That night, Zhang Xiao chatted a lot with his parents and younger siblings, not only entrusting them to his parents, but also encouraging and expecting them. Don't worry too much at home.

The next morning, Li Jianhong and Li Yuliang accompanied the beautiful female reporter from the provincial TV station to Zhang Xiao's home.

The location of the interview was in the living room of Zhang Xiao's house. Apart from the staff rearranging some lights, there were no major changes.

"Principal Li, tell me about student Zhang Xiao's study at school. How would you comment on Zhang Xiao's winning the top prize in science in the provincial college entrance examination?" The female reporter said in front of the camera.

Although Li Jianhong is very excited at the moment, he really doesn't know how Zhang Xiao studied in school, and he doesn't know why Zhang Xiao won the first prize in the college entrance examination. He only knows that Zhang Xiao only stayed in school for less than a year. During the period, I also participated in the sports meeting in the Beihua Division.

"Provincial Experimental Middle School is a provincial key high school, we have been committed to the research of teaching work, and teach each student in accordance with their aptitude..." Li Jianhong, as the principal, can only answer in this way, these big words still need someone to say , he was going to hand over the specific situation to Li Yuliang.

But no matter what, Zhang Xiao has earned honor for the Provincial Experimental Middle School this time, and he is naturally proud as the principal.

Li Yuliang was trying to organize the language, recalling Zhang Xiao's study in school, but found that there was nothing to say.

"Mr. Li, as Zhang Xiao's class teacher, you must be very familiar with Zhang Xiao's study situation. I wonder if you have any expectation that Zhang Xiao will become the number one student in the college entrance examination?" Although the female reporter did not get any useful information from Li Jianhong, she It's not surprising, after all, there is no headmaster who will specifically stare at a student, but the head teacher must be different.

"Actually, to be honest, Zhang Xiao has only been in my class for half a year. He entered my class halfway from the first year of senior high school. At the beginning, I was skeptical about his academic performance. It is very difficult to finish the study within one year, but as I took the exams again and again, I realized that this world is really full of geniuses, and Zhang Xiao not only has excellent learning talents, but also works hard."

"It's hard to believe that a student can do three sets of questions every day, and it lasts for half a year. I think this is also the reason why he can become the top student in the college entrance examination! Talent and hard work are indispensable. This is also the impression Zhang Xiao gave me. "

Li Yuliang's views on Zhang Xiao are very clear, and the facts are true. After all, Zhang Xiao's hard work in the class can be seen by many people.

At the end of the interview, the female reporter handed the microphone to Zhang Xiao, and asked with a smile: "Student Zhang Xiao, first of all congratulations on your good grades in this year's college entrance examination. It broke the record of science scores in Henan Province. I think what the audience wants to know most is how did you achieve such good results? Can you share your learning experience?"

After Zhang Xiao thought for a while, she smiled and said: "Actually, my high school life was very short, I only attended one year, which cannot be replicated for many students, but my learning experience can be shared with everyone. Students who are studying, I hope you can also gain something.”

"I divide the course of study into two stages. The first stage is to master the basic knowledge. This is the most basic and important stage. About 70.00% of the questions in the college entrance examination every year are basic questions. As long as the basic If the knowledge is solid, then it is reasonable to get a score of 70.00%."

"The second price stage I call the sprint top-notch stage, that is, after mastering the basic knowledge, we have to determine the direction of the test questions and the thinking of solving the questions through continuous practice and error correction, so as to achieve the goal of improving the score .”

Zhang Xiao talked a lot, but the core content was the method of learning, which made the female reporter nod in satisfaction, which was what he wanted too.

"Student Zhang Xiao, we all know that studying is boring, and many people can't persevere, so how do you persevere?" The female reporter then brought up another topic, which is also a problem that many people pay more attention to.

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, but then said: "That's a long story. In fact, I didn't study very hard before the high school entrance examination half a year ago. My grades were more than the top and the bottom, so I just got by."

"But until one day, my washbasin was broken, and I wanted to replace it with a new one, but I couldn't, because the washbasin could still be used after it was repaired. That touched me a lot. Since then, I I started studying vigorously, because I know very well that if I can’t rely on reading to go out, the chance of changing my destiny is very small.”

