When I came out of the supermarket, it was already late, and it was already past the time to get off work.

"Where do you live, I'll take you back directly." After getting into the car, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said.

"Take me to the company, my bicycle is still in the company." Tian Xiaodan shook his head and rejected Zhang Xiao's proposal.

"That's fine." Zhang Xiao didn't care about Tian Xiaodan's guard.

After all, the society is very complicated now, beautiful women will always have more or less convenience and trouble, so it is normal to be wary of Zhang Xiao.

Guo Feng first drove Tian Xiaodan back to the company, and then drove Zhang Xiao back to the courtyard.

"Boss, are you interested in Secretary Tian?" Guo Feng said to Zhang Xiao with a half-smile, "Do you want me to check her for you?"

"What are you talking about? I don't mean that, but I still need to investigate." Zhang Xiao shook his head and said, after all, he was still afraid. He didn't want some people with ulterior motives to come into the company. There was a Zong Rui who had already given taught him enough.

"Okay, I'll tell the mouse tomorrow, and your security team has been formed, will you meet me at the company tomorrow?" Guo Feng nodded, and then said.

"Yes, how many people?" Zhang Xiao asked without any objection.

"Counting me and five people, it should be enough for now." Guo Feng smiled and said, "If you can break through us and cause harm to you, that's what life deserves."

Zhang Xiao nodded and didn't speak, but he also knew that the bodyguards were prepared, after all, he still cherished his life very much.

After arriving at the company the next day, Zhang Xiao didn't go to the office, but went to the conference room of the security department. Guo Feng also summoned the security team who had already arrived at the company.

Guo Feng handed a file bag to Zhang Xiao, and said with a smile: "This is the information of the five of us, but there are not many things introduced, after all, we need to keep many things secret."

Zhang Xiao nodded, and took out five forms from the file bag. There were not only photos, but also the skills they were good at. The work experience was not written. After all, they had just returned from the army and had no work experience.

After a while, four young people aged 25 or [-] came over. They looked ordinary, but Zhang Xiao still found some clues, because when the four of them were walking around, they intentionally or unintentionally protected the person in the middle. The young man in the middle was no different from the others except for his thin body, which made Zhang Xiao a little puzzled.

But Zhang Xiao didn't ask, but compared the real person with the profile photos, so as to better improve their impressions in their minds.

Lu Huaping, aged 26, is good at tracking, assault, fighting, driving, rapid-fire pistol and burst rifle.

Li Haibing, aged 25, is good at fighting, rapid-fire rifles, driving and survival in the wild.

Wang Liyong, aged 27, is good at fighting, tracking, monitoring and anti-monitoring, and shoots with a rifle.

Zhao Yu, aged 26, is good at driving, pistol shooting, calculation, route planning and safety plan.

"I don't know much about your work content, so Guo Feng will be responsible for arranging your future work." Zhang Xiao said after meeting the four of them.

"Don't worry, I will arrange it." Guo Feng also agreed.

"That's good. In addition, what equipment do you need? You can go directly to the financial department after writing the list and I approve it. In addition, each of you's salary will be raised by one level." Zhang Xiao then said with a smile.

"Thank you, boss." The four of them couldn't help but smile. After all, after returning to normal life, they also realized the importance of money, otherwise they wouldn't go to the construction site for money.

"You're welcome, you can tell me if you need any help. In addition, you will live with me at night, and you don't need to go to the dormitory." Zhang Xiao then thought about the problem of accommodation, and said again.

This time it was just the first meeting, Zhang Xiao didn't say much, and went upstairs to work after a while.

Since Zhang Xiao was going back to his hometown tomorrow for the school entrance banquet, he had to deal with a lot of documents today, and he didn't look up all morning, and he was all dealing with these documents.

This is still done with the help of secretary Tian Xiaodan, otherwise Zhang Xiao might not even have time to rest in the afternoon.

And at the end of the month, many reimbursement documents need Zhang Xiao's signature to enter the account. In addition, there is a lot of money spent this month, and many procedures require Zhang Xiao's signature before proceeding.

After lunch, Zhang Xiao went back to the courtyard to rest, leaving only Tian Xiaodan to organize documents in the company.

And the four members of the security team also began to set up in the courtyard. After all, in their view, the protection of the courtyard was almost useless. After all, Guo Feng was not good at these.

As the brain of the whole team, Zhao Yu will set up all the plans and plans. Even Zhang Xiao has to cooperate with Zhao Yu in some training.

Zhang Xiao was lying on the deck chair under the grape arbor, flipping through a book casually, it was not a professional book, but an essay.

Since he was going home to hold a celebration banquet tomorrow, Zhang Xiao wanted to enjoy this rare leisure time quietly.

