"There is no problem with the financial reports. I hope these financial reports are authentic." Zhang Xiao said seriously after returning the financial reports to the head of the finance department of Microelectronics Technology.

"Mr. Zhang, don't worry, I, Tang Zhenhao, have been in business for more than ten years, and I have never thought of cheating." Tang Zhenhao's face darkened, and Zhang Xiao didn't expect Zhang Xiao to be so straightforward.

"Then I'm fine. Next, I want to hear Mr. Tang's plan for the future development of the company." Zhang Xiao intends to listen to Tang Zhenhao's views on the future development of integrated circuits, and also to see whether microelectronics technology can become the future of making chips A leader in high-tech industries.

"Our company's future development direction is the miniaturization of integrated circuits. At present, the company has overcome the technical difficulties in the production process of 0.6 micron integrated circuits. Take advantage of the domestic market." Tang Zhenhao said loudly with joy.

I have to say that Tang Zhenhao's words are very contagious, but Zhang Xiao knows clearly with the memory of later generations that the 0.6-micron production process will soon be eliminated, and the Pentium II processor produced with the 0.25-micron process has already appeared, and Tang Zhenhao is about to usher in Wake up time.

"Mr. Tang, the Pentium II processor is now using a 0.25-micron production process. How long do you think the 0.6-micron processor can survive?" Zhang Xiao said mercilessly, because he wanted to see if Tang Zhenhao could survive in this process. Continue to develop under pressure.

"Mr. Zhang, I admit that what you said is very reasonable. Maybe the technology level of foreign countries is indeed ahead of us, but it is undeniable that the 0.6 micron production technology is still in the leading position in China. As long as we occupy the market with this, we can get more. Profits to support continued research and development." Tang Zhenhao's momentum is still strong, and many people in the microelectronics technology company are very excited.

However, Zhang Xiao could see that Tang Zhenhao was strong outside but capable in the middle, but even so, Zhang Xiao admired Tang Zhenhao's persistent research and development spirit. Import, Zhang Xiao despises this.

"Is the company short of money?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help asking.

"Lack, very lack, but the biggest reason is not money, but foreign countries' blockade of our technology, which leads us to explore on the existing basis, and the difficulty of research and development has doubled." Tang Zhenhao is very excited Said helplessly.

Zhang Xiao also knows the current situation, but he feels that the opportunity is coming soon, because the Asian financial turmoil is about to unfold, and Bangzi Country, one of the four Asian tigers, is about to suffer heavy losses. Maybe he can take advantage of the fire and buy some companies into his pocket.

"I can provide research and development funds, but I need more shares in the company." Zhang Xiao looked at the worried Tang Zhenhao and said with a smile.

Tang Zhenhao was taken aback for a moment, and asked, "You already own 20.00% of the shares, isn't it enough? Do you still want to hold the shares?"

"It's okay to hold shares. Not only can I buy your shares at a premium of 50.00%, but after I take control, I won't dictate your production and R&D, and will increase R&D efforts." Zhang Xiao's words were full of temptation.

The current valuation of Microelectronics Technology is not high, less than 1000 million, which also includes hardware facilities such as production workshops, and Tang Zhenhao went to the bank countless times, and only relied on the mortgage of the factory to get a loan of 200 million. Later, 150% of the shares were sold at a low price of 20.00 million in exchange for the medical expenses required for his father's hospitalization.

Zhang Xiao's words also made some people who held shares in the company couldn't help being a little moved, but no one spoke, and they were all waiting for Tang Zhenhao's statement.

Although Tang Zhenhao knew that once the shares were sold, the initiative of the company would not be in his hands, but now the company is short of funds, even the upgrade of the production line needs funds, and there is no money in the company's account, not even the salary of the employees this month. It will definitely be released. At this time, it may be a choice to introduce investors like Zhang Xiao who will not interfere with the company's future development direction.

"We can sell the shares to you, but you have to write the clause of not interfering with the company's research and development in the contract!" Tang Zhenhao said, insisting on the autonomy of research and development is his last stubbornness.

"Yes, your shares now account for 80.00%. The market value is based on the previous valuation of 750 million. The value of your shares is about 600 million. A 50.00% premium is worth 900 million. We can sign an equity transfer agreement first, and then go to the industry and commerce to complete it." After changing the procedures, the money will be credited to your account immediately." Zhang Xiao said with a smile, after all, he is very optimistic about the research and development capabilities of Tang Zhenhao and his team.

Tang Zhenhao holds 50.00% of the company's shares. After he decided to transfer the shares, the other minority shareholders did not insist. In the end, the two parties signed an equity transfer agreement. However, Tang Zhenhao did not sell all the shares and kept 15.00% of the shares.

