Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 130 Imperial Green Emerald

Zhang Xiao continued to cut stones, without the presence of outsiders, Zhang Xiao cut stones more quickly, because he could see the grains farther than ordinary people through the windows on the rough stones, which made his stone cutting fast and accurate, saving money. A lot of time.

Zhang Xiao worked until nine o'clock in the evening, and finally got all the emeralds out, and the harvest was astonishing. Among them, there were two pieces of glass-type jadeite, four pieces of ice-type jadeite, and an extremely rare yellow jadeite. Its quality has reached that of glass, extremely crystal clear and translucent, and its value is much higher than that of ordinary green jadeite. After all, rare things are more expensive.

But what made Zhang Xiao feel regretful was that he didn't extract even a little bit of imperial green jadeite, which made him couldn't help but lament the preciousness and rarity of imperial green jadeite.

Zhang Xiao then looked at the two pieces of waste rock that had been cut from the broken Big Mac. He bought it from Minister Weixing for 100 million US dollars, in order to build a good relationship with Minister Weixing , I also want to see if there is any emerald in this Big Mac, and if so, where is the jade? It will determine the way and means for Zhang Xiao to obtain Yuanneng in the future.

Zhang Xiao was already a little hungry at the moment, but Hu Wenjing hadn't come back yet, nor had he called him, presumably he was having fun outside, so Zhang Xiao wasn't too worried about it.

After Zhang Xiao thought about it for a while, since he had already covered himself in dust, there was no need to save it until the next time to dissect the stone, and he was a little uneasy whether the two rough emerald stones were always on his mind.

After making the decision, Zhang Xiao stopped hesitating and began to unravel the two waste rocks cut from the top of the Big Mac.

Due to its large size, Zhang Xiao had to use a forklift to fix it under the large stone cutter. Zhang Xiao began to peel off the stone from the edge. The emerald inside was scrapped.

As time went by, one of the pieces had been cut into pieces, but the shadow of the emerald still remained. This made Zhang Xiao very puzzled, but he was also full of expectations for the piece he was solving, because he really wanted to know how this giant piece was. What exactly exists in the Wuba rough stone can contain 52 yuan of energy.

As pieces of crushed stones were peeled off, the size of the originally huge rough stones continued to shrink, but the emeralds were still missing. Zhang Xiao couldn't help but sigh when he saw the rough stones, which were only a small half in size. Maybe it doesn't really contain emeralds.

However, Zhang Xiao has no intention of stopping, even if he cuts it into pieces, he still needs to find out what the thing that contains energy is.

The size is getting smaller and smaller, but Zhang Xiao's expression is getting more serious, because the truth is really not far away at this time.

After another ten minutes, Zhang Xiao moved the rough stone that was only the size of a washbasin to the smallest stone cutter, and began to peel off the stone skin piece by piece. He expected the things inside to be born.

Finally, a touch of green appeared in front of Zhang Xiao's eyes, which made Zhang Xiao stop his movements excitedly. After lighting it with a strong flashlight, Zhang Xiao finally showed a smile, the emperor pays off.

After more than two hours of hard work, the emerald contained in this Big Mac finally revealed a trace of its peerless beauty!

Zhang Xiao took a deep breath, continued to dissect the stone, and carefully polished off the outer stone skin with a grinder. The whole process lasted for half an hour, and even with Zhang Xiao's physical strength, he felt a little tired.

Zhang Xiao carried it to the water pipe, and after rinsing it clean, he felt satisfied when he saw this piece of imperial green jadeite, which weighed no more than a dozen kilograms and was no bigger than a football.

No wonder this piece of rough jadeite can contain so many energy, and the jade inside is actually imperial green jadeite, which made Zhang Xiao have a little expectation for the law of energy contained in jadeite.

After analyzing the stone for a period of time, Zhang Xiao probably understood that high-quality jadeite usually contains more energy, while low-quality jadeite contains a lot of energy if it is large.

As for why this happened, Zhang Xiao has some rough guesses. Generally, high-quality jade takes a long time to form, and it is only natural that it can contain energy.

After admiring it for a while, Zhang Xiao took the imperial green jadeite, carefully packed it in a box, and then took the box to a secret room in the basement. The secret room is also the place where Zhang Xiao plans to store valuables in the future.

Zhang Xiao unlocked it, opened the heavy steel door, walked in, and locked the box containing the imperial green jade in a large safe in the corner. After everything was settled, Zhang Xiao got up and returned to the backyard. .

Back at the stone-removing place, Zhang Xiao cleaned all the jadeites that were released today and put them in the safe in another room. After locking the safe door of the room from the outside, he began to clean up the garbage at the stone-removing machine in the backyard. It was thrown into the iron box containing the rough jadeite, and it was planned to be dragged to the waste rock yard later.

After cleaning up, Zhang Xiao went back to the front yard to take a shower. At this moment, his body was covered in dust and gravel, and he was very embarrassed, as if he had crawled out of a stone crusher.

