Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 128 Thunderbolt Means

Early the next morning, Zhang Xiao received a call from Mo Wenxin as soon as he got up, saying that he had found the information of those people. In the 90s, if they were able to figure out the relationship between Zong Rui and the others in one night, there must be many people involved in the investigation.

When Zhang Xiao went to the company by car in the morning, Li Feng had already handed Zhang Xiao the file bag containing the materials.

Zhang Xiao sat in the back seat, opened the file bag, looked at the information inside, and couldn't help frowning, because it involved a person he hadn't paid attention to for half a year, Li Yaning.

According to the content in the information, Zhang Xiao found that all the top and bottom of the company were related to Zong Rui. From Sun Meiqi to Li Haonian, even Feng Xinru, the director of the financial department, was related to Zong Rui. Among them was Li Kun from Minmin Supermarket. Zong Rui's relationship is closer, he is Zong Rui's cousin, but Li Kun is Li Yaning's uncle.

However, the information does not show whether Liu Haijun knew about these things, but it mentioned that Zong Rui and Liu Haijun grew up in the same compound.

After reading it, Zhang Xiao took out his mobile phone and dialed Liu Haijun's mobile number directly. Just when Zhang Xiao was about to press the dial button, Zhang Xiao stopped his fingers, sighed, and had no desire to continue dialing, because Calling now will not help the matter, and it may make the other party more vigilant.

Zhang Xiao sneered coldly, he knew that he must not easily compromise on this matter, otherwise it would only encourage the arrogance of these people, and it would be best to cut the mess quickly, wipe out this group, and minimize unnecessary Trouble.

Zhang Xiao looked at the mobile phone number at the end of the file. This was the path Mo Wenxin had left for him, and it was also the path Mo Wenxin hoped he would take.

Zhang Xiao sighed, his expression suddenly became firm, and he dialed the mobile phone number at the end of the information.

"Hello, who is it?" A mellow voice came from the microphone, giving people a sense of stability and steadfastness.

"Hello, Director Dai, I'm Zhang Xiao, Mo Wenxin's apprentice." Zhang Xiao said with a smile.

"It's Xiaoxiao, your master has greeted me, what are you going to do?" Dai Tianmin knew about Zhang Xiao, after all, he was the one who provided some of the information that Zhang Xiao got.

"Catch them all. I'll ask the people in the company to cooperate with you and try to make the evidence solid and effective." Zhang Xiao sighed in his heart, but said in an extremely firm tone.

"Okay, I'll call the police right away, but you'd better keep these people in the company to prevent some of them from escaping in the chaos." Dai Tianmin said with a smile.

"I understand, I will arrange it." After Zhang Xiao finished speaking, she put away the phone after Dai Tianmin hung up.

When Zhang Xiao came to the company, he found that all the people in the company came today, and many people who hadn't shown up before also came. Obviously, they should have received the notice yesterday, and Sun Meiqi's dismissal also made them have to pay attention stand up.

"Director Li, notify everyone in the company to hold a meeting at 08:30." Zhang Xiao instructed Li Xuejiao, acting director of the HR department.

"Okay, I'll inform you right away." Li Xuejiao, who has been promoted, is full of energy at the moment. Although she is only an agent at the moment, she cherishes this opportunity very much.

At 08:30, everyone including Zong Rui gathered in the meeting room, and Zhang Xiao finally arrived at the venue.

Zong Rui behaved normally, but without the information provided by Mo Wenxin, Zhang Xiao would have been kept in the dark, but at the moment he only had a sneer in his heart.

At the meeting, Zhang Xiao emphasized the company's attendance system and out-of-service application form system, and then seriously talked about the company's reward and punishment system, and asked the HR department to document the reward and punishment uniforms. This is not Zhang Xiao's nonsense, but his He was indeed planning to do this, but it did not arouse the suspicion of Zong Rui and others.

It wasn't until Dai Tianmin brought a group of policemen outside the meeting room that Zhang Xiao stopped speaking and asked everyone in the company to cooperate with the police in the investigation.

When Zong Rui saw the police for the first time, he couldn't believe his eyes. After all, he never thought that Zhang Xiao would call the police. Then he couldn't help but tremble, and his mind went blank.

Zong Rui was taken away, Feng Xinru was also taken away, and Li Haonian was no exception. In addition, there were several small captains from the investment department. The ordinary employees are fine now, but everyone's face is a little pale, after all They must cooperate with the police investigation.

Zhang Xiao just greeted Dai Tianmin, and didn't appear to be very close. After all, in many cases, it is necessary to avoid suspicion.

Afterwards, several policemen stayed behind and needed to investigate and collect evidence from the owners of the company. After all, there are not many economic cases involving such private enterprises, but some of the procedures also required Zhang Xiao to cooperate. Zhang Xiao not only cooperated with the investigation, but also Let everyone in the company fully cooperate.

