Rebirth 1996 starts from unforgettable

Chapter 125 Surname Supermarket

"Let's go to the HR department first to see if there are any suitable candidates for the director of the HR department. After all, many tasks now require the HR department to take the lead. Sun Meiqi has left, but the work must continue." Zong Rui suggested.

"Okay, then let's go and have a look." Zhang Xiao also knew that Sun Meiqi's expulsion today was just an excuse, but the work of the personnel department was very important, and a leader had to be chosen.

There are four people in the personnel department. After Sun Meiqi left, there were only three people left. When Zhang Xiao came outside the personnel department, Sun Meiqi had already left. gave them a great stimulus.

Zhang Xiao was surprised by a young woman in her 20s. Unlike the other two who were in a hurry, although she was also sorting out the documents, she seemed to be in an orderly manner.

Li Xuejiao didn't feel nervous at the moment, after all, the general manager expressed dissatisfaction with the work of the personnel department in the morning, and she had already finished handling her work in the morning.

In fact, she was also dissatisfied with the company's personnel department, and the culprit was the inaction director of the personnel department, Sun Meiqi, so she raised her opinion, but Sun Meiqi vetoed it.

"Li Xuejiao, a high-achieving student from the National People's Congress, just graduated this year, and she is doing an internship in our company." Seeing that Zhang Xiao had noticed Li Xuejiao, Zong Rui quickly introduced her.

"It looks good, let her take charge of the HR department first, sort out the current work of the HR department, and see if she can take on this important task, but you must support her work 100%." ​​Zhang Xiao settled the matter with one sentence. After all, he had limited time and had to sort out the company's business in more than 20 days.

"I have no objection." Zong Rui's heart is bitter at the moment. After all, judging from Zhang Xiao's intentions, the company is going to be captured by him, and he is very likely to be the general manager in name.

"Tomorrow morning, let's go to see the situation of the supermarket first. After all, we have invested 550 million and accounted for 50.00% of the shares. It is always necessary to see." Zhang Xiao did not enter the office of the personnel department, but turned to himself He walked to Zong Rui's office and smiled at Zong Rui as he walked.

"It's okay, and the supermarket is almost renovated, and it should open in a few days." Zong Rui is still very optimistic about the supermarket project, after all, it has been tested in foreign countries.

Zhang Xiao naturally understands the vast prospects of the supermarket in the future, which is known as the industry with the most cash, not one of them.

Although there are many supermarkets in China that have opened, but the scale is not large, and foreign supermarkets have not yet entered the domestic market on a large scale, it is a good time for the layout, Zhang Xiao intends to operate the supermarket as a big project.

After returning to the office, Zhang Xiao saw that the person who cooperated with the supermarket project was an international student named Li Kun who came back from abroad, which aroused his interest.

After all, supermarkets have been successful abroad, and they can be replicated quickly in China. Coupled with Zhang Xiao's understanding of supermarkets, he believes that this will be a cash cow project.

At six o'clock, Zhang Xiao didn't stop at the company, but went back to the courtyard directly in the Mercedes-Benz driven by Li Feng.

When he returned to the courtyard, Zhang Xiao found that Hu Wenjing had already prepared the meals, which made him feel warm all of a sudden.

After eating, Zhang Xiao lay on the sofa, watching Hu Wenjing clean up the housework, a smile could not help but appear on the corner of her mouth.

Early the next morning, after eating, Zhang Xiao looked at Hu Wenjing who was still sleeping on the bed, and shook her head. After all, she couldn't stand her whipping.

The first thing Zhang Xiao did when he returned to the company was to check the attendance status of the company's employees, and found that ten people still did not go to work on time, which made Zhang Xiao a little angry and called Li Xuejiao to his office.

"Director Li, how long has the company been in this situation?" Zhang Xiao asked Li Xuejiao while looking at the attendance sheet.

"Mr. Zhang, it's been two months. At the beginning, everyone was still scruples, but later they became more and more unscrupulous when they saw no one cares about them." Li Xuejiao told the truth, and didn't try to hide anything.

"In this way, from today onwards, those who arrive late and leave early will be dismissed directly. In the future, those who need to go out of the investment department must issue an application form for going out. This will be implemented as a system." Zhang Xiao thought for a while and said.

"I see, what else do you want?" Li Xuejiao wrote Zhang Xiao's request in a notebook and asked.

"For external recruitment of two security guards and two drivers, priority should be given to veterans. In addition, help me recruit a secretary, both male and female." Zhang Xiao continued.

After Li Xuejiao left, Zhang Xiao called Zong Rui directly and asked him to accompany him to the partner of the supermarket project.

The supermarket is located in a three-storey building in the third ring road. I have to say that the rent is really cheap at this time. The upper and lower three floors are more than 12 square meters, which is only [-] yuan per month. I met Li Kun, the founder of Minmin Supermarket.

"Mr. Li, hello, this is Zhang Xiao, the boss of our company." Zong Rui introduced to Li Kun.

"Hello, Mr. Zhang, you are so young." Li Kun, 30, was wearing a white T-shirt and said with a smile while holding Zhang Xiao's hand.

