After Tian Xiaodan left, Li Xuejiao said, "Among the three, Tian Xiaodan is the most suitable, Hou Wenyue is also good, and Lu Xiaotong is not as good."

"Then make Tian Xiaodan the secretary of the general manager. If Hou Wenyue is willing to stay, he can temporarily work in the HR department. Lu Xiaotong is fine. There is something wrong with his resume." Zhang Xiao made the decision, expressing his distaste for falsified resumes.

People can have no work experience, but they must not fake, after all, it involves integrity issues.

Naturally, Li Xuejiao would not object to this, and immediately notified the three of them. Lu Xiaotong left, and Hou Wenyue said that he needed to consider it, and Tian Xiaodan naturally took office.

In Zhang Xiao's office, Zhang Xiao watched Tian Xiaodan start working as soon as he came in, and couldn't help but smile and said: "The company has a cafeteria, lunch is provided by the company, and you need to solve the accommodation yourself, but it's best in the company Nearby, do you have a place to live now?"

"Not yet, but don't worry, I will settle it as soon as possible, and I won't delay work." Tian Xiaodan shook his head and said.

"Okay, you go and handle the handover with Li Xuejiao, she took care of many of my things temporarily before." Zhang Xiao then said.

"Okay, I'll go right away." After Tian Xiaodan sorted out the documents in his hand, he turned and left.

Zhang Xiao is very satisfied with Tian Xiaodan's working status. After all, the general manager's secretary needs to be responsible for a lot of things. Without a positive working status, it is absolutely impossible.

In the morning, Zhang Xiao went to the four supermarkets that were being renovated to check the progress of the project, and found that the progress of the project was much faster. Although it would take some time before the renovation was completed, Zhang Xiao was already satisfied with the progress.

In the afternoon, Zhang Xiao returned to the company and found that Tian Xiaodan was already working in her place. In the small partition outside Zhang Xiao's office, many documents that Zhang Xiao had previously processed had been sorted out.

"Boss, this is your itinerary for tomorrow. Take a look. If there is no problem, I will notify them to make preparations." Tian Xiaodan handed Zhang Xiao a schedule and said.

Zhang Xiao's arrangements are full, not only glass factories and microelectronics technology, but also people's supermarkets.

These were all Zhang Xiao said casually. Originally, he didn't plan to go tomorrow, but Tian Xiaodan had already arranged everything.

It turns out that Zhang Xiao's itinerary is as he pleases, and he can do whatever he thinks of, but now that he has a secretary, Zhang Xiao finds that he will be busier in the future, and Tian Xiaodan is the hateful farmer who gave him a whip.

"Okay, just follow this arrangement, but I will go back to my hometown the day after tomorrow, and I should stay at home for a week. You have arranged all the recent itineraries." Zhang Xiao couldn't bear to dampen Tian Xiaodan's enthusiasm, and nodded in agreement.

Tian Xiaodan turned and left, with a curved arc at the corner of his mouth, which was a manifestation of inner happiness.

The next day, Zhang Xiao came to the glass factory, accompanied by Tian Xiaodan.

The glass factory is now ready to resume production. Uncle Yang Lei just took three days to straighten out the glass factory. The competition for employment has further activated the enthusiasm of the employees. At this time, the raw materials have also been brought back, and the equipment has been maintained and looked brand new. , everything is ready, just waiting to start production.

"Boss, the raw materials have been added to the crucible furnace, and we can start production only after the temperature reaches. Our batch mainly produces glass as a building material." Yang Lei didn't change Zhang Xiao's name because of his identity. Everyone else is calling the boss.

"We must ensure the quality of production. Defective products must be destroyed on the spot, and they must not be mixed into the finished product warehouse. The first few batches of orders are from companies with close relationships. We can't mess it up." Zhang Xiao reminded again.

"Don't worry, I know about this, and I will check it myself when the time comes." Yang Lei said confidently.

"This batch of orders is based on the estimated output. We need three months to produce, but we still have to hurry up to run the order. After all, this batch of orders is almost a one-off sale." Zhang Xiao is not very worried about production capacity, but worried Later order issues.

"People from the sales department have been arranged to go to various car factories. Many companies have old relationships. I believe the problem should not be serious." Yang Lei nodded with a smile.

After walking around the workshop again, Zhang Xiao didn't find any problems, so he and Yang Lei came to the office.

"Is that woman your secretary?" Yang Lei asked with a smile.

"Yes, I just recruited a talent." Zhang Xiao said with a slight smile.

"It's too beautiful, you have to control yourself, you can't do anything wrong when you have money." Yang Lei was very worried about Zhang Xiao, after all, only men understand men better.

"Don't worry, I know how to do it." Zhang Xiao smiled and didn't say much.

As for Tian Xiaodan's beauty, Zhang Xiao naturally knew that if a beautiful female secretary was brought out, she would naturally gain face, and Zhang Xiao also had such vanity.

I had dinner at the glass factory at noon, and went to Microelectronics Technology in the afternoon.

