Zhang Xiao is a little depressed at the moment. More and more people come to the company to ask for an interview. They are all small software companies, and some are even leather bag companies. I heard that Hongyuan Investment, which is stupid and rich, wants to invest in software companies. They came one after another, making Zhang Xiao very annoyed.

After Zhang Xiao threw all these companies to the investment department to contact, he returned to the courtyard by himself, because Hu Wenjing finally settled the house in the provincial capital and came to the capital.

"The house has been bought and is being renovated." Seeing Zhang Xiao coming back, Hu Wenjing said with a smile after handing him a wet towel.

"It's good that you like it. Have you missed me recently?" Zhang Xiao wiped the sweat off his face with a towel and said.

"What do you think?" Hu Wenjing raised her eyebrows, and said angrily, "Why are there so many more people in the family?"

"Recently, I have been tricked by villains, so be on guard." After Zhang Xiao said something later, he didn't say any more. After all, he didn't intend to let Hu Wenjing know too much about it.

"That's right, there are many people who are popular, and there are many grievances and grievances." Hu Wenjing also knew what the trouble Zhang Xiao was talking about, but she knew that she couldn't help, so she didn't ask more.

"School will start soon, what date will school start?" Hu Wenjing asked as she hung the towel on the drying rack in the yard.

"There is still one week left, report on the [-]th, and there should be military training." Zhang Xiao spared his head. He didn't expect that school would start soon, and he was so busy with the company's affairs during the summer vacation that he didn't even take a break.

"Time flies!" Hu Wenjing exclaimed.

Zhang Xiao also nodded silently, knowing what Hu Wenjing meant, the provincial experimental middle school starts on August No. It depends on your time.

"Let's not talk about those unhappy things, we have a big meal tonight, and we have a chef." Zhang Xiao then said with a smile.

After Zhang Xiao asked Lu Huaping to cook, he asked Guo Feng and the others to buy seafood. When Hu Wenjing came, he naturally had to behave well.

"Boss, what's the situation? This woman is not young, so she can't be the boss's girlfriend." Lu Huaping asked Wang Liyong, who was helping in the kitchen, in a low voice.

"How do I know, but don't ask if you shouldn't, don't forget the rules, the boss's private affairs are not something we should know." Wang Liyong said angrily.

"Tch, when the boss comes, I'll ask the boss. This is also our scope of work. Only by clarifying the relationship can we serve better." Lu Huaping said with some disdain.

"It's up to you, but for a rich man like the boss, many girls will jump up. We don't need to pay too much attention to this, but there are not many people who can be given the keys to the courtyard by the boss." Wang Liyong said cheerfully .

"What are you happy about? What does it matter to you that the boss has more women? Don't you think there are not enough things?" Lu Huaping said with some dissatisfaction.

"Cook, you are suitable to be a cook. You are such a fool. Let the boss's woman introduce some women to us after we get acquainted. Our marriage is not around the corner." Wang Liyong narrowed his small eyes, as if he was thinking about something interesting.

Lu Huaping curled his lips, but stopped talking, because Guo Feng walked in with the ingredients.

"Don't inquire about the boss's affairs. Our task is to protect the boss from harm. Remember our responsibilities. Don't think that the boss is easy-going so we can relax. Treat the boss like a chief!" Guo Feng scolded angrily.

Lu Huapin was speechless, but Wang Liyong smiled with narrowed eyes.

"Why are you laughing, I don't know how to kill the fish and wash the vegetables quickly, but I need to do it myself." Guo Feng then slapped Wang Liyong on the shoulder, staggered him, and said in his mouth.

Guo Feng turned around and walked out. Although the kitchen was equipped with a range hood and an air conditioner, it was still very hot after all, and the cooling effect of the air conditioner was limited.

Zhang Xiao and Hu Wenjing each had a reclining chair, drinking iced sour plum soup in the gazebo, chatting, looking very comfortable.

The dinner was extremely sumptuous. Lu Huaping's cooking skills were extremely good, and he made perfect use of the ingredients. Zhang Xiao had never even heard of the names of many dishes. What he ate was delicious and what he drank was cold beer.

Because of Hu Wenjing's presence, the originally restrained people completely let go after a few glasses of wine, no different from usual, which surprised Hu Wenjing, but Zhang Xiao was already used to it.

After drinking and eating, Guo Feng took them to pack up the sundries and went back to their rooms, leaving only Zhang Xiao and Hu Wenjing to enjoy the cool in the yard.

Not long after, Zhang Xiao couldn't take it anymore, and after slapping a mosquito to death, she said, "There are so many mosquitoes, let's go back to the house."

Hu Wenjing smiled and said, "Why don't I feel mosquitoes?"

"Who knows?" Zhang Xiao shook her head helplessly, then turned and went back into the room.

After Hu Wenjing entered the room, she smiled and said, "I'm going to take a shower first, and I'm sweating after eating."

