Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 134 Arranging Investigations

Guo Feng drove Zhang Xiao's car and left excitedly.

Soon, Guo Feng drove the car to the gate of a construction site, and shouted to a young man who was guarding the gate with a smile: "Mice, are they still working inside?"

"Boss, you are here. Everyone is working. Now you can earn 60 yuan a day. Everyone is very motivated." teeth.

"Let everyone come here for a while, just say that I have something to discuss with them." Guo Feng said.

"Okay, I'll call them." The mouse ran into the construction site without hesitation, even ignoring the car that was about to enter.

After a while, a group of young people wearing camouflage vests and camouflage trousers ran out from the construction site. If they were not on the construction site, they would look like a group of soldiers. Their movements were uniform and invisible. A fierce aura emanated out.

The contractor who originally wanted to scold them for going back to work swallowed back the words, almost biting his tongue.

"Report to the captain, there should be 30 people, if there are 30 people, please give instructions." Although Mouse is wearing a security uniform at the moment, his body exudes a compelling aura, and he even shouted that he would only say it when the army was assembled. password.

"Everyone come with me, don't pretend to be serious." Guo Feng waved his hand helplessly, signaling them to be more casual.

When Guo Feng came to the side of the car and stood still, the people who came with them suddenly became loose and loose. Coupled with the mud on their bodies, they were a group of construction workers, it seemed that everything just now was an illusion.

"My boss is in urgent need of hiring people. The positions are probably security guards, drivers or even bodyguards. I can talk to my boss about the salary after a while. Those who are willing to go with me will pack up their things and go with me immediately. Those who are not willing can stay and continue working." Guo Feng smiled. Said.

Everyone flocked to the temporary house built of earth bricks. After a while, this group of people packed their bags and prepared to leave.

"Hey, where are you going? Don't you want your salary?" The contractor who had been watching from the side was dumbfounded.

Guo Feng frowned, walked up to the foreman in three steps and two steps, and said, "Their wages should be settled by every penny, otherwise you may not be able to make it through today."

The contractor couldn't help but slapped himself, he was really mean, they were already leaving, so what was the salary, now it's alright, looking at the group of people who were staring at him, the contractor reluctantly added Wo took out the money in his purse and began to distribute it. The wages per person were probably less than 600 yuan. For unnecessary trouble, he directly distributed all 600 yuan.

After a while, everyone distributed the money, even the mouse, the janitor, paid according to the wages of the workers. While distributing the wallets, the foreman kept saying in his heart: "Purchase money to buy peace, no loss, no loss."

Zhang Xiao, who had a meeting with twelve people in the first investment department in the conference room, naturally didn't know about this. They were still discussing how to do stock trading more efficiently. The reason for the meeting was to discuss stock trading plans and methods.

At this time, since online trading has not yet been opened, many investment companies will go to securities companies to rent an office as a stock trading venue, which involves many problems.

Following the discussion, Zhang Xiao finally decided on the plan, that is, after the securities company leased the office, the advanced simulation operation and the investigation of the major listed companies in the early stage, before entering the stock trading market.

The reason why Zhang Xiao arranged this way is also because online stock trading has not yet appeared, and almost everyone has no experience in online trading. Renting an office in a securities company will allow everyone in the company to be familiar with the process and methods of online trading. Prepare to trade.

Then Zhang Xiao returned to the office, waiting for Guo Feng's return.

When Zhang Xiao saw more than 30 people getting off in a taxi at the gate of the company, he couldn't help being a little surprised. He didn't expect that Guo Feng could really bring all these people back.

Zhang Xiao walked downstairs and didn't let them go upstairs. Instead, he looked at this group of veterans who seemed to be fooling around in an empty room on the first floor, but were actually always ready to attack. He couldn't help feeling a little emotional.

"Guo Feng used to be your captain. I still see you working under Guo Feng. Although the nature of the work has changed and your identities have changed, I believe that after a period of adaptation, you will definitely be better than many people who are not as good as you. Those who have served in the military are even better!"

After Zhang Xiao said a few simple words, he took Guo Feng upstairs. After Zhang Xiao let Guo Feng sit on the sofa, Zhang Xiao said: "You divide them according to their specialties, and I will only give you orders in the future." How to arrange work plans and tasks is up to you."

"Their salary is tentatively set at [-] per month. If they have a job, add [-] to the [-]. The salary of your deputy is tentatively set at [-]. All expenses for missions can be reimbursed, but an invoice must be issued."

"Is there any problem?" Zhang Xiao finally asked.

"No problem, do you have a task now?" Guo Feng asked immediately.

