 50 years, our country is still weak and still behind this era, so we have to make more efforts to catch up with the world's advanced science Technology, including the production and application of electronic computers."

"Under such circumstances, our microelectronics technology company began to develop and produce Shenhua computers in order to participate in and promote the process of this industrial revolution. In order to develop our own computers, our company has decided to launch a localization rate The Shenhua computer that has reached 70.00% five or more, please come and see our protagonist today!"

Academician Ni lifted the red cloth covering the three computers and threw them on the ground hard, revealing the true colors of the three computers.

The flashing lights began to flash continuously. After all, today's protagonist has appeared in front of everyone, not to mention the detailed configuration of the three computers, and the localization rate of the three computers.

"Perhaps many people have doubts, what is the localization rate, and what exactly does the localization rate refer to?"

"Now let me tell you that the localization rate refers to the ratio of the number of domestically produced parts to the number of produced parts of the entire product among the products produced after the technology introduction project is put into production."

"And the localization rate of our three computers has reached more than 70.00%70.00, which means that the parts and components of these three computers made in China have reached [-]%[-], although some of the core components still need to be purchased. Foreign companies, but I believe that with the development of our microelectronics technology, it will no longer be a dream to achieve a [-]% localization rate!"

Academician Ni's blood boiled with enthusiasm at this moment, and his words became even more agitated, because these three computers are the crystallization of the current domestic advanced technology. Although many advanced technologies are still in the research and development stage, how to transform them into practical applications, he has already had gained experience.

"So I hope that everyone can publicize our products, so that more people can understand computer knowledge, so that they can choose the computer that suits them or their business needs!"

"Some people may ask, foreign countries already have more advanced technology, and we can introduce it into domestic production. There is no need to work hard on research and development by ourselves. Lots of money."

"But I'm here to tell you that if we think this way, we are completely wrong. What kind of era is this, the information age, the importance of information is self-evident, and as a tool for storing and disseminating information - computers, other Safety is unquestionable.”

"If you are using a computer produced abroad, using the Internet based on foreign advanced technology, and using a foreign computer system, you and your company are like presenting yourself in front of all foreign companies and companies that have mastered advanced technology , there is no secret at all, can you imagine such a horrible thing?"

As soon as Academician Ni said this, there was an uproar. After all, as well-informed media reporters, their acumen is the most sensitive, and the importance of information is well known. A wave of discussion made people unable to calm down for a long time.

"Perhaps many people will say, if this is the case, why do we still use foreign parts, computer systems, and Internet created abroad. I can only say one thing helplessly here, that is, domestic technology is still up to If we are not at the leading level, we can only try our best to catch up, learn from the barbarian's skills to control the barbarian, and we can only catch up and surpass in use."

Academician Ni's helpless expression was also photographed by many media reporters. Everyone knew that this would be the best news material.

After the product launch event, there was an order meeting. Some distributors began to realize that Academician Ni's press conference today would lead the domestic computer market within a certain range, and they began to place large orders for Shenhua computers.

The first batch of [-] Shenhua computers were sold out on the same day, and the Microelectronics Technology Headquarters and its foundry began to work overtime to cope with the continuous stream of product orders.

On the afternoon of the product launch, countless evening newspapers reported Academician Ni’s product launch with various titles, but Academician Ni and the three models of Shenhua Computer were all listed in the newspapers.

"The Road to Domestic Computers", "The Birth of Shenhua Computer", "Where Will Domestic Computers Go? "...

These countless eye-catching headlines in the newspaper are constantly torturing everyone's soul, and as the initiator of this product launch, Academician Ni has also received countless calls, both from some previous partners and from some research institutes Yes, more TV stations from all over the world, and many old subordinates before.

Academician Ni had to patiently answer one by one. After all, these people are his supporters. They are not only the hope for the company's future development and growth, but also the strength of the company's development and growth.

At the headquarters of the Lianxiang Group in Beijing, Dong Liu's face was pale at the moment, and his migraines had already begun. He did not expect Academician Ni to have such a reputation. The group's orders were all put on hold or even cancelled, because Academician Ni's practice of killing one thousand enemies and self-harming eight hundred hurt his heart even more.

