On the way back to the company, Zhang Xiao's face was gloomy, because he found that he had let go too thoroughly. The level of these low-level people's tricks was much higher than their level of finding projects. At this time, Zhang Xiao also completely gave up on Zong Rui. After all, he didn't believe that Zong Rui didn't know about the big hole in Xingsheng Glass Factory.

The more Zhang Xiao thought about it, the more he felt uneasy. After all, many people in the company were recruited by Zong Rui alone. No one knew what they were doing without telling him unless they showed their feet.

Zhang Xiao couldn't help sighing, and decided to let a professional organization check the company's accounts thoroughly after returning home. In addition, he needs to interview the company's personnel again. Whether they can continue to work depends on their own performance.

After returning to the company, Zhang Xiao went back to the office alone, and began to reflect on himself. If he hadn’t come here after the college entrance examination, there might not be much trouble. From the current point of view, the Xingsheng Glass Factory will cost him at least 500 million yuan to build To resume production.

And Zhang Xiao is most worried about the microelectronics company. The specific situation there is not clear, but it took 150 million to occupy 20.00% of the shares. With great expectations, Zhang Xiao will worry about gains and losses.

While Zhang Xiao was reflecting in the office, Li Haonian came to a hotel next to the company, and came to a room familiar with the way, and it was Zong Rui who opened the door for him.

"Zong Rui, that kid found out about the Xingsheng Glass Factory, what should we do next?" Li Haonian sat down on the sofa, took a sip of beer, and asked a little uneasy.

"What should I do? Cold salad!" Zong Rui said with a chuckle, not paying any attention to these things.

Li Kun, who was sitting on the side, said with a smile: "I have to say that this kid is really rich. Just say 5000 million."

Zong Rui took a sip of beer and said with a smile: "This kid is rich. He told me to increase the registered capital of the investment company to [-] million!"

"Three hundred million!" Li Kun exclaimed suddenly, a little in disbelief.

Li Haonian was also shocked.

"However, it's a little troublesome now. After all, the hole in the Xingsheng Glass Factory has been exposed. I don't know if he suspects me." Zong Rui said with some doubts.

"Probably not, but will we be in trouble?" Li Haonian said worriedly.

"What are you afraid of? It's just a normal investment behavior, and we're just making some money as a matchmaker. As long as we don't tell, no one will know. Besides, the people in the finance department are all our own." Zong Rui said confidently.

"Then what should we do next?" Li Kun asked with a smile.

"After the company's registered capital has increased to [-] million, we will quickly invest in some leather bag companies. Once the money is transferred, we will withdraw!" Zong Rui said fiercely, "This time we will make a lot of money."

Both Li Kun and Li Haonian laughed. If they could get the [-] million yuan, they would have nothing to worry about for a lifetime.

Zhang Xiao, who was sitting in the office, felt more and more wrong, got up and came to the finance department, and said to Feng Xinru, the director of the finance department, "The company's seal is all here with you."

"Yes, boss." Feng Xinru said with a smile.

"It's like this. I'm going out to discuss a project later. Give me all the company's seals. I'll give them to you when I run out." Zhang Xiao said calmly.

"Okay, boss." Feng Xinru didn't hesitate. After all, the company is owned by Zhang Xiao, and it's normal to get a seal.

After Zhang Xiao took the seal Feng Xinru took out from the safe, she turned around and went back to her office. After checking it, she found that there was nothing wrong with the seal.My heart calmed down a little.

Zhang Xiao decided to pretend to be confused, and make plans after finding out the situation of the microelectronics company tomorrow. After all, many things are not too urgent. People can transfer away, not to mention that there is no money available in the corporate account now.

As for other things in the company, he needs to take his time. The most important thing is to figure out the role Zong Rui plays in it, and whether Liu Haijun, as the introducer, was calculating himself from the beginning.

Zhang Xiao's heart is heavy. This is the first trouble he has encountered since his rebirth. It seems that he was too optimistic before.

As for the simple reason, Zhang Xiao himself is very clear, that is, unrestricted rights will inevitably give birth to filth, not to mention the fact that many people cannot control the huge amount of wealth. The deeper reason is that he does not have his own team. Being able to rely on others will inevitably lead to a mixed bag.

Zhang Xiao sighed and didn't stay in the company for a long time, but went back to the courtyard directly.

After returning to the courtyard, Zhang Xiao found that Hu Wenjing was not at home, so she thought about where to go to play, Zhang Xiao didn't care, but began to think about how to make things right and bring the company's business back on track.

At this moment, Zhang Xiao felt that he was really unavailable. As for the people in the company, he had doubts. After all, these people were recruited by Zong Rui, and whether they could be used was yet to be verified.

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiao called his master Mo Wenxin, but no one answered.

