Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 143 Returning the Umbrella

"He is a bit extreme now. It seems that he is still brooding over the events of that year." Mo Wenxin said helplessly, but Mo Wenxin didn't say anything specific.

Zhang Xiao was also embarrassed to ask, after all, this was the grievance of the previous generation, so there was a reason why Mo Wenxin didn't talk about it.

After Zhang Xiao helped Mo Wenxin go through all the auction items, he finally felt relieved when he found that there were no antiques related to cultural relics.

"Xiaoxiao, this incident has also reminded us that we must be careful in doing things, otherwise we will fall into the trap set by our opponents if we are not careful. This incident has taught us a lesson." Mo Wenxin said a little Lying tiredly on the recliner, he said in a deep tone.

"I understand, I will be more careful in doing things in the future." Zhang Xiao agreed without hesitation, after all, this incident also left a deep impression on him.

"It's good that you understand. I heard that all the troubles in your company have been solved. What are you going to do with the mess at Xingsheng Glass Factory?" Mo Wenxin then changed the topic to Zhang Xiao.

"I didn't think about it, but it's impossible to keep procrastinating like this in the district, and it will always be resolved." Zhang Xiao said helplessly.

"Several projects in my real estate company have reached the final stage of decoration. If you are going to resume production, hurry up and start. At least it will be no problem for you to eat the products of the first few months. When the time comes, you will have no problem. Let the people in the sales department run more, there will always be sales." Mo Wenxin suggested.

"Then I would like to thank the master, and I will start preparing for the resumption of production after I go back." Zhang Xiao also made up her mind at this moment, knowing that the glass factory can no longer be dragged on, and it is time to solve it.

In the evening, Zhang Xiao returned to the courtyard after having dinner at Mo Wenxin's house.

Just as Zhang Xiao sat down in the living room, she heard someone slapping on the door. Zhang Xiao couldn't help being slightly taken aback, and then looked at Guo Feng.

Guo Feng immediately got up and walked towards the gate, after a while Guo Feng led a beautiful woman in.

"This is your umbrella. I borrowed it this morning. I'm returning it to you now. Thank you." The beauty put the umbrella on the tea table naturally, and she didn't seem to notice the loss of her chest.

However, Zhang Xiao was shocked by this boldness, because he saw the two big balls of snow-white, vacuum and luster. The moment she bent over, they jumped violently and hit his chest. Heart.

"You're welcome, it's fun to help others." Zhang Xiao pretended to be calm while recalling the beauty just now.

"Okay, then I'll go first." The beauty smiled and turned around to give Zhang Xiao a beautiful back with all kinds of flair.

"I'll see you off." Zhang Xiao hurriedly got up and sent him out of the door. He didn't return to the house until he saw him driving away.

"How is this woman's investigation going?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"Yuan Min hasn't heard of it yet, so it doesn't go well. Maybe she's just an ordinary person." Guo Feng shook his head and said.

Zhang Xiao nodded, but she was puzzled by this woman's behavior. It's really incredible that she came to the door at night just to return the umbrella.

Moreover, Zhang Xiao was teased by her, and his desire, who had never known the taste of meat for three days, became even more aroused.

"Go and rest, I'm going to take a shower and sleep soon." Zhang Xiao said to Guo Feng.

Guo Feng turned and left, leaving only Zhang Xiao in the living room.

Zhang Xiao turned off the TV and returned to the bedroom. First, he took a cold shower to suppress his physical desires before returning to sleep in the room.

The next morning, after Zhang Xiao got up, Guo Feng had already prepared breakfast.

Zhang Xiao accompanied Guo Feng to exercise in the yard, focusing on military boxing, supplemented by other southern boxing, but Zhang Xiao also knew that these were all ostentatious, so-called routines. It is impossible to use it against the enemy like Guo Feng and the others.

Even so, Zhang Xiao was ready to persevere and treat it as exercise.

After returning to the company, Zhang Xiao listened to Fan Mingxian's investigation report on the Xingsheng Glass Factory and the district government's request for resumption of production.

Although Zhang Xiao intends to quickly resume production at Xingsheng Glass Factory, he is not prepared for the director of Xingsheng Glass Factory. After all, there is no one he can trust.

After Zhang Xiao asked Fan Mingxian to leave, he dialed the number at home.

"Mom, I'm Xiaoxiao. The house is finished. Is my uncle busy now?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"He's getting someone to decorate our house now, what's the matter, can I ask your uncle?" Yang Lan asked.

"It's like this. I have a glass factory here. If there is one less trustworthy person to be the director of the factory, I think my uncle should be able to do it. Do you want him to try it?" Zhang Xiao began to discuss with his mother. Things need the mother's consent.

