Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 126 Xingsheng Glass Factory

On the way back to the company, Zong Rui asked Zhang Xiao, "Boss, are you so optimistic about the development of the supermarket?"

Zhang Xiao smiled, and said confidently: "Commodity retail is an ocean, and what we see at the moment is just the tip of the iceberg."

Zong Rui nodded and didn't say much, but he also admired Zhang Xiao's big handwriting. After all, it was 5000 million yuan, and he could buy ten courtyard houses in the capital.

"Tomorrow, you will assist the people in the financial department to complete some of the company's procedures. After all, I will use them soon." Zhang Xiao refused Zong Rui's appointment to accompany him to the Xingsheng Glass Factory in the afternoon, and asked Li Haonian, the director of the investment department, to Go with yourself.

After returning to the company, Zhang Xiao immediately called Li Haonian, the director of the investment department, to his office, and asked, "You decided to invest in Xingsheng Glass Factory. Tell me about his current situation."

Li Haonian handed the information in his hand to Zhang Xiao and said: "Xingsheng Glass Factory is an ordinary state-owned enterprise mainly producing glass. It was insolvent last year, but I decided to buy it after investigation. The main reason is that Xingsheng Glass Factory used to be a supplier of many automobile factories, and the quality of the glass they made is still very good.”

Zhang Xiao nodded and began to look at the information of Xingsheng Glass Factory.

Xingsheng Glass Factory is located in Daxing District and is also a subsidiary of Daxing District. In 300, the factory was already insolvent. However, with more than [-] employees, it has been relying on the maintenance of the government to barely survive. But this year's Spring Festival In the end, the factory really couldn't keep going, and Daxing District also lost interest in maintaining this small factory, so it went bankrupt completely.

Later, after negotiating with the leaders of Daxing District, Li Haonian bought it at a price of 300 million yuan. The property right change has been completed, and the current Xingsheng Glass Factory has become a subsidiary of Hongyuan Investment Company.

After Zhang Xiao read the information, he was not optimistic about the company, and said to Li Haonian helplessly, "How are the workers in the company doing?"

"The resettlement has been completed by Daxing District. Now there are only 120 employees who are willing to work in the factory, and they are currently being screened." Li Haonian knows a lot about Xingsheng Glass Factory, and it seems that he has also put a lot of effort into it.

"Okay, let's go to the scene in the afternoon to see." Zhang Xiao finally decided to go to the scene to make a decision. After all, it cost 300 million to buy, so it can't be thrown away.

After lunch, Zhang Xiao and Li Haonian headed for the Xingsheng Glass Factory in the Mercedes-Benz driven by Li Feng.

In less than half an hour, the car quickly stopped at the gate of a factory. The gate of the factory had long been open, and several people who looked like leaders stood at the gate and waited anxiously.

It was obvious that Li Haonian had been notified. As soon as the car stopped at the gate, someone came up to greet him. They saw Zhang Xiao and Li Haonian get off the back seat together. Without batting an eye, they surrounded Li Haonian and reported the situation. , obviously Zhang Xiao was automatically ignored.

Although there were not many people who came, the factory leaders who were well experienced in reception did not panic at all. They followed the reception procedure in an orderly manner, and greeted Li Haonian with the draft prepared earlier.

"Okay, there's no need to surround so many people, leave one or two people who understand the situation, and let the rest go away." Li Haonian said.

"Okay." The leader was a middle-aged man, who responded, and then left two people behind.

A workshop director and a technician.

There are three people on the side of the glass factory, and there are also three people on Zhang Xiao's side.

A group of six people walked into the Xingsheng Glass Factory. The gate of the glass factory was the same as other factories. There was a wooden sign painted with white paint, which said "Xingsheng Glass Factory".

The white paint on the wooden sign is a little peeled off, obviously it has been old.

The gate is made of an iron fence with iron spikes on it. It is conceivable that if someone climbs over the wall and enters, it may be a blood gourd if they are not careful.

Zhang Xiao looked at the situation of the glass factory with interest, and found that it was much better than he expected, at least the sanitation was good.

Facing the gate is the office building of Xingsheng Glass Factory, and it looks quite new. It should not have been built for a few years. The thick trees in front of the office building seem to tell the long history of the factory.

After entering a small conference room, Li Haonian introduced Zhang Xiao's identity to everyone, which made the three people in the glass factory feel helpless. The middle-aged man in the lead said with a smile: "Boss Zhang, I didn't know you were just now. Boss, I hope to forgive you."

"It's okay, you are the factory manager, let's talk about the situation of the factory first." Zhang Xiao didn't care about these, but wanted to hear the real situation of the glass factory.