Hu Wenjing didn't come back until seven o'clock in the afternoon, and drove the car directly into the backyard.

"Hey, the technology has greatly improved." Zhang Xiao couldn't help joking.

"That's right, don't look at who I am." Hu Wenjing walked in triumphantly, carrying a lot of clothes bags in her hand, which surprised Zhang Xiao a little.

"I went shopping and bought so many things." Zhang Xiao couldn't help but said with a smile.

"Well, I went shopping, not to mention, the capital is the capital, and many things are much more expensive than the provincial capital." Hu Wenjing put the bag in her hand on the table, sat on the sofa a little tired, and stopped moving.

Looking at Hu Wenjing's appearance, Zhang Xiao knew that he was tired from shopping, so he didn't have to think about cooking, he had to do it himself.

Zhang Xiao sighed, plunged into the kitchen and started cooking.

First, he boiled porridge with preserved egg and lean meat, then fried four home-cooked dishes, and steamed the steamed buns in the refrigerator.

Zhang Xiao brought the food to the table, and turned her head to see that Hu Wenjing had fallen asleep leaning on the sofa.

"Get up to eat, and sleep after eating." Zhang Xiao woke up Hu Wenjing, he didn't want to get up to cook again in the middle of the night.

Hu Wenjing looked at the food on the dining table, blushed slightly, and went to wash up before sitting at the dining table to eat.

Hu Wenjing tasted the food slightly, and couldn't help but said, "Xiaoxiao, the food you cook is delicious, much better than my own."

"If you don't want to cook, you don't have to make such an excuse, but since you think it tastes good, you can eat more." Zhang Xiao knows his cooking level, at best he can eat it, but he really doesn't know how delicious it is.

Hu Wenjing's pretty face flushed, but she had already spoken, so she could only eat more food. Fortunately, she was really hungry, so she didn't have to force it into her stomach.

After dinner, Hu Wenjing went to the kitchen to clean up.

Zhang Xiao received a call back from her master, Mo Wenxin, and shouted with a smile, "Master."

"Xiaoxiao, what's the matter, I'm busy in the afternoon, so I didn't bother to answer the phone." Mo Wenxin was obviously still on the road, and Zhang Xiao could hear the horns of the surrounding cars from the phone.

"Master, I suspect that there is collusion in our company, but there is no evidence. I would like to ask you to help me find out whether there is any connection between these people." Zhang Xiao did not hide anything, and told about the investment company. .

"I see, I will arrange it. You should be careful these two days, and don't let anyone take advantage of your loopholes." Mo Wenxin finally urged.

"I know, I have already taken back all the company's seals, so they can't do anything even if they want to." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"Okay, I'll check it out for you as soon as possible, and you should pay more attention." After Mo Wenxin finished speaking, he hung up the phone.

"What's the matter, Xiaoxiao, is there something wrong with the company?" Hu Wenjing didn't know when she finished cleaning up, she waited quietly for Zhang Xiao to finish calling before asking.

"Some people are messing up and messing up the company, but it's okay, I have asked the master to help me investigate." Zhang Xiao said casually.

"Is your company short of people?" Hu Wenjing asked after thinking for a while.

"There are a lot of people, but basically there is no one who can be trusted. It's a bit difficult." Zhang Xiao himself also has some headaches. If he hadn't already invested in three projects, Zhang Xiao would have wanted to start anew.

But in the next time, Zhang Xiao can recruit some people by himself, and slowly replace the company's people, but it will take more time.

And in a hotel, Zong Rui brought a group of people from the company to a dinner party, including Sun Meiqi who had resigned, Feng Xinru, the director of the finance department, Li Haonian from the investment department, and several team leaders from the investment department, who almost invested in the company. leadership are present.

"Old Zhuang, Zhang Xiao has taken away all the company's seals. It seems that he has noticed something." Feng Xinru was a little restless at the moment, and couldn't help but speak.

"You gave it to him?" Zong Rui trembled slightly while holding the wine glass, and said solemnly.

"Yes, I already gave it to him." Feng Xinru said helplessly.

"Then maybe he really noticed it, but it doesn't matter, anyway, we have already made a lot of money, it's a pity, but as long as we are still in the company, he will only have to be ostracized, and in the end he has to be obedient Listen to us." Zong Rui said with a smile, he has no pressure to take the money Zhang Xiao put in the company.

"If Zhang Xiao is replaced, what should we do? Once he spreads the word, it will have a great impact on us in the future." Feng Xinru is 40 years old, she is not young like Zong Rui, and she does things regardless of the consequences.

"What are you afraid of? Even if he preaches it, so what, he can't do anything to us." Zong Rui said arrogantly, and there are many people with the same mentality as him, who don't care about it.

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