"It's okay to let him try, but I don't know if he is willing or not. How about this, I will ask you later, and if he is willing, I will ask him to call you." Yang Lan was also very happy, after all, the factory manager For many people, it is a high-ranking position. It is not wrong for the son to let his younger brother try the position of factory manager.

Not long after, my uncle called. He was very happy to become the director of the glass factory. As for whether he can do well, we will have to try it.

Zhang Xiao immediately asked his uncle to come to the capital by car. After all, the glass factory is about to resume work, and many things need to be dealt with. Zhang Xiao doesn't want to do it himself, but wants his uncle to do it. He will also ask people from the company's investment department to assist Help him put the Xingsheng Glass Factory on the right track, and then let the people from the investment department withdraw.

Next, Zhang Xiao still needs to arrange a candidate for the store manager of the People's Supermarket. After all, all the shares of the supermarket have been in his hands, and it is now in the final preparations for the opening, and many products are continuously on the shelves.

In the afternoon, accompanied by Mei Ruoxi from the investment department, Zhang Xiao came to the location of Minmin Supermarket.

Although the People's Supermarket is not open yet, the publicity leaflet of the auspicious opening has been sent out, and the employees in the supermarket are hurrying to place their goods. However, Li Mingxuan, the temporary person in charge of the supermarket, is a little absent-minded, because he belongs to Li Kun. Well, now that the supermarket has changed its boss, his position is also precarious, and he may be replaced at any time.

Zhang Xiao summoned several department heads including Li Mingxuan in the office on the second floor of the supermarket. After all, the supermarket will only open for three days. Zhang Xiao plans to give these people some comfort and encouragement. After all, the boss has changed. Must not be very secure.

"Store Manager Li, I know you have nothing to do with Li Kun, so your position as store manager will not be changed for the time being, but if the supermarket's operations fail to achieve the expected results, then I will ask you for it " Zhang Xiao first said to Li Mingxuan.

"Boss, don't worry, I won't let you down for a while." Li Mingxuan said happily when he heard that his store manager's position was not moving.

"The same is true for the few of you. After the supermarket opens, your performance is linked to your salary. As long as you perform well, the company will not be stingy with you, but if something goes wrong, don't blame me for being merciless. "Zhang Xiao talked to several other department heads. At this time, the most important thing is stability. As long as it is stable, the business situation of the supermarket will not be bad.

"Boss, don't worry, we will work hard." The person who spoke was the director of the purchasing department, who was also transferred from Zhang Xiao from the investment department. After all, the purchasing of supermarkets has always been slack, and he will definitely take it into his own hands.

Zhang Xiao kept Sun Yun, the director of the finance department, and let the others leave.

"Director Sun, there is nothing wrong with the supermarket's finances right now." Zhang Xiao asked.

"There is no problem now, and many problems left over from before have been dealt with." Sun Yun was very aware of Zhang Xiao's concerns, so she handed Zhang Xiao a folder and said.

Zhang Xiao looked at the financial report provided by Sun Yun, and after taking a closer look, he found that most of the current products in the supermarket can be obtained from the manufacturer only by paying a [-]% deposit, which undoubtedly saved a lot of money. It can make the types of goods more abundant and diverse, and use the saved money to open new stores.

"It's a good job. In addition, I will ask the HR department to help you recruit some accountants. You are responsible for training them. After all, the new store is in the process of selecting a location, and more people will be needed to do things." Zhang Xiao is very satisfied with Sun Yun's meticulousness. , said with a smile.

Sun Yun nodded seriously and said, "I understand."

After that, Zhang Xiao walked around the supermarket again, but he didn't raise any outrageous opinions. After all, he himself had no experience in supermarket management, so he couldn't be an outsider or an expert.

At five o'clock in the afternoon, Zhang Xiaocai drove to the company.

"Boss, I think the supermarket's plan is too radical. Now that the first supermarket is not open, you plan to open three more supermarkets in the capital." Mei Ruoxi, who was sitting in the co-pilot, turned to Zhang Xiao Said.

"It's not too fast. After all, once the supermarket is open, the huge sales will definitely make many people see the business opportunities. They will rush to get started, so we must be one step ahead of them. The first step is very important. "Zhang Xiao said very solemnly.

"I understand." Mei Ruoxi said thoughtfully, and at the same time had a deeper understanding of Zhang Xiao.

After returning to the company, Zhang Xiao immediately asked the investment department to start to act. Each of them wrote a production resumption plan for Xingsheng Glass Factory. He had to select two experienced talents from them, ready to enter Xingsheng Glass Factory at any time.

The people in the investment department immediately became excited when they heard this. After all, they not only have subsidies and subsidies, but also can accumulate more experience when stationed in the factory, which is much better than staying in the investment department doing nothing.

At the moment the investment department really has nothing to do. Although the salary is still received, they know that it is only temporary. Once a new project is launched, it is easy to be eliminated without strong skills.

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