However, Zhang Xiao wanted to be free, which was obviously an extravagant wish. As the phone rang, Zhang Xiao had no choice but to pick up the phone to answer the call.

"Little brother, come over to my place, I need your help with something here." Moboqi's hoarse voice came from the microphone, as if something happened.

"What happened? Where are you?" Zhang Xiao immediately stood up and asked.

"I'm at the headquarters of the jewelry company, come here." Moboqi sighed.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but shook her head, it seemed that she couldn't be free anymore, and said to Guo Feng, "I'm going out for a while, you go and drive."

Guo Feng nodded, and after talking to Zhao Yu and the others, Li Haibing went to drive.

After getting in the car, Zhang Xiao gave the address to Li Haibing, then sat in the back seat and thought about why Moboqi was looking for him. After thinking about it for a long time, he couldn't think of a reason.

Moboqi's jewelry company is headquartered on the twelfth floor of a commercial building, and the entire floor is the office of Xinyu Jewelry Company.

As soon as Zhang Xiao arrived at the front desk, she was stopped by the receptionist, and the receptionist said, "Sir, what can I do?"

"I'm looking for you Mr. Mo. I just spoke on the phone. My name is Zhang Xiao." Zhang Xiao stopped and said.

"It's Mr. Zhang, please follow me. Mr. Mo is in the meeting room." The receptionist hurriedly led Zhang Xiao towards the meeting room.

After the reception lady knocked on the door, Moboqi's voice came out: "Come in."

The receptionist opened the door and let Zhang Xiao and the others in.

As soon as Zhang Xiao entered the door, he saw Mo Boqi with a haggard face, and some people who looked like bosses.

"Brother, what's the matter?" Zhang Xiao asked with some doubts.

"Junior Brother, I'm making you laugh. They want to withdraw their shares." Moboqi forced a smile and said weakly.

"Why, isn't the company good?" Zhang Xiao was puzzled, but he didn't know what happened.

"Come with me, let me tell you something." Moboqi stood up and led Zhang Xiao to the outside of the meeting room.

The others didn't stop them, after all, they were not afraid of Moboqi's refusal.

After coming to Mo Boqi's office, Mo Boqi said with a wry smile: "When this company was established, there were five shareholders in total, my father accounted for 50.00% of the shares, and the other four accounted for 40.00%[-]. Now they all I want to withdraw the shares, but I don't have the money to take back their shares, so they found Gu Tianxin."

"Gu Tianxin wants to buy their shares? How much is the premium?" Zhang Xiao understood as soon as he heard it. This is another trick by Gu Tianxin.

"I don't know the price they negotiated. Although I have the priority to repurchase the shares, the problem is that I have no money! If they can't reach an agreement, it will be troublesome when Gu Tianxin buys their shares." Mo Boqi Some said helplessly.

"Does the master know?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"I know, my dad doesn't have any money now, and the real estate company has been heavily loaned out by the bank, so I thought of you." Mo Boqi knew that Zhang Xiao had a lot of cash in his hand, so he called Zhang Xiao over.

"How much will it cost?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"The company's valuation is now about [-] million. If we want to buy back shares, we need about [-] million." Moboqi was a little helpless, but he still said it out.

"Then let's talk about it. After all, everything is negotiated, and the worst outcome is that we buy their shares." Zhang Xiao breathed a sigh of relief. After all, [-] million is still within his tolerance. Besides, This is a shareholding, and it can be regarded as an investment.

"With your words, I feel relieved." Moboqi rubbed his face to make himself look more energetic.

After returning to the conference room, Moboqi said: "Everyone, since you have decided to sell your shares, I will not persuade you anymore. After all, there is always a banquet in the world. Let's talk about a price."

"Mr. Mo, I have 19.00% of the shares in my hand. According to the company's current valuation of 600 million, I should be able to get 50 million. I wonder if Mr. Mo has the money ready?" A red-faced old man in his [-]s Said with a smile.

"Mr. Mo, I have 4000% of the shares in my hand, and I plan to sell them for [-] million."

"Mr. Mo, I have 15.00% of the shares in my hand, and I plan to sell them for 6000 million."

"Mr. Mo, I have 5.00% of the shares in my hand, and I plan to sell them for 2000 million."


The meeting room was suddenly full of hustle and bustle, like selling vegetables in a vegetable market, but Moboqi's face did not have the previous panic.

"Yes, we can sign the equity transfer contract now, and I hope you will not regret it when the time comes." Moboqi slapped the table and angrily shouted.

"Mr. Mo, when will the money arrive after the contract is signed?" the red-faced old man said with a smile.

"As long as the equity change is handled at the industrial and commercial office, the money will be transferred to you!" Moboqi sneered.

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