"Mr. Mo, it's meaningless for you to say that. You have to say a deadline. We can't sign the contract with just one word. If we can't get money after the equity change, aren't we losing money?" The red-faced old man was aggressive Said.

"After the shareholding change, the money will be transferred to your account within one month. You can't afford to wait even one month." Moboqi said with a sneer.

"Okay, then let's sign the contract now, and tomorrow we will go to the Industrial and Commercial Office to go through the formalities of equity change!" The red-faced old man said with a smile, "But I hope there will be a deadline for the money to arrive in the account!"

"Don't worry, you are not benevolent, my Mo family will not be unjust, I just hope that you will not regret it in the future!" Mo Boqi's expression is not good, after all, these people are simply making trouble, if it is not because Zhang Xiao has enough money Cash, this level is really difficult.

The contract was signed very quickly. After all, these shareholders were not really willing to sell the shares to Gu Tianxin, but they were worried that Xinyu Jewelry, which was dealt with by Gu Tianxin, could not continue to operate and go bankrupt. It is their best choice.

After the four shareholders signed the equity transfer agreement, they left immediately, unwilling to stay for a moment. After all, they are also the veterans of the company, and they will only let the company's staff point and point.

After Zhang Xiao signed the equity transfer agreement, he postponed the time to go to the industrial and commercial office to go through the equity change procedures for a week. After all, he had already discussed with his family, and the school entrance banquet was about to begin, so there was no reason for him not to be present as the protagonist.

Mo Boqi didn't keep Zhang Xiao for dinner, after all, he still had a lot of things to deal with, and he had to make changes in many positions.

Zhang Xiao, who returned to the courtyard, was a little helpless. Not to mention that the plan to rest for an afternoon was in vain, and he spent nearly [-] million yuan. Although he bought shares, he still felt a little bit pained. After all, the money was invested. , I still don't know when he will be able to get back the money, after all, he is not familiar with the jewelry industry.

Zhang Xiao sighed, he didn't need to think about the past, and looking to the future was what he should do most.

The competition in the semiconductor industry, the rapid rise of the Internet industry, the rapid expansion of the real estate industry, etc. All industries will develop rapidly in the future. Although he has a forward-looking vision that many people do not have, he really decides where to enter In an industry, Zhang Xiao is really not ready, and now he is still in the stage of accumulating grain.

Zhang Xiao stayed in the study room until night fell before coming out.

"Boss, let's eat. Today is Lu Huaping's cooking. If you try his cooking skills, they are definitely not inferior to the chefs in the restaurant." Guo Feng said with a smile when he saw Zhang Xiao coming out.

"Okay, I'm just hungry, everyone come together." Zhang Xiao stretched her waist and called everyone to eat together.

A few people were not polite, after all, they would have to think about how to get along day and night in the future, and being too polite would not be good.

There were not many meals brought to the table, only six dishes. After Zhang Xiao took a sip, he immediately applauded: "Not bad, Lao Lu, when did you learn cooking skills?"

"Boss, you may not know that this kid helped the cooking class in the first year after joining the army. He learned his skills from the chef in the cooking class. Not to mention, he is quite talented in cooking." Guo Feng smiled cheerfully. Said.

Zhang Xiao immediately said with satisfaction: "From now on, you will be responsible for our meals, Lao Lu, but I won't use you for nothing. I will give you 1000 yuan a month privately, and it will be considered as labor expenses."

Lu Huaping smiled shyly, and happily accepted Zhang Xiao's generosity. After all, he needed money, so there was no need to be reserved.

After eating, Zhang Xiao watched them chatting in the yard, and couldn't help asking, "Are all of you married?"

"No, the boss will introduce one." Guo Feng said with a smile.

"I still need my introduction to get married. It's easy to find a girlfriend to marry with your skills!" Zhang Xiao said with some surprise.

"Boss, you don't know our suffering. You came to the company just after retiring from the army. You don't know many women. Most of them are famous women. If you want to get married, you don't know when you will have to wait." Wang Li Somewhat helplessly, Yong knocked on the stone table, making a loud noise.

"Don't worry, take your time, there is always something suitable waiting for you." Zhang Xiao chuckled, thinking about the bachelors in a yard is a bit funny.

A group of bachelors couldn't help laughing, and the topic naturally turned to women. Zhang Xiao didn't participate, and went back to the house alone to call his parents.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Zhang Xiao went to the company for a tour and asked Tian Xiaodan to stay in the company. He took Guo Feng and the five of them to Xinglin County. After all, the school entrance banquet was scheduled for tonight.

When they returned home, it was already past two o'clock in the afternoon. After having dinner in the town, Zhang Xiao took them home.

At this time, there were a lot of people in the family, not only relatives and friends, but also some of my father's classmates and colleagues came. Seeing Zhang Xiao coming back, I couldn't help but congratulate him.

