After a while, Xu Zhiyuan's secretary handed a new list to Xu Zhiyuan, Xu Zhiyuan handed it to Zhang Xiao after a little glance, and said with a smile: "The real estate here is not actually owned by our group company, but you Don't worry, I will take care of all the formalities for you."

"Okay, then I'll just wait for the good news. Now we can do the accounting." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"The real estate and shops total 800 million, so I still need to pay 200 million for the goods." Xu Zhiyuan calculated the result slightly.

Soon, Xu Zhiyuan began to notify the company to transfer the money, but Zhang Xiao didn't need to do so. After all, if this amount of money wants to be credited, it needs to be reviewed by the bank, which will take about 24 hours.

Time passed quickly, and before we knew it, it was already past seven in the afternoon. At this time, all the procedures had been completed, and everyone immediately relaxed.

Mo Boqi suggested: "I've been busy all day today, little brother, you are the biggest winner, how about it, it's not too much to treat us all to a meal!"

"You should, you should, where to eat, let's talk about what you want to eat!" Zhang Xiao agreed with a smile on his face, how much does it cost to eat.

"Let's eat roast duck. I have been to Beijing many times, and every time I want to taste the roast duck, but I have never been satisfied." Xu Zhiyuan said with some regret.

"Okay, then go to Quanjude, I'll call and ask for a private room." Moboqi immediately took out his mobile phone and started calling.

Not long after, Moboqi hung up the phone and said with a smile: "It's done, let's go."

Everyone started to get in the car and headed towards Quanjude.

Quanjude has already established a joint stock company at this time. The store Zhang Xiao and the others are going to today is Wangfujing Street, the "first street" in China. Hu Wenjing did not drive, but sat in the back of the Mercedes-Benz with Zhang Xiao. Feng drove, and Guo Feng sat in the passenger seat.

After half an hour's journey, everyone finally arrived at the gate of Quanjude Wangfujing store. Mo Boqi led the way and everyone went inside.

After entering, under the guidance of the service staff, we entered a private room, and everyone sat in turn, without any priority, after all, everyone just wanted to relax.

Even the driver Zhang Xiao called in. After all, the private room is very large and can seat eighteen people.

After Moboqi gave instructions to the waiter, the dishes began to be served soon.

Due to the large number of people and the fact that he did not pay for it himself, Moboqi ordered dishes very generously, which made Zhang Xiao a little speechless, and couldn't help but smile and said: "Eldest brother, don't do this, you ordered too much Can't finish it."

"I can't finish eating and take it away. Today I want to taste all the dishes here to comfort my wounded heart." Moboqi said pretending to be pitiful.

Mo Boqi's words made everyone laugh, Zhang Xiao had no choice but to laugh at Mo Boqi's tricks.

The reputation of Quanjude was mixed in the later generations, but Zhang Xiao really lived up to his reputation when he ate the roast duck of Quanjude at this time. The duck skin was dipped in white sugar, and it was crispy and delicious. Zhang Xiao couldn't help but eat two more pieces.

The rest of the meals were also very good, and with the large number of people, the atmosphere was relaxed and comfortable. Everyone had a good meal, and Mo Boqi also had a good time. Many people were drunk by Mo Boqi. Zhang Xiao Relying on his extraordinary capacity for alcohol, he made Moboqi dizzy.

Xu Zhiyuan ate the authentic Beijing roast duck today, coupled with the fact that the business was going very smoothly, he was naturally in a good mood, and he also let himself go in the private room, and couldn't help but sing a song.

After eating, they dispersed. Zhang Xiao and Hu Wenjing went back to the courtyard in the car driven by Guo Feng.

After returning to the courtyard, Guo Feng went to the room that had been packed in the backyard, and Zhang Xiao and Hu Wenjing naturally returned to the room.

Zhang Xiao leaned on the sofa, thinking about the future direction of the company's development, eating the fruit salad Hu Wenjing had cut, looking very relaxed.

The next morning, when Zhang Xiao got up, he found that Guo Feng had already woken up and was practicing boxing in the yard, which made Zhang Xiao couldn't help watching.

Zhang Xiao found that Guo Feng's training was different from the military boxing he had seen, which made Zhang Xiao's interest greatly increased.

After Guo Feng retracted his fists and stood up, Zhang Xiao asked with a smile: "Brother Guo, why is the military boxing you practiced different from what we have learned before?"

"This is the third set of military boxing. Due to the high intensity of training, it has not been passed on. If you want to learn, I can teach you." Seeing that Zhang Xiao is very interested in boxing, Guo Feng did not hide it.

"Okay, I just use it for exercise." Zhang Xiao discovered that this set of military boxing is very suitable for morning exercises, and after practicing it, it is also very powerful and can be used for body defense.

Next, after Guo Feng practiced once, he asked Zhang Xiao to practice with him.

Since the third set of military boxing has a total of 32 movements, Zhang Xiao mastered them very quickly. After two rounds, Guo Feng found that Zhang Xiao basically didn’t need to point them out, and couldn’t help but lament Zhang Xiao’s speed in mastering the essentials of the movements. fast.

After the third round of military boxing, Zhang Xiao's movements are relatively standard, at least he doesn't need Guo Feng to guide his movements, and as long as he practices hard in the future, practice makes perfect.

