Zhang Xiao got up early the next morning.

The light rain was falling, and there was no intention of stopping. Looking at the gray sky, Zhang Xiao couldn't help being a little bored. After all, Zong Rui's affairs were not over, and many tasks were difficult to carry out.

Zhang Xiao took an umbrella and opened the courtyard door, only to find that there was a beautiful woman in a suspender skirt sheltering from the rain at the gate of the quadrangle courtyard, which made him slightly taken aback.

"Hi, I'll take shelter from the rain for a while, it's okay." The beautiful woman said pitifully.

"It's not in the way." Zhang Xiao said casually, holding an umbrella and preparing to buy breakfast. After all, he just came back yesterday and there was no food at home.

Both Guo Feng and Yuan Min were practicing, and Zhang Xiao didn't bother them.

"Can you take me to the office building in front? I'm going to be late soon." The beauty said pitifully.

"I'll lend you the umbrella. If you have time, you can leave it at the door for me." Zhang Xiao handed the umbrella to the beauty and said.

"Then I thank you very much. I will return your umbrella after get off work." The beautiful woman took the umbrella, said something, and walked away quickly.

Looking at her coquettish walking posture, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but shook his head with a smile. He could be sure that something was wrong with this beautiful woman.

First of all, it's 06:30 in the morning and no company starts working right now.

Secondly, the light rain started to fall in the middle of the night and has not stopped until now, and this beautiful woman who does not wear an umbrella is extremely delicately dressed, but there is no sign of rain, so how did she come to the gate of the courtyard.

In the end, this beautiful woman walks in a variety of styles and is full of mature temptations. If it is not for the frost and dew, she will not be able to walk such a natural pace.

Zhang Xiao is not Liu Xiahui, so naturally he also looks forward to Feilai Aventure, but he subconsciously wants to stay away from such a woman with ulterior motives.

After Zhang Xiao took another umbrella from behind the door, she walked towards the breakfast shop not far away.

After packing the food for the three of them, Zhang Xiao went back to the house with the food and put it on the dining table before calling Guo Feng and Yuan Min to eat.

"Boss, leave breakfast to me in the future. I'm still a little worried about you going out alone." Guo Feng said solemnly.

"Okay, but I met a beautiful woman in the morning, sheltering from the rain at the door, I think she is not normal." Zhang Xiao nodded in agreement, and then told the situation of the beautiful woman at the door.

"There is definitely a problem. Let me ask someone to investigate." Yuan Min said after hearing this.

"Okay, you look at the arrangement." Zhang Xiao didn't care too much about it, because he didn't think a woman would do him any harm.

After eating, before Zhang Xiao went out, he received a call from Liu Haijun.

"Brother Jun, what's the matter?" Zhang Xiao asked knowingly, knowing the purpose of Liu Haijun's call.

"Brother Xiao, brother, I'm sorry. I didn't expect Zong Rui to go abroad. He changed so much. He didn't do things properly and caused you so much trouble." Liu Haijun said with a sigh.

"Brother Jun, it's okay. After all, people are so close to each other. No one knows that things will develop to this point." Zhang Xiao could only say this. He didn't want to turn against Liu Haijun, and Liu Haijun was not at fault.

"If you have time in the morning, let's sit together and see how things are handled." Liu Haijun heard the meaning of Zhang Xiao's words and said with a smile.

"Brother Jun, what are you talking about? Even if I don't have time, I have to make time to come. How about this, I'll wait for you in the courtyard." Zhang Xiao also smiled slightly, but letting Liu Haijun come by himself is also an attitude.

"Okay, I'll be there in a while." Liu Haijun didn't care about the embarrassment of going to Zhang Xiao's place, and it was because he wanted something from others.

After hanging up the phone, Zhang Xiao waved to Guo Feng and Yuan Min directly, and said, "I'm not going to the company for now, Liu Haijun is coming."

Guo Feng and Yuan Min naturally had no objection, Yuan Min went to the porter at the gate and waited, while Guo Feng and Zhang Xiao stayed in the room.

Not long after, Liu Haijun came over, accompanied by a woman in a professional short skirt.

"Brother Xiao, you did a good job tidying up this courtyard house. Whoever cleaned it up for you, introduce him to me some other day and ask him to help me clean up my dilapidated house too. It's getting more and more uncomfortable to live in." Liu Haijun and Zhang As soon as Xiao met, he smiled and said.

"Okay, my brother Du helped me clean it up. I'll talk to him another day to see if he has time." Zhang Xiao said noncommittally.

The two of them did not enter the house, but came to sit down in the gazebo in the courtyard, watching the drizzle of rain outside the gazebo, it was a special pleasure.

After Guo Feng brought over the brewed tea, he retreated to the side room.

"I'm here this time to discuss with you how to solve Zong Rui's matter. After all, Zong Rui is my boy, or I introduced you to him. He made a mistake and I, as an older brother, have to take care of him no matter what." Liu Haijun said straight to the point.