"Together?" Zhang Xiao said with a malicious smile.

"Don't make trouble, you can go after I finish washing." Hu Wenjing said with a smile, but her eyes were full of spring.

Zhang Xiao stopped talking, but hugged Hu Wenjing and went to the bathroom.

In the dead of night, cats meowed, and there was an infinite spring breeze.

Early the next morning, a refreshed Zhang Xiao covered Hu Wenjing with a thin blanket, shook her head, and walked out.

After breakfast, ignoring Hu Wenjing who was still sleeping, Zhang Xiao brought everyone to the company.

Not long after Zhang Xiao came to the office, Tian Xiaodan walked in with the company list and information that he had sorted out.

"Boss, this is the list of software companies that visited the company yesterday. Take a look. I have classified them according to the information provided, and have excluded some leather bag companies." Tian Xiaodan put the list and information on Zhang Xiao Said after sitting on the table.

"Okay, put it down, let me see." Although Zhang Xiao said so, she didn't have any hope for these companies, but she still had to watch what should be seen, in case there were any big fish among them.

After all, some well-known companies in later generations can earn money as long as they invest, and the investment cost is not high now, and for Jinshan Software, Zhang Xiao actually does not have to invest, everything depends on opportunities.

Zhang Xiao looked at the company's directory, but there were no familiar company names. He shook his head and began to look at the information of various software companies. He wanted to find companies or individuals suitable for investment.

In the final analysis, investment is investing in people. At present, the quality of a company depends on its founder or leader. Many companies will go downhill after the founder leaves, and the reasons are self-evident.

After flipping through it, Zhang Xiao shook his head. After all, he still knows too little information. He has no impression of many people who should be very powerful in their resumes. Maybe it's because they have too little experience in previous lives, and they don't even know these talented people.

Zhang Xiao asked Tian Xiaodan to call the second investment department for a meeting. He wanted to assign tasks. After all, the investment department needed to investigate and study everything, and maybe they could find some suitable companies to invest in.

"Everyone, you have traveled all over the country before. Many software companies do not accept financing at all, and we can't force it. However, I believe there are still many companies that are worth investing in. This requires everyone to investigate and study. In addition, the companies that visited yesterday We also need everyone to investigate and verify, we need to have sharp eyes to find suitable companies, and we need to distinguish the authenticity of some companies that only tell stories but have no actual products." Zhang Xiao said.

"Understood, boss." The employee below replied weakly as if he hadn't woken up.

"Don't think that you go to and from get off work every day, you do more or less, or you don't do the same thing. If you do more, you make more mistakes, and you don't do it. I will never allow this kind of inaction to exist in the company, and it will happen every month. Assessment, I hope you don't become the first batch of eliminated from the company!" Zhang Xiao looked at the weak employees below and suddenly became angry, and turned away after saying a word.

After returning to the office, Zhang Xiao was still upset. After all, he thought that the people in the investment department had nothing to do before, so they fished in troubled waters. Unexpectedly, now that the tasks were arranged, these people would be perfunctory and not talk about it. Falling asleep, this made Zhang Xiao very angry.

Tian Xiaodan also felt very helpless about this, and she also had some complaints about the work of the investment department, but she just joined the company, so it is not easy to express her opinions.

Zhao Hongjie knocked on the door and walked in cautiously.

"Boss, people from Jinshan Software are here." Zhao Hongjie said.

Zhang Xiao took a deep breath, calmed down and said, "Let them wait in the meeting room for a while, and I'll be there right away."

"Okay." Zhao Hongjie agreed and left Zhang Xiao's office.

When Zhang Xiao brought Tian Xiaodan to the office, Zhao Hongjie was accompanying the people from Jinshan Software Company headed by Lei Jun.

"This is Mr. Zhang, and this is Mr. Lei from Jinshan Software." Zhao Hongjie introduced Zhang Xiao when he saw Zhang Xiao coming in.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang." Lei Jun was wearing a short-sleeved shirt and trousers, stretched out his hand to hold Zhang Xiao, and said with a smile.

"Boss Lei, I've heard of you for a long time." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

After the two parties were seated, they exchanged pleasantries before entering the main topic.

"Mr. Zhang, my Golden Flash Software Company recently needs financing. This is our plan. I heard that Hongyuan Investment Company wants to enter the computer software industry recently, so I came here to find out about the situation." Lei Jun said with a smile, and will The plan was transferred to Zhang Xiao through Tian Xiaodan.

After Zhang Xiao took the proposal in his hand and looked it over, he found that the valuation was not mentioned at all, but only the amount and proportion of financing needed, and only [-]% of the shares were raised, which was different from Zhang Xiao's estimate. big difference.

"Mr. Lei, I have learned about the situation of Jinshan Software recently, but what is written in the plan is very different from what I know?" Zhang Xiao asked, after all, he could tell it at a glance.

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