Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 168 Preliminary Results

After academician Ni and Tang Zhenhao looked at each other, he sighed and said, "Your nose is really good. I just produced results here, and you can already smell it."

"Look at what you've always said. I've been looking forward to this day for a long time. Now that it has achieved results, how can I sit still?" Zhang Xiao shook his head and said eagerly.

"Come with me, both of you. It's not a new achievement. It's just an integration of some things that have been developed before. I temporarily use it as the first generation product. At present, three prototypes have been released, and they are currently being developed. The test data in the laboratory." Academician Ni stood up and led Zhang Xiao and Tian Xiaodan towards the laboratory.

The laboratory is located on the third floor of the company's office building, which is the most secret place of the microelectronics technology company. For this reason, Tang Zhenhao asked Guo Feng for two veterans to be the supervisors of the security department.

Putting on the dust-free clothes, Zhang Xiao entered a room in the laboratory. At a glance, he saw the data flickering on the big ass monitors of the three computers, and at the same time, three R&D personnel were recording the data of the three computers. Operating data.

"These are the three computers we are assembling now. They are currently running smoothly, and their compatibility has surpassed the latest products of Lianxiang Group." Academician Ni said with some pride.

Zhang Xiao nodded, looking at the busy research and development personnel in the laboratory, he just glanced at the arrival of Zhang Xiao, Academician Ni and others before continuing to work.

"Is this because all the personnel are poached?" Zhang Xiao asked curiously, after all, there were not so many R&D personnel in the company before.

"Actually, it's not considered poaching. Most of them are my old subordinates. After I left Lianxiang Group, their life was not easy, and many of them have been dismissed. So I gathered them again. Get up, and hope to develop results as soon as possible." Academician Ni said with emotion.

After Zhang Xiao thought about it, it was not difficult to understand this kind of thing. After all, once the emperor and the courtiers, academician Ni left, of course life would not be easy for the employees who were devoted to him, and being fired was also expected.

"Since they have all come to the company, they are a family. Everyone's salary is [-]% higher than that paid by Lianxiang Group, which can be regarded as a reward for them." Zhang Xiao said with a smile, which can be regarded as buying people's hearts.

"Then I'll thank the boss for them." Academician Ni is very happy about this. After all, the salary may be ignored by him, but for these R&D personnel, it is the source of support for their families.

"Thank you, I don't have so much to say. I can be regarded as a thousand dollars to buy horse bones. After all, the company is not well-known. If you want to attract talents, you must have your own advantages." Zhang Xiao curled his lips and said.

"Whatever you want to say, but my old subordinates live on wages." Academician Ni couldn't help but sigh.

"Is there any difference between these three computers and the computers on the market? Is there any breakthrough in the components we produce?" Zhang Xiao glanced at the computer, but couldn't see why.

"Of course there are differences. Except for the four components of CPU, memory, hard disk and discrete graphics card, which we have no research and development capabilities, all the others are developed and produced by our company. It is currently in the testing stage. If there is no problem, next month We will be able to release the product launch, and then we can start production." Academician Ni said confidently.

"Do we also produce the computer motherboard?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Yes, after all, the company used to manufacture computer motherboards as an OEM. Now with the technical support of our Academician Ni, we can already produce our own computer motherboards." Tang Zhenhao interjected.

"Okay, how much does it cost? Are there any advantages?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help but continued to ask.

"The current cost is about [-], and the cost can be further reduced after mass production. Although we have no advantage over the cost of Lianxiang Group, at least it is now on par. Compared with some other computer companies, our cost is enough. It's low." Tang Zhenhao said.

"That's good, let's test it first. If there is no problem, we will try the production first. After all, we have to test the water first to see how the market responds. In addition, we must concentrate on major tasks, at least the four parts One of them should be developed and replaced, and we will strive to gradually realize the complete localization of computer components step by step." Zhang Xiao also has to affirm the achievements of Academician Ni at this moment, which is an undoubted progress.

"Don't worry, the company is currently conducting research. Where should we start?" Seeing that Zhang Xiao didn't raise higher requirements, Academician Ni breathed a sigh of relief. This also made Academician Ni deeply disturbed.

Academician Ni also considered Zhang Xiao's opinion and evaluation of him when he came out with this computer, so he couldn't just keep investing and not producing it.

