Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 153 Golden Flash Software

With the broadcast of the provincial TV station's interview with the number one scholar in the college entrance examination of arts and sciences, Zhang Xiao's name appeared in front of the public again, and more people knew about Zhang Xiao's life experience. I envy Zhang's family for having such an amazing child.

But Zhang Xiao was walking by the river with Tong Yao at this time.

"Thanks to your study materials for this high school entrance examination, if there were not similar types of questions in it, I might not be able to do the last question in the math test." Tong Yao said with a smile.

"Everything is the result of your hard work. After all, the learning materials are all external conditions. This time I brought a full set of materials from high school, and you can use them as a reference." Zhang Xiao waved his hand and said with a smile.

"Really? You are so kind to me, do you have any plans for me?" Tong Yao said with a charming smile, her big eyes flashing.

"What plans do I have for you, a little girl's film." Zhang Xiao said pretending to be disdainful.

"I'm not young anymore, I'm the same age as you." Tong Yao blushed, straightened her not-so-big chest, and said with a cold snort.

"Don't think about it, make it seem like I really have some plans for you." Zhang Xiao tapped Tong Yao's head lightly with her fingers, and joked cheerfully.

"But you are really good. You surpassed everyone after only one year of high school. Tell me how you did it." Tong Yao's eyes were full of admiration for Zhang Xiao, and she was very impressed with Zhang Xiao's experience. curious.

"It's actually not difficult. As long as you spend all your time studying, your academic performance will naturally improve. As for the luck of the top scorer in the college entrance examination, it is also a part of it." Zhang Xiao attributed all achievements to hard work, and deliberately downplayed the importance of talent. importance.

Genius is 90.00% sweat and 90.00% talent, but [-]% talent is more important than [-]% sweat. This is the reality.

But Zhang Xiao is more aware that if talent is doomed from birth, then hard work is something that everyone can do, so hard work is the most important thing that can change a person's life.

Talent determines the upper limit of a person, but hard work changes the lower limit of a person.

After giving Tong Yao the high school study materials, Zhang Xiao said goodbye and left. He just wanted to help Tong Yao live a better life. As for whether the two of them could get together again in the future, Zhang Xiao himself was not sure.

After returning home, Zhang Xiao took the car back to the capital without staying too long, because the investment department told him the name of a company——Gold Flash Software, which made him very excited, and he never thought that he would have the opportunity to invest in this company.

Jinshan Software, in Zhang Xiao's memory, should be most famous for its computer office software. It once fought with world-class companies, but I don't know how this company is doing now.

It was already [-] o'clock in the afternoon when he returned to the capital, but Zhang Xiao still came to the company and got the investigation data of Jinshan Software. He wanted to see how much money the company needed to invest.

Zhang Xiao, who returned to the courtyard with the information, immediately turned it up. From the information, it can be seen that although Jinshan Software has created classic office software, piracy has seriously affected the sale of genuine software. in a state of blood loss.

As for the game project, although the stand-alone version of Swordsman Love has been launched, it is currently in the promotion stage, but Zhang Xiao doesn't care about it, because what he cares about is Jinshan Software's achievements in office software and its research and development capabilities.

Zhang Xiao’s reason for investing in a software company is very clear. It is to find a company that can help him develop a series of software including the supermarket cash register system, which can quickly improve the work efficiency of the supermarket. Before the world’s giant retail companies enter the Chinese market, they can quickly The development and growth of the company will determine the leading position of the people's supermarket.

At present, Jinshan Software is valued at 800 million U.S. dollars, and Zhang Xiao’s goal is to occupy 30.00% of its shares, so he needs to invest 840 million U.S. dollars for capital injection, which is equivalent to about 800 million Chinese currency, which is not a small sum. , and it is not clear whether Jinshan Software accepts his pure investment.

Zhang Xiao is very aware of the difficulty, but everything is a matter of negotiation. As long as Jinshan Software is willing to contact, the negotiation may be successful. On the contrary, he is afraid that the purpose of Jinshan Software is not just for simple funds, but to promote office work. As for the channels of software and games, in that case, Zhang Xiao basically has no possibility of becoming a shareholder, and I'm afraid it will be very troublesome to negotiate.

Zhang Xiao remembered that Jinshan Software seemed to have received a capital injection from Lianxiang Group in [-], but Zhang Xiao didn't know the details, but now that he had come into contact with Jinshan Software, he had to give it a try.

The next morning, after Zhang Xiao came to the company, he immediately asked Zhao Hongjie, the director of the second investment department, to come to his office.

"Old Zhao, have you had contact with people from Jinshan Software?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Not yet, I learned through a friend that Jinshan Software's current financial situation is very bad, and I have the intention to introduce investment!" Zhao Hongjie shook his head and said.

"Then can we come to contact directly?" Zhang Xiao asked after thinking for a while.

