Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 169 Press Conference

"In addition, I'm going to hold a product launch event and launch our first-generation product packaging! I hope the boss can agree." There was a sneer at the corner of Academician Ni's mouth, which was hostility and contempt for the enemy.

"I have no problem here, but you need to contact the newspapers and media yourself. After all, I am not familiar with these people." Zhang Xiao nodded and agreed to Academician Ni's request.

In fact, Zhang Xiao knew very well what the convening of this product conference meant. It meant that the microelectronics technology company and Lianxiang Group would go on the road of complete confrontation, and the company's business would definitely be targeted at that time.

But after weighing the pros and cons, Zhang Xiao still agreed, not for anything else, just for the peace of mind of Academician Ni, because he knew that Academician Ni had a trace of malice in his heart. After all, he was kicked out by Lianxiang Group, and the resentment in his heart was not A sentence or two can ease it.

The reason why Academician Ni agreed to join the Microelectronics Technology Company was that he did not intend to take revenge. Otherwise, he would not have directly entered the company without mentioning any conditions. He wanted to get back what he had lost, even if he couldn't get it back. , He also wants to prove to the world that his approach is not wrong at all, but is the most correct way.

"Boss, don't worry. I know how to measure. At the product launch, I will only talk about our company's products and not other things." Academician Ni saw Zhang Xiao's inner worries and said comfortingly.

"I'm fine. No matter what you do, I will support you. After all, we are on our own." Zhang Xiao shook his head and said without hesitation.

Academician Ni nodded. Scholars die for their confidants. This is his current thinking.

After leaving the microelectronics technology company, Zhang Xiao sat in the car a little silently. After all, Academician Ni's actions must push him, the boss, to the forefront. This is the result that Zhang Xiao can predict.

"Boss, in this way, your identity will definitely be exposed." Guo Feng said.

"Sooner or later, don't take it too seriously." Zhang Xiao said calmly.

Guo Feng nodded, but Zhang Xiao is at school most of the time now, so his pressure is not too great.

On the afternoon of September 9th, Zhang Xiao, who had just finished class, received a call from Academician Ni.

"Academician Ni, what's the matter?" Zhang Xiao asked as he walked out of the classroom.

"My product launch plan has been sent to the company, and the time is set for next Monday, September 9." Academician Ni said excitedly.

"Is there any problem with the first generation computer?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"It's no problem at all. After a long period of testing, the performance of the computer is extremely superior. There is no product on the market that can compare with it." Academician Ni said with a smile.

"What about the price?" Zhang Xiao had to ask about the price. After all, the price is the root of any product. In addition to the performance of the product, people always pay the most attention to the performance when buying items.

"The retail price is [-], and the wholesale price through the channel is [-]." Academician Ni said proudly, "This price is the lowest among similar products."

Zhang Xiao suddenly understood that this is the confidence of Academician Ni, and the reason why it will be released a week later is the reason for the production. After all, the product will be sold after the product launch. It cannot be said that your product launch will be released , but the product has not come out, this is a joke.

"Okay, I see." After Zhang Xiao finished speaking, she was ready to hang up the phone.

"Are you coming over then?" Academician Ni asked.

"I won't go there. After all, you are in charge of this company, and I'm just an investor. It doesn't matter whether I go or not, and I don't think you necessarily want me to go." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but teased .

After academician Ni laughed, he hung up the phone.

Zhang Xiao guessed right, Academician Ni really didn't want Zhang Xiao to appear, because this product launch event would be his first appearance after leaving Lianxiang Group, so he naturally hoped that all the focus would be on himself.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but shook his head, took two quick steps, and caught up with the three of Deng Yi who were not far ahead.

"Boss, I'm busy with business, and I'm bringing my mobile phone with me in class." Sun Xiaodong said with a half-smile.

"Yeah, there is no way, the family has a big business, and I need to deal with many things." Zhang Xiao said very stinky.

"Cut, you can be ashamed." Sun Xiaodong felt a little helpless about Zhang Xiao's thick skin, after all, Zhang Xiao was a little secretive before, and after a long time, he simply didn't care what everyone said about him.

"Didn't you also buy a mobile phone? Don't you just want to show off and have no place to show off?" Deng Yi said to Sun Xiaodong angrily.

Sun Xiaodong stopped talking immediately. After all, the mobile phone he bought was basically a decoration. After giving it to Li Meiling, the relationship between the two has warmed up a lot recently, but Li Meiling rarely took the initiative to call him, and he didn't usually use it. .

Sun Jianxin laughed happily at the side. After all, he had been dissatisfied with Sun Xiaodong's ostentatious behavior for a long time.

"Why are you laughing, I didn't expect a boss as big as your father to control you so strictly." Sun Xiaodong wanted to find a sense of superiority in Sun Jianxin again.