"Xingsheng Glass Factory, established in 1958, is the first batch of glass-producing enterprises in China. It covers an area of ​​480 acres and now has 320 employees..." the middle-aged man introduced.

"Wait a minute, why are there 320 people? I heard from Director Li that 120 people are willing to continue working in the factory." Zhang Xiao asked, interrupting the factory director.

"It's like this. There are indeed 120 people who are willing to stay and work in the factory, but there are still 200 people who are still employees of the company because they have not been resettled in the district." The middle-aged man wiped the sweat from his face, Said with some guilty conscience.

Zhang Xiao wrote down what he said in his notebook, and asked again: "Is the company's production line still in operation now? How is the equipment maintenance?"

"There are three production lines in total, all of which can operate normally, and the equipment is well maintained. They can produce normally at any time, but there are no orders." The person who answered this question was the director of the production workshop, who is most familiar with the situation of the production workshop.

"Okay, then let's go to the production workshop. After all, we are a production company, and production capacity is everything." Zhang Xiao stood up and said.

A group of people started wandering around the factory, and the director of the production workshop began to introduce the equipment in the factory to Zhang Xiao. Not to mention, although the Xingsheng Glass Factory has shut down, there are still some workers in the workshop maintaining the equipment. Much better than expected.

Moreover, the Xingsheng Glass Factory covers a relatively large area, but the sanitation is quite good.

It was the time to go to work. Although the production had ceased, it may be that the boss who bought the factory was coming. There were many workers in overalls staying in the workshop, watching Zhang Xiao and the others from afar.

"This is our production workshop. This is the warehouse. It's empty now." The workshop director didn't care about the bad face of the factory manager, and introduced it solemnly.

Although Zhang Xiao didn't know much about glass production, and couldn't understand anything when he went in, it didn't prevent him from estimating the company's situation based on the equipment.

Everyone continued to stroll around, and the middle-aged factory manager introduced some glass production processes and techniques. Although Zhang Xiao didn't understand, she didn't hide her ignorance. Instead, she asked when she encountered something she didn't understand, and she was obviously talking and laughing. up.

It doesn't matter, you don't understand if you don't understand, you can be a leader if you don't understand, there are many leaders who don't understand business, can you say that those who don't understand business are not good leaders?

After walking around the factory, everyone returned to the conference room of the office building.

Everyone sat down one after another, Zhang Xiao asked: "As far as I know, there are no more than three main uses of glass at present, one is architectural glass, which is also the most used, and the other is automotive glass, the current demand is not high. Small, the third type is some special glass."

"I don't know what kind of glass our factory can produce, and what are the disadvantages of the glass on the market now."

"Boss Zhang, in fact, our factory's products are no worse than those on the outside market. The reason why the factory has reached its current state is inseparable from the corruption of the previous factory manager. He sold the products in the factory and couldn't take them back. After returning the money, the factory could not continue to produce all of a sudden, which led to insolvency and the inability to continue operating. As long as the funds are in place, I believe our factory can still be revitalized." The factory manager said seriously.

Zhang Xiao was taken aback for a moment, and then couldn't help but ask, "How much working capital is needed to resume production now?"

"It will probably cost about 400 million, but this does not include the debts and arrears of the factory!" The factory manager said with some seriousness after being slightly taken aback.

"Director Li, the information does not show that there are still debts in the factory. What do you say about the current debts?" Zhang Xiao couldn't help asking Li Haonian.

"Boss, in fact, these liabilities are all in the balance sheet. Currently, the factory owes about 300 million to the bank and about 200 million to the material supplier." Li Haonian said with a guilty conscience.

Zhang Xiao was a little dazed, that is to say, in addition to the 300 million spent, at least 400 million would be invested to continue production, and there were still 500 million foreign debts. This was not counted as other expenses, and I'm afraid it would be more.

Zhang Xiao had to memorize this hole, because the Xingsheng Glass Factory had already been bought, and it was impossible to regret it, so he had to bite the bullet and go on doing it. Zhang Xiao felt a little sick to his stomach when he thought of it, after all, it was caused by Li Haonian. Fuck, Zhang Xiao wanted to scold someone in his heart.

Although he bought a factory, Zhang Xiao didn't expect it to cost so much, but fortunately, he discovered it early. If he continues to let it go, it's not clear how much trouble he will cause. Zhang Xiao couldn't help it. He felt a bit of liver pain, everyone in this group of people was worry-free, and he was even more suspicious at the moment about what role Zong Rui played in it.

"Are there any other difficulties?" Zhang Xiao ignored Li Haonian and asked the factory manager directly.

"Then there is the problem of employee placement. Although the government has agreed, it is not clear when it will be implemented, so many workers want to go back to work in the factory." I said it myself.

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