"Mr. Zhang, if I can do it with you, Boss Mo, why don't you plead for me." Li Feng joked with a smile.

"Fuck off, just tell me if you want senior brother to beat me up." Zhang Xiao said to Li Feng with some amusement.

"Li Feng, you actually want to leave me, you are not kind, you are going to rebel in just a few days." Moboqi walked over with a smile.

"Mr. Mo, did you hear that?" Li Feng blushed suddenly, and said a little embarrassedly.

"What do you mean, I've been here a long time ago, and I've been watching you for a long time." Mo Boqi knocked Li Feng on the head, and said angrily.

Li Feng looked at Zhang Xiao and Guo Feng resentfully, because from their expressions, it could be seen that they knew that Mo Boqi was coming, and they didn't know to remind him, which made him make a big fool of himself.

"Brother, Xu Zhiyuan will come to trade high-quality jadeite with me in a while. You can check the price for me. Although he should not lower the price, it is just in case." Zhang Xiao said to Mo Boqi with a smile.

"You're really good, kid. It's only been a while before you can become a teacher. My dad praised you a lot yesterday, especially the piece of porcelain you gave Debiao admiring, which made the old man happy for a long time." Mo Boqi did not hesitate to praise Zhang Xiao, after all, Zhang Xiao is much better than him.

"Brother, you are joking. I still have a lot to learn, and I am far from being a teacher." Zhang Xiao is also self-aware, because it is naturally much easier for him to infer from antique appreciation. According to what he has heard, he is far from reaching the point of becoming a teacher.

"Don't be humble with me. If you have time these days, go to my dad's place. Recently, Xinglin Zhai has collected a batch of antiques. You can help to identify them. My dad is too tired to make decisions alone. " Mo Boqi came here to catch Zhang Xiao as a young man.

"Okay, don't tell me I'm going to Master's place soon, thank you Master for his help." Zhang Xiao agreed without hesitation, no matter what the reason is, it's only natural to help Master.

Afterwards, Li Feng drove Guo Feng outside to prepare clothes and bedding. After all, Guo Feng was about to become Zhang Xiao's bodyguard, and he was going back to Moboqi, so they would not have so much time to deal with their own affairs. matter.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, Xu Zhiyuan finally rushed over with his secretary, finance and bodyguards. As soon as he entered the courtyard, he couldn't help admiring the elegance of Zhang Xiao's courtyard.

"Mr. Xu seems to be proud of his horseshoe." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but joked with a smile, because he learned from Mo Boqi that Xu Zhiyuan had completely controlled Xu's jewelry, drove away several elders, and secured his position. position, I have to sigh Xu Zhiyuan's methods.

"You also come to tease me, alas, business is difficult." Although Xu Zhiyuan said this, it can be seen from his expression that he is living very comfortably recently.

"Mr. Xu, don't be modest. No one in the industry knows your methods, but you really don't show your face." Moboqi laughed and said jokingly.

"Drink cold water by yourself, just know whether it's warm or not." Xu Zhiyuan shook his head, sighed, and didn't want to mention the company's changes.

"Come with me, let's see how many pieces you need. This is all I have in stock." Zhang Xiao didn't continue, but led Xu Zhiyuan to the room where the jadeite was placed in the backyard.

Opening the room, I saw more than a dozen safes inside, big and small, filling the entire room.

"Yo, there won't be all of it here." Xu Zhiyuan was amazed, and was shocked by Zhang Xiao's generosity.

"Not that much, just seven or eight yuan, you can choose." Zhang Xiao shook his head, opened several safes containing emeralds, and leaked out all the emeralds that had been unlocked inside.

Xu Zhiyuan's eyes lit up immediately. Looking at the dazzling array of high-quality jadeites, he couldn't help admiring: "Brother, you've made a fortune. How much did you spend on the rough stones? You must have earned a lot this time."

Zhang Xiao smiled, did not speak, and waited for Xu Zhiyuan to choose fine jadeite.

"Junior brother, I want this piece of yellow jade, and I want to carve it out as the treasure of the store!" Mo Boqi interjected at this time.

"Boss Mo, don't rob me. I will take all the emeralds here, and the price is definitely high enough." Xu Zhiyuan put away the flashlight in his hand, stood up and said to Mo Boqi seriously.

"Jade lunatic, you are not kind, you can't eat alone." Mo Boqi really has a soft spot for that piece of yellow jadeite. After all, this kind of bright yellow jadeite is now sought after by many rich people with royal affiliations in China. Climbing up steadily, as long as you take it down, carve it into jade ornaments, and resell it, you will get double the profit.

Zhang Xiao said helplessly to Mo Boqi: "Brother, forget it this time, after all, I have agreed with Mr. Xu before that the jadeite I sell here will be given priority to him. You will intervene now, and you will know it." Said that you are for jadeite, those who don’t know think you want to raise my selling price.”