After taking a bath, Zhang Xiao found that it was already twelve o'clock, and Hu Wenjing hadn't come back yet, which made Zhang Xiao feel a little worried. After all, although Hu Wenjing is an adult, she is a woman after all, and it is easy to suffer.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao's cell phone rang, and Zhang Xiao quickly connected the phone.

A voice came over: "Zhang Xiao, right? I'm traffic policeman Hai Luofeng, and Hu Wenjing is your friend, right? She had a traffic accident and she's here at the traffic police detachment. Come here."

"Hello, Police Officer Hai, is she injured?" Zhang Xiao's heart suddenly twitched.

"She herself was not injured, but a passer-by was injured, so hurry up and come over." Hai Luofeng said.

"Okay, I'll take a taxi right away." Zhang Xiao asked the address, put on her clothes, put 3 yuan in cash in her bag, and then went out.

The traffic police detachment was about half an hour away from Zhang Xiao's courtyard. The taxi driver drove all the way and quickly sent Zhang Xiao to the location.

Zhang Xiao walked into the traffic police detachment, walked towards a room with lights on, and knocked on the door.

"Come in." Hai Luofeng's voice came from inside.

"Hello, Police Officer Hai." Zhang Xiao pushed open the door and walked in. He first said hello to Hai Luofeng, and then looked at Hu Wenjing.

There was nothing unusual about Hu Wenjing at the moment. After seeing Zhang Xiao coming in, her pretty face changed slightly, but she still said to Zhang Xiao, "Xiaoxiao, I'm sorry to trouble you."

"Sister Jing, what are you talking about? Why are you being polite to me?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Zhang Xiao, this is the injured person and his family members. According to what I know and the investigation at the scene, it can be found that Ms. Hu collided with the injured Lu Nan while the vehicle was driving, but the cause of the accident is not clear, and now Ms. Hu said that Lu Nan touched the porcelain on purpose, and Lu Nan said that he was forced to walk normally." Hai Luofeng also felt a headache at this moment, after all, such things are very common, and often they can't say no in the end Clearly, it only takes time, and you can only leave when the two parties reach a settlement.

"Then what is Mr. Lu's request?" Zhang Xiao asked Hai Luofeng directly, after all, Hai Luofeng was still required to mediate.

"500 yuan for medical expenses, but Ms. Hu is unwilling to give it." Hai Luofeng shook his head, feeling very helpless.

"That is to say, as long as you give him 500 yuan, this matter will be over." Zhang Xiao asked.

"Yes." Hai Luofeng nodded and said.

"Then write the letter of understanding now. I'll pay the 500 yuan." Zhang Xiao didn't hesitate, after all, it's not clear who is right and who is wrong now, so it's better to cut the mess quickly and settle the matter directly.

Although Hu Wenjing was dissatisfied, she did not refute Zhang Xiao's face. After the two parties wrote the letter of understanding, they signed and pressed their fingerprints, and Hai Luofeng also stamped it. This matter is considered to be over here. Zhang Xiao took out the letter from his pocket. He handed over 500 yuan to Hai Luofeng.

After finishing the matter, Hu Wenjing drove Zhang Xiao towards the courtyard, complaining about Zhang Xiao's self-assertion along the way.

"Sister, our time is so precious now, there's no need to waste it with them, and what are you doing today, driving so late?" Zhang Xiao asked.

"I went to meet an old classmate from the past, and it was a bit late after dinner." Hu Wenjing said with some embarrassment.

"Male and female?" Zhang Xiao asked casually.

"What's the matter, is there a difference?" Hu Wenjing was calm on the surface, but she was a little happy in her heart, which showed that Zhang Xiao cared about her.

"Of course there is a difference. If it is a man, he must have bad intentions." Zhang Xiao said pretending to be angry.

"Cut, girl, let's go." Hu Wenjing didn't continue joking and said with a smile.

Zhang Xiao chuckled, and didn't say anything more. He bought some barbecue and side dishes on the way. After all, he hadn't eaten yet, so he was really hungry at this time.

Only then did Hu Wenjing realize that Zhang Xiao hadn't eaten dinner, and couldn't help but feel a little guilty, and said distressedly: "Actually, I should have come back earlier, why didn't you eat dinner?"

"I'm busy with something, and I received a call from the police just after I finished my work." Zhang Xiao didn't care about it, after all, it was just a little late for dinner.

After returning to the courtyard, Zhang Xiao put the barbecue and side dishes on the table, took two bottles of beer from the storage room, smiled and said to Hu Wenjing, "Sister, let's have some more."

"Okay, actually I didn't eat much for dinner." Hu Wenjing was not polite, she sat opposite Zhang Xiao, opened the beer for Zhang Xiao, and poured herself a glass.

Eating barbecue and drinking beer, Zhang Xiao looked very comfortable at the moment. As for the troubles during the day, Zhang Xiao put them all behind him, and just wanted to live a relaxed life like this.

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