"My parents worked hard and worked hard to give me the opportunity to study with peace of mind. I can't let them down, so I worked hard and tried to use knowledge to change my destiny. I study hard every day. Of course, the rewards are also amazing. , at least I am still successful now, and my destiny has been changed.”

"As for the future, I think I will work harder and use the sword of knowledge to split the thorns in the future, so that I can go further."

"Student Zhang Xiao, as far as I know, you are not only excellent in academics, but also in sports. Can you tell me how you balance it?"

Zhang Xiao frowned, but still said: "I have always focused on studying. I think the biggest reason why I can achieve results in sports is because of my physical fitness, because my efforts in sports training are Not as good as many professional athletes."

Seeing that Zhang Xiao didn't want to talk too much about sports achievements, the female reporter changed the topic and asked with a smile: "I heard that you are applying for the electronic science and technology major of Huaqing University. I don't know if you are now accepted?" Did you get the admission letter?"

"I have already received it. This is my admission letter. I am looking forward to my life after entering university." Zhang Xiao took out the admission letter of Huaqing University and said with a smile.

"The last question, Zhang Xiao, do you have any message for the younger students?" The female reporter asked the last question.

"Nowadays society is full of weird accents that reading is useless, but I want to tell my classmates, if you don't have a rich family business to inherit, then don't say that there is nothing good about university. Knowledge can change your destiny. Just empty words, don’t you want to experience the joy of being a top student? It’s fun for a while in high school, but it’s always been fun after being admitted to a good university. I’ll wait for you in Huaqing.”

After the interview, Zhang Xiao invited everyone to dinner with a smile, and they had no reason to refuse, after all, it would be noon soon, and they should go back after eating.

After eating, Li Jianhong smiled and said to Zhang Xiao: "You have passed the science college entrance examination this time, the school decided to reward you with 5 yuan, and then you will be transferred to the card. Although you may not be short of this money, but this It's the heart of the school."

"Then I would like to thank the principal. I will not be polite, but I will ask the company to donate 300 million yuan to the school as a subsidy for poor students. The school has trained me. I also want to make some contributions to the school. The sisters contribute their strength." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"It seems that the rumors are true. You have made a lot of money." Li Jianhong said with a smile, "But don't worry, the school will use the donations on suitable students, and your wishes will never be wasted."

Zhang Xiao nodded with a smile. He also believes that the school will use the donation properly. After all, the school accepts a lot of donations, so he is not worried about using it.

After sending them away, Zhang Hongjun asked Zhang Xiao, "Xiaoxiao, why donate so much? What good does it do you?"

"Dad, donations can not only offset taxes, but also give yourself a good reputation. After all, as the business grows bigger, more and more people will be jealous. We don't have any background, so we will naturally be targeted. , troubles are inevitable, so donating some can not only gain fame, but also be regarded as a talisman." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Well, if you are rich, you will not live in peace." Zhang Hongjun couldn't help but said.

Zhang Xiao smiled and said nothing. He couldn't help but think of what people in later generations said. The happiest time is not when you are rich, but the simple life when you are poor.

At that time, Zhang Xiao, like many others, said that grapes were too sour to eat, and now he has a little understanding, but he knows that the troubles now are just the beginning, and more challenges are yet to come.

In the following time, Zhang Xiao stayed at home and accompanied her parents to answer the requests of relatives and friends one by one. In fact, this matter is not difficult, what is difficult is the attitude.

For those who are willing to work in the capital, Zhang Xiao gave them two directions, one is a glass factory, and the other is a supermarket. All employees need technology, and it is difficult for relatives and friends to adapt after they pass by, which is not good for their development.

Even so, many relatives and friends chose to go there, Zhang Xiao did not hesitate, and directly gave them their address, chartered a bus for them, and asked Wang Liyong to accompany them there, after all, he did not want them When you encounter any troubles on the road, blame yourself. If you do that, you will do bad things with good intentions.

After arranging the family affairs, Zhang Xiao inquired about Tong Yao's situation, and found that her fate had also changed. It seems that she has studied all her study materials.

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