So far, 80.00% of the shares of Jingcheng Haoyuan Microelectronics Technology Co., Ltd. have been collected by Zhang Xiao, and the rest is just to change the shares at the Industrial and Commercial Industry and Commerce.

Afterwards, Tang Zhenhao held an all-staff meeting and announced the news. Although many people were shocked, they didn't show much surprise. After all, it was an open secret that the company was short of money.

On the way back to the company, Zhang Xiao was a little excited. After all, entering the semiconductor industry now can be regarded as a preemptive opportunity. As long as the company's R&D capabilities can keep up, it will be a matter of time before the development and growth of microelectronics technology.

As soon as he went to work the next day, Zhang Xiao went to the industrial and commercial office with the company's finance to handle the equity change of Microelectronics Technology, and transferred the money to Tang Zhenhao and the others who owned the shares.

Microelectronics technology was a surprise, and Zhang Xiao finally had some gains.

So far, among the three projects invested by the investment company, the glass factory still needs a lot of investment to resume production, and the profit is far away. During this period, Zhang Xiao's investment company still needs to pay the minimum security fund to the employees.

Because the People's Supermarket project is in the investigation period, although the decoration has been completed, it still cannot be opened, which makes Zhang Xiao very helpless.

Only with this microelectronics technology, the 0.6-micron production process can be started soon, and it can enter the market and occupy the market share first. Although more than 100 million investment is needed to upgrade the production line, it is profitable. Not only that, the largest Harvest still has a research and development team headed by Tang Zhenhao.

After Zhang Xiao took stock of these three projects, he decided to upgrade the production line of microelectronics technology first. By then, the investigation of the People's Supermarket should have ended and it can just open for business.

As for the glass factory, Zhang Xiao plans to find a market for the glass first, and then resume production according to the order, so as to prevent the backlog of inventory and cause greater losses.

In the afternoon, Zhang Xiao arrived at Xingsheng Glass Factory by car. Since there was no prior notice, there was no one in the factory at all. Only old man Li, who was guarding the gate, was waving a cattail fan in the shade to enjoy the shade.

"Uncle Li, open the door and let us in." Zhang Xiao shouted to Old Man Li after getting off the car.

"Hey, the boss is here, wait a moment, I'll open the door right away." Old man Li picked up the key and opened the door while talking.

Zhang Xiao didn't get in the car again, but went to the shade of the tree with old man Li, and asked, "Uncle Li, there is no one in the factory right now. Don't people from the security department go to work?"

"What kind of work do you work in? Production has been discontinued now. You have to find other things to do in order to make a living. Otherwise, how would you survive?" Old man Li shook his head and said helplessly.

"Isn't there a minimum security deposit in the district and in the factory?" Zhang Xiao asked with some doubts.

"We've never seen this money before. Alas, it's not sure who will be greedy." Old man Li hated corruption to the bone, and he gritted his teeth when he said it.

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, he didn't expect that there would still be people who would dare to do something up and down, this is simply audacious.

However, Zhang Xiao is not going to pierce the pussy by himself, but is going to start from another direction. Seeing the appearance of old man Li, Zhang Xiao thought about it, and said with some hatred: "We will give every month to everyone who is willing to come to the factory. For those who continue to work in the village, a minimum living allowance, plus the district government, should be more than 200 yuan a month!"

"How much, more than 200!" Old man Li's eyes widened suddenly, shocked by this number.

"That's right, the standard given by my company is 130 per person. I don't know what is distributed in the district, but it should be similar." Zhang Xiao said indignantly.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao changed the subject and said to old man Li: "I'll go to the workshop to have a look. You call the former workshop director and ask him to come over. I'll wait for him in the workshop."

"Okay, I'll notify him right away." Old man Li said absent-mindedly.

Zhang Xiao got up and walked towards the workshop, Guo Feng followed behind him.

"Boss, are you trying to use old man Li to spread the survival guarantee money? Are you afraid that it will be bad for you if things are exposed?" Guo Feng is a little unclear why Zhang Xiao did this, not to mention that it is easy to be exposed, and the effect is not so much. it is good.

"Whether the matter is resolved or not is the second thing. As an outsider, if I want to have a safe and stable production, I must stand on the same side as these workers. Otherwise, even if production resumes, many shitty things will happen. And the matter of the minimum survival guarantee can help me solve this problem, so I will do this, do you understand?" Zhang Xiao said with a smile, and explained the reason for doing this.

"Even so, if the issue of the minimum security payment is not resolved, it will be difficult for the factory to resume production. After all, it is difficult for the workers to feel at ease." Guo Feng still couldn't understand why Zhang Xiao did this.

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly, and didn't say any more. The reason why he talked so much with Guo Feng was because Zhang Xiao knew that if a person like Guo Feng couldn't get his favor from the beginning, it would be very difficult to get along with him in the future. of.

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