"This is a piece of information, which involves a lot of people, but I want more detailed information about them. You can arrange for someone to start an investigation. The time is 20 days, but you must let them know. Safety and confidentiality are the main priority, but they are not allowed to do illegal things, so let them pay attention to their discretion." Zhang Xiao gave Guo Feng a file bag, which contained a list of people who need to be investigated.

After Guo Feng agreed, he was about to leave when Zhang Xiao stopped him.

"The first floor is all for you to use as an office. You can make your own decoration plan. You can apply to the finance department for any equipment and equipment you need. Then I will give you the greatest possible support! In addition, you can find some of their residences nearby. A house, I will buy it as your dormitory after I find it. But I hope that the company's efforts will not be in vain, and you can become the company's strongest shield and the most sensitive intelligence system." Zhang Xiao gave these people a lot high hopes.

Guo Feng nodded. Although he didn't say anything bold, he was willing to use his actions to prove that Zhang Xiao's expenses were not in vain.

After Zhang Xiao finished arranging these things, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. After all, he was helpless to be stared at by so many people, but there was no way, the reality was like this.

Zhang Xiao is going to visit Microelectronics Technology in the afternoon. After all, he spent 150 million to buy 20.00% of the shares. Although it is possible that Zong Rui dug a hole for him, he still needs to deal with it.

Thinking of the holes Zong Rui dug for him, Zhang Xiao hated him so much.

At noon, Zhang Xiao ate in the company cafeteria. After the meal, Zhang Xiao took the car driven by Guo Feng and headed towards Microelectronics Technology, accompanied by Zhao Hongjie, who invested in the second department.

"Mr. Zhang, I went to investigate Microelectronics Technology. It's a good deal to buy 150% of the shares for 20.00 million. This company mainly produces computer motherboards. The reason for selling the shares is because the founder of the company is in urgent need of money. If If Mr. Zhang is worried, we will send a resident accountant to supervise his finances." Zhao Hongjie said to Zhang Xiao on the road.

"I hope that what microelectronics technology leaves is not a pit." Zhang Xiao didn't really believe Zhao Hongjie's explanation, and said something noncommittal.

Zhao Hongjie was a little embarrassed, but he also knew that trust took time to cultivate, and it was obviously impossible for Zhang Xiao, who had been ruthlessly tricked by Zong Rui, to trust himself so quickly.

When Zhang Xiao came to the microelectronics technology company, he found that the company was very lively, and many employees happily hugged each other. Zhang Xiao, who had seen the photo of the founder of microelectronics technology, saw Tang Zhenhao hugged by many people at a glance. .

Tang Zhenhao is 37 years old, 1.8 meters tall, a standard northern man, wearing white work clothes and a dust-free cap on his head, obviously just came out of the laboratory.

Tang Zhenhao also found the Mercedes Benz parked in front of the office building at this time, so he brought the company's senior management over.

"Hi Mr. Tang, I'm Zhang Xiao from Hongyuan Investment." Zhang Xiao greeted Tang Zhenhao and said with a smile.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang, you came at the right time. Our company's research and development has achieved great results, which can reduce the production cost of circuit boards by 30.00%!" Tang Zhenhao couldn't wait to introduce the company's latest research and development costs to Zhang Xiao.

"Then we're going to celebrate together, after all we are a family now." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

Tang Zhenhao laughed and said, "Boss Zhang, you are right, we are a family now."

Zhang Xiao's investment company owns 20.00% of the shares of Microelectronics Technology, isn't it just a family.

Then everyone came to the conference room in the office building. Zhang Xiao and Tang Zhenhao sat facing each other, and the rest sat on both sides.

"Mr. Zhang, is it because of Zong Rui's business that you came to the company this time?" Tang Zhenhao looked very frank at the moment, and spoke Zhang Xiao's heart.

"Mr. Tang is right. Zongrui invested in three projects before, two of which were purely for the purpose of profit transfer, so I came here this time mainly to see the operating status of microelectronics technology, so as to make the next step. " Zhang Xiao didn't hide her intention of coming, she said it bluntly, after all, there were no fools present, they were all human beings.

"That's good. After all, the trust between us takes time to develop. I'll ask the accountant to bring over the latest financial report." Tang Zhenhao said with a slight smile.

Zhang Xiao nodded and said nothing. Although the financial report may be falsified, it is the most intuitive and labor-saving way to understand a company's operating conditions.

Soon, the financial director of Microelectronics Technology brought the financial report of the last few months, and Zhang Xiao took it and checked it carefully.

Judging from the financial report, there is no problem in the operation. Although there are debts, it is within a reasonable range, which makes Zhang Xiao feel a little relieved.

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