Moboqi smacked his lips, sighed and said, "Okay. Crazy Yu, I'll take advantage of you kid."

"Boss Mo is generous, don't worry, the price I give is absolutely fair, and Brother Zhang Xiao won't be at a disadvantage." Xu Zhiyuan said cheerfully.

Afterwards, Xu Zhiyuan began to ask people to estimate the price of the jadeite. As the numbers were reported to him one by one, he still couldn't help but feel his heart beat faster, because the combined price was too high, somewhat beyond his expectation.

Zhang Xiao also knows that Xu Zhiyuan wants to eat all the jade, even Xu's jewelry is very difficult, but this is not within his consideration, after all, he is providing jade, the higher the price, he The more you earn.

"Brother Zhang Xiao, take a look at my converted price and see if you are satisfied. If you are satisfied, we can sign the contract and pay for the goods." Xu Zhiyuan finally handed the price conversion table to Zhang Xiao, so that Zhang Xiao could see his sincerity.

Zhang Xiao knew at a glance that Xu Zhiyuan had fulfilled his original promise, adding [-]% to the current price, which was much higher than he expected.

Mo Boqi also looked at it, and couldn't help but said: "Mr. Xu, you are really rich and powerful. With such a high price, I don't even have the desire to compete."

"This is what I promised Brother Zhang Xiao. Although it's a gentlemen's agreement, that's how I am as a human being. Every mouthful is a nail, and what I say must be fulfilled." Xu Zhiyuan said without changing his expression.

"Admiration, it seems that Xu's jewelry has really chosen a suitable person in charge." Mo Boqi couldn't help admiring, knowing that if the current price is increased by [-]%, the profit will naturally be greatly reduced, but as long as You can always make money if you get jadeite in your hands.

Although Mo Boqi wanted to buy it, he was unable to compete. He couldn't help but sighed.

"Okay, Mr. Xu, just stick to this price, and we don't need to discuss any more." Zhang Xiao also knew that he had taken advantage of it, so there was no need to raise the price again, which would only put everyone in an awkward situation .

The total selling price of the eight pieces of jade reached as much as 5000 million. After calculating the cost of more than 5000 million, Zhang Xiao made a net profit of [-] million this time, which can be said to be a huge profit.

However, no one mentioned the risks involved. After all, now is the harvest time, and it is better not to do things that spoil the scenery.

Xu Zhiyuan ordered the bodyguards to start packing the emeralds away, and he and Zhang Xiao began to discuss payment matters. After all, such a large amount of money transfer cannot be transferred to the account all at once, and Xu Zhiyuan also wanted to use some real estate or shops to pay at a discount .

Xu Zhiyuan's suggestion aroused Zhang Xiao's interest. After all, the real estate market is in a downturn this year, and prices continue to fall, but Zhang Xiao also knows that this is the best time to enter the market. Purchasing real estate can cost a lot more.

"Brother Xu, you know that the real estate market is in a downturn and many people are selling. In fact, I am also waiting and watching. After all, no one knows whether it is the right time to buy now. But since you said so, I have made a decision. Beijing, Shanghai, Huacheng and Pengcheng, each has one set of villas and ten shops each, see if your group has any for sale, and if so, we can negotiate the price." Although Zhang Xiao made it difficult, he was still willing to let Xu Zhiyuan I owe him a favor, and it is definitely not a loss to buy real estate and shops now.

"Then I would like to thank Brother Zhang Xiao. To be honest, the group's real estate company is under a lot of pressure at this time. The guys from the bank will only give umbrellas in sunny days. It's disgusting." Although Xu Zhiyuan doesn't manage the group's real estate company, he also knows the stress of it.

Zhang Xiao smiled and didn't say anything. After all, banks are also enterprises, and they are there to make money. How could they put the risk on themselves.

Xu Zhiyuan went to the side to make a phone call, and quickly confirmed the locations of the projects on sale and the real estate and shops that he planned to transfer the funds back to.

Afterwards, according to what Xu Zhiyuan said, Xu Zhiyuan's secretary made a list and handed it to Zhang Xiao, asking Zhang Xiao to confirm the location and price on it.

Looking at the prices of the real estate above, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but sigh secretly. Compared to later generations, the real estate at this time is the price of cabbage. Let Zhang Xiao have a bad taste of buying all over the country and living a retired life from then on.

According to Zhang Xiao's request, the total price of these real estates and shops that easily exceeded 7000 million in later generations is only [-] million, which is far lower than Zhang Xiao's estimate, so Zhang Xiao thought slightly and smiled and said: "According to this standard Two copies, I suppose it's not difficult."

"It's not difficult, it's not difficult, thank you brother for your help." Xu Zhiyuan smiled happily.

Xu Zhiyuan did not expect to come to the capital, not only bought the precious jadeite, but also disposed of a large number of real estate properties of the group company. The weight of speaking in the group will be greatly increased.

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