In the evening, Zhang Xiao received his uncle Yang Lei who hurried over at the long-distance bus station.

"Xiaoxiao, what's the situation in that glass factory? I don't have experience in this field when I'm asked to be the factory manager." Yang Lei asked as soon as he got in the car.

"Xingsheng Glass Factory is the factory I bought. The products in the factory were not bad before, but the original factory manager embezzled a lot of money, which broke the capital chain and was forced to go bankrupt. The reason why I asked you to come here this time is because I don't have anyone I can trust to run it." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Yang Lei nodded. This made things much simpler. He was confident to give it a try, but he was afraid of losing money if he couldn't manage well: "Xiaoxiao, I won't lose money. I'm afraid I won't be able to manage it."

"Don't worry about losing money. I will send someone to assist you at that time, and in the future, you will be the director of Xingsheng Glass Factory. If you promise to do what you say, you can fire him if you don't want to do it. And I am not also Are you in the capital? Call me if there is anything you can't solve." Zhang Xiao encouraged Yang Lei, since he was his own uncle after all.

Only then did Yang Lei feel relieved, and at the same time wanted to make some achievements. After all, such opportunities are rare.

That night, Zhang Xiao greeted Yang Lei at a restaurant next to the courtyard. At the same time, she also gave Yang Lei the information about the Xingsheng Glass Factory, letting him have a general understanding first.

The next morning, Zhang Xiao brought Yang Lei to the company, and at the same time began to review the plan submitted by the people from the investment department. He needed to find two people to assist Yang Lei to take up the post.

In the end, Zhang Xiao found two solutions, which are in line with the current situation of the Xingsheng glass factory. They both start with the most basic architectural glass, and then cut into the big market of automobile glass, which is also in line with Zhang Xiao's own development ideas. As for whether it can develop, Zhang Xiao is not sure.

Later, Zhang Xiao found Song Haichao, an old accountant who had previously worked as the director of the financial department in the company, from among the newly recruited financial staff.

"Accountant Song, although you have just joined the company, our subsidiary Xingsheng Glass Factory needs an experienced financial supervisor. I wonder if you are willing to go there." The year-old accountant asked.

"I am willing." Song Haichao is one of the laid-off workers in the enterprise reform. It is not easy for him to find a professional job. Even though he has rich financial experience, many companies still reject him.

"You can ask for anything, after all, you will be working in Xingsheng Glass Factory for a long time in the future." Seeing that Song Haichao agreed happily, Zhang Xiao also asked happily.

"Personally, I have no problem, but I hope that the financial system in the factory can be formulated by me." Song Haichao has no objection to the work itself, but is very interested in the establishment of the financial system.

"Okay, you can show me the plan after you come up with it, and I will approve it directly." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

After confirming the personnel, Zhang Xiao immediately took Yang Lei and others to Xingsheng Glass Factory, and contacted the district before going, announcing the news that Xingsheng Glass Factory was going to resume production and work.

The leaders in the district are very excited about this. After all, they have been troubled by the minimum security payment during this period. Although the minimum security payment has been issued, the Xingsheng Glass Factory will not resume production for a day. These workers There will be trouble.

When Zhang Xiao and his group came to Xingsheng Glass Factory in two cars, not only the leaders of the factory, but also the leaders of the district's industry came to the gate of the glass factory.

"Mr. Zhang, hello, I'm Xiao Zhigang, who is in charge of the industry." A middle-aged man in a short-sleeved white shirt said while shaking hands with Zhang Xiao.

"Hello, Leader Xiao, it's a pity that you were not in the office when I visited you last time." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"You're welcome, Mr. Zhang is really young and promising." After Xiao Zhigang said politely with a smile, he led Zhang Xiao to the big conference room.

After arriving in the big conference room, Xiao Zhigang gave way to Zhang Xiao to take the main seat, but Zhang Xiao couldn't give in, so he had to sit down, and Xiao Zhigang sat in the auditorium beside him, expressing his specific affairs to Xingsheng Glass Factory Not going to participate.

"Comrades, we meet again. This time I came with a plan to resume production. I hope you will support me." Zhang Xiao said to all the employees in the audience.

When the workers in the audience heard that production was going to resume, they immediately became excited, and the applause resounded throughout the meeting room.

"Everyone seems to welcome the resumption of production and work. This is very good, which shows that everyone is very motivated." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Let me talk about the first thing, announcing the list of factory leaders, the first factory director, Yang Lei."

"I am Yang Lei, please support me in the future." Yang Lei who was sitting on the rostrum stood up and said.

The applause rang out, and the applause was still warm. After all, Xingsheng Glass Factory has no factory manager now. As for who is the factory manager, it has nothing to do with ordinary workers like them. They only care about the salary.