Sun Jianxin stopped laughing immediately, because his living expenses were not enough for him to buy a mobile phone. He also told his father about it, but he didn't expect his father to disagree at all.

The four of them talked and laughed and walked towards the dormitory. People would inevitably point and point at them on the way. After all, the handsome guy Deng Yi's eye-catching ability is not hidden.

Eight o'clock in the morning on September 9.

The hall on the first floor of the Microelectronics Technology Company has already set up the venue, and countless invited media reporters have flocked here. After all, Academician Ni's reputation is resounding all over the country, especially at the moment when Lianxiang Group is in full swing, and the news of Academician Ni's departure Let countless people smell different flavors.

Not only that, there are also many local tabloid reporters outside the gate of the microelectronics technology company. They have no invitation letter and are negotiating with the staff of the microelectronics technology company.

"President Ni, what about the tabloid reporters outside? Do you want to let them in?" Tang Zhenhao asked.

"Let's put it in. Anyway, the company's place is big enough, and it's a good thing for the company's product release to have an extra newspaper. This is also an opportunity to promote the company for free." Academician Ni said with a smile.

Tang Zhenhao nodded, completely relieved of Academician Ni's business acumen, and even more admirable. After all, he had never thought of such a publicity method as a product launch event before. He could only think of advertising in newspapers.

However, the advertising space in the newspaper needs to be bought with money, but the product launch conference held by Academician Ni was widely reported by the newspapers. This is the gap, and it is also the difference in identity and vision between Academician Ni and Tang Zhenhao.

At this time, newspapers are still the most widely disseminated media, and they are also the mainstream nowadays. As for televisions, which are not popular yet, they are not as good as newspapers in terms of publicity.

However, there are still several TV stations present at today's product launch event. After all, Academician Ni is a big piece of news. As for whether he can be on TV, it is up to the leaders to decide, but the shooting of news materials is up to the reporters themselves. .

There are three computers on the rostrum, which belong to three types. The detailed configuration of the computer and the localization rate are written on the bottom of the computer. The localization rate is on the stage of history for the first time, and it is also the leader of publicity.

Although Academician Ni has not yet appeared on the stage, the reporters on the scene have started to shoot and take pictures. After all, the computer is the background board of today's product launch.

Soon, Academician Ni walked towards the rostrum alone, and the reporters of the media began to shoot one after another. After all, the separation and cooperation between Academician Ni and Lianxiang Group is the material that many media want.

Under the constant flashing light, Academician Ni walked towards the rostrum with firm and steady steps.

"Hi everyone, I'm Ni Guangnan, the general manager of Microelectronics Technology Co., Ltd., and the person in charge of R&D and production of Shenhua Computer. Welcome everyone to participate in our product launch event." Academician Ni's voice was very steady, but it resounded throughout the lobby on the first floor .

Academician Ni is over 50 years old this year, and will be 60 years old in two years.

Years of work made him look a little old, his temples had gray hair, and his body was not as straight as a young man's.

But at this moment, everyone can feel the huge energy hidden in that thin body from Academician Ni, and a power that seems to be able to bear any heavy burden emerges from him.

Academician Ni's eyes are so sharp at the moment, they can't imagine the haggard and helpless figure of Academician Ni in the past two years.

But today, at this moment, you can no longer find a trace of decadence in Academician Ni. On the contrary, his eyes have become sharper, and his whole body has become more energetic, as if he has regained his vitality.

"The reason why I am able to stand here today and restart my computer localization and chip research, I have to thank one person, and that is the boss of Microelectronics Technology, Mr. Zhang Xiao."

"Although he is only a freshman, he showed me the hope of localization of computers, rekindled my fighting spirit, and let me know that as long as we continue to research, we can develop and produce Computers that are completely localized, and computer systems that are completely owned by Chinese people have been developed.”

Following Academician Ni's speech, the media reporters below all had a question, that is, who is Zhang Xiao?But at the moment they don't have time to ask, because Academician Ni's speech is the most important thing. As for Zhang Xiao, they can only investigate and understand after the press conference.

"As media reporters, everyone knows that the Internet is known as the highway of information. I don't need to explain the importance of information, and the importance of computers as the endpoint of the highway of information is self-evident."

"The first industrial revolution was the invention of the steam engine. Machines replaced labor and set off a wave of industrialization. Human beings have thus entered the mechanical age."

"The second industrial revolution is the era of electrification. Thanks to the invention of the internal combustion engine and electricity, electrical appliances are widely used by humans, thus accelerating the development of the world."

"The third industrial revolution is the era of automation. That is the era we are in now. It is no longer limited to simple machinery, atomic energy, aerospace technology, electronic computers, artificial materials, genetic engineering and other products and technologies with high technological content It has been continuously improved.”

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