"Boss, let's choose a name for the computer. After all, we are going to start registering the trademark now. Otherwise, the trademark has not been finalized when it is produced. This is a joke." Tang Zhenhao said jokingly.

"Do you have a chosen name?" Zhang Xiao has some headaches about the name. After all, the computer company will form a brand in the future, and the quality of the name will also play a big role in the promotion of the brand in the future. A good name can save a lot of publicity costs.

"We came up with several names, namely Shenhua, Lianhua, Hualian, etc. If you are not satisfied, boss, you can choose another one." Tang Zhenhao said with a smile after handing a piece of paper to Zhang Xiao.

Looking at the name on the paper, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said, "Why not call it Shenhua, Shenhua Computer, it sounds good too."

"Okay, this is really a hero's opinion. Academician Ni also likes this name." Tang Zhenhao said with a smile.

"Then let's settle it like this. By the way, we need to add the name of our computer on the computer startup screen, can it be done?" Zhang Xiao suddenly thought of a direction for publicity, and asked.

"It should be no problem, we will make it as soon as possible." Academician Ni nodded and agreed after thinking for a while. After all, such a plug-in is not too difficult for them.

There are actually not many things about microelectronics technology. After Zhang Xiao turned around, he found that the company's research framework has been fully established. Basically, every kind of computer component has dedicated R&D personnel. The only difference is the number of people. Zhang Xiao is very satisfied with this. After all, the replacement speed of electronic products is not too fast, and the development of computer components is in a period of steady development.

The current domestic technology is actually not weak, but it is just one step behind. As long as these technologies can be further developed and researched, it is not difficult to develop their own products. The difficult thing is to transform them into economic benefits.

Academician Ni, as a representative of the domestic technical school, is very familiar with the current domestic research results, and he is also capable of integrating them. This is the real role of Academician Ni, and Zhang Xiao is willing to provide him with massive research funding reason.

"Academician Ni, speeding up the recruitment of talents is one aspect. In addition, you need to discuss with other research institutes about their current technology transfer authorization, and you can even work with them on research. After all, there are many people and strength. If you want to catch up with foreign Technology alone is very difficult for us.” Zhang Xiao, who returned to the office, said to Academician Ni.

"I am in contact with this aspect. I believe they will not refuse. After all, the technology they have researched cannot be transformed into products, and our company is one of the few selection conditions for them." Academician Ni is very confident about this, After all, when he was at Lianxiang Group, he was the person who had the most contact with these domestic research institutes.

"Since you say that, I don't worry, but I will leave the research and development of the company to you. As for the production, you can hand it over to Mr. Tang. After all, he was engaged in production before, and he is very experienced in this area." Zhang Xiao nodded and said with a smile.

"If we want to re-produce computers, then the company's production line will not be enough." Tang Zhenhao said a more practical problem.

"Then do you have any good suggestions?" Zhang Xiao has also considered this issue, but he has not yet made a decision.

"There are two solutions, one is to find an OEM company, and the other is to acquire some computer-producing companies that have gone bankrupt before, and use their idle production lines." Tang Zhenhao said.

Zhang Xiao nodded and began to think about the pros and cons of the two options.

Finding a foundry company is undoubtedly the most worry-free and labor-saving, but there are also risks, that is, it is difficult to keep the secrets of computers, and information on some computer components is easy to leak out.

Whether it is acquiring other companies or building a production line, it is self-production. Although it is more reliable for keeping company information secret, it also means that more funds need to be invested for operation.

Both options have advantages and disadvantages, but considering the company's current situation, finding an OEM is undoubtedly the fastest and most labor-saving solution.

"Look for an OEM first, and then we'll talk about the next step after launching the first-generation product," Zhang Xiao said.

"Okay, then I'll start contacting the OEM and prepare to produce the first generation of products." Tang Zhenhao immediately agreed, which coincided with his plan.

"Since the first-generation product is coming out soon, the issue of sales will also be on the agenda. What are your plans?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Currently there are two main computer sales, one is channel sales, and the other is government procurement. I plan to contact channel sales first, after all, this is the future development direction, and some channel sales can also participate in local government procurement." Ni The academician said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao nodded and understood Academician Ni's plan. After all, he used to be the chief engineer of Lianxiang Group. Although he did not participate in sales, he still had a certain prestige in channel sales across the country.

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