"Financial Supervisor Song Haichao!"

"Lei Ming, head of the production department!"

"Liu Xintian, Director of the Purchasing Department!"

As the three outsiders on the rostrum stood up to say hello together, although the applause still rang out, it was not as enthusiastic as before. Anyone with a discerning eye could tell that the leadership of the factory had almost changed this time. The people in these positions had been sent to prison with the original factory director, but none of them came from the factory, which made them a little bit resistant.

"I believe everyone can see that the leaders of the factory are all brought over from me. The reason is very simple. I am not familiar with everyone's abilities, and I don't know who can do what, so I temporarily brought these people from my company. Complete the work of getting to know you." Zhang Xiao coughed twice into the microphone, and said after the meeting room became quiet.

"In addition, the second thing I announced is that all employees will be recruited through competition. Everyone can choose the position they are suitable for and compete for the job. Those who are capable will be promoted and those who are mediocre will be demoted. Everyone can write their abilities and positions on their resumes in the afternoon. In the future, we will conduct a centralized assessment, with all employees as supervisors, to be fair and just!"

As soon as Zhang Xiao said this, there was an uproar in the audience. The competition for employment meant that the small leaders in the factory were no longer leaders, but ordinary employees. The squad leader, workshop director and other leaders, this made everyone excited.

"Everyone be quiet. There is one more thing to announce. After the announcement, we will adjourn the meeting. You can discuss it later." Zhang Xiao patted the microphone, and the loud electric sound made everyone quiet.

"The third thing is that the salaries of all employees will be increased by 20.00%, starting from this month! The meeting will be adjourned." After Zhang Xiao finished the third thing, he announced the adjournment of the meeting.

After returning to the small conference room, Zhang Xiao smiled and said to Xiao Zhigang, "Leader Xiao laughed."

"It's awesome to be a younger generation. It wiped out all the employees in the factory at once. It's amazing." Xiao Zhigang said to Zhang Xiao with a smile.

"It's all their idea, I'm just a mouthpiece." Zhang Xiao said modestly, "Leader Xiao, it's almost noon, let's go to Fengxiang Restaurant for a light meal."

"Forget it today. I'm going to the city to report the situation in the afternoon. I don't look like I'm drinking. Next time, let's have a good drink when we have time." Xiao Zhigang rejected Zhang Xiao's invitation, after all, he was here to be a witness , and it can be seen from the news that Zhang Xiao is not a good person, he has no interest in deepening the relationship with Zhang Xiao for the time being.

"Then I'll wait for Leader Xiao's call." Zhang Xiao said with a smile, as if he didn't know that it was Xiao Zhigang's evasion.

Xiao Zhigang laughed, then said his goodbyes and left, while Zhang Xiao took Yang Lei and the others to send him to the car downstairs. They didn't go back upstairs until the car had left the gate of the factory.

"Uncle, I have already arranged everything. I will not participate in the next competition for employment and resumption of production and work. If you have anything to do, please call me." Zhang Xiao told Yang Lei, and did not avoid the other three people , just to let them know their relationship with Yang Lei.

"Okay, I know what to do next." After observing in the morning, Yang Lei also understood that all management is the same thing. As long as you have the money and position in hand, you can naturally mobilize people's enthusiasm.

Zhang Xiao didn't care whether Yang Lei really understood, after all, people need to get used to it, and continued to say: "There are three cars in the factory, and the condition of the cars is not bad, so I won't keep any cars for you. Call me. I hope that you will assist Director Yang to improve the production and quality of the factory. As for the production orders, I will send someone to send you a batch first."

"Of course, this may be the first batch or it may be the last batch, and you will have to handle the sales in the future."

"Don't worry, we will do well, and we won't embarrass you." Yang Lei smiled and said to his nephew. After seeing him for a while, Zhang Xiao has indeed grown a lot, and even he feels a little strange.

Zhang Xiao smiled, and then said to Song Haichao: "The glass factory probably doesn't have much money in its account. Then you go to the bank to try to get a loan. If you can't, call me. I'll ask the company to lend you some cash."

"Okay, I'll try it first, but it's unlikely that I can get a loan. In the end, I may need to borrow from the company." Song Haichao didn't guarantee it, and instead gave Zhang Xiao a vaccination.

Zhang Xiao didn't care either. After all, what Song Haichao said was true. A bankrupt company may not be able to get a loan even if it changes owners.

After that, Zhang Xiao didn't say anything more, and left the Xingsheng Glass Factory by car. He could only believe that his uncle Yang Lei could make full use of various conditions to develop the factory well.

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