"How is the situation now? Are there many companies canceling orders?" Dong Liu asked helplessly, rubbing his thumping scalp.

"There are many, and there are more and more, what should I do?" General Manager Yang said helplessly.

"Wait and see, I don't believe that he can kill us with a single sentence, and the core components of the products he released are still foreign, which are no different from ours." Liu Dong shook his head, and he couldn't think of anything good. way.

"Do you want to lower the price? The price of Shenhua Computer is 1000 yuan lower than that of our company's similar products!" Mr. Yang asked.

"Does it make sense? It doesn't make sense. The price is not a problem at all, but the media's public opinion is not on our side now. Our price reduction can only show that our previous profit was high, and it can only be resisted by more people!" Liu Dong did not hesitate. He hesitated to reject Mr. Yang's proposal. After all, any actions they make now will be magnified and interpreted by the media indefinitely. It is of no use except to set off the status of Shenhua Computer.

"How about the matter you were asked to investigate? Who is the boss of the microelectronics technology company?" Liu Dong rubbed his brows, relieving his headache, and asked helplessly.

"I've found out that the controlling party of the microelectronics technology company is Hongyuan Investment, and the boss behind it is Mr. Zhang Xiao as Academician Ni said." Mr. Yang took out a piece of paper from the folder and handed it to Director Liu, helplessly. Said.

Zhang Xiao, 17 years old, from Henan Province, is a freshman representative of Huaqing University in 1997, majoring in Electronic Science and Technology in the Department of Electronic Information.

The controller of 90.00% five shares of Jingcheng Hongyuan Investment Co., Ltd., with a registered capital of [-] million.

The company not only has Microelectronics Technology Co., Ltd., but also Jingcheng Minmin Supermarket Co., Ltd. and Xingsheng Glass Factory.

Director Liu looked at the content on the paper, and said with some headaches: "Isn't this just the bully that has been rumored in the capital investment circle before? He has such great energy?"

"It's him, maybe we missed it before!" Mr. Yang couldn't believe it when he first got the information, and he didn't believe it was true until the second information was placed on his desk .

"It's true that a newborn calf is not afraid of tigers. Have you found out who is behind it?" Dong Liu couldn't believe that these properties belonged to Zhang Xiao himself, so he couldn't help asking.

"This is Zhang Xiao's own industry, and no other background has been found behind it. And the situation in his family is also very clear. His father is a teacher, his mother is a farmer, and there are no rich or powerful people in the three generations of his ancestors." Yang The total shook his head and said.

"Then where did his money come from?" Liu Dong was suddenly surprised. After all, such a huge amount of wealth should not appear in the hands of a young man like Zhang Xiao.

"We didn't find any useful information through our channels, but I heard from people in the investment industry that Zhang Xiao is the closed disciple of Mo Wenxin, the boss of Xinglinzhai." Mr. Yang said helplessly.

"Is it the antique dealer known as Lord Xin?" Dong Liu couldn't help but asked in surprise.

"Yes, that's him. Director Liu should know him." Mr. Yang nodded and said.

"It shouldn't be, he can't protect himself now, how could he give so much money to one of his apprentices?" Liu Dong shook his head, not believing that Zhang Xiao's money was provided by Mo Wenxin.

"I heard from a friend of mine once that Zhang Xiao himself is very talented in gambling stones. He once auctioned a piece of fine jadeite worth more than 9000 million yuan in a private auction in Huacheng, and he also participated in this year's Jade Association collective. Go to the jade trading conference in Myanmar. It is said that the harvest is not small, at least 8000 million US dollars." Mr. Yang's mouth twitched slightly, because he didn't really believe it was true, but now there are signs that these rumors may be true of.

Dong Liu was also a little shocked. After all, such a strong earning power was unbelievable to him, let alone other people.

However, Dong Liu was only surprised by this for a moment. After all, the jadeite market is so big and it belongs to a niche market.

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