It was only at this time that Zhang Xiao realized that the honor brought by the top scorer in the provincial science department was so great. The newspapers at home were full of praises for Zhang Xiao. Among them, not only his high school teachers but also junior high school teachers were interviewed. As Zhang Xiao parents were also included in the interview.

Leaders at all levels have also come to the home to make a statement, giving money and gifts, which is much higher than before when he became the top scorer in the high school entrance examination.

As soon as Zhang Xiao came back, he naturally became the focus. All kinds of fancy questions and congratulations followed, and Zhang Xiao answered them one by one calmly. After all, he was already able to handle this kind of scene with ease.

Zhang Hongjun smiled cheerfully, and from time to time smoked and sugared, also shining brightly.

The school entrance banquet in the evening reached its climax. Many people came uninvited. The original set of [-] tables could not be stopped. Fortunately, it is summer, and one table is in the yard. Once the food and wine are served, it will naturally become a feast. .

No one cares about what to eat and drink, more people want to enjoy the joy of the champion, so that their children can have a good omen.

Zhang Xiao's alcohol capacity is not bad, even so, Zhang Xiao had to drink some of the leaders' toasts, and Zhang Xiao also felt dizzy later, and Zhang Hongjun was the same, he was very drunk.

The school entrance feast did not end until 11:30 in the evening, and only some relatives were left to help clean up the yard.

Guo Feng and the others worked as waiters all night, and now they also joined the ranks of cleaning up. After all, the tables and stools covered the entire yard, even the road outside the yard.

Zhang Xiao sat at the front of the yard, leaning against the wall, drinking the hangover soup made by his mother Yang Lan, sipping it in small sips, recovering his energy, while his thoughts kept wandering.

After rebirth, everything changed. The secular prosperity that he had never experienced in his previous life is now unfolding. Zhang Xiao, who has a huge amount of wealth, can ignore the daily necessities, but the opposite is the sophistication of the world, coming one after another.

No one asks the poor in the downtown area, and the rich has distant relatives in the mountains.

At the college entrance banquet just now, some relatives and friends started to inquire about his business in the capital, and some even heard that his uncle Yang Lei was the factory director in the capital and wanted to work there. Zhang Xiao knew the plans of these people well, but Zhang Xiao didn't Refuse, and prepare to let your parents give it away as a favor. After all, you really need people to work, and at least these people know the basics.

As for whether they can grow up in the company, Zhang Xiao will neither deliberately promote nor target anyone. Everything will be done in accordance with the company's rules and regulations. He believes that they will not cause too much trouble.

As for the living conditions at home, Zhang Xiao was going to let his parents decide. After all, he was relieved that the money was given to them. The house had already started to be renovated, and Zhang Xiao was going to help them buy a car.

Soon, the yard was tidied up and everyone dispersed, except Guo Feng who stayed at home, Lu Huaping and the others took a car to the guest house in the town.

"Xiaoxiao, the provincial and Taiwan reporters are coming tomorrow. They should have heard about your business, and they are testing us inside and out." Zhang Hongjun put down the teacup in his hand and said.

"Things cannot be hidden, so let me deal with everything. After all, we have not stolen or robbed, and we are not afraid of their reports. However, there will definitely be relatives and friends who want to work where I am. You can figure it out, after all. Favors still have to fall." Zhang Xiao has already thought about it, since he can't hide it, he should disclose it completely, maybe he will be tricked, but he already has a little foundation, and he has the confidence to face all this.

"Okay then, just watch for yourself, and be careful when you go outside." Zhang Hongjun said helplessly. After all, Zhang Xiao grew up too fast, which was beyond his expectation.

Yang Lan sighed, and said, "The house is so lively now, all the relatives and friends who didn't show their faces in the past have come, there are everyone, there are people who borrow money, people who have relationships, and all kinds of people. They don't even sleep. safe."

Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "Would you like to go to the capital with me? Maybe there won't be so many disturbances there."

"Forget it, your dad still has to go to work, your grandparents still need me to take care of them, Xiaokai and Xiaoping still have to go to school, and they can't leave. Besides, even if it's over, they will come to you sooner or later, which is not good." Yang Lan also saw clearly, shook her head and said.

"Okay, then you have to take good care of yourself at home. If you can stop working in the field, you don't have to do it. Your health comes first. My grandparents are also getting old. I give them regular physical examinations. If you are sick, go early. Don't delay the treatment." Zhang Xiao also began to ramble, maybe because of drinking, Zhang Xiao talked a lot.

"You don't have to worry about that." Zhang Hongjun said angrily, but was glared at by Yang Lan.

As for the small movements between the parents, Zhang Xiao pretended not to see them. After all, the two of them have been here for a long time. There may have been quarrels, but there was no real conflict.

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