The investigation and evidence collection lasted until the afternoon. Although Zhang Xiao asked a nearby restaurant to deliver food at noon, eating it was like chewing vinegar for many people, and the food was not sweet.

After the investigation, Zhang Xiao summoned everyone to the meeting room, and said, "I feel very sad that something like this happened to the company, and I am also responsible for it. As the boss, it is my fault for trusting Zong Rui too much." , it was my fault for not establishing a corresponding management system, but everyone can rest assured that the company's management system will be further improved in the future."

Seeing that the people below were listening intently, Zhang Xiao also understood that this is also an opportunity for the company to be reborn, so he changed the subject and said directly: "Tomorrow morning, the company will conduct a re-interview for everyone, and I am willing to continue working in the company. For those who work, you can prepare all your materials tomorrow, and if you want to find another job, you can submit your resignation letter tomorrow morning, and I will let the accountant settle your salary."

After the meeting, Zhang Xiao left Li Xuejiao behind and said, "Tomorrow's interview is very important. You and the personnel from the HR department will work hard tonight and prepare everyone's materials. I will provide all the materials that I can provide tomorrow." To use."

"Okay, boss, I promise to complete the task." Li Xuejiao immediately puffed up her chest and said.

"Okay, go get busy." After Zhang Xiao asked Li Xuejiao to leave, his expression was a little heavy. Zhang Xiao found that he still underestimated Zong Rui's shamelessness. After a simple investigation in the morning, Zhang Xiao unexpectedly discovered multiple arrears, the amount was as high as 180 Ten thousand.

What made Zhang Xiaochuli even more angry was that the one with the most debts was actually the consumption debt of a certain high-end club, which made him unacceptable anyway. If you are unrestrained, I will pay the bill. He really regarded him as the stupid son of the landlord's family.

And just when Zhang Xiao was angry, Liu Haijun got the news that Zong Rui was arrested by the police. As for why he was arrested, Liu Haijun didn't know, because he hadn't contacted Zong Rui for a long time, and the bank's money was tightened recently. , His real estate business has been greatly affected. Not only that, some banks have already begun to call on his company for loans, which makes him a little bit devastated now.

Liu Haijun thought for a while and sighed. He took out his mobile phone, looked at Zhang Xiao's name and phone number on it, and wanted to make a call, but remembered that the relationship between the two on the Jade Market had dropped to freezing point, so he still didn't make the call. Instead of dialing out, I asked another friend about the situation.

After the call ended, Liu Haijun was dumbfounded. He didn't expect the matter to develop to such an extent. This was something he never expected. Zong Rui was suspected of embezzling a huge amount of property, and the person who called the police was Zhang Xiao himself.

Liu Haijun was leaning in the boss chair, feeling weak all over his body. Zong Rui's case had already been filed for investigation because of solid evidence, which made Liu Haijun not even have the courage to find a relationship. Besides, Zong Rui was completely defeated this time, even if he could He retreated completely, but his reputation in the circle was over.

Liu Haijun didn't want to involve himself in it. After all, he was the one who introduced Zong Rui to Zhang Xiao, and he himself didn't know who to recommend. Once it was found out that he had financial contacts with Zong Rui, he would be in trouble.

And at this time, Li Xianming, Li Yaning's father, who was far away in the provincial capital, also received a call from a friend. His younger brother Li Kun was arrested by the police in the capital because of suspected economic fraud. He was in a state of desperation, and he threw the phone out viciously.

Just when Li Xianming was panting and losing his temper, the cell phone on his desk rang. After taking a deep breath, Li Xianming calmed down and connected the phone.

"It's clear that something happened to Xiaokun. Let someone inquire about him first, and we can make plans after we understand the specific situation. It's not convenient for me to come forward in person." Mr. Li's voice was still as calm as usual, as if he hadn't been affected in any way. .

"Dad, I know how to do it. Don't worry, I will take care of it." Li Xianming quickly agreed, because he knew very well that the old man, as the family's Dinghaishenzhen, could not show up casually. People are watching, and things will only get more troublesome then.

After the call ended, Li Xianming made a phone call and said, "My younger brother Li Kun has an accident. You go to the capital to find out how the matter has progressed. Report the details to me when you come back. Let's go now."

"I see, I'll find out, but you can figure out how to calculate the cost." On the other side of the phone is a young man in his 20s, with a bohemian smile on his face, giving people a loose feeling.

"It's still the old rule. The fee is [-]. I'll give you half beforehand, and you'll receive it right away, and I'll give you the other half after it's done." Li Xianming frowned slightly and said.

"Okay, I'll go right away." The young man said with a chuckle.

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