Zhang Xiao walked around the production workshop, only two aunts were cleaning. According to them, it was required by the government, and they themselves were not employees of the glass factory, but local sanitation workers.

Zhang Xiao's heart is full of anger at this moment. Maybe everything he saw before was acted out for him by others. Maybe he was a veritable clown in the eyes of many people at that time, and he was a clown who was deceived so much that he even waved his hand. With countless banknotes.

Zhang Xiao suppressed the anger in his heart, and thought hard about a good way to break the situation. Although using the minimum living allowance to open the gap is the first step to break the situation, how to use this gap to open the situation is the key point.

At this time, a middle-aged man in work clothes came over, Zhang Wenshun, the workshop director who was formally in charge of the production of the glass factory.

"Mr. Zhang, why are you here? You didn't say hello before you came." Zhang Wenshun said with a smile.

"Come here on a temporary basis. After all, many people are waiting for the factory to resume work and earn money to support their families. I think Director Zhang is no exception." Zhang Xiao looked at Zhang Wenshun's smirk at this time, feeling tired.

"Yes, the glass factory has stopped production, and the livelihood of many workers has become a problem, even for me." Zhang Wenshun shook his head and said.

"Really? It seems that we really have to resume work early, but the acquisition plan is still under investigation, and we can only wait until the investigation is over." Zhang Xiao sneered in his heart, but said vaguely.

"Mr. Zhang, let me say something extra. In fact, Mr. Zong is pretty good. Generally, the people don't raise officials to investigate such economic disputes. I believe that as long as Mr. Zhang is willing to settle, things will go quickly. It can be solved." Zhang Wenshun tried to persuade Zhang Xiao with a look of consideration.

However, Zhang Xiao felt nauseated, and said without hesitation: "What Zong Rui committed is not a trivial matter. If you speak for him like this, you must be with him."

"How is it possible, I just want the glass factory to resume work quickly." Zhang Wenshun waved his hands repeatedly and said, he didn't dare to get involved with this matter.

Zhang Xiao laughed and ignored him. He originally thought that Zhang Wenshun was a useful person, but now he would speak for Zong Rui. He must have been in contact with them before coming here. dare not use.

Since there was nothing left to say, Zhang Xiao quickly left by car, leaving Zhang Wenshun alone at the gate of the glass factory, mingling with the mottled shadows.

After returning to the company, Zhang Xiao asked the legal department to follow up the lawsuit against Zong Rui and others as soon as possible. After all, the case would not be concluded in a day, and the two projects of the glass factory and the supermarket could only stop there, wasting funds in vain.

For the next few days, Zhang Xiao only showed up at the company every day, and then went to Mo Wenxin's Xinglinzhai. After all, Xinglinzhai had a batch of new Wenwan that needed to be appraised. Although Xinglinzhai was responsible for the appraisal There were a lot of people, but Mo Wenxin was required to summarize in the end. Zhang Xiao was not only helping, but also a learning opportunity.

Zhang Xiao was completely immersed in the appreciation of antiques. It wasn't until Li Yuliang, the head teacher, called that he knew it was time to fill in the application form for the college entrance examination.

After Zhang Xiao briefly explained the company's affairs, he drove towards the provincial experimental middle school.

Guo Feng drove, Zhang Xiao and Hu Wenjing sat in the back seat.

There was nothing to say along the way, and it was already three o'clock in the afternoon when they arrived in the provincial capital. Zhang Xiao directly stayed in a hotel not far from the Provincial Experimental Middle School, and planned to go to the school to apply for volunteers the next day.

Zhang Xiao had considered a lot about his choice for the college entrance examination, but in the end he chose the electronic science and technology major of Huaqing University. From the known development direction of future generations, the design scheme and craftsmanship are reversed, which is Zhang Xiao's expectation for himself.

As for the investment management major that I originally wanted to apply for, I can only study it as a second major.

Early the next morning, after breakfast, Zhang Xiao walked to the Provincial Experimental Middle School. At this time, there were already many high school seniors inquiring about each other's news.

The situation of score evaluation, the university to apply for, and what to do after applying for the voluntary exam, all these are strange to the students who are about to part, and some people cry because of the parting. After the end, many people came in and out together in a high-profile manner, but the school leaders turned a blind eye to this.

Since Zhang Xiao only studied in the graduating class for half a year, she is not very familiar with the students. Although Zhang Xiao can call all the students by their names thanks to her strong memory, many of them have never spoken much.

However, it was different from what Zhang Xiao imagined. All the classmates he met greeted him one after another, and Zhang Xiao also responded with a smile. After all, it is very difficult to meet again, and it may be the last time to think about it now.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Zhang Xiao and her classmates entered the classroom together. Everyone still took their previous seats, and no one changed seats. Even the two couples who had already made their love public, sat in their seats safely.