The production line of Microelectronics Technology is rushing to upgrade, and there is no production for the time being, but Tang Zhenhao is still very busy, doing experiments in the laboratory.

When Zhang Xiao saw him, she couldn't help worrying about him, because Tang Zhenhao hadn't shaved his beard for a few days, and his eyes were bloodshot. It was obvious that he hadn't had much rest recently.

"Old Tang, you have to pay attention to your health. Research is not a matter of a day or two. We have to think about it in the long run! The whole company still counts on you to be the leader." Zhang Xiao said worriedly.

"Soon, it will be made right away. As long as the product is made this time, there will be plenty of time for rest." Tang Zhenhao said nonchalantly.

When Tang Zhenhao was talking, he scratched his head twice, and the dandruff fell down, making Zhang Xiao frown.

"Director Li, how long has Mr. Tang been in this situation?" Zhang Xiao asked the office director of the microelectronics company.

"It didn't take long, maybe three or four days, it's normal." Director Li seemed to be used to this, and said indifferently.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help being speechless. In this hot day, although the laboratory was air-conditioned, Tang Zhenhao obviously ran around, his whole body was dirty and exuded a pungent smell.

"Persuade him more in the future, don't let him do this every day, his body will collapse sooner or later." Zhang Xiao said with some dissatisfaction.

"I know, but my words don't work." Director Li scratched his head helplessly and muttered.

Zhang Xiao was also a little helpless. After all, he still admired the enthusiasm of these researchers, and it was they who supported the upper limit of technology.

After coming out of Microelectronics Technology, he headed towards the Minmin Supermarket, which was already in business.

"Boss, do you need to book an air ticket or a train ticket?" Tian Xiaodan asked in the car.

"No need, I will drive back directly when the time comes, it will be necessary to go home." Zhang Xiao said after being slightly taken aback.

"Okay then." Tian Xiaodan still has resistance to taking a car for a long distance, but the boss is the big one, so what he says is what.

"Can you drive?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"I have a driver's license, but I haven't passed by." Tian Xiaodan blushed pretty and shook her head.

"Take time to ask the people in the small car class to take you. After all, sometimes it is easier for you to drive when you go out to do errands." Zhang Xiao said casually.

"Okay, I'll ask Minister Yuan to arrange it then." Tian Xiaodan said excitedly.

After arriving at the supermarket, Li Mingxuan reported the business situation of the past two days.

"The sales in the past two days have stabilized at around 350, and the profit is around 45. However, after the opening activities are over, there is still room for further increase in profit." Li Mingxuan said.

"That's right, keep up the good work. In addition, personnel training must be paid close attention. Those four supermarkets will open together, and a large number of salesmen and stockers will be needed. I will send the store managers of the other four stores to learn from you. You want Teach them well, and you are responsible for examining whether they are qualified for the position of store manager." Zhang Xiao has found four store managers, but it will take time to test whether they are competent.

"Okay, boss, I will arrange it." At this moment, Li Mingxuan felt a sense of crisis, because once the four store managers took office, it would be a big challenge for him, but Zhang Xiao asked him to train the new store managers. Be safe.

Zhang Xiao ignored the change in Li Mingxuan's tone. He just wanted to tell Li Mingxuan that your position is not stable. As for whether you can continue to be the general manager, it depends on his performance.

Tian Xiaodan saw Li Mingxuan's performance in his eyes, and at the same time understood Zhang Xiao's intention, which was to conduct a two-way examination of Li Mingxuan and the four store managers to see if they were competent in their respective positions.

Then Zhang Xiao took Tian Xiaodan to wander around the supermarket to see if there were any problems with the operation of the supermarket. After all, this was the purpose of his coming to Minmin Supermarket, and it was also the top priority of his work this day.

Along the way, Zhang Xiao put forward some suggestions and improvement plans from time to time, and Tian Xiaodan quickly took notes, after all, this was her job.

After turning around, Zhang Xiao reached out to ask for Tian Xiaodan's record book. Looking at the contents recorded on it, he couldn't help sweating, because he couldn't read it, and he didn't know what kind of ghost Tian Xiaodan recorded, which was similar to the ghost drawing talisman.

Tian Xiaodan was also depressed for a while, she didn't expect Zhang Xiao to read her notebook, because what she wrote on it were all shorthand symbols, which no one could understand except herself.

Zhang Xiao looked at Tian Xiaodan, raised the notebook in his hand, and said, "Can you understand it yourself?"

"Of course, otherwise I will record what it is doing." Tian Xiaodan curled his lips and said helplessly.

She can understand it, she can understand it, yes, she recorded it herself, if she can't understand it, there is really no need to record it.

"That's good. After returning to the company, make a copy and give it to Li Mingxuan. I believe he knows what to do." Zhang Xiao returned the notebook to Tian Xiaodan and said.

"Okay, I'll tidy up after returning to the company." Tian Xiaodan took the notebook and quickly put it into the handbag that he carried with him.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help laughing, the more ridiculous he thought about it.

Tian Xiaodan looked at Zhang Xiao's leaving back helplessly, but there was no trace of anger in his heart.

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