"It can be, because they have hit a wall in many investment banks in the south, and the matter has already spread, but if we come to the door by ourselves, I'm afraid they will ask for a lot of money, and it will not be in our interest at that time!" Zhao Hongjie shook his head, no In favor of direct door-to-door contact.

"Then do you have any good solutions?" Zhang Xiao thought for a long time but couldn't come up with any solutions, after all, he didn't know much about these things.

"Why don't we just let the news out, say that our company is looking for a software company, and release some suspected targets. I believe that the people from Jinshan Software will contact us after receiving the news." Zhao Hongjie said.

"Then spread the word and lure the fish into the bait. Anyway, we have no losses. If it doesn't work, we are thinking of other ways." Zhang Xiao smiled slightly.

"Then I'll do it right away." Zhao Hongjie said his goodbyes with a smile and left.

Zhao Hongjie, as a graduate of Beijing University with a master's degree, naturally has his own channels. It didn't take long for the investment banks in Beijing to know that Hongyuan Investment Management Company was looking for a software company and seemed to want to enter the computer software industry.

In a teahouse in the capital, several investment bank bosses were drinking tea in a private room. The chessboard on the table had just started, and they talked about Hongyuan Investment.

"This Hongyuan is really not short of money. It has been established for less than a year and has invested in one project after another. At present, all projects are not profitable, right?"

"No, isn't it a dream to invest for half a year and want to make a profit?"

"But don't tell me, Zhang Xiao, Hongyuan's boss, is Master Xin's young apprentice. He is a good expert in antique appreciation. He stumbled at the apprenticeship ceremony."

"Master Xin seems to be in trouble at the moment. His real estate company has been severely withdrawn recently, and the construction of some projects has already slowed down."

"Hmph, it's just that someone targeted it. Xin Ye Real Estate Company's debt ratio is very low, less than 30.00%, and Xinglinzhai, a gold-swallowing monster, is behind it, so it won't fall down."

"The old shareholders of Xinyu Jewelry Company have already withdrawn their shares. Gu Tianxin is really ruthless, and every move hits Master Xin's vitals."

"Do you think Lord Xin will fall down just like that?"

"Don't talk nonsense, how could Mr. Xin fall? His industries are all over the country, and he has almost no debts. Moreover, Xinglinzhai is the Dinghai god. Unless the policy changes, it is impossible for him to fall!"

The four of them talked very excitedly, the chessboard on the table hadn't been moved for a long time, but they drank another pot of tea.

In the general manager's office of Jinshan Software, Qiu Jun is worried about the company's financial problems, because the company has more and more projects recently, but there are not many projects that can make money. The office software that he placed high hopes on was only sold for 1 After more than [-] sets, they will not be able to sell at all, which makes him extremely distressed.

"Old Qiu, I found the funds." Lei Jun rushed in excitedly and shouted with a smile.

"Stop making trouble, haven't you all been rejected recently? Even Hong Kong Island has no news." Qiu Jun said angrily.

"Really, have you heard of Hongyuan Investment?" Lei Jun grabbed the teacup on the table, took two sips of water, and said.

"Is that the company opened by that idiot who was deceived by Zong Rui?" Qiu Jun said with a slight smile.

"That's right, it's that company, but he didn't lose money. I heard that he made a huge sum of money from Zong Rui and Li Kun, and the projects he invested in are all on the right track, so it's not a loss anyway." Lei Jun said indifferently.

"It's a weird thing, it has become a joke in the investment world." Qiujun obviously didn't have a good impression of Hongyuan Investment, acting like he was taken advantage of.

"Hongyuan Investment is now looking for a computer software company, and it seems that it wants to enter the software industry." Sitting across the desk, Lei Jun said with a smile.

"You don't want him to invest in our company, do you?" Qiu Jun was slightly taken aback, and said in disbelief.

"What's so strange about this is that we are short of money and he has money. Isn't this just complementary." Lei Jun said with a smile.

"We are short of money, but we also lack software promotion channels. Investment alone cannot solve the company's problems." Qiu Jun shook his head and said.

"Then what do you do, do you really want to sell it!" Lei Jun said with some dissatisfaction.

Qiu Jun was also silent, Jinshan software is his painstaking effort, of course he is not willing to hand over its control to others, but now has reached the critical moment of the company's survival, it is boundless to go through the past, if not, it will crash fall down.

"Should we make contact first, and take the opportunity to put some pressure on that side. If it is really taken advantage of, we can sell some shares in exchange for the company's development." Lei Jun suggested.

"Then let's get in touch with it and try it, but I'm not optimistic about it. I don't know how the current person in charge of Hongyuan Investment is?" Qiu Jun shook his head and said.

"I'll let someone investigate first to see if there is any need for contact." Lei Jun said after thinking for a while.

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