Class teacher Li Yuliang wore a snow-white shirt, trousers, leather shoes on his feet, and a formal suit with a thick stack of college entrance examination application forms, and walked into the classroom with the ringing of the bell.

"Hello, teacher!" The students all stood up in unison and shouted loudly.

"Hello, students!" Li Yuliang shouted excitedly, "Sit down."

The students all sat down quietly, working neatly, as if they had been rehearsed.

Looking at all the students in the classroom, Li Yuliang couldn't help but feel a burst of emotion in his heart, and said in his mouth: "The students have already estimated their scores. Some of them estimated their scores at school, and some of them estimated their scores at home. I believe everyone I have a clear understanding of my own achievements, so I won’t say more.”

"According to the estimated score, filling out the college entrance examination will be a big exam in your life, and it can even be said to be more important than the college entrance examination. In the past few days, many students have already confirmed the college entrance examination, and some students have not yet applied. Students who haven’t signed up should hurry up and make a final decision, and now I’ll send out the college entrance examination application form, so everyone can take a look at it first.”

After Li Yuliang finished speaking, the students were extremely calm. After all, many students had filled out the simulated college entrance examination application form.

One for each person, and Zhang Xiao also got his own one. After filling in the information according to the identity information on the admission ticket, Zhang Xiao found the school and major codes and wrote them in without any hesitation. Only wrote one volunteer.

The students in the classroom began to whisper to each other, discussing their experience of volunteering for the exam and what they saw and heard.

Zhang Xiao was the first to hand in the college entrance examination application form.

After Li Yuliang looked at Zhang Xiao's application form for the college entrance examination, he smiled slightly and said, "Zhang Xiao, you just apply for Huaqing University, so you're really not afraid of being scolded."

"Then why don't I add one as a substitute for my second choice?" Zhang Xiao also said with a smile.

"Okay, it's safer this way." Li Yuliang was not worried that Zhang Xiao would not be admitted by the first choice, unless something unexpected happened.

Zhang Xiao was speechless, but still found the code of Capital University and the professional code and filled it in.

"You're welcome, the second choice is to apply for the Capital University." Li Yuliang laughed and said, "You may be the only one in the country this year!"

The students below also laughed. After all, even now that the news is blocked, they also know the grievances and hatreds between Peking University and Huaqing University.

Going to Huaqing University and marrying Peking University is the ultimate dream of many science students.

"Report to the teacher, my classmates in junior high school also applied for the exam!" A male student named Hu Gexin said loudly.

"Really? That school is so powerful?" Li Yuliang asked in surprise.

"Fanyang No. [-] middle school students, I heard that many of their classes apply for the exam in this way, and some of them just put Beijing University as their first choice and Huaqing University as their second choice." Hu Gexin is from Fanyang. Fanyang No. [-] Middle School is very familiar with it.

"It's so powerful, how come I haven't heard of this school?" Li Yuliang asked with some doubts, after all, he didn't remember such a famous school.

"Teacher, what he means is that many students in Fanyang No. [-] Middle School will definitely not pass the undergraduate exam, so they will fill in like this to pretend to be thirteen." Zhang Xiao said helplessly.

"Hu Gexin, no wonder your surname is Hu, so you know nonsense all day long!" Li Yuliang angrily picked up the end of the chalk, and using the magical skill of flicking, the end of the chalk landed on Hu Gexin's forehead accurately.

The classroom suddenly burst into cheers. After all, Li Yuliang's unique skill of "snap fingers" is something few people can do, and it may become everyone's memory in the future.

After a while, many students who had already made their choice also filled out the college entrance examination application form, and only a few were still thinking about it, weighing the pros and cons.

Rarely, the students did not urge, but waited quietly. After all, a wrong choice at this time may affect a person's life.

Li Yuliang, the head teacher, came to Zhang Xiao, and asked with a smile, "Are you sure you will be the champion in the college entrance examination?"

"Teacher, you think too highly of me, how can such a thing be sure." Zhang Xiao said with a wry smile and shook her head.

"Hey, you are too mature and prudent, shouldn't you say who is better than me?" Li Yuliang was a little dissatisfied with Zhang Xiao's sophistication, he thought it might be better to be more energetic at this time.

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly, and didn't say anything more. After all, the results will be announced in a few days. At this time, I expected to say boldly that it is better to prove myself with the results.

Li Yuliang knocked Zhang Xiao on the head in dissatisfaction, and then announced loudly, fearing that the world would not be chaotic: "Student Zhang Xiao said that he must be the number one student in the science department of the college entrance examination in this province today!"

"Amazing! Eating cowhide is amazing."

"It should be him. I think his estimated score is 730 and six points. He should be good at random estimation."

"Zhang Xueba is worthy of being Zhang Bawang, he is really domineering!"

The classroom was suddenly full of noise. Several students who were still thinking about their college entrance examination choices chose the most ideal universities in their minds, and wrote the schools that they were sure to reach as their second choice.

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