"Mr. Li, hello. How is the recruitment of supermarket personnel?" Zhang Xiao asked with a smile.

"It's almost there. We are training now. How about we go and have a look together?" Li Kun's eyebrows fluttered and he talked endlessly when he mentioned the supermarket.

"Okay, let's go and see together, how many people have been recruited?" Zhang Xiao and Li Kun walked in front side by side, asking as they walked.

"There are 20 salespersons, 30 tallyers, eight cashiers, and a total of five accountants." Li Kun was clearly aware of these situations, and he just opened his mouth.

"There are not many people. We try to recruit as many people as possible, and we have to carry out training. After passing the qualifications, we can start working, so that we can open new stores as soon as possible to prevent expansion due to insufficient staff." Zhang Xiao looked at the two people. Lou's training went well, but he was a little dissatisfied with the number of people, so he couldn't help frowning.

"Mr. Zhang, you plan to open a new store before our store opens?" Li Kun was a little confused about Zhang Xiao's plan.

"Is there any problem with this? Let's open more new stores as soon as the competition is not fierce. I plan to open ten stores nationwide within this year!" Kun's goal.

Li Kun suddenly felt absurd, ten within a year, what is the speed, and how much money is needed to operate, and the most important thing is that the first store has not yet opened, so it is not clear what the prospects are.

After returning to the office, Zhang Xiao looked at Li Kun's hesitant expression, and couldn't help but ask, "Mr. Li, do you think there is anything wrong with my plan?"

"Is it too impatient to open a new store? After all, our store is not open yet. I don't know what the future will be like after it opens?" Li Kun decided to speak out what he wanted. On the other hand, Li Kun also has his own small In his calculations, he was afraid that if Zhang Xiao contributed capital to open a new store now, his shares would be further diluted.

"Don't Mr. Li believe in the prospect of the supermarket?" Zhang Xiao didn't know what Li Kun's concerns were, so he asked directly.

"That's not true. I am naturally confident in the prospect of the supermarket, but because of financial reasons. We have spent a total of more than 400 million on rent and decoration of this store. In addition, we need to pay more than 500 million for the goods. The company's current funds I'm already very nervous." Li Kun began to complain, which was not a lie, but the truth.


"Then we can just increase the capital. I plan to spend another 5000 million. How much is Mr. Li going to pay?" Zhang Xiao also understood that if the company wants to expand rapidly, money is necessary. Before the giant retail companies come in, they need to obtain more capital and market in order to confront and compete with them.

Li Kun couldn't help but sighed and said: "Mr. Zhang, I agreed to Zong's investment at the beginning because I didn't have enough money. Now you want to invest further, so that my shares will be further diluted. This is not in line with my plan." Benefit."

Zhang Xiao smiled slightly, and then said: "Now the supermarket has been accepted by many people in China, so now we must expand rapidly and strive to occupy the market as soon as possible. If Mr. Li's financial capacity is insufficient, we can negotiate according to the investment ratio. The distribution of shares."

Li Kun was a little unwilling, but there was nothing he could do about it. After all, he originally held only a small amount of shares. Even if he disagreed, it would not affect Zhang Xiao's decision, and he might even be cleared out. would like to see.

"Mr. Zhang, how much capital increase and how many shares are you going to take?" Li Kun finally decided to compromise because he had no choice.

"I'm going to add 450 million yuan, with a total investment of 5000 million yuan, occupying 90.00% of the company's shares, and you invest 450 million yuan, occupying [-]% of the shares. What do you think?" Zhang Xiao readily agreed in order to let Li Kun , he still gave up some shares to Li Kun, and he hoped that Li Kun would agree.

Although Li Kun knew that he was taking advantage of this, he was very unhappy when he thought that his shares had been diluted to [-]%.

After thinking for a long time, Li Kun spoke to Zhang Xiao and said, "I can agree to your plan this time, but I hope my shares can remain at 15.00%."

"Up to 11.00%, you've already taken a big advantage." Zhang Xiao decided to give Li Kun another share as compensation for his sponsorship.

Li Kun persisted for a long time, but Zhang Xiao was unwilling to back down. Finally, the two reached an agreement. Zhang Xiao increased capital by 450 million, occupying 80.00% of the company's shares, while Li Kun contributed 450 million in total, accounting for 11.00%. shares.

After the discussion, Zhang Xiao immediately asked the company's newly established legal department to draft the contract, and the two will formally sign the contract the next day.

Then Zhang Xiao took out a national map and began to mark the cities where he planned to open supermarkets within this year, and then said to Li Kun: "I plan to open four large supermarkets in the capital, and you can start them in the near future." To choose a site and recruit staff, after all, our pace will be faster and faster in the future, I hope that we can open our supermarkets all over the world, and wherever there are people, there are our supermarkets."

Li Kun was shocked by Zhang Xiao's grand goal, and his blood boiled all over his body. He didn't care about the dilution of his shares at the moment, and began to think about how to open more and more supermarkets. As for the profit, he was not worried about it. What an accident.

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