Guo Feng made breakfast in the kitchen. Millet porridge and egg-filled biscuits made Zhang Xiao very comfortable.

"It seems that I have to raise your wages, you have done all the work of practicing babysitting!" Zhang Xiao said jokingly.

"I think so too." Guo Feng said with a chuckle, "Boss, why don't you hire a nanny. If no one takes care of such a large yard, the garbage will increase soon."

"The main reason is that I have just been here for a few days, and besides, I don't have anyone I trust deliberately, so I haven't hired anyone for the time being. Do you have a suitable candidate?" Zhang Xiao said with a sigh.

"I have a couple here. They are the parents of my comrades-in-arms. Now they are laid off at home and have always wanted to find something to do, but it is really hard to find a job when they are old." Guo Feng said after pondering for a while.

"Okay, after sending me to the company today, you go and ask them if they are willing. If they are willing to come, one person will be paid 1000 yuan a month." Zhang Xiao agreed without hesitation, and he also wanted to borrow Take a chance to see Guo Feng's character, after all, Guo Feng will always be by his side.

Guo Feng naturally didn't know Zhang Xiao's intentions. After sending Zhang Xiao to the company, he drove to find his comrade's parents.

"Uncle Ma." Guo Feng came to a tube building and shouted towards the corridor.

"Xiaofeng is here, have you eaten yet?" Aunt Ma poked her head out of the room and said with a smile.

"Aunt Ma, where's Uncle Ma?" Guo Feng followed Aunt Ma into the house, and got himself a glass of water very familiarly.

"I went shopping for groceries, and I should be back in a while. Why are you free today? Did you find a job?" Aunt Ma asked with concern.

"I found it, and now I'm driving a car for a boss." Guo Feng said with a smile.

"That's good, that's good. Regardless of whether the job is good or bad, do it first. If you have a suitable job in the future, you will have time to change it. After all, you are still young." Aunt Ma said.

"This job is very good, and the boss trusts me very much. Today, I found out that the boss's house lacks someone to cook and clean up the house, so I came here to ask Uncle Ma and Aunt Ma if they would like to do it." Guo Feng tried to speak lightly. , to reduce their sense of existence in it.

"I'm willing to do it, but it depends on what your Uncle Ma wants." Aunt Ma said with a smile, and she didn't think there was anything wrong with serving others.

At this moment, Uncle Ma walked in with some vegetables in his hands, saw Guo Feng at home, and said with a smile: "Xiaofeng is here, have you eaten yet?"

"I've had dinner, Uncle Ma, I came here today mainly to ask if you would like to work at my boss's house, mainly cooking and cleaning the house, 1000 yuan per person per month." Guo Feng repeated to Uncle Ma Said.

"I won't go. I've devoted my whole life to the country. I won't even say that I'm laid off when I'm old. Now I'm going to be a servant of the capitalists. I won't go." Uncle Ma suddenly became excited, and his words were full of excitement. Resentment and dissatisfaction.

Guo Feng was speechless for a moment. The term "capitalist" had been used by no one for many years, and now he heard it again. However, Guo Feng also knew that if Uncle Ma didn't want to, this matter would really fail.

"Okay then, I'll go talk to my boss." Guo Feng was a little disappointed and was about to leave.

Aunt Ma stood up helplessly and sent Guo Feng away.

After Guo Feng returned to the company, he told Zhang Xiao about the situation of Uncle Ma and Aunt Ma. Zhang Xiao said indifferently: "It's normal. After all, they grew up under the red flag. It is normal for a capitalist like me to serve."

Guo Feng didn't expect Zhang Xiao to think this way, and couldn't help but have another understanding of Zhang Xiao.

"Are you okay now? If you're okay, go to the personnel department to find Li Xuejiao, and accompany her to recruit security guards and drivers. I think you should have experience in this area." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Boss, how much is the company's security for a month? How much is the driver for a month?" Guo Feng didn't leave, but asked Zhang Xiao directly.

"I don't know how the personnel department made the decision. What's the matter, have any of your comrades retired from the army?" Zhang Xiao asked with some doubts.

"It's like this. There are more than 30 veterans in our batch, and most of them are looking for jobs now, so I would like to ask how our company's treatment is?" Guo Feng said with a smile.

"Who is better between them and you?" Zhang Xiao put down the document in his hand and asked curiously.

"I used to be their captain. Of course I am stronger, but they are all very skilled, and they are good at different directions." Guo Feng said truthfully.

However, in Zhang Xiao's ears, he felt that Guo Feng was pretending to be coercive, but he had to admit that if these people could stay in the company, their safety would still be guaranteed, so Zhang Xiao said with a smile: "Then you take them Call them all, and I will arrange positions according to their abilities."

"Okay, boss, I'll go right away." Guo Feng was about to leave excitedly.

"Wait, won't you call to notify me?" Zhang Xiao asked with some doubts.

"They don't have a phone number anywhere, I have to go to the scene to find them." Guo Feng smiled wryly and shook his head.

"Okay, you go and come back quickly. If they want to come, let them take a taxi directly, and the travel expenses can be reimbursed." Zhang Xiao waved his hand and told Guo Feng to go quickly.

After Zhang Xiao left Guo Feng, she couldn't help but shook her head with a smile, she really wanted to plant flowers so that they wouldn't bloom, but unintentionally planted willows and willows to make shade.

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