Early the next morning, Zhang Xiao woke up very early, but she just didn't want to get up. Looking at Hu Wenjing who was still sleeping soundly, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but sighed.

In the Hero Tomb of Beauty Township, the ancients never deceived me.

Zhang Xiao got up from the bed anyway, and started exercising in the yard after washing.

At Zhang Xiao's request, Du Debiao built a small training ground in the yard to meet Zhang Xiao's fitness needs.

After her body became hot, Zhang Xiao went out to buy breakfast, but instead of waking Hu Wenjing up, she ate alone.

Before eight o'clock, Zhang Xiao came to the company, and at this time the company's employees were almost all there, which made Zhang Xiao very relieved, at least the company had begun to develop in a positive direction.

In the small conference room, Zhang Xiao and Li Xuejiao were sitting in the interview seats, looking at the first person who came in and sat down.

"Sun Ting, 27 years old, graduated from Yu Provincial Finance Institute, working experience..."

Zhang Xiao looked at Sun Ting's resume, smiled and said to Sun Ting: "We are from Yu Province, we are fellow villagers, so don't be nervous. Do you know the current situation of the company?"

Sun Ting brushed her loose hair a little, and said: "I know, I'm telling the truth, the finance department was under the control of Feng Xinru before, and we basic employees can only follow orders, so many things are wrong even if we know it is wrong. I still have to do it, I have asked Zong Rui to respond, but I don’t want them to agree on the surface, but still go their own way.”

Zhang Xiao nodded, was silent for a while and then said, "Can I trust you?"

"Of course. I guarantee it as a party member." Sun Ting knew that her chance had come, and said without hesitation.

"From now on, you will be in charge of the finance department temporarily. I hope you can make a financial system for me." Zhang Xiao also made a decision. After all, he doesn't trust everyone now, so he can only use time to look at these employee performance.

As the interview progressed, Zhang Xiao found that many of these employees still had real talents. Without hesitation, Zhang Xiao began to appoint some people with outstanding abilities to leadership positions.

Li Xuejiao officially became the head of the personnel department, responsible for the recruitment and training of the company's personnel, conducting attendance and performance appraisal of the employees, and directly responsible to Zhang Xiao.

Although Sun Ting's ability is not outstanding, she can be trusted for the time being after learning about the situation from Zhang Xiao, so she was appointed by Zhang Xiao as the director of the finance department, responsible for all the work of the finance department.

Zhang Xiao of the investment department did not set up a supervisor, but divided the investment part into the first investment department and the second investment department.

The director of the first investment department is Long Zhiyun, a man in his 30s. The reason why he graduated from this position is that he has rich trading experience in the securities industry. He used to be a trader. This is what Zhang Xiao values. After all, the investment direction after investing in a movie is in stock futures and other aspects.

The director of the second investment department is 30-year-old Zhao Hongjie, who graduated from Peking University with a master's degree and worked in a large investment bank for two years. He has unique insights into the investment industry and companies, and his ideas are in line with Zhang Xiao's appetite.

The head of the legal department is a master graduate of the University of Political Science and Law. Li Mengdi, 40 years old, has ten years of experience in legal work in the financial industry. Zhang Xiao likes his calmness and rigor.

After all the interviews were over, Zhang Xiao couldn't help but sighed. Most of them chose to stay in the company to work, and six of them chose to leave. Zhang Xiao didn't stop them, and asked the finance department to settle their salaries.

Generally speaking, the company's current situation is very bad. After Zong Rui's misconduct, the company directly lost as much as 300 million yuan, and the investment project needs to do a lot of work to make a profit, and the company's account has basically returned to zero. There is nearly 200 million in arrears, and there is still a long way to go to get back this part of the loss from Zong Rui and the others.

However, although Zhang Xiao felt sorry for the money, she also knew that she must persevere. She asked Sun Ting to go to the industrial and commercial office to change the registered capital immediately, raising the registered capital to 5000 million. Zhang Xiao needed to inject another 4000 million for this.

Zhang Xiao began to assign recruitment tasks to Li Xuejiao. The first task was to recruit company security guards and drivers, and the second task was to recruit a secretary to the general manager. After all, Zhang Xiao often did not have much time to come to the company.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiao returned to the courtyard by car, waiting for Xu Zhiyuan's arrival, while Li Feng stayed in the courtyard as the driver.

Hu Wenjing didn't go out today, but was cleaning up the sundries in the yard. These are all the garbage accumulated in the past few days.

"Mr. Zhang, I have a comrade-in-arms who just got out of the army. People in your company said that you need a driver. Do you want to let him try?" Li Feng hesitated for a long time before speaking to Zhang Xiao.

"How old are you? Where did you serve as a soldier?" Zhang Xiao asked with a smile. Zhang Xiao was very satisfied with Li Feng as a driver, so he was more interested in the person Li Feng introduced.

"Same age as me, 29 years old, but his service time is longer than mine, but I don't know about his service. I just heard the news of his retirement." Seeing that Zhang Xiao didn't feel disgusted, Li Feng couldn't help smiling Said.

"Okay, can you contact him now, let him come over, and I will meet you." Zhang Xiao said happily immediately. After all, he has been a soldier for more than ten years, and his military accomplishment must be top-notch, but he We also need to meet in person to see how he is.