Zhang Xiao didn't expect Liu Haijun to be so direct, but he also knew that he couldn't avoid this matter. Yushi said: "Brother Jun, I feel uncomfortable and aggrieved by this matter. You said that my company has been established for more than half a year, and the money is not worth a penny." He said that he paid 2000 million in compensation, and he will have to continue to pay for these nonsense things in the future."

"Leaving aside these things, I don't know the origin of the group of people recruited by the company. They are more difficult to serve than the other. Those who are late are late, and those who are absent from work are absent from work. There is something wrong here or there is a problem in doing something. This person who just finished the college entrance examination came to give them advice."

Listening to Zhang Xiao's complaints, Liu Haijun was also angry that Zong Rui did not behave properly, but things had to be resolved. He couldn't watch Zong Rui go to jail, otherwise his reputation in the circle would be ruined.

"Brother Xiao, how do you think this matter should be resolved? Give me a charter, and I will definitely not refuse what I can promise." Liu Haijun only waited for Zhang Xiao to finish complaining before he spoke.

"Are you interested in taking over the Xingsheng Glass Factory?" Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Liu Haijun was slightly taken aback, he didn't expect Zhang Xiao to directly throw out the mess of the Xingsheng Glass Factory, he couldn't help but said: "Brother Xiao, you will really give me problems, you know everything about the reform of state-owned enterprises, I don't know Will intervene, after all, this kind of thing is easy to be used by others, you should change the conditions."

Zhang Xiao nodded and understood Liu Haijun's concerns, so he said, "Zong Rui owed the company 180 million yuan in total. As for the purchase price of Xingsheng Glass Factory, it was 300 million yuan, but he still has 800 million yuan in debt. Including a large group of employees who need to be relocated, these alone will cost more than 1000 million, plus some other losses, it will cost almost 500 million, Brother Jun, are you sure you want to help him out?"

Liu Haijun didn't expect there to be as many as 500 million, which was somewhat beyond his imagination. He originally thought that 400 million would be enough, but he couldn't ignore Zong Rui's affairs, and fell into silence for a while.

Zhang Xiao also knew that Liu Haijun would be very embarrassed about this matter. After all, the 500 million yuan was thrown directly into the water, and he couldn't even hear the tinkle. In addition, the relationship between Zong Rui and Liu Haijun was not that close. I just came here to make peace.

As for asking Zong Rui to pay the money, Liu Haijun didn't think about it at all. Not to mention Zong Rui didn't have money, even if he had money, he wouldn't be able to do this. At that time, he would really be Zhu Bajie looking in the mirror-he was no longer a human being inside and out.

"Brother, this is too much. You have to know how difficult it is to do the real estate business this year. Some time ago, I even mortgaged a few pieces of jade to start a project." Liu Haijun rubbed the center of his brows and said in a heavy tone. Said.

"Brother Jun, what do we have to say? I actually don't plan to get much compensation for such a big loss, but I have to stand up. I can't let people just trick me like this and think I'm easy to bully. In the future, many people will Treat me like a living Tang monk, and want to bite me, and my company will not be able to open." Zhang Xiao told the truth, after all, the two are still friends on the surface.

Liu Haijun also knew that this was the truth, but if he didn't release the 500 million yuan, he would inevitably be talked about by people in the circle, but it would be a bit embarrassing to do so.

"I'll make a phone call." After Liu Haijun thought for a while, he talked to Zhang Xiao and went to the circular corridor to make a phone call.

Zhang Xiao was a little curious about who Liu Haijun called, but he knew that this was not something he should consider.

Not long after, Liu Haijun came back, took a sip of tea, and said with a wry smile, "I'll pay 500 million. You can ask your company's people and my people to go through the formalities."

"Okay, then I'll call someone to come over now." Zhang Xiao was slightly taken aback, then said.

Immediately, Liu Haijun and Zhang Xiao left separately, and they both arranged for people from the company to handle the matter. After all, many procedures needed to be gone.

Zhang Xiao, who came to the company, immediately asked the people from the legal department to meet with the people from Liu Haijun's company in the court, and seized the time to settle Zong Rui's matter.

As for the people who were prosecuted from the original investment department, Zhang Xiao didn't care much about it anymore and just waited for the court's decision.

This is the reality, even if someone is wrong, someone will pay for him, whether it is Zong Rui or Li Kun, they have enough capital to make mistakes, and those who are only accomplices have become victims of this case, Pay for your own wrongdoing.

After arranging the matter, Zhang Xiao left the company and went to Mo Wenxin's Xinglinzhai headquarters. After all, he needed to discuss the auction with his master, and also needed to go through all the auction items again, so as not to slip through the net. fish.

"It's a dangerous thing to use a first-class cultural relic to frame it. If you hadn't discovered it early, Xinglinzhai would have been in big trouble." Mo Wenxin said to Zhang Xiao.

"Master, what is the origin of Gu Tianxin? Are you not afraid of being the target of public criticism if you do this?" Zhang Xiao asked a little puzzled.

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