"Then I'll give it a try." Li Feng was also very happy, after all the news he got, the situation of the old comrade-in-arms is not very good.

Li Feng took out his mobile phone to make a call, and did not shy away from Zhang Xiao, appearing very frank.

After several phone calls in succession, Li Feng said with a smile: "Mr. Zhang, I got in touch. He will be here in a while."

"He's in the capital?" Zhang Xiao asked in surprise.

"Yes, his hometown is in Hebei Province, and he just happened to be looking for a job in the capital these two days." After Li Feng finished speaking, he paused and carefully reminded, "He has some abilities, but his temper is very stubborn, so After retiring from the army, he was not placed in a suitable place, if he offended him in any way, I hope Mr. Zhang will forgive me."

"Brother Li, do you think I'm the kind of person who cares about everything?" Zhang Xiao was slightly taken aback.

"I don't think you are, but others don't think so." Li Feng shook his head and said.

"Tell me, what do people in the company think of me." Zhang Xiao suddenly became interested and asked.

"If you care about everything, you will get revenge. Anyway, there is nothing good to say, although I don't think so." Li Feng said honestly.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help but his face darkened, but he also began to reflect on himself, is his image so bad? Maybe it has something to do with what happened in the company recently, Zhang Xiao couldn't help comforting himself.

Li Feng saw that Zhang Xiao's expression had changed, so he didn't say much. After all, in his opinion, Zhang Xiao was pretty good, at least he thought so.

Half an hour later, a young man in a military uniform and short-sleeved shirt walked outside the courtyard gate and rang the doorbell.

Li Feng stood up, opened the door, and when he saw the young man, he jumped on him and shouted excitedly, "Brother Guo."

"Little Li, long time no see." The young man and Li Feng hugged each other, slapping each other's backs fiercely.

Zhang Xiao, who walked to the door, looked at the unique way of greeting the two, closed her mouth, and waited quietly.

After a long time, Li Feng pulled the young man to Zhang Xiao, and introduced with a smile: "This is Zhang Xiao, Mr. Zhang, and this is my comrade-in-arms and also my boss, Guo Feng."

"Hello, Mr. Zhang." Guo Feng stretched out his right hand and said.

"You're welcome, just call me by my name, Xiaoxiao is also fine." Zhang Xiao stretched out her hand and shook Guo Feng firmly.

Afterwards, the three of them entered the house, and after Hu Wenjing made tea for them, they drove out again.

"Guo Feng, what skills are you good at?" Zhang Xiao asked curiously.

"Comprehensive martial arts, tracking, long-range shooting, and blasting are all skills used in the army. In fact, what I am best at in life is driving and protection. I think I can still be qualified for the position of bodyguard." Guo Feng also knows this It was Zhang Xiao's assessment of him, so he could only introduce his strengths as much as possible.

"What is the reason for retiring from the army, can you tell me something that doesn't violate discipline?" Zhang Xiao knew that 29 years old was the golden age for a special soldier, so logically speaking, he should not be retiring from the army.

"I made a mistake and had to leave the army." Guo Feng laughed at himself, "It's okay not to mention the past."

Zhang Xiao nodded, and after being silent for a while, he said, "You have two choices. One is to be the security captain of the company. You can manage all the company's security in the future. The monthly salary is 24, including food. Living. The second option is to be my personal bodyguard and driver, [-] yuan per month, free food and lodging, but need to be on call [-] hours a day, and there is an attendance allowance when going out.”

Guo Feng was slightly taken aback. He didn't expect Zhang Xiao to give him such a generous salary. You must know that the salary of a full-time employee is only 700 yuan a month, and the salary of [-] yuan a month really made him feel tempted.

"Mr. Zhang, what kind of business do you do?" Guo Feng couldn't help asking, because he was afraid that Zhang Xiao's business would be improper, which he couldn't accept.

"Investing in companies is mainly business investment and stock investment. It's a very legitimate business. The reason why I hire bodyguards is just in case." Zhang Xiao doesn't mind Guo Feng's caution, as it should be.

"Then I'll choose to be your bodyguard and part-time driver. After all, the salary is higher." After hearing this, Guo Feng quickly agreed.

"Then I will trouble you from now on." Seeing that Guo Feng agreed, Zhang Xiao immediately breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile.

Then Zhang Xiao pushed a stack of [-]-yuan bills to Guo Feng, and said, "This is your salary for this month, you can use it first, go buy some clothes, don't worry about spending too much money, the company will reimburse you in full, But you have to remember to ask for a VAT invoice.”

"Okay, I'll go out and have a look in a while." Guo Feng is very satisfied with Zhang Xiao's arrangement, after all, all his retirement pay is used to resettle his family, and the money he has is only enough for food.

"A room is arranged for you in the backyard of the courtyard. You can live here alone at night. If we don't go out during the day, you can stay in the concierge. There is also an air conditioner there." Zhang Xiao took Guo Feng and Li Feng together. People strolled around the courtyard and made arrangements for Guo Feng, which made Li Feng jealous.

"Thank you, Mr. Zhang." Guo Feng was also